These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 107: The end of a long day, and the start of new possibilities

The travelling contingent stopped when they finally crossed fief borders and arrived at one of the private residences of Duke Ignis. Duke Ignis settled into the house, while everyone else had to set up camp on the grounds.

The Sedaverian staff sprung into action, setting up tables and chairs and tents and lamps. Viscountess Venemum declined their dinner invitation, so it was only the members of the Sedaverian convoy at the dining tables.

There was tension and tiredness among the convoy members. The healers seemed particularly uneasy as they took their seats. They glanced at Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood.

Prince Rian was as energetic as usual, and Earl Rosewood was as deadpan as usual.

The Sedaverian staff soon started serving out dinner. With good food, plus seeing how Prince Rian was unfazed, the healers and others started to relax. Tension was replaced with curiosity.

Rian basked in the clearly-wanting-to-ask-a-question eyes of the others. But he pretended to be ignorant and continued to talk with Ren Xiyang and Florence about the Angian greenhouses they saw yesterday, and what elements they could use.

Finally, it was Lord Marcus Celeste who voiced what many wanted to know, “So, how exactly did you two defeat King Augustus?”

The other Sedaverians, staff, and guards within earshot leaned in slightly. Even Count Aegean was curious, though he would never ask himself—if he asked, Prince Rian would think he approved!

Rian and Ren Xiyang looked at each other. Ren Xiyang gave a tiny shrug.

Rian turned back to the others and smiled. “Well, it was all due to Earl Rosewood.”

“It was both of us,” Ren Xiyang corrected.

“Ah, but technically, your actions achieved the victory condition.” Rian puffed up. “I know, it wouldn’t have been possible without me, so let me continue.”

Ren Xiyang conceded and returned to eating.

“Now, if you all recall, the victory condition was first blood…” Rian told them all about how Earl Rosewood had formed a sharp, slim edge of metal and injured King Augustus without him even realising. With the interest of those listening piqued, he talked about how he and Earl Rosewood used science and extensive trial and practice to divert lightning.

The feelings of the Sedaverians listening were very similar to those of the Angians who had heard the same explanations earlier.

What Prince Rian was describing was much easier said than done.

Lord Celeste asked some more probing questions on how they manipulated lightning, comparing it with how lightning mages like himself used lightning. Healer Mage Vesta asked questions about how Earl Rosewood survived that final lightning strike. One of the elite Royal Guards expressed interest in their training regime.

Rian did most of the talking. It was as though there was a glow around him, with his bright eyes and warm smile, completely within his element. When he looked at the askers and paid attention, it was difficult not to feel flattered, especially as he also answered questions from non-nobles.

Ren Xiyang was concentrating on eating at first.

But slowly, a feeling of reluctance crept into Ren Xiyang’s heart. He wanted to talk to Rian, to make comments that only Rian would understand or that only Rian should hear due to the other-world content.

He wanted Rian to look at him more.

But with so many people around, he kept his mouth shut.

After dinner was finished, Ren Xiyang tapped Rian on the shoulder.

Rian immediately stopped talking and smiled. “Yes?”

“I’m heading to bed early.”

Rian perked up—

“—Because I need to recover,” Ren Xiyang added.

Rian deflated, while Kel perked up.

Kel immediately came over to assist. “Yes, my Lord, your bed has been prepared!” She was very happy to see him rest, especially since she had found out that he and Prince Rian had doing work earlier! She did everything Earl Rosewood asked her, made sure that Earl Rosewood was tucked into bed, and finally closed the tent door.

Inside the dark tent, Ren Xiyang sighed.

Why did he feel uncomfortable with the thought of other people talking to Rian? They had spent hours together in the carriage.

He was being ridiculous. Rian’s jealous nature influenced him.

He was now over thirty years old, he should be more mature and stable about this.

Over thirty, and finally having a first real crush…

The easiest course of action was to ignore it and focus on his work instead. But he wasn’t sure that was the best course of action.

If he did nothing, what could happen?

If he confessed, what could happen?

Ren Xiyang pulled the blanket over his face. Damn it, even if Rian didn’t like him romantically, he would be so insufferable after finding out.



That night, after Aurelia was temporarily relieved of guard duty, she returned to her quarters and retrieved the gift box from Prince Rian.

Inside the big box, there were two different things. On the left was a jewellery box, which contained an enchanted jewellery set. On the right was a stack of books wrapped in brown paper.

Aurelia put the jewellery aside and examined the books. They were all written in Sedaverian, though she could read it well.

The contents were unexpected.

Gifted books tended to either contain poetry and literature or were advanced and rare magic books.

Instead, there was Earl Rosewood and Lady Sage’s book on farming, with topics such as long-term sustainability, fertilisation, water management, chemistry, nutrients, and relevant spells. There was also a compiled book by Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian containing multiple different recipes. And finally, there was a thick, blank notebook.

Aurelia narrowed her eyes as she flipped through the books. She knew the gifts that Prince Rian had given to her siblings: they all had a practical use.

Were these books true? Was Prince Rian so generous?

Aurelia felt a flash of bitterness.

Perhaps Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood could afford to be so generous. The initiatives and organisations under their hands had to be lucrative. Not to mention the expensive floating carriages that were a must for any Sedaverian noble family with prestige, but their communication mirrors had even made their way to the Angio market.

Earl Rosewood’s fief never had any problem with food shortages once he took control. So much so that he could afford to give cartloads of food away to Angio.

Aurelia had remembered that report on Earl Rosewood’s actions over a year ago. Many, including herself, felt that his charity spending was reckless and excessive.

But look at his fief. It was prosperous and thriving. And Earl Rosewood was becoming richer and richer.

And if Earl Rosewood made a lot of money, then Prince Rian must have made even more from their joint ventures. Prince Rian must have no monetary issues funding his Royal Healers’ Association.

One would like to think that charitable people were only charitable to cover up their weaknesses. King Augustus wasn’t charitable because he was so strong that others gave gold to him, rather than the other way around.

But the duel broke Aurelia’s preconceptions.

Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian together were more powerful than King Augustus, she was sure of it. And she wouldn’t be surprised if each of them individually surpassed King Augustus by the time they became adults.

King Augustus treated the entire country as his personal money, personal servants, and personal toy box.

Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian spent their own money, time and energy to improve the lives of the people in their lands.

Angio would be much more prosperous if it weren’t for King Augustus, Aurelia thought.

Now that was getting very close to treason.

Aurelia put the books down. For now.



As the day came to a close, the news about King Augustus’s defeat started to spread across Angio and beyond.

For most, it wasn’t clear how King Augustus was defeated—the rumours/information were vague, given that most of the audience hadn’t understood exactly what had happened.

However, the outcome was clear: for some reason, King Augustus lost; and for some reason, King Augustus’s magic was restricted.

King Edric and Queen Mira had received brief news immediately after the duel, followed by Duke Mauveine’s longer, detailed report later that afternoon.

It was good that Prince Rian wasn’t injured.

They wanted to scold Prince Rian—why did you do such a thing right after you became Crown Prince??

But they’d wait for his return so they could do the scolding in person.

Since the duel and its outcome weren’t secret matters, the rest of the Imperial Council and Sedaverian Aristocracy soon learnt about it too.

When Duke Schauss heard that Prince Rian had used a contract, he had a sudden flash of understanding. This contract had to be the evolution of the same contract he used to stop Cassiopeia from talking about that fateful meeting! Cassiopeia hadn’t broken the terms, so her magic had remained intact. But King Augustus hadn’t been as smart and had his magic restricted as a result.

(It was lucky Duke Schauss hadn’t tried anything…)

Duke Schauss could guess very well what King Augustus was trying to do right now: breaking the contract. Prince Rian seemed to like putting out serious magical contracts. And he was unexpectedly good at it too.

When Earl Rosewood had been resting, Kel contacted her friends and colleagues back in the Rosewood fief, so the Rosewood Group staff heard that Earl Rosewood was injured!

That was quite shocking. In their eyes, Earl Rosewood was invincible. They had always thought that Earl Rosewood could do anything magical and that they were only limited by their imagination.

In the past duels between Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian, it was Earl Rosewood who won. And yet, this time, Earl Rosewood was injured and Prince Rian wasn’t.

Huh, it seemed like they had underestimated Prince Rian…

And then they heard that Earl Rosewood was walking again by the evening, after being struck by lightning. Wow, Earl Rosewood was truly amazing!

When other neighbouring countries heard about the matter, they were suspicious of the news. How could the Sedaverian Prince trick the King of Angio? Was this false information being fed to their agents?

But all this news was hottest within Angio. The nobles across the kingdom heard, their servants heard, and the news spread down to the commoners.

Either—King Augustus was not as strong as he looked.

Or—King Augustus was not as smart as he looked.

King Augustus struck fear in many. He had killed a lot of mages and non-mages during duels and outside duels.

But who didn’t know that the duelling field was specially set up for him? If King Augustus was put in one of Sedaveria’s weird duelling fields, such as a water or obstacle one, there was no guarantee that King Augustus would win!

Many secretive and closed meetings were held about what had happened and what they should do next.

How likely was it for King Augustus to regain his magic? How had it been restricted or taken away in the first place?

How likely was it for them to be punished while King Augustus was still constrained? Who would remain loyal, and who would become King Augustus’s weapon?

Whether King Augustus could regain his magic very soon, in the near future, in the distant future, or never, all necessitated different actions.

King Augustus Lūpiter was arguably the most powerful lightning mage on the continent. He had killed many people indiscriminately, servants and nobles alike, with a strike of lightning. Foolhardy mages have attempted to duel the king and foolhardy mages have attempted to assassinate him, but all of them died. Under his oppressive power, everyone had to bend to this will. No matter how tyrannical he was, there was no way to oppose him.

But now, after this duel, there was doubt. There was questioning.

Earl Rosewood was a soft, charitable noble who lowered himself to speak to commoners on a daily basis. Prince Rian had turned fifteen years old a few weeks ago. These two had the power to stand up against King Augustus Lūpiter.

If two children could survive King Augustus, how could they—elite adult mages—be worse?

King Augustus Lūpiter wasn’t invincible. He wasn’t a god.

It wouldn’t be impossible to topple him from his throne.

Each person, each family, and each faction had different risk tolerances and knowledge.

Some were ready to choose actions right away. Others were going to wait and see first.

If there was chaos, this could also be a good time to do things that weren’t related to King Augustus.

Regardless, opportunities floated tauntingly within their grasp. Did they dare try?







Thank you to Anni, mero, and Arro for the support! And thank you to everyone for reading! Now for an important question—


What should Ren Xiyang do next?

A: Get it over and done with, confess directly to Rian.

B: Farming over romance! (Garden hoes before romantic bros.) Forget it, there’s so much work to do.

C: Do nothing, and then give Rian a sudden kiss when he least expects it. By the way, here are the marriage papers he prepared earlier.

D: None of the above, answer in the comment section!





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