These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 114: Uh-oh, Prince Rian is in big trouble!

It was now the last month of spring. As the day moved into the afternoon, they arrived at the Capital’s west gate.

They had left the Capital approximately 8 weeks ago. Although their return was earlier than expected, the good people of the Capital came out to the streets to welcome them back.

King Edric and Queen Mira stood on the steps of the Imperial Palace, waiting for them. Queen Mira bequeathed a smile upon the returning travellers.

“We greet His Majesty King Edric and Her Majesty Queen Mira!”

“Welcome back, please come inside.”

The key members of the convoy followed King Edric and Queen Mira to the throne room.

King Edric and Queen Mira sat down on their thrones.

“Duke Mauveine, give the first report,” King Edric ordered.

Duke Mauveine raised his head. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

One by one, different members of the convoy reported on what they felt were the key achievements of the trip to Angio.

When it was Prince Rian’s turn, the tension in the room heightened. But much to Count Aegean’s surprise, Prince Rian didn’t mention the duel. Instead, he spoke about the different Angian nobles he met, the deepening trade ties with Marquis Terra, and the future possible trade ties with Baron Natrium. He also spoke about the successful healer meetings, though he differed the details to the healers in the convoy.

Earl Rosewood didn’t mention the duel either—he spoke about the Angio-specific farming techniques he came across.

Count Aegean certainly wasn’t going to mention the duel, which meant that, in the end, no one mentioned it.

An ignorant listener would have thought the trip was standard with no particular surprises.

However, everyone in the room knew otherwise.

Finally, King Edric stood up, making everyone else stand up too.

“You are now dismissed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Long live His Majesty! Long live Her Majesty!”

Everyone filed out. As they walked exited the throne room, Rian made a beeline for Ren Xiyang.

“Earl Rosewood, my quarters, now?” Rian asked.

Ren Xiyang nodded.

They made their way to Rian’s quarters, but they were intercepted by none other than Prince Alexius and his friends.

“Ayden! Welcome back!” Alexius greeted.

“Good afternoon, Ayden,” Günter said.

“Good afternoon, Your Highness, Earl Rosewood,” Tierri and Adrienne said together.

“Hello,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian looked at Alexius. “What about me?”

Alexius turned to Rian and smiled innocently. “Welcome back, Prince Rian.” He turned his head back again. “Ayden, are you free?”

“Ayden is with me,” Rian said.

“Are you free now?” Alexius asked again.

Ren Xiyang felt a familiar exasperation about the two brothers. “Are you asking about the duel?”

Alexius smiled sheepishly. “Not exactly, I just wanted to make sure that you remembered!”

“Are you ready to duel? Or shall I return to the Rosewood fief first, and we have it after your birthday?”

The duel would have happened after Alexius’s birthday if everything went according to plan: the convoy was supposed to return just in time for his birthday.

But at the same time, Alexius had known that Ayden and the others would be back early, after news about the duel had spread.

He had half-formed thoughts about having the team duel earlier, but now that Ayden mentioned it, wouldn’t it be better as a birthday duel? If Rian could get a birthday duel (three already!), then he wanted one as well!

Alexius glanced at his friends, uncertain.

“Why don’t we wait until after your birthday, so that everything can be properly prepared? We haven’t decided on the field terrain yet, for example.” Tierri said. Secretly, he was thinking—So that they could practice some more and have a tiny bit more hope of surviving longer than five minutes.

Alexius’s eyes widened in realisation. “You’re right! Ayden, let’s duel after my birthday. The field terrain we choose will be a secret, okay?”

“Sure,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian had wanted to spend alone time with Ren Xiyang, but instead he was being betrayed. Only I get a birthday duel with Xiyang! He straightened and looked down on his little brother. “I understand that you need more time. To make it more ‘fair’, Earl Rosewood and I will only use our base elements, ice for myself, and fire for Earl Rosewood.”

Alexius opened his mouth to retort—

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Tierri said.

Alexius pouted.

“Ayden, can you give us any tips for practice?” Adrienne asked.

Alexius smiled once more. “That’s a great idea, Adrienne! Well, Ayden?” He gave his best puppy eyes.

“Sure,” Ren Xiyang said. “Let’s go to a training field right now.”

“Yes!” Alexius beamed.

Rian: “…” It was at times like this that he wondered whether he was at the top of Ren Xiyang’s heart or not.

The four children led the way to their usual training field.

Ren Xiyang slowed til he walked behind them with Rian. He leaned in close to Rian, nudging him.

“Don’t be jealous of your little brother.”

Rian’s ear grew a little red. “I’m not,” he whispered back.

Ren Xiyang gave a very sceptical hum.

Rian subtly poked Ren Xiyang.

“Be good,” Ren Xiyang whispered. “Or I’ll have Alexius as a willing volunteer.”

Rian huffed lightly, bumping their shoulders together.

The group of Royal Guards followed behind Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood. One of them had a funny feeling about how the two boys were acting. It was as though…—ah, the train of thought was lost.

“Here we are!” Alexius announced brightly. When he looked back, Ayden and Rian were standing a hand’s width apart. “So, what first?”

Ren Xiyang spoke: “There are four important areas you need to work on in solo duelling: quick split-second casting, effective casting that uses as little energy as possible, the ability to regain magical energy during the duel itself, and being able to do all this in motion. With team duelling, you also need to be able to communicate with your team and know each others’ strengths and weaknesses. All of this requires practice.”

The four children nodded obediently.

“We don’t have much time, so I’ll touch on one technique or practice method for each area. I’ll demonstrate with Prince Rian. Your Highness, are you ready?”

“Ready,” Rian said firmly. He was ready to show his little brother and his little friends what real skill was.



In the evening, there was a big dinner at the Imperial Palace, to mark the return on the convoy.

Alexius was one happy boy as they headed into the main hall. His cheeks were flushed with exertion, his eyes shining with his perceived duelling improvement. Faster, better, stronger! He wasn’t at all fazed by the skills that Rian showed. He had a lot more time to practice, unlike Rian (the thought made him giggle).

Adrienne, Tierri, and Günter had also found it useful. Günter wanted to work on his speed, Tierri on more effective casting, and Adrienne on absorbing magic in the middle of battle.

Alexius chatted with Ayden about how he was going to practice a lot more before their duel, and Günter interrupted occasionally, also wanting Ayden’s attention.

Adrienne and Tierri walked behind them. They glanced at each other. Tierri gave a wry smile, and Adrienne gave a slight nod.

While Ayden’s tips were invaluable in improving their skills, and while Prince Rian’s example moves were good to learn, they were still far from being able to defeat them. To make it easier, they should only compete against Prince Rian as a team of four. If so, they might, might have a slim chance.

Rian walked behind them. He looked over Adrienne’s and Tierri’s heads and stared at Ren Xiyang. Ren Xiyang was leaving tomorrow, and yet, Alexius was hogging up Ren Xiyang’s attention.

Never mind that Rian and Ren Xiyang had been travelling together for 8 weeks. It was about Rian’s ranking in Ren Xiyang’s heart.

Rian had a sudden surge of want. He wanted to confess to Ren Xiyang right now. He wanted to wrap his arm around him right now.

But his want could not overcome his internal decorum. Now was not the time and place.

They entered the main hall. Rian sped up and took a seat next to Ren Xiyang, while Alexius took the other seat next to Ren Xiyang.

Rian sat tall and straight, being sure to give Ren Xiyang his best angle when possible. He spoke kindly to Alexius, to show that he wasn’t jealous.

“—By the way, when will you be leaving tomorrow?” Rian asked.

“I have a meeting with the Rosewood management team tomorrow morning, and will be leaving after lunch.”

“I’ll come and see you tomorrow before you leave.”

“Sure. You’re not free tonight?”

Rian cleared his throat, glancing to where his Imperial parents were sitting. “Their Majesties wish to speak to me.”

Ren Xiyang’s lips thinned. “Hm.”

Alexius snickered.

Rian shot a look at Alexius. “What was that, dear brother?”

“Nothing,” Alexius said. “Can you help us practice some more later, Ayden?”

Rian tensed—

“No,” Ren Xiyang said. “I need to prepare for my meeting tomorrow.”

Rian relaxed again. “Do you really want Ayden to watch you practice?” he asked Alexius. “He could be determining ways to defeat you. It’s best to practice in secret and surprise us.”

Ayden pouted. He hated it when Rian was right.

Rian raised his chin. Another victory to him!



After dinner, Rian said goodbye to Ren Xiyang, before going to his Imperial Mother’s study room.

King Edric and Queen Mira were still back in the main hall, talking to the nobles. Rian had to sit down and wait by himself.

Perhaps it was meant to make him reflect. Instead, he practised some heat-sensing, which kept him occupied and allowed him of his Imperial parents’ arrival ahead of time. He was up and standing when the door opened.

“Good evening, Imperial Father, Imperial Mother,” he said, bowing.

“Rian,” King Edric said. He closed the door with a strong thud. He and Queen Mira sat opposite Rian.

“I’ve missed you both while I was away,” Rian said sweetly.

King Edric was unmoved. “We’ve missed you too,” he said. “We’ve missed having you under our eyes.”

“We’ll give you an opportunity to speak first,” Queen Mira said ‘kindly’.

They had a stare-down. The person who spoke first would lose, and unfortunately for Rian, he was the one who had to lose. He wasn’t king yet.

“Yes. I planned and orchestrated the duel with King Augustus,” Rian admitted. “I predicted the outcomes and I wasn’t surprised. I had been thinking about it since two years ago. I judged that our abilities were sufficient and went ahead with my plan. I did not tell anyone else about my plan, aside from Earl Rosewood.”

Reckless,” King Edric interrupted. “You were utterly reckless!”

“I’ve planned this for a long time. It was the opposite of reckless,” Rian countered.

“Did you predict Earl Rosewood’s injury?” Queen Mira said sharply.

Rian turned to his Imperial Mother. “Were you worried about Earl Rosewood now?” he asked with bright eyes.

Queen Mira: “…”

“If you have any other big plans, you have to tell us. If you don’t, I’ll revoke your status and make Alexius the crown prince,” King Edric threatened.

Rian lowered his head. “Yes, Your Majesty. I told Duke Mauveine and Count Aegean my big plans already. Do you need me to go through them all again?”

King Edric was one step from icing his oldest son.

Queen Mira was calmer. “Do you still wish to visit the Hraun Nation this summer?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. However, the trip has already been confirmed, they’ll be expecting me.”

Queen Mira smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “They’ll understand if you were suddenly unable to visit. We can send a senior, more stable noble in your place.”

Rian lowered his head again. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“You’re not allowed to leave the Capital until you leave for Hraun,” King Edric decreed.

Rian raised his head, showing pleading eyes. “But Imperial Father, I wish to see the Rosewood fief in spring. Earl Rosewood and his gardeners have amazing flower gardens.”

King Edric scowled. “You saw them last year.”

“But they’re meant to be even more beautiful this year. Imperial Father, Imperial Mother, we can make it a family trip.”

“No,” King Edric said.

“But—I already promised Earl Rosewood that I will attend his birthday before the trip. Alexius is going too.”

King Edric gritted his teeth. “…Fine.”

“Thank you, Imperial Father, thank you, Imperial Mother.”

“I want you to write two reports,” Queen Mira said. “The first, on the error of your ways. The second, on the exact actions you plan to take on the trip to the Hraun Nation.”

“Yes, Imperial Mother.”

“And you can begin right now, right here, while your Imperial Father and I complete our work.”

“Yes, Imperial Mother.”



Rian returned to his quarters late that night. He worked long nights, and so did his parents. He completed his two reports, at least. His Imperial Mother wanted daily reports going forward.

He inwardly sighed. He could no longer confess to Ren Xiyang in spring. He’d have to do it on Ren Xiyang’s birthday instead, in early summer.

This meant he had more time to prepare a better confession: he could rework the ring again and he could prepare more gifts. It also gave him time to have some new matching outfits made for both him and Ren Xiyang…



The next day, Ren Xiyang met with Solicitor Carmine and the others, while Kel prepared everything for departure.

The meeting ended before lunch. Ren Xiyang returned to his room to pack his personal belongings.

Today was the last opportunity for him to give that contract for a while. His heart resisted the idea, beating faster and faster as he thought of confessing.

Maybe he should delay it some more. On the big scale of life, they still had a lot of time together. The original novel hadn’t even started yet, and if he waited some more, he could fully complete his transition.

Ren Xiyang tried to resist his gut feelings and consider the situation rationally. He had made good plans for himself. The entire affair had been weighing on his mind. If he could get it over and done with, then he’d be free of the should I/should I not, and he could return home to farm with ease of mind.

But then again…





Fun fact: Ren Xiyang’s wardrobe is 95% from Rian. The last 5% is from Kel and other staff at the Rosewood manor. Ren Xiyang saves a lot of money!




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