These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 115: Kiss kiss, fall in love!

Resisting his discomfort, Ren Xiyang folded up the contract and tucked it into his coat. This way, there was no excuse for not having the contract on hand.

He could now sense Rian and his Royal Guards departing from the Imperial Palace.

Ren Xiyang carried his suitcase downstairs.

“My Lord, let me,” one of the footmen said. The staff at the Capital always felt weird whenever their Earl did things like this. They didn’t see him as much as the people in the Rosewood fief, and they were very aware of how servants and nobles acted in other noble houses.

“Thanks,” Ren Xiyang put down the suitcase.

A Rosewood maid came up to him. “My Lord, lunch is almost ready. May I offer you any pre-lunch drinks?”

“Prepare a seat for Prince Rian and another table for his guards.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Ren Xiyang stayed at the front door, waiting for Rian.

The Imperial carriage and its posse of Royal Guards arrived, and Rian stepped out of his carriage. His clear blue eyes lit up upon seeing Ren Xiyang.

“Earl Rosewood, good day!”


There were nervous butterflies in Ren Xiyang’s stomach. He took a light breath.

“Come in, your Highness.”



When Rian had arrived for lunch, he had hoped that it would just be him and Ren Xiyang, but instead he and Ren Xiyang were seated at a table full of senior Rosewood staff. There was also another table with other Rosewood staff, and another table full of his Royal Guards in the dining room.

But Rian was familiar with Solicitor Carmine, Manager Ashdown and the other senior staff working at the Rosewoods’ Capital house, so they talked shop about the various Azure-Rosewood collaborations.

Lunch ended and everyone stood up. Solicitor Carmine and the others gave their goodbyes and left first.

Rian turned to Ren Xiyang. He was reluctant to say goodbye. This was the last time they would see each other (in person, not including via mirror) for a while (for two-to-three weeks til Alexius’s birthday).

“Rian, we need to talk quickly before I leave,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian blinked. What did he want to talk about that couldn’t be done via communication mirror? Was that why Ren Xiyang wanted to talk to him last night?…!

Rian followed Ren Xiyang to the sitting room on the ground floor, overlooking the front yard where the Rosewood carriages were standing, ready to depart. He sat down on the sofa and looked at Ren Xiyang.

When Ren Xiyang cast a privacy spell, Rian was even more intrigued. Was it something related to Ren Xiyang’s old world? Or one of their many, many secret plans?

Ren Xiyang pulled out some folded papers and a pen from his coat.

Rian’s heart gave a loud ba-dump. Fuck! Was this a marriage contract? Was Ren Xiyang going to give him a marriage contract to sign?! He was ready! His eyes glowed as he accepted the contract.


It wasn’t a marriage contract. It was just a secrecy contract.

He lifted his head and raised an eyebrow at Ren Xiyang. “What’s this?”

“Sign it.”

Rian signed it with a flourish, next to Ren Xiyang’s signature. “So, do you have another big secret that you haven’t told me? Wait, wait, let me guess.”


You’re actually the author of this novel!”

“What? No.”

“Are you the real ‘saint’ of Sedaveria? That would make sense! You’re more amazing than Cassiopeia.”

Ren Xiyang: “…” He rubbed his forehead. “Rian.”

Rian placed his hands on his knees. “Fine, so what did you want to tell me?”

Ren Xiyang grimaced.

Rian’s eagerness died down a little. Was there something wrong?

“I like you.”

“I know,” Rian said, confused.


Wait a minute.

Did he mean—


A thousand thoughts exploded in Rian’s head.







—Why now??

Kiss him!—

—But flowers—-

From the outside, Rian appeared to be frozen.

“Anyway, I need to get going now. Lots of farming to do. That’s all I wanted to tell you, you can send your response later when you’re ready.”

Just like that, Ren Xiyang took down the privacy spell, opened the door, and swiftly walked out.

Rian snapped back to the present when Ren Xiyang disappeared from his sight.

Fuck! He lurched to his feet and dashed out.

It wasn’t his fault that he had frozen—he wasn’t ready yet!!! His unfinished marriage papers, his prepared engagement ring, he didn’t have any of them with him! And he didn’t have time to get them, unless he wanted to contact one of his agents, but that was too risky!


Rian emerged from the front door and was confronted with multiple eyes—both Rosewood staff and his Royal Guards—looking his way.

He stumbled to a sedate walk and straightened his back while he was at it. He gracefully inclined his head at the people looking at him and then headed towards Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang, who had slowed down, started walking faster.

Rian walked faster again.

So Ren Xiyang walked faster.

So Rian walked faster.

Kel looked between the two of them in confusion, as Prince Rian followed Earl Rosewood. What game were they playing now? Did Earl Rosewood want to delay leaving for a bit?

“Kel, I’m ready to leave now,” Ren Xiyang said.

“…Okay, my Lord.”

“Kel, I just need to tell Earl Rosewood something before he leaves,” Rian said.

“…Okay, your Highness.”

Ren Xiyang: “…” He climbed into his carriage first.

Rian followed him inside, closed the door, and cast a privacy spell. The magical lights inside automatically came on.

Rian made sure the windows and the roof-top skylight were covered.

Ren Xiyang crossed his arms as Rian sat down next to him.

“Just to confirm, you meant like in the romantic sense, correct?” Rian asked.

“Yes.” Ren Xiyang’s face didn’t seem happy.

Rian huffed. “Why did you have to tell me right now?” he complained. “You were just about to leave, the timing was so horrible! I thought you were going to give me marriage papers, but it was just a secrecy contract! I had a much better confession planned, I was even going to entice you with gold. If you had just waited!—”

Ren Xiyang blinked. He narrowed his eyes. “Wait.”


“You were going to give me gold?”

Rian cleared his throat. “I’ve given you a lot of gold over the years, yes.”

“Let’s pretend that I haven’t confessed yet and you can still entice me with gold later. Especially since you still haven’t recovered King Augustus’s money for me.”

Rian wasn’t convinced. “No!” He stared at Ren Xiyang. Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump. A bright light grew in his eyes.

Ren Xiyang stared back. “What?”

Rian leaned in, only to have Ren Xiyang’s hand in his face.



Rian pulled back. “I was trying to kiss you,” he said in a hurt tone.

“Oh.” Ren Xiyang’s gaze dipped. There was a hint of red on his cheeks. “You haven’t even given me a response yet,” he said gruffly.

Rian thought he was so cute. “Yes!”

“Yes what?”

“I accept!”

“And do you like me back?”

“Yes! Xiyang, don’t worry about anything, you can trust me,” Rian said, patting himself on the chest. “Now, can we kiss?”

Ren Xiyang stared at him.

Rian put on his most earnest expression.

Ren Xiyang looked away. The blush on his cheeks spread. “Fine.”

Rian leaned in again, resting a hand on Ren Xiyang’s knee.

Ren Xiyang looked back at him.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump. Their hearts thudded in sync.

Rian leaned in. Ren Xiyang also leaned in.

Rian bit his bottom lip. Yes! He was going to do this! After all his fantasies, he could finally kiss Xiyang! Xiyang’s eyes were so close, they were warmer and softer than usual, and Rian could fall into them—

Ren Xiyang’s eyes narrowed a fraction. He reached out and leaned in the rest of the way to meet Rian’s lips.

Like a soft caress, a little dry, a little warm. The sensations heightened.

Unknowingly, both their eyes closed. Rian deepened the kiss, leaning in more and more.

The lack of air made Rian draw away.

They opened their eyes and looked at each other, hearts racing.

Rian smiled.

Ren Xiyang smiled back.

“Ahhh!” Rian buried his head in Ren Xiyang’s shoulder.


“I love it when you smile,” Rian declared unabashedly. He was pushed off Ren Xiyang’s shoulder a moment later.

“I need to go, we can’t keep everyone waiting.”

Rian smiled knowingly. Xiyang was shy! He dropped a kiss on Ren Xiyang’s cheek successfully and pulled back before Ren Xiyang could slap him.

He opened the carriage door again and stepped out. “And oh, we’ll talk about this some more later, Earl Rosewood. Keep that in mind.”


Rian stood back and closed the door for him.

Ren Xiyang waved from his window, and the Rosewood team left.

With no reason to hang around anymore, Rian boarded his carriage and headed back to the Imperial Palace.



After Ren Xiyang could no longer see Rian, he pulled the curtains shut on the window.

Then he covered his eyes with one hand.

He had done it. He had confessed. He had even had his first kiss.

He had kissed Rian.

Rian had kissed him.

They had kissed! In his carriage! While the Rosewood staff and Royal Guards were standing just outside!

There were still butterflies in his stomach.

He couldn’t keep a calm expression. Instead, his face fluctuated from a smile, to a grimace, to a blush.

He hadn’t expected Rian to respond like that.

And, yes, sure, he had magically seen the intimate parts of Rian’s body but that was different from kissing!

Ren Xiyang exhaled, and tried to settle his mind. It took a few minutes for him to calm down and recall his plan.

This felt like scenario 3:

S3. Rian liked him romantically and also wanted to be together with him.

A warm glow grew in his chest.

Rian liked him. Rian wanted to be with him.

There were logistics involved. He might have to attend the Imperial Magical Academy.

But there were now also other things they could do that Ren Xiyang hadn’t quite thought about.

Or rather, he had deliberately avoided thinking about it when writing up his plans.

Like kissing.

(Like hand-holding.)

((Like sex.))

A few graphic images appeared in his mind.

He cleared them away as fast as he could. He was not going to get hard while on the road back to the Rosewood fief.

Think about logistics, Ren Xiyang! Think about what Rian said today!

Rian said he had planned a confession with gold. That should mean Rian had prepared some gold somewhere to give to him as a gift.

Could Ren Xiyang still get that somehow? He wouldn’t mind some funds for a third greenhouse.

Could I use kisses to extract that gold?

Ren Xiyang blushed at his own thoughts. Seriously, he was rich now!



In the Imperial carriage, Rian couldn’t help but beam.

YES! He likes me back, of course he likes me back, why was I so worried?

I’m great, anyone would like me.

We fit together, we’re in sync!

And the kiss—it brought bubbles to his chest just thinking about it.

Xiyang’s lips were so soft! And a shy Xiyang! So! Cute!

He felt like he could float. He had to be careful, in case he really started floating.

He pulled himself back down to earth by thinking about his planned confession setup.

There was no way he was going to let his meticulous preparations go to waste.

Now that he knew Ren Xiyang liked his, he could do some different things instead. He was excited just thinking about it.

Down, boy, down, he berated himself. He was about to reach the Imperial Palace and needed to act properly.

By the time he stepped out of his carriage, Prince Rian appeared to be normal.

But some people noticed that something had changed. For example, Alexius felt that his big brother was unusually nice to him that day, and Queen Mira found it suspicious that Rian was so happy despite Earl Rosewood’s departure…






How was that~? (๑>؂•̀๑)

By the way, the story should have some explicit parts (both sexual and nonsexual). Hope you weren’t surprised by this chapter~

P.S. The BL Palace is going to host an online BL ‘workshop’ in a few months. If you’re interested, check out this link for more information


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