These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 150: And the winner is—

To accompany the two savoury courses, Rian also gave each person a tall glass filled with icy fruit tea.

After the judges ate the first course, Ren Xiyang introduced the main course: lightly steamed prawns wrapped in rice paper with fresh herbs and salad, raw ultra-cold-treated fish wrapped in dried seaweed with lightly flavoured rice, and grilled fish wrapped in grilled flatbread and topped with grilled corn, yoghurt and salad. Each of these were accompanied by their appropriate sauces.

Finally, dessert was three flavours of ice cream—mango, clotted cream, and hazelnut—in a waffle cone.

After they were done, each judge said a few words.

“Your attention to detail is exquisite, each dumpling had such a thin wrapper and beautiful pleats. It was a work of art.”

“Each bite was so small, you’ve left me wanting more!”

“I love each of your dipping sauces. However, maybe next time, you’ll have a fourth extra spicy one.”

“Thank you,” Ren Xiyang said with a bow. He retreated.

“Now, let us see how Princess Cora and Princess Sunna compare!” King Firestone announced.

Princess Cora took the stage. “Good afternoon, my dears,” she said warmly. “Princess Sunna and I have prepared several dishes for each of you.”

Servers set a tray of dishes in front of each person.

“In front of the judges, we have a bowl of spicy seafood stew, a plate of charcoal grilled pork, a savoury and spicy green mango salad, my special pickled spicy cabbage, and a plate of baked rice—you can find the crispy bits at the bottom. Once you’re ready, you can taste the dessert, made of layers of syrup-soaked pastry, custard, whipped cream, and yoghurt, and garnished with nuts and fruit. We have also made a drink to accompany the dishes. Please enjoy.”

These dishes were all familiar to the Hraun judges, though each had Princess Cora’s unique touch. Soon, the bellies of the judges grew round, and those with smaller appetites were absolutely full to the brim.

“It was so delicious, I couldn’t stop myself from eating it all!”

“The flavours remind me of my mother’s cooking, nostalgic and comforting.”

“You added some extra spices to what is otherwise a traditional dessert. I like it, and will be doing this too now. Thank you.”

Princess Cora’s smile widened. “Thank you.”

The judges couldn’t have a food coma yet, though, because they had to finalise their scores for each team. These scores were handed to the contest staff member in charge of counting.

The final result was written down and handed over to King Firestone.

“It has been a wonderful contest, don’t you agree? Maybe next time we’ll make the contestants cook for one hundred people, and we can pick out more lucky audience members!” King Firestone joked.

The crowd cheered. “Yeah!!!”

King Firestone glanced at the result on the note handed to him. “So, do you want to know who is our winner?”


“Are you sure?”


King Firestone grinned. “Then, without further ado—”

Drums pounded out anticipatory beats, dum dum dum!

“—The winner is…Princess Cora and her assistant Princess Sunna!!!”

“WOO-HOO!!” The crowd applauded and cheered uproariously.

“Please me in congratulating Princess Cora and Princess Sunna! And thank you to Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian for the gripping battle!” King Firestone shouted above the noise.

Princess Cora and Princess Sunna both had huge smiles on their faces as they accepted the crowd’s congratulations.

Ren Xiyang bowed, and Rian copied him.

Once the noise died down, the judges explained their results:

“We marked the dishes on magical complexity, performance, and taste. In regards to magical complexity, we felt that Earl Rosewood and Crown Prince Rian had a dazzling array of techniques, element usage, spells, and direct magic manipulation. Meanwhile, Princess Cora and Princess Sunna used more straightforward spells. In terms of magical complexity, Earl Rosewood and Crown Prince Rian are the victors.”

“In regards to performance, the Sedaverian side and the Hraun side had different styles. Earl Rosewood and Crown Prince Rian’s performance showed feats of cooking when combined with magic. Meanwhile, Princess Cora and Princess Sunna’s performance was soothing and relaxing to watch, each step flowing from the next, and with dishes slowly emerging between their fingers. Different judges had different preferences on which style they liked. Ultimately, the elegance of Princess Cora and Princess Sunna’s dance made them the winners in this category. Regardless, we enjoyed watching both teams cook.”

“Lastly, in regards to taste. Every dish was delicious, make no mistake. Mouthwatering, sweet, salty, tangy, we were left wanting more. Earl Rosewood’s dishes had an experimental flair, allowing us to compare and contrast similar yet different dishes. Meanwhile, Princess Cora’s dishes were traditional, with her personal twist, but they were all made exceptionally well, and invoked warm and comforting feelings. Ultimately, we felt that Earl Rosewood should have pushed the experimental element with more conviction, as the dishes felt they could have used something more. As such, Princess Cora and Princess Sunna won the taste category, leading to their overall victory.”

King Firestone clapped. “Thank you to the hard-working judges. Make no mistake, all of you who didn’t get to eat missed out on both teams’ dishes! Let me declare again that the victors are Princess Cora and Princess Sunna! Please come forward to receive your prize!”

The crowd cheered happily as King Firestone crowned the two princesses with wreaths made from their sacred tree that grew on the volcano side.

“And that concludes the end of the very first Hraun-Sedaverian Cooking Contest, thank you everyone for joining us today,” King Firestone said.

At the conclusion of King Firestone’s words, the noise in the square swelled. Alert food sellers immediately started advertising their wares, while other smart food sellers who had been carefully watching were quickly preparing some of the very dishes that appeared in the contest today.

Rian leaned into Ren Xiyang. “I didn’t realise there would be a prize like that in the end.”

Ren Xiyang glanced at him. “Would you have tried harder?”

Rian bumped him on the shoulder. “I’ll have you know that I tried my hardest.”

“I know. We lost most points on taste, which was my fault.”

“I’ll have you know that what we created tasted perfect,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang smiled wryly. “Thank you.”

The two of them went over to congratulate Princess Cora and Princess Sunna on their win, while the square dissolved into the cooking-contest after-party (dinner party). Watching people cook was hungry work, after all!



“King Augustus, I find you guilty of crimes against the state, against the people, and against the members of the Imperial Lūpiter family. For your crimes, you have been sentenced to lifelong confined community service. Do you have any last words?”

“You can’t charge me, I’m the King! You—”

Aurelia spoke over King Augustus. “The evidence is damning and the court finds you irrevocably guilty. Guards, take His Majesty away from the courtroom.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Some nobles watched as the weak King Augustus was taken away. Others averted their eyes.

Eldest Princess Aurelia’s shoulders felt lighter as her planning came to fruition.

King Augustus was charged. His magic returned as planned, but the cells held him. The magic attractors sucked away his power, while the newly installed metal caging dispersed his attempted lightning attacks.

Prince Marcus’s trial, the trial of other rebels and insurgents and Marcus’s faction all went smoothly.  All of them were charged with “confined community service”, i.e., to “work for the improvement of the country.” In practice, this often meant being confined to a cell and having their magic extracted for use. It was cheaper this way, rather than having to find mage guards to watch them use their magic to grow crops or do something similarly productive.

Those who weren’t mages were sent to grow crops.

Then, at the first morning court after all these trials were done, Lady Helios stepped forward to present her petition: for the court to vote on whether Princess Aurelia should be instated as the new Queen.

The nobles at the morning court understood exactly what Princess Aurelia had done. They were given a few days to “consider the matter” before Lady Helios held the vote.

Unsurprisingly, the morning court all agreed to the motion.

The gloomy and heavy atmosphere from all the trials was pushed aside as the castle prepared for the crowning ceremony. The mess from the fights were all cleaned up, and royal decorations adorned the walls and doors.

On the morning of the ceremony, Aurelia was in her office by herself.

She was reviewing outstanding matters and future tasks. Once she became Queen, she didn’t expect her tasks to increase too much, but she would wield more power and have less opposition. She wouldn’t need to consider her father’s opinions any longer.

“Your Highness.” Lady Iris Helios briefly knocked before entering the office. “The coronation will begin soon.” She was wearing long, pale-yellow robes in preparation for her role in the ceremony.

Aurelia put away her notes and stood up. She had already changed into her own coronation regalia, but for the gold cape, which was resting on a stand to the side. Lady Helios helped her put it on. Aurelia then turned around and looked at Lady Helios.

Lady Helios met her gaze steadily.

Aurelia’s chest tightened. Perhaps if she had time to speak—

A knock at the door interrupted their silence.

Viscountess Venenum entered, dressed exactly like Lady Helios. “Your Highness, everything has been prepared.”

“Good.” Aurelia strode out of the office. Viscountess Venenum and Lady Helios flanked her on either side, while the guards and other ladies-in-waiting walked behind her.

The throne room was filled with esteemed nobles, dressed in their finest.

“All hail, Her Highness Princess Aurelia!” Lady Helios announced.

The nobles all bowed. “All hail, Her Highness Princess Aurelia,” they chorused.

Several people stood at the other end of the throne room, near the throne: a group of priests and priestesses from the Sky Temple, dressed in their white and gold robes representing the lightning power of their god. The chief priest held the crown in his hands, while two priestesses held the royal sceptre and the royal sword.

“Princess Aurelia, step forward,” the chief priest intoned.

Aurelia approached the front. Lady Helios and Viscountess Venenum continued on with her, while the guards and the other ladies-in-waiting stayed back.

“We have all gathered to witness the crowning ceremony of the Kingdom of Angio. Her Royal Highness Princess Aurelia, the court has voted you to become the new Queen of the Kingdom of Angio. Do you accept?”

“I, Aurelia Lūpiter, accept.”

“Do you swear to uphold the law, maintain order and execute justice in the Kingdom of Angio?”

“I, Aurelia Lūpiter, swear to uphold the law, maintain order and execute justice.”

One of the priestesses stepped forward and offered the sceptre. Aurelia took it in hand.

“Do you swear fealty to the Kingdom of Angio and its people?”

“I, Aurelia Lūpiter, swear fealty to the Kingdom of Angio and its people.”

The other priestess stepped forward and offered the sword. Aurelia took it in her other hand.

“Do you swear to bear the burdens of the Kingdom of Angio and to govern the Kingdom wisely?”

“I, Aurelia Lūpiter, swear to govern the Kingdom wisely and shall bear the burdens gladly.”

“Then, now, we of the Temple crown you, Aurelia Lūpiter, the Queen of Angio.”

Aurelia lowered her head. The chief priest placed the crown upon her head.

“Long live the Queen!” Lady Helios called.

“Long live the Queen!” everyone in the room responded.

The priests and priestesses parted, leaving way for Aurelia to climb the steps up the throne. Lady Helios and Viscountess Venenum helped arrange her robes appropriately as she sat down.

“Long live Queen Aurelia Lūpiter!” Viscountess Venenum said.

“Long live Queen Aurelia Lūpiter!”

“All to swear fealty to the Queen,” Lady Helios ordered. Leading the way, she turned around to face Queen Aurelia and knelt down on one knee. All across the throne room, all the priests and priestesses and nobles and ladies-in-waiting and guards were kneeling too.

“Before Queen Aurelia, I swear fealty,” Lady Helios said. “Before Queen Aurelia, I swear to uphold Her Majesty’s rule and support her endeavours. Do you swear?”

“We do swear fealty to Queen Aurelia,” came the return chorus.

“Rise and be at ease,” Queen Aurelia said.

“Long live the Queen!”

“All relevant persons are to move to the morning court in due time,” Queen Aurelia said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Loud bells rang through the castle and city to announce the crowning of the new queen.

Queen Aurelia, along with Lady Helios and Viscountess Venenum, headed back to her office first. She took away the heavy cloak and put away the royal sceptre and sword. Then she picked up her notes for today’s morning court.

Historically, the crowning ceremony would have gone on for the entire day, including individual swearing-of-fealty from the nobles, along with a big feast in celebration.

Aurelia cared for tradition, but she didn’t care for wasting time. With groups of the populace starving, starting her new rule with a huge feast would create the wrong impression.

Hence the shortened coronation ceremony, and the morning court proceeding after instead of a day-long feast.

There were both big and small things to attend to, including the public announcement of the charitable food to be sent to particular fiefs (courtesy of Marquis Terra), and the halting of construction on the new building started by King Augustus. Throughout it, Lady Helios was by her side.

Several nobles present also took the opportunity to present to Queen Aurelia their daughter or niece, to become one of Her Majesty’s ladies-in-waiting. Never had some nobles felt that having an unmarried daughter was so important as right now.

Morning court disbanded at lunchtime. Lunch was held in the main dining hall, with all the nobles invited.

Afterwards, Aurelia had a meeting with Viscountess Venenum in her office.






I didn’t write the court trial scenes (ノωヽ)






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