These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 151: Don’t call me Your Majesty

Aurelia and Viscountess Venenum walked back together from the dining hall of Aurelia’s office. “Viscountess Venenum, take a seat first.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Viscountess Venenum glanced around the office briefly before siting down by the desk.

Aurelia took off her crown and put it next to the sword and sceptre on display behind a protected glass case.  She then sat down behind her desk.

“Allow me to congratulate you again, Your Majesty,” Viscountess Venenum said.

Aurelia straightened. “This wouldn’t have been possible without your assistance. I also appreciate your hard work managing the underground tower.”

“I and my team have done what we can.”

That was an understatement. Viscountess Venenum and her team were integrated, efficient and effective. Without her help, Aurelia wouldn’t have been able to take down Marcus. And, not only had they gone through great lengths to identify all the bodies in the underground tower, they had also tracked down two more mages who had been involved but not present on the day of the raid.

Aurelia took out a slim folder and passed it forward. “As promised, I have allocated an initial 15,000 gold per month, for six months, in the budget for you to spend on anti-bandit activities. In addition, the Second Regiment will be assigned to you to assist you. Finally, I have assigned three people within my team to work from my side. We will assess whether this resourcing is sufficient in a month. This is recorded in writing.”

Viscountess Venenum took the folder but didn’t open it. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“If there is anything else that I’ve missed, don’t hesitate to bring it to my attention. I understand you had assistance from Earl Rosewood Sedaveria previously. If you wish to contract him again, then I can provide additional support.”

Viscountess Venenum raised an eyebrow. “Your Majesty wishes to work with Earl Rosewood?”

“I believe it’s beneficial if we work formally with Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian of Sedaveria. It doesn’t need to be through your anti-bandit activities. It could also be through the development of agriculture.”

“As I understand, Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian should be currently in Hraun. In the autumn, they’ll be attending their magical academy. So their time will be limited.”

Aurelia looked at Viscountess Venenum. “You have another suggestion.”

Viscountess Venenum inclined her head. “If agriculture is the avenue of collaboration, then Your Majesty could contact Lady Florence Sage.”

Aurelia recalled the Lady Sage who had been part of the Sedaverian convoy. Lady Sage had been a reasonable person, and without the same infamy as Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian. “Noted.” She wrote down Lady Sage’s name. “Now, let me introduce you to my three ladies-in-waiting who will be coordinating with you.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

They all stood up, and Aurelia invited the three ladies-in-waiting into the room. She also gave Viscountess Venenum the first instalment of gold directly, which earned her Viscountess Venenum’s look of approval.

“Your Majesty, this matter will be completed successfully,” Viscountess Venenum said.

“I trust you.”

Viscountess Venenum bowed. “Your Majesty.” She turned to the three ladies-in-waiting. “If you’re available, let’s meet now to discuss what needs to be done.”

“Yes, we’re free,” said one of the ladies. She glanced at Aurelia and said, “We have a meeting room that we can use.”

Aurelia farewelled the group, and then turned to Lady Helios who was now waiting outside. “Come in.”

Lady Helios re-entered her office. “Your Majesty, I’ve assigned simple tasks for the new ladies-in-waiting,” she reported. “I’ve also had nobles approaching me, asking whether you would accept one of their sons as a gentleman-in-waiting.”

“If you think they’re suitable and can work without an issue with everyone else, then accept them,” Aurelia said, not caring. “Lady Iris, sit with me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Aurelia sat down on the lounge and Lady Iris Helios sat down opposite her.

“How is your father?” Aurelia asked.

“Duke Helios is manageable,” Lady Helios said.

Aurelia was grateful for Viscountess Venenum’s help in the coup, but Lady Helios had been quietly helping for years to build the base that made it possible. “Your assistance has been invaluable. Do you want to become the Duchess Helios?” Aurelia asked directly.

Lady Helios didn’t seem surprised. “No, Your Majesty.”

“Is there any position that I can offer you?”

“No, Your Majesty.”

Aurelia looked penetratingly at Lady Helios. But Lady Helios had been working with her for years and didn’t flinch or change her expression.

“Is there nothing that you want, Iris?” Aurelia asked.

“I’m content working by your side, Aurelia,” Lady Helios said.

That wasn’t an answer to Aurelia’s question. There was an unidentifiable look in Lady Helios’s eyes, but it wasn’t malicious; far from it. After knowing Lady Helios for years, Aurelia felt she knew her well at times, and didn’t know her well at other times.

“I plan to set up The Queen’s Board, as an administrative body to complement the court. You will become the Chief Executive. Do you agree?”

“If it allows me to continue working for you, I agree, Your Majesty.”

“Yes. And when we’re in private, there’s no need to call me Your Majesty.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Lady Helios said.

Both of them shared an amused look. Aurelia stood up. “No, don’t get up.” She took over the tea tray and set it down on the table between them.

“Let me,” Lady Iris said firmly, taking the teapot. She magically heated up the water inside and poured a measure of tea leaves into the teapot. When it was time, she served a cup of tea for Aurelia.

Aurelia took a sip of the tea. It was perfectly made. “What’s your opinion on King Augustus’s old quarters?”

Lady Helios relaxed with her own cup of tea. “It has a good view. It could be renovated into a conservatory for afternoon meetings. It might be a suitable task for one of the new ladies-in-waiting, who has a plant-magic speciality.”

Aurelia inclined her head. “That’s a good idea. Then I’ll leave it in your hands, Chief Executive.”

Her brief smile invoked a return smile on Lady Helios’s face.

“Of course. But please, there’s no need to call me Chief Executive in private.”

Aurelia took another sip of tea and put down her cup with a sigh. She picked up the book that Prince Rian had given her. “Prince Rian has been helpful.”

Lady Helios immediately understood. “Too helpful?”

“Their duel wasn’t spontaneous. They played King Augustus. They created the perfect conditions.”

Lady Helios thought before speaking. “There’s no doubt that Prince Rian doesn’t like King Augustus. That duel served multiple functions, but it could have gone multiple ways. It showed that Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood are stronger than King Augustus. But it clearly didn’t go as they expected—Earl Rosewood was injured.”

Aurelia nodded absently. Yes, she remembered how Prince Rian’s demeanour had changed completely the moment he realised Earl Rosewood was struck down.

“If King Augustus hadn’t modified that contract beforehand, or if he had been willing to pay the fine right away, his magic wouldn’t have been restricted for long,” Lady Helios continued.

“Nonetheless, the duel caused unrest,” Aurelia said. “And with this book, Prince Rian wanted me to take over.”

“Yes, I agree. He intended for you to become queen. But I don’t regret it. Do you?”

Aurelia put the book down. “You’re right.”

“Prince Rian has shown himself a threat. However, he isn’t our biggest threat,” Lady Helios said, peering up through her lashes.

Aurelia looked at her.

“King Edric of Sedaveria is the one who should be worried.”

Aurelia’s lips quirked. “You’re right.”

Lady Helios sipped her tea. “Thank you.”



Prince Pollux came down to the dungeons without his servants.

King Augustus wasn’t his goal. It was Marcus.

Although King Augustus’s actions had caused a fundamental change in Pollux’s life quality, it was Marcus who made his daily life a hell.

When Pollux arrived, Marcus was sitting on his chair, reading.

“…Pollux,” Marcus said, turning his head slightly. “To what should I owe this pleasure?”

Pollux took his time looking around Marcus’s cell. “Quite a change, isn’t it?”

Marcus’s face darkened. He barely restrained himself, his muscles becoming tense. “What do you want?” he snapped.

Pollux smiled coldly. “Oh, I’m just taking a look. You’re lucky you’re in here, or else.”

“Or else what?”

Pollux stared at Marcus without speaking. If he hadn’t chosen to deal with his father, then he could have attacked Marcus instead. He could have shot Marcus down with lightning from behind. He could have duelled Marcus himself and showed him that a cripple like him could still defeat a genius like Marcus. “You missed out on Her Majesty’s coronation. All the nobles knelt and swore fealty to Queen Aurelia as she sat on the throne.”

Marcus gritted his teeth. He abruptly turned his head away and pretended to go back to reading.

Pollux continued deeper, to King Augustus’s cell.

King Augustus had been slumped in the corner. When he saw Pollux, his eyes grew red with anger. “You! It’s all your fault! You bastard, you traitor, you—”

Pollux silently assessed his father’s state. He looked at the long chains and the cage and the magic attracting circles. Aurelia had prepared well: she really did have control over King Augustus and Prince Marcus.

Pollux didn’t stay long, lest his own magic was sucked away. He glided away on his wheelchair to the sound of insults that couldn’t hurt him any longer.

Given that Aurelia had just been crowned, she had to be very busy. But she had asked to meet with him, so Pollux now went to her office.

It also suited Pollux because he had something to tell her. Lady Helios opened the door and let him inside, before she exited and closed the door behind her.

“Congratulations, Your Majesty,” Pollux said, bowing in his chair.

“I’m your sister, don’t call me Your Majesty,” Aurelia said.

“Yes, Aurelia,” Pollux said obediently. He wasn’t gullible enough to fall for Aurelia’s new sisterly act, but it also didn’t matter to him what he called her.

“How have your days been?” Aurelia asked.

“They’ve been well.”

“Now, I recalled that you had previously requested healer mages to help with your condition.”

Something tightened in Pollux’s stomach and chest.

“I have the names and contacts of several healer mages, including those residing in the castle and those beyond. If you have a preference, I can arrange a meeting at whichever time suits you best. You do not need to worry about money.”

Pollux felt unbearable. He blurted out, “I want to go to Sedaveria.”

Aurelia blinked. “You have a time frame.”

“I want to spend a year at their university.”

“The start of their academic year is soon.”


“I’ll schedule an appointment who I believe is the best healer on this list, before you go.”

Pollux’s gaze dropped. “Okay.”

“As for entry procedures to the Sedaverian Imperial University, I’ll handle them for you.”

“Thank you.”

The silence stretched uncomfortably.

Both sister and brother had many thoughts, but they weren’t going to voice them.

Finally, Aurelia broke the silence. “You will represent our family and our nation.”


“Before you leave, are you willing to have a a private dinner with myself, Marcia, and Ariadne?”

Marcia and Ariadne had returned from their ‘holiday’, in time for Aurelia’s coronation.


Aurelia opened her notebook. “As mentioned, I’ll handle entry procedures. I’ll also arrange accommodation. You need to have time to settle down in Sedaveria, and travel times are a little tight, so you’ll use the floating carriage that Prince Rian gave to travel. I’ll also allocate a monthly stipend for you to use and assign servants and guards. Is there anything that I’m missing?”

“…No, sister. Thank you, sister.”

The meeting concluded on that note.

Pollux glided out of Aurelia’s office, feeling off. He clenched a fist, and then relaxed, trying to relieve the odd tension in his stomach.

Aurelia had known that he had requested healer mages, but she hadn’t done anything for years.

Aurelia knew that he wanted healer mages to examine to his injury and see if it could be healed.

Aurelia was doing something about it now.

Pollux felt bare, seen, ashamed, embarrassed, hurt, and touched.

Aurelia almost made him want to stay in Angio. Almost.



The last few action-packed days of the Hraun trip flew by. Suddenly, it was the last full day of the trip.

And what else could King Firestone have scheduled, but a beach party!








Is it just me, or does Aurelia have so much gay vibes when she interacts with other women?

—There’s Viscountess Venenum, an older woman with strong management skills, plans and vision.

—There’s Lady Iris Helios, the calm and smart lady-in-waiting who has been quietly by Aurelia’s side for years.

—There’s little Lady Fortunae, with tears in her eyes and who looks good on her knees in front of Aurelia….




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