These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 152: You wouldn’t believe what Ren Xiyang says to Rian!

The party started just before lunch, located in one of beautiful blue-water lagoons of the Hraun Islands. Once everyone invited to the party gathered and mingled, lunch was cooked and served, mouth-watering grilled meat and fish accompanied with fresh salad and herbs.

After lunch, King Firestone lured excitable people (like Prince Rian, who then pulled along Earl Rosewood) to explore the nearby caves together. These caves were only accessible by taking small canoes, and some parts were completely underwater and required magic to get through safely.

“That was fun, wasn’t it?” Rian patted Ren Xiyang on the back once they re-emerged from the dark watery caves. “Hey, there’s no need to put that shirt back on.”

Ren Xiyang continued to silently dry his clothes after they got wet, and indeed put them back on. Getting sunburned was no joke, even for a fire mage like him.

King Firestone, who was in earshot, put on a pointed expression. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”

“…Should I tell King Edric that his son has found a new father?” Ren Xiyang said drily.

Both Rian and King Firestone laughed, which only strengthened Ren Xiyang’s statement.

“One crown prince is enough,” King Firestone said with a big smile.

“Why are you talking about me now?” At that moment, King Firestone’s second eldest son, Haldor—and who also the crown prince of Hraun—came over. He was in his early thirties, which put him close in age to Ren Xiyang, not that he knew that.

“Prince Rian is thinking about recognising me as his father,” King Firestone said.

Haldor rolled his eyes. “Father, you’ve had enough fun with our Sedaverian friends. Rian, Ayden, come with us! We’re going to have competitive water racing knock-out-tournament!”

“Oh, you’re really letting us join?” Rian said with a smirk.

“Let’s see what you’re made of,” Haldor said. “Come on, no time to waste.”

As always, Rian dragged Ren Xiyang along to compete. The Hraun water racing involved balancing on small wooden boards and racing through the big waves outside the lagoons, in the open sea. In the rules, the wooden board must have contact with the water at all times. And oh, racers could interfere with one another at will.

By the late afternoon, all the excitable people were tired and wet. Rian laid down next to Ren Xiyang on the beach, soaking up the afternoon sun’s rays.

“We should have more days like this,” Rian said.

“…You’re not going to give me a seaside fief, are you?”

Rian smiled mischievously. “Are you sure you don’t want one?”

“I fear the corruption of the Sedaverian government once you become king.”

“I’m sure that with you around, I won’t be able to have my evil ways,” Rian sighed contently.

Ren Xiyang’s eyes turned contemplative. “Hmm.”



The next morning, the entire Sedaverian convoy was busy. They had to finalise all packing and make sure everything that should loaded was loaded onto the ships.

Ren Xiyang was loading dozens of new varieties of chillies. He had viable seeds, as well as fresh, dried, and pickled chillies. He also had crates of fresh fruit, some kept chilled and others flash-frozen. During the trip, he had already made several purchase orders for dried chillies and dried fruit that would come over the next year.

Packing wasn’t just packing. As part of loading, he was careful to check that the food products were free of pests and diseases, lest he introduce a biosecurity hazard into his own fief. He also helped check the hulls of the ships for any opportunistic ‘hitchhikers.’

Other members of the convoy also had numerous items to load or make sure was loaded: some were goods they bought, while some items were gifted by King Firestone.

Everything was finalised by lunch, and the convoy had one last meal on Hraun land.

“—It was a joy having you visit, Crown Prince Rian,” King Firestone said.

“It was a joy visiting, Your Majesty,” Rian replied. “Since we lost the cooking contest, we must have another contest in the near future.”

Rian’s words evoked laughter among Hraun listeners.

“Then come visit again!” King Firestone said.

“Instead of visiting my father, you can visit me,” Haldor countered.

“Prince Haldor, why don’t you visit us? Then we can show you what Sedaveria has to offer. Bring your entire family and we’ll host you,” Rian said.

“I’ll remember your words, Prince Rian,” Haldor said.

Eventually, lunch had to come to an end. King Firestone, his family, and others accompanied the Sedaverian convoy to the docks.

Much like the day they arrived, today, there were many people gathered on the docks and the beach to see them off.

King Firestone shook hands with everyone again. When he came to Earl Rosewood, he quirked his lips up. “Well, were all the good things you heard about me true?”

Ren Xiyang nodded seriously. “Yes. The way you govern your country is inspirational.”

King Firestone laughed and turned to Prince Rian. “Watch out that he doesn’t try to usurp you!”

Rian shook his head, acting exasperated. “Unfortunately, Earl Rosewood doesn’t have dreams of ruling.”

Duke Blewitt, who was in earshot: “…”

Count Aegean was calm, letting Rian’s words flow through him without affecting him.

King Firestone smiled at Earl Rosewood. “All the good things I heard about you were also true. Please come and visit again.”

Ren Xiyang nodded. “Thank you.”

The Sedaverian convoys entered small boats that took them out to their ships.

Rian and Ren Xiyang stood at the back of the ship. The people onshore were waving, so Rian waved back.

The Sedaverian ships slowly pulled out of the harbour, before speeding up once they reached open sea.

Ren Xiyang felt a pang of nostalgia already as he watched as the Hraun Islands grew increasing small and distant.

After getting to know the Firestone family these last few weeks, Ren Xiyang witnessed the life of a loving, well-adjusted family. Haldor Firestone, who was similar in age to him, had a wife whom he acted publicly affectionate with, and he even had a young child. Not to mention, King Firestone and Queen Firestone were simply so comfortable together.

Ren Xiyang felt a pang at not being able to do that with Rian in public. But maybe in the future…

“Count Aegean is busy right now, so come to my cabin,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang’s stomach tightened. “Hm.” He followed Rian back to his cabin.

Once the door closed, they naturally gave each other a kiss. Rian didn’t release Ren Xiyang from the hug, which wasn’t uncommon.

Rian’s eyes scanned down Ren Xiyang’s body and up again. “Playing at the beach yesterday was lovely, as was being able to see you topless in broad daylight.”

Ren Xiyang’s eyes unconsciously went down to Rian’s chest. He pulled his gaze back up again. “I should say the same.”

Rian tilted his chin up proudly. He moved his hands across Ren Xiyang’s body and grabbed Ren Xiyang’s hands. “I love you.”

Ren Xiyang’s heart skipped a beat, and Rian clearly noticed.

Rian’s eyes brightened. “Such a strapping young lad, such a handsome young man. I was afraid one of those princesses might ask for your hand in marriage.”

“What are you talking about?” Ren Xiyang said gruffly.

“I’m saying that I love you,” Rian said, his voice melodic, his eyes curved.

“I think…”

“Yes?” Rian leaned in very close, his clear blue eyes sparkling with interest. His eyes were entrancing, and his attention was intoxicating.

Ren Xiyang’s heartbeat rabbited in his chest. “I think you’re right…”

Rian grinned. “About what?”

“I think I love you too.”

Rian’s expression abruptly froze. “Yangyang, can you repeat that?”

“I love you too,” Ren Xiyang said more firmly.

Rian’s eyes widened. A warm blush rose on his cheeks. “Really? Really?!!!” He looked ready to jump up and down excitedly on the spot, if he wasn’t holding onto Ren Xiyang’s hands.

Ren Xiyang’s heartbeat slowed down to something more regular. He didn’t expect his words to have such a big effect on Rian’s mood. Internally, he felt that he should put more care into this relationship.

“Wh—ah, why do you love me? What do you love about me?” Rian grinned roguishly. “Did seeing me topless yesterday make you fall in love?”

Ren Xiyang smiled helplessly. “No, it wasn’t seeing you topless yesterday. I’ve seen you topless numerous times before, remember?”

“But each day, I become more handsome.”

Ren Xiyang suppressed a snort of laughter. “Yes, yes.”

“—Just like you.”

“Thanks to your help.”

“If you want to thank me, what should you say?”

“…Thank you?”

Rian gave him a pointed look.

“…Thank you, Your Highness?”

Rian’s look became even more pointed.

“…Riri, I can’t read your mind.”

Rian made a face. “Not yet, you can’t. You should say, ‘I love you’, understand?”


“Go on.”

Ren Xiyang felt like he was being pinned by Rian’s gaze. “…I love you.”

Rian pulled him close and kissed him on the lips. He pushed Ren Xiyang against the wall and kissed some more. He was so enthusiastic, he was clearly happy to hear the words ‘I love you’ from Ren Xiyang, which made Ren Xiyang feel a bit guilty that he didn’t say it earlier.

Ren Xiyang’s arms tightened around Rian.



Rian felt like he was glowing. He was so very happy! He felt like he was floating. When he couldn’t kiss any longer, he dragged Ren Xiyang over to the sofa. He sat down first, and then pulled Ren Xiyang onto his lap.

Ren Xiyang: “…” He moved off Rian’s lap and sat down on the sofa next to him.

“It’s a shame that I promised my Imperial Mother that I wouldn’t propose to you.” He looked at Ren Xiyang with big meaningful puppy-dog eyes.

“Oh, hmm, I was also thinking about that.”

Rian stared at Ren Xiyang intensely. Come on, Xiyang, he transmitted in his mind.

Ren Xiyang blinked innocently. “What?”

Yangyang,” Rian said in a low warning tone.

“I’ve been thinking about it, that’s all.”

Rian leaned over and wrapped his arms around Ren Xiyang and squeezed. “Yangyang.”

Ren Xiyang’s lips curled up. “Fine, fine. I’ll say more if you let me go.”

“I’m never letting you go,” Rian said.

“If you don’t let me go, nothing can happen.”

Badump. Did Yangyang understand what Rian wanted?

Rian slowly loosened his grip on Ren Xiyang. “Go on.”

“So.” Ren Xiyang shifted on the sofa. It put him further away from Rian, but it made it easier to face each other, so Rian allowed it.  “As you know I…love you.”

Rian nodded seriously. His heart started beating faster in his chest. Badump, badump, badump.

“I’ve been thinking about it…And I believe that we can stay together for a long time. I didn’t even get that annoyed when we lost the cooking contest.”

Rian: “…”

Rian pouted. “Now that King Firestone can’t hear us, let me just say that I definitely think we should have won.”

“I can already imagine us being older, together. Standing on a stage, in front of people, in public.”

Rian’s chest swelled. “Good,” he murmured.

Ren Xiyang stood up. “So if you can’t propose, I’ll have to do it, don’t I? That’s what you want, right?” He got down on one knee. “Rian, will you marry me?” Ren Xiyang held up a hand, as an ice ring formed on his palm.

Rian made a high pitch sound of excitement. “Yangyang!!!”

Ren Xiyang smiled. “See, I’m proposing to you, not the other way around. You haven’t said yes, yet.”

“Yes!” Rian jumped to his feet.

Ren Xiyang stood up and put the ice ring on Rian’s ring finger. “It’s a little temporary—”

Rian laughed happily. “Oh, don’t you worry about that.” With a wave of his hand, a small jewellery box flew out of his case. He opened the box, revealing two identical silver-and-gold rings inside, each with a tiny red gem and a tiny blue gem. “Here are the engagement rings I prepared earlier. I made them myself. Give me your hand.”

Ren Xiyang blinked. “I should have known,” he said drily. He offered his hand, and Rian slipped the engagement ring on. Then, Ren Xiyang did the same to Rian.

“The ice ring—”

“I have to preserve it,” Rian said. “Unlike—”

Both of them had flashbacks to when Rian wanted to preserve Ren Xiyang’s first-ever come (and later, his second-ever come).

Rian held their hands with the rings together, tilting them this way and that way in admiration. “Plan, complete. By the way, I also have a copy of the Rosewood marriage forms that are all filled out, aside from your signature.”

Ren Xiyang quirked his lips.

“It’s a shame that we’re on Count Aegean’s ship. The mood isn’t right,” Rian said. “The first time needs to be perfect.”

Ren Xiyang suppressed a smile. “Oh? So we’re not having sex now?”

Rian licked his lips. “Oh, we definitely are.”

—Some unclear time later, the two of them finished, lips red and clothes and hair rumpled. They remained lying on the bed to talk.

“We definitely can’t do it on Count Aegean’s ship,” Rian was saying. “And we can’t do it in Count Aegean’s manor either…we’ll have to wait until we return to the Capital. Or even better, I’ll go with you to the Rosewood fief.”

“Hm, you need to tell me about the protection available here.”

“There are items and there are spells.”

“Do you know them?”

Rian smirked. “Of course, I’m prepared.” He pressed a hand on Ren Xiyang’s chest. “Now that we’re engaged, there are many things we need to talk about clearly.”


“And children and succession.”

Ren Xiyang pursed his lips. “I don’t want children. But if you want them…technically, although I don’t have a womb any longer, I haven’t yet turned all the eggs in my testicles into sperm yet. In-vitro fertilisation could still be possible, if we can find a suitable person willing to carry the child. However, do you really want to have children whom I will dote upon and spend all my time with instead of you?”

Rian was faced with more pieces of information than he expected. “I already told my Imperial Mother than Alexius and his children will succeed the throne after me. But now you’re saying we could have biological children? And now you’re saying you wouldn’t spend time with me if we do??? I need to think about this.”

“I was thinking that you could be king for a decade or two, depending on when you ascend. Then you can retire early and hand things over to Alexius or his children. We can go on an extended early retirement holiday, just the two of us. We could spend many days on the beach if you wish.”

“You’re thinking about retirement already.”

“I’m thinking about retirement together,” Ren Xiyang corrected.

Rian was appeased with that. “Very well, I will take your suggestion into consideration.”






Thank you Arro for the ink!! And thank you to everyone for reading and for your comments 🥰


If you like reading about making and eating food, I have an older BL novel that was filled with sweet desserts and drink—matcha & milk. I recently drew a picture of one of the main characters making macarons 🐻🐻🐻

And the other main character eating flan~


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