These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 153: The innocent Prince Rian and his master plan for the country

“But before retirement…” Rian hinted.

“Before retirement, I’ll eventually move to the Capital. But I definitely need a greenhouse or urban farm space. And we must negotiate how many public appearances I need to make,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Yes, my Lord,” Rian said with a knowing smile.

“And then there’s the coming out plan. We should tell Florence we’re engaged. When do you want to tell King Edric and Queen Mira? And the public? Then we’ll have to plan the marriage. I assume you want something big and to invite many people, including foreign dignitaries. That would require a lot of planning. The venue, the guest list, the menu, the decorations, accommodation, invitations, attire, seating—”

“Maybe we should elope,” Rian suddenly said. “We’ll have two weeks after we get back to the Capital, before the Academy year starts. We can run away and elope, and then return to the Capital.”

“And get hastily married where? Only the Rosewood fief has gay marriage, but it also has a minimum age limit.”

Rian made a face. “You’re the Earl of the Rosewood fief. Can’t you make an exception just for us?”

Ren Xiyang gave him an unimpressed look. “No.” He started to get up.

Rian pouted. “What are you doing?”

“Count Aegean is moving.”

“Do you want to talk with Count Aegean?”

“He might be coming towards us. We still haven’t talked to him about making hover-boats yet.”

Rian sighed and got up. “Very well.” As Ren Xiyang’s lover, he had to support his lover’s dreams of making money. It was a sweet burden to have.



The return trip was smooth.

The Sedaverian ships landed at the main port of the Blewitt fief, rather than the Aegean fief. They took a different route back to the Capital, passing by many fields full of maturing, bountiful crops. They met with nobles, farmers, and various branches of the Royal Healers’ Association. They arrived in time at one fief to be present at the opening of the local healers’ association new public hospital and clinic.

In what felt like a blink of an eye, they were on the final stretch towards the Capital.

After lunch, Count Aegean rested, while Rian entered Ren Xiyang’s carriage carrying several notebooks. It was time for one last planning session.

“I’ve made an agenda,” Rian said.

“I’ve also made an agenda,” Ren Xiyang said.

“You first, dear.”

“No, you first, your Highness.”

Ren Xiyang simply plucked Rian’s notebook out of his hand to check his agenda. “We have the same main remaining item.”

Rian smirked. “Maybe we don’t need those telepathy spells.”

Ren Xiyang didn’t bother to counter him. In fact, they had had several planning meetings already on the trip back, talking about different matters including how to deal with King Edric and Queen Mira, their future life together at the Imperial Magical Academy, the possible purpose of Prince Pollux’s year-long visit, various initiatives, and various products.

After talking about all of them, there was really just one major matter left to debrief upon. And they had both delayed talking about it, in order to wait and see how the situation in Angio progressed.

The underground tower had been discovered, the coup had been enacted, and the new queen had been crowned.

At this point, Queen Aurelia had been ruling for almost a month, which gave Ren Xiyang and Rian some understanding on how the rest of her rule may progress.

“Viscountess Venenum has managed to capture all the key persons involved in the plague-curse from my first life,” Rian said. “As far as my agents could tell, Queen Aurelia is not picking up the plague-curse development work, either.”

“Florence told me that Queen Aurelia contacted her regarding agricultural development,” Ren Xiyang said. “Queen Aurelia seems much more reasonable.”

“Of course, we cannot preclude the possibility that someone else would eventually make a plague or curse, or that a natural disease breaks out,” Rian said.

“Your Royal Healers’ Association is very good.”

“Why thank you, Earl Rosewood. We’ve done or are doing everything we promised to do, at the very beginning.” Rian closed his notebook. “We’ve achieved so much, and we haven’t even attended school yet. All in all, rather anticlimactic.”

“We have two more years before the main story even starts,” Ren Xiyang said. He paused. “Wait, we forgot about Cassiopeia,” he realised.

Rian narrowed his eyes. “We didn’t need her and don’t need her.”

“If we have the opportunity, we should talk to her,” Ren Xiyang said. “—As part of a series of meeting with all the different kids in the association for future leaders.”

Rian lowered his hackles. “Very well.” He leaned in close. “Now that we’ve gotten all of that work out of the way, what should we do now?” he said suggestively.

“I have work, you have work, and we both have school,” Ren Xiyang deadpanned. “If it weren’t for you, I would only have work.”

Rian massaged one of Ren Xiyang’s shoulders. “As a young mage, you are expected to attend the academy.”

Ren Xiyang sighed. “I know.” He himself would be one of the strongest proponents for education, with compulsory education in his grand plan. And he knew that from the outside, others saw him as a young mage in need of education. That didn’t stop him from being annoyed, though. Maybe there would be some classes that weren’t a waste of his time. That was yet to be seen, though.



The convoy stopped outside the Capital. Everyone neatened up and certain persons returned to their proper carriage. The guards in front announced their return as they entered the Capital.

The streets were once again full of people out to watch the procession and catch a glimpse of the smiling and waving Crown Prince Rian.

The procession reached the Palace, where King Edric and Queen Mira welcomed everyone back, thanked the convoy members for their hard work, and invited them for dinner later. Prince Alexius was also there, eyes bright as he saw Earl Rosewood again.

As the convoy began to scatter, King Edric gave Rian a pointed look. “Son, let’s talk.”

“Right now, Imperial Father?” Rian said sweetly.


Rian nodded obediently and followed his Imperial Father to his office.


“Yes, Imperial Father.”

Rian sat down by his Imperial Father’s imposing desk. It was not often that he met with his father without his mother. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

King Edric felt as though Rian had changed, more than he expected, since he made him Crown Prince. Rian had become taller, happier, more confident, and more charismatic.

He had also started to suspect Rian.

He was starting to wonder whether Rian had planned everything—from the trip to Angio, to the duel, to their coup—from the very beginning.

King Edric was not innocent in the escalation of turmoil in Angio after the duel and in the lead-up to their coup. His secret agents help spread and boost various rumours to increase unrest. He had purposefully made it harder for King Augustus to get his magic back by setting the handover of contract and gold at the border. He had also secretly, in a round-about way, funded various persons in Angio.

But King Edric wouldn’t have done all this if it weren’t for Rian’s first actions.

Rian’s magical contract had been able to suppress King Augustus’s magic.

Rian made big splashes with his new magical products and kingdom-wide initiatives. But he had quietly developed magical contracts to this extent. A simple looking piece of contract paper hid layers and layers of magical complexity and understated the magical strength and finesse of their creator. With the use of blood magic, King Augustus’s own magic had fuelled the contract’s power and suppression.

Rian had planned to duel with King Augustus.

Rian had planned to make King Augustus sign that contract.

Rian had planned the Angian coup.

And Rian was his son, the person that he had personally bestowed the title of Crown Prince.

It was understood that, barring any mishaps, Rian would eventually take the throne.

But could Rian’s actions in Angio imply that Rian was impatient? If King Edric didn’t step down ‘early enough’, would Rian use his experience in Angio to enact a coup in Sedaveria?

With Rian’s current trajectory, King Edric had no doubt that Rian’s methods would be even better in ten years’ time.

“How was your journey? Are you satisfied with the trip?” King Edric asked.

“Very satisfied,” Rian said with a pleased smile. “I’m satisfied with my both my visits to the various eastern fiefs, and with my stay in the Hraun Nation. I was able to meet with numerous people and develop or strengthen connections. I also invited Prince Haldor of Hraun to come visit, I hope he takes it up.”

A jaded person would see Rian’s actions as building a faction. King Edric proceeded to ask him about his various projects and initiatives. Rian answered easily, describing the current progress and near-future plans for the Royal Healers’ Association and the Royal Agricultural Development and Food Security Program. He also told King Edric about new possible product collaborations with Count Aegean and others.

“—By improving agricultural practices, the people will feel safer and secure. By developing these new products, we can hire more people who can earn more money, which can then be spent, enriching others. This is good, right, Imperial Father?”

“It is admirable.”

Rian smiled brilliantly. “Thank you, Imperial Father!” His smile faded as he put on a tentative expression. “Imperial Father, may I ask you a question now?”

“You may.”

“Has Imperial Mother told you about my law-change proposals yet? Do you agree to endorse them?”

“Your Mother has mentioned them to me. As I understand it, you had some good points, and she is currently revising it to make it suitable for presentation in front of the Imperial Council.”

“Is that so…Imperial Father, allow me to retrieve something, it’ll take less than half a minute.”


Rian walked up over to the door and opened it. He chatted with his Royal Guards who were standing outside, and they handed over a set of papers.

King Edric: “…” Rian had anticipated this.

Rian handed the papers over to King Edric. “Imperial Father, this is a copy of my original proposal. With this proposal, I hope to improve the happiness of the people and to improve protections among the vulnerable….”

—A few minutes later, King Edric was suppressing a frown as he skimmed over the proposal. He could understand why Queen Mira wanted to modify it. The Rosewood fief had set a precedent with these laws, but changing the laws within one fief was not the same as changing the laws of an entire country.

“I’ll read this thoroughly later,” King Edric said.

Rian bowed. “Thank you, Imperial Father. It’s my life’s work to improve the country and I believe this is a crucial step, however small it may be. Now that Queen Aurelia is on the Angian throne, we cannot slow down our progress and improvement. I found her to be smart, hardworking, and responsible for her people.”

King Edric’s eyes deepened. Rian wanted to improve the country. And if certain people were in his way, he’ll deal with matters one way or another.

Rian smiled. “May I be dismissed?”

“You may.”

After Rian left, the air around King Edric became depressed. He rubbed his temples, feeling a proverbial headache coming on.

Little did he know that he was hardly the first person to feel this way about Prince Rian.



After Rian was led away by King Edric, Queen Mira flagged over Earl Rosewood. “Earl Rosewood, are you free at this moment?”

Prince Alexius suppressed his dissatisfaction. He was talking with Earl Rosewood first!

“Your Majesty, I’m available,” Earl Rosewood said.

“Then come with me.”

Earl Rosewood patted Prince Alexius on the head. “We’ll continue after I’m done.”

“Okay,” Alexius smiled sweetly. It looked a lot like Rian’s innocent smile.

Queen Mira: “…” When was the last time she patted Alexius on the head? When she did that, Alexius told her that he was too old for that anymore!

Queen Mira pushed aside Alexius’s clear favouritism for the moment and took Earl Rosewood to her office.

“Earl Rosewood, how was the journey? Did you encounter any troubles along the way?” Queen Mira asked.

“The journey was smooth, Your Majesty.”

In reality, Queen Mira had received regular reports on the convoy’s travel to Sedaveria. She knew that the trip had gone smoothly. She also knew that Rian spent a lot of time with Earl Rosewood, and that Rian wrangled a cooking duel which he called a ‘contest.’

“How did you find the Hraun Nation?”

“The Hraun Nation was good. I learnt a lot of this trip.”

Queen Mira continued to ask numerous questions, about different activities that Earl Rosewood did on the trip, and then about the projects and initiatives that Earl Rosewood was supposedly working on with Rian.

Earl Rosewood answered everything without much fluctuation in his demeanour. Queen Mira had to admit that Earl Rosewood really did work with Rian and was an important player in the development of the Royal Healers’ Association and the new Royal Agricultural Development and Food Security Program, not to mention the various products that they made together and sold. At this point, Queen Mira didn’t need to provide Rian with a monthly stipend: Rian earned that and much more himself. All because of Earl Rosewood.

“—Good. I’ll let you go now,” Queen Mira finally said. “I understand you’ll be returning to the Rosewood fief before the start of the academy.”

Earl Rosewood nodded. “Thank you. Yes, that’s my plan.” He stood up, bowed, and left.

Queen Mira felt tired.

If it weren’t for Earl Rosewood’s highly suspect background. If it weren’t for Earl Rosewood’s gender.

She had accepted Earl Rosewood as Rian’s good friend. But she still couldn’t accept him as Rian’s paramour.

Queen Mira called in one of her ladies-in-waiting. “Find Prince Rian for me and bring him to my office.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”







Since the problems of the original story are solved, I should end this story here, right? Right?

Joking, joking 😆

I’m also looking forward to some academy antics 🤭🤭🤭🤭


Question: What scenes would you like to see before the story ends? What do you think needs to be resolved?

Answer in the comments below!



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