These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 160: Teachers: Why do I have a sinking feeling of trouble ahead?

“Come, let’s see your bedroom first.” Rian opened the door on the left, revealing a bedroom that was furnished similarly to Ren Xiyang’s bedroom at the Rosewood manor. He pulled Ren Xiyang to the wardrobe, and then to the bathroom.  “Look, I’ve also prepared your wardrobe. You’ll look very scholarly in these. And this is your bathroom. I had them replace the bath with a Rosewood-style shower.”

“Thanks. What about your bedroom?”

Rian smirked. “Oh, interested?”

“I know you want to show me,” Ren Xiyang said blandly.

Rian wrapped an arm around Ren Xiyang’s waist and led him to his bedroom.

Rian’s bedroom was arranged similarly to his bedroom at the Imperial Palace—it was opulent, with almost everything gilt with gold. His bed was larger than Ren Xiyang’s, with four posts and lace curtains. The mattress was thick and soft, pale cream in colour. In the bathroom, there was a very large bathtub that could fit at least two grown men.

Ren Xiyang knew what his little darling lover was planning for the future.

“Now, enough about my bedroom for now,” Rian said. “I also have something else to you show you.”

As they headed out of Rian’s bedroom, Rian glanced at the windows. The more Rian thought about it, the more mischievous he felt. Perhaps he could blame such urges on his 15-year-old body. He strode to the main windows and opened them. “It’ll be faster if we go through the window. Let’s go.”

Ren Xiyang suppressed his mixture of amusement and exasperation and jumped out of the window with Rian. They both landed and continued on foot.

“The Imperial Magical Academy has been around even longer than the Azure family have been in power,” Rian said as they walked. “That mage tower was the first one constructed. It’s still being used today to conduct research. Now, over there, there are training grounds and duelling grounds. We can check them out tomorrow morning…”

Ren Xiyang soon spotted what Rian was leading him to: an array of greenhouses and numerous small divided fields.

Rian hid a smile when he noticed the anticipation in Ren Xiyang’s eyes. “And let me introduce you to your greenhouse and field,” he said. He handed over a key to Ren Xiyang. “You may grow whatever you want.”

Ren Xiyang examined the field first. It was currently empty, and so full of potential. The greenhouse was minimally furnished, and also brimming with potential. Ren Xiyang looked around, eyes bright as he thought of what he could do here, and what he could bring from his greenhouses in the Rosewood fief. He could continue breeding different various of grains and fruits. He could grow his own herbs and chilli…

Rian quietly followed. He mentally patted himself on the back—he did well!!

Ren Xiyang finally turned round to look at Rian again. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I also have a gardener on standby to assist you,” he said.

“Oh? I could get a Rosewood gardener—”

“I’m the gardener,” Rian said.


“Why do you sound so disappointed?” Rian’s grabby hands reached out.

“Oh, nothing,” Ren Xiyang said. He jumped back.

“Hey, stand still so that I can tickle you!”

Ren Xiyang darted outside, lest his precious new greenhouse was damaged. Rian chased him out. The two raced across the fields and flew over the buildings.

“Wait, did you see what I just saw?”

“A bird?”

“Ah! That’s His Highness and Ayden!!”

“Wow, I want to be able to fly too…”

“Dream on!”

“Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood? Hmpf, I’ll reserve judgement for now.”

Aside from the students and teachers, some of Rian’s Royal Guards who were stationed at key entrances around the Imperial Magical Academy also spotted them.

Royal Guards: “…” Oh, their Prince must have jumped out the window again.

Rian smiled at them and made one final lunge for Ren Xiyang, who had stopped. The two of them descended to the ground again.

A few Royal Guards accompanied them back to the dormitory building.

The Royal Guards who had been diligently standing guard in front of their quarters: “…” Oh, their Prince must have jumped out the window again.

Back inside, Ren Xiyang and Rian looked at each other.

Rian snickered. “That was fun, we should do that again.”

“Not in my greenhouse we don’t,” Ren Xiyang chided.

“Of course, my dear. Now, we have two hours left before the dinner. What should we do…” Rian sat down on the sofa, propping on arm along the top.

Ren Xiyang took out his notebook and sat down next to Rian. “I completed Prince Pollux’s first healing session and made some notes. I was hoping you could help me. I can give you half of my session fee—five gold coins.”

“Keep it,” Rian said airily. “My gold is your gold, anyway. How can I help you?” He leaned in.

“The damage is intensive, but I was hoping that some parts could be corrected using known healing spells,” Ren Xiyang said. “I was thinking that Cassiopeia might be able to help, she should be capable of direct-magic manipulation, or she might even—”

“No,” Rian huffed. “She doesn’t get to work with you.”

“She’d be healing Prince Pollux, not me,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian pressed his lips together. “If she can do it, so can I.”

“I know, but you’re busy and you’re expensive,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian made a face. It was true.

“I also want to prioritise what needs to be healed. I’ve started healing the nerve function in Prince Pollux’s groin, but that’s obviously not related to walking—”

Ren Xiyang, you did what?!

Ren Xiyang gave Rian a look. “He wasn’t aroused.”

Rian snorted.

Ren Xiyang patted the grumpy prince on the head. “I love you the most.” He suppressed his amusement at Rian’s immediate smug expression. He had been blatantly fishing for those words. “Now, these are my notes. Evidence of injury to spinal column, spinal cord, the nerves here, here, down to here. Muscles also showed sign of injury and less-than-optimal healing. Even if they are still functional, Prince Pollux should need some physical rehabilitation.”

Rian became serious as he assessed Ren Xiyang’s diagrams and notes. He snuggled in close to Ren Xiyang as dozens of different healing spells ran through his mind. He considered which ones could be suitable. “I believe that…”



They didn’t spend the entirety of their afternoon on Pollux’s healing plan. Half an hour before the dinner, Rian made them both change into their prepared dinner outfits. They then headed to the foyer of the dining hall to meet and chat with the other students before they had to sit down.

When they arrived, numerous students were already in the foyer, waiting.

Rian had put on his royal regalia, with a white-and-gold military jacket, with a deep blue cape. His long white hair flowed artfully over his shoulders and down his back. Among the other children, he looked very mature.

The hearts of more than one student skipped a beat when they saw him. Unsurprisingly, Prince Rian was much more desirable than the other stinky boys their age!

In order to match him, Rian had had the tailors design an updated version of the Rosewood formal outfit for Ren Xiyang.

The Imperial tailors, who were meant to only make clothes for the Imperial family, had long become accustomed to this nontraditional situation.

Ren Xiyang’s jacket was black, with military-inspired accents in gold. He had a similar dark red cape over his shoulder, with the Rosewood emblem in gold on the back. His long, smooth black hair was pulled back in a gold hairpiece. His cold expression made him look unapproachable to the unfamiliar; but to some of the children familiar with him, it made them want to talk to him and be gifted with one of his smiles.

There were approximately 50 new first year students this year. Ren Xiyang knew many of them—they were part of the association of future leaders. Rian knew most of them—he knew all the nobles, and most of commoner mages too (even if they didn’t know him personally yet). However, there were several new students that even Rian didn’t know yet.

Most commoner mages were found early—a baby with bright pink eyes and bright pink hair stood out from the other babies. But fire, earth, shadow, and metal mages could more often have duller coloured reddish, brown or black hair and eyes and it wasn’t so obvious. Since Rian’s power and influence had spread, more mages had more interactions with commoners. Because of this, more commoners with magic had been discovered. Most of the new students that Rian didn’t know were adults.

Rian nodded at the familiar children, and then walked straight up to someone unfamiliar. Ren Xiyang tagged along.

“Hello, we’ve never met. I’m Rian Azure, and this is Ayden Rosewood. What’s your name?” Rian greeted, holding his hand out to shake.

The woman who Rian had approached paled. She glanced at Prince Rian’s hand and then dropped into an awkward curtsy. “Long live Your Highness, long live Earl Rosewood.”

Rian pulled his hand back. “Please, rise, madam. Your name?”

“Please, Your Highness, you may call me Irmina Keller.”

“And what’s your element, Ms Keller?”

“Your Highness, my element is earth.”

Somehow, Rian ended up asking her which fief she was from, the number of family members she had, her previous job, and even her hobbies.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Irmina,” Rian said with a little smile. “If you ever have a problem—or a product idea—don’t hesitate to speak to me or Ayden.”

Ren Xiyang nodded in agreement.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

In this manner, Rian met five more new students, obtaining their brief background details, hobbies, and strengths, and learning a little about their personality. With this information, Rian could start thinking about whether he wanted them in his faction, and if so, how to fold them into his association of future leaders or his various projects.

After all, his reason for attending the Imperial Magical Academy was to network.

Presently, the doors to the dining hall opened and everyone headed inside. There were three long tables set up inside, two in parallel and one perpendicular to them on a raised dais.

“Students, those in class A, please sit at the table on the left. Students in class B, please sit at the table on the right,” the academy staff at the door said.

Rian and Ren Xiyang were both in class A, so they headed to the table on the left.

Other class A students tried not to appear hurried as they took the seats closest to either Prince Rian or Earl Rosewood.

“Ayden, Ayden, what class are you looking forward to?” one of the children (teenagers) next to Ren Xiyang asked.

“Is there a farming class?”

The innocent child grimaced. “No…”

“What class are you looking forward to?”

“Spell making,” the child replied right away.

“Oh, when you become good, don’t forget to think about me if you want to make a product,” Ren Xiyang said.

The child grinned foolishly. “Yes, Ayden!”

The other children were jealous, and they immediately told Ayden what they were looking forward to and what they wanted to be good at.

Rian shifted his leg under the table, brushing the side of his shoe against Ren Xiyang’s shoe. This won him Ren Xiyang’s glance.

“Well, I’m looking forward to duelling practice,” Rian said. He looked at the children around them. “Are any of you ready to duel against me or Ayden?”

There was a range of expressions in response. Some were embarrassed, some seemed horrified about the idea, and some were trying to be sneaky and suppress their eagerness.

Those at the other end of the table, or on the other table, couldn’t participate in the sphere of attention around Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood.

It’s not bad to sit here, it would be too much to sit next to them for the entire dinner, some thought.

Others felt regret and jealousy—they wanted Prince Rian’s and Ayden’s attention!

And there were others who felt cynical. Oh, it was Prince Rian and his little sycophant again.

“Students, please welcome the Dean of the Academy, Lord Palatinate!”

The students quietened as the Dean, vice Dean, and the other teachers were announced and took their seats at the front table.

The students looked at the teachers. The noble children with older siblings already knew which teachers would be good and which teachers should be avoided if possible.

The teachers looked back at the students. Particular attention was being paid to Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood. The two students who had been flying around the grounds earlier today.

Once all the teachers were seated, the Dean of the Academy stood up.

“Welcome, everyone, to the Imperial Magical Academy of Sedaveria,” Dean Palatinate greeted. “Here, you will learn what every mage before you has learned, about magic, about yourself, and about others. But I will tell you about this and more tomorrow. Tonight is a relaxed dinner. I hope that you will all befriend your fellow classmates. You will be studying together for the next three years, and your fellow classmates will be integral to your success. Enjoy your meal.”

The students clapped politely. The Dean nodded to them and sat down. On cue, servers appeared, carrying out the first course.

For a few minutes, there was only the sound of cutlery on plates. Then, Rian broke the silence, as he leaned into Ren Xiyang to say—

“—Don’t worry, the Academy kitchen staff will bring out a small dish with chilli oil for you as part of the main course.”

Ren Xiyang glanced at him. “I can spend a meal without consuming chilli,” he said. “However, I brought a small tin of dried chilli just in case.” He pulled the tin out to show Rian, and then showed the interested children sitting next to him.

Dean and teachers in earshot: “…”

“My father would never allow that,” one of the children said.

“But this isn’t your father’s dinner table,” Ren Xiyang said, putting the small tin of chilli away.

“You’re right…”

On the other table, someone said, “Hello, my name is Lady Mabel Sarcoline. What’s yours?”

And with that, conversation sprung up around the hall.



The dinner ended at a reasonable time, given that classes started the next day. Rian and Ren Xiyang headed back to their quarters.

“Your Highness, your bath and accompaniments have been prepared,” Rian’s servant said.

“You may leave, Earl Rosewood will assist,” Rian said.

“Yes, Your Highness.” The manservant closed the door behind him as he left.

Rian’s privacy spell spread across their quarters. He turned to Ren Xiyang, absently licking his lips. “So, will Earl Rosewood assist me with my bath tonight?”

Ren Xiyang played along. “I have to, don’t I?”


Rian entwined their fingers and pulled Ren Xiyang to his bedroom.





Rian’s manservant: I’ve appeared a few times now. Do I get a back story? Do I at least get a name?

Author: ( ̄▽ ̄||)

Rian’s manservant: …




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