These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 161: Ready? ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

Rating: explicit



The bathroom door was open, revealing the large bathtub filled with steaming hot water. A small trolley next to the bath contained several items, including soaps and towels.

Ren Xiyang helped Rian disrobe first—as a prince, Rian was still too accustomed to having someone help him with all his pieces of clothing. His necklace with the two rings was placed on a special dish.

Rian entered the bath.

Then, while Rian watched intently, Ren Xiyang disrobed and entered the bathtub too.

Rian turned so that his back was facing Ren Xiyang. “Wash my hair for me?”


Rian tilted his head back cooperatively, allowing Ren Xiyang’s fingers to wet his hair and massage through the shampoo. His scalp tingled, sending the sensations downwards.

Rian was aroused. Anyone looking down through the water would see his dick slowly stiffening.

But for now, he acted obedient, letting Ren Xiyang help him bathe. In turn, he helped Ren Xiyang wash his hair, though Ren Xiyang liked cleaning the rest of his body by himself.

Rian sat back in the bath, pulling his knees up and resting his arms on his knees, and watched. His eyelids lowered, partially hiding the deep look in his eyes.

He understood Xiyang well.

Although his Xiyang was very good at adapting to sudden situations, like when Rian pulled him out to fly to the Terra fief overnight to stop the bandits, Ren Xiyang ultimately liked plans and disliked surprises. He preferred knowing what was going to happen and what to expect.

He also knew how to get Ren Xiyang used to things.

See how Ren Xiyang ignored him while Rian was gazing intensely at him.

The paired living quarters here at the Academy, the greenhouse, and planting land were not complete surprises—he had mentioned them previously. And he had also mentioned the matter of having sex, penetrative sex, anal sex, a few weeks ago.

Even if Ren Xiyang didn’t consciously remember, he would have subconsciously anticipated.

Ren Xiyang stood up when he was done and climbed out of the bath first.

Rian also got out and held his arms out. “Help me dry off,” he said, returning to his spoilt prince persona.

That earned him Ren Xiyang’s deadpan look.


Ren Xiyang wrapped a towel around his waist and retrieved another towel to dry Rian off.

Rian grinned. “Thank you, my dear. Now, go and get ready for bed, and then return to my bedroom, understood?”

There was a knowing look in Ren Xiyang’s eyes. “Understood,” he said drily. “I assume you don’t need my help putting on your night clothes?” He glanced down at Rian’s half-hard dick.

“I don’t,” Rian affirmed.

After Ren Xiyang left his bedroom with the towel around his waist, Rian put on his necklace again and carefully pulled on a pair of loose shorts over his erection. He pushed the bedroom door almost shut and jumped into his preparations.

With a wave of his hand, the bottom drawer of one of the bedside tables opened. Inside, there was a small vial, a small book, and a small bag. Rian pulled back the blankets, opened the bag, and scattered its contents—rose petals—all over the bed and the floor around the bed.

Rian ran a critical eye over his work. He dimmed the lights in the room. He put the empty bag back in the drawer. He left the book there—it was a book of sex spells that he had already thoroughly studied—and placed the vial of lube on the bedside table in easy reach.

At that moment, he remembered his old idea of posing naked with a golden hoe in order to attract Ren Xiyang’s interest. Oh, how naïve he had been!

Now, he sat down on the soft chair next to the bed in wait. He crossed his legs to emphasise their length, and leaned back in the chair, so that his chest and abdominal muscles would be seen clearly the moment Ren Xiyang come in again.

He had seen Ren Xiyang’s interest in these parts of him; he was merely being a considerate lover.

Not long later, Ren Xiyang pushed the door open. He was now dressed in a pair of shorts and loose shirt.

Ren Xiyang’s gaze jumped from Rian to the rose-petal-covered bed, speechless.

Rian stood up and approached Ren Xiyang. With a touch of his magic, the door closed. “Xiyang, come to bed,” he said seductively. “I’ve missed you. Sometimes, looking at your face through a mirror makes my heart ache even more, knowing that I can’t touch you.”

“Okay.” Ren Xiyang’s voice and expression seemed calm, but Rian could sense the sudden increase in his heart rate.

Rian pressed his hand against Ren Xiyang’s back, guiding him onto the bed. Ren Xiyang lay down on his bed, his black hair contrasting against the pale pillows and red roses.

Rian’s heart started to pound.

The increased blood flow wasn’t a bad thing. He caught Ren Xiyang’s gaze going downwards.

“So,” Ren Xiyang started.

Rian climbed into bed, his legs on either side of Ren Xiyang’s legs, his arms on either side of Ren Xiyang’s head. His long white hair cascaded down one side, forming a pale curtain. This way, he caged Ren Xiyang in.

“For tonight, I want you to just relax. I’ll do everything.”

Ren Xiyang raised an eyebrow. “So, you don’t want me to use any of my magic?”

Rian gritted his teeth. “No, no, I won’t need it.”

“And who’s topping?”

“I will.”

As Rian expected, there wasn’t any surprise in Ren Xiyang’s eyes.

“Any more questions, my Lord?” Rian asked.

“None for now, Your Highness,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian’s lips curved up briefly, before he became serious again.

They looked at each other in silence.

Rian noticed the slight redness crawling up Ren Xiyang’s neck. He hid his smile by leaning down to nibble Xiyang’s ear. “Xiyang, I love you,” he murmured, his voice low and husky.

A shiver went through Ren Xiyang’s body. His stomach fluttered with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. “I love you too,” he said quietly.

Those words pulled at Rian’s chest. He kissed Ren Xiyang’s ear, his cheek, his lips.

Ren Xiyang’s lips parted. Rian’s tongue immediately entered, deepening the kiss. Ambiguous sounds filled the room, from the slickness of lips and the panting breaths, to the rustle of bedding as Rian rubbed himself against Ren Xiyang.


Rian broke the kiss and moved down Ren Xiyang’s body. His teeth lightly grazed the sensitive spot on Ren Xiyang’s neck. His lips brushed lightly over Ren Xiyang’s adam’s apple. Then, he bit down on Ren Xiyang’s nape.

Ren Xiyang sucked in a breath.

Rian followed the bite with a soothing kiss before he continued downwards. His hands rubbed Ren Xiyang’s chest through his shirt at first. Ren Xiyang arched his body, cooperating as Rian pushed his shirt up.

Rian’s hands trailed up Ren Xiyang’s sides, feeling the firm muscle underneath. His magic lightly penetrated, meeting Ren Xiyang’s magic. His fingers pinched Xiyang’s nipples—though not for too long. The nipples hardened as Rian blew cool air over them. He leaned down and sucked lightly, while his hand reached down and slipped into Ren Xiyang’s shorts. A few expert tugs made Ren Xiyang’s breath hitch.


Rian didn’t stop masturbating Ren Xiyang. “Yes, my love?”

“Why don’t I top first?”

Rian huffed. “Be patient,” he admonished. He leaned down and bit Ren Xiyang’s nape in grievance.

Ren Xiyang patted him on the head.

Huffing, Rian leaned back and pulled off their shorts. But he would not be hurried. Tonight was their first time together like this. There would be no second first-time.

Rian domineeringly pushed Ren Xiyang’s legs apart and rested between them. His hands stroked the smooth skin of Ren Xiyang’s thighs. Magic tingled in his hands, approaching Ren Xiyang’s groin, before teasingly pulling back.

Ren Xiyang’s eyes darkened.

“Fingers first,” Rian said. He took the vial of lube and slicked his fingers. His fingers touched Ren Xiyang’s perineum…and then traced their way up his testicles and to his penis.

He did that a few times, teasing Ren Xiyang until his eyes became so dark it looked like he would strike him in the next moment. Then, his fingers started to firmly press against Ren Xiyang’s perineum.

He hardened as he felt Ren Xiyang’s hole flutter under his ministrations. He pressed a little harder, almost going inside.


Ren Xiyang’s eyelids lowered. Nervousness mixed in his stomach, but the way Rian was doing it made Ren Xiyang want more. Damn sneaky little Rian. “More.”

Rian’s magic entered him first. Ren Xiyang’s hole reflexively tightened as the protection spell settled in. Then, Rian’s fingers rubbed around the area, as though soothing Ren Xiyang.

It only made Ren Xiyang want more.

Rian lined his finger and then looked up.

Rian’s finger—a little cool—slowly pressed inside.

Ren Xiyang’s mouth unconsciously parted, as his hands clenched the sheets beneath him. It felt unfamiliar, but not painful. A red flush was slowly spreading across his body.

Rian pressed in deeper and watched as a slight frown formed and eased on Ren Xiyang’s forehead.

Xiyang’s inside was soft and warm and tight.

Rian swallowed. He wanted to be in so badly. He started to curl his finger inside, thrusting in and out a little, feeling the silky inner surface. He soon found it: Ren Xiyang’s little prostate, modelled from his own.

Rian started to rub that little area inside Ren Xiyang’s channel, slowly increasing the pressure.

Ngn—” A restrained moan escaped Ren Xiyang’s lips.

Rian pushed in a second finger, stretching that tight hole. “Fuck…” he breathed. His fingers were inside Yangyang. Fuck, he could imagine his cock entering that space, and how good it would feel. “Yangyang, why do I love you so much…”

The flush crept up Ren Xiyang’s neck. “Mm.”

Rian pulled his fingers out and started to lube up his own dick.

Ren Xiyang’s gaze went downwards. His legs opened up further, hooking across Rian’s arms. Anticipation bubbled in his stomach.

Rian rubbed the head of his penis against Ren Xiyang’s hole. It tightened and opened again.

Rian’s eyes flickered up.

Seeing Ren Xiyang sprawled out on the bed so vulnerable, eyes open and watching him, made Rian harden more. It made him want Ren Xiyang more. He wanted to occupy the part of Ren Xiyang that no one had ever occupied before—and that no one else ever will.


“Go,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian leaned forward, pressing the tip of his penis against that small hole. It slowly opened up, stretching and stretching, until the head of his penis popped inside. Rian gasped as Ren Xiyang’s hole suddenly tightened.

Ren Xiyang exhaled and tilted his hips up.

It was tight, and yet, Rian’s penis slid further, his hips pushing in all the way, as deep as he could go. It was hot and slick and tight, so tight, and he could feel the most intimate of Ren Xiyang’s magic surrounding him inside.

“Nngggnnn! Fuck, Yangyang,” Rian gasped.

Ren Xiyang sucked in a breath. He squeezed down on the sudden fullness in his body, on the feeling of Rian reaching deep inside of him.

A moan slipped from Rian’s mouth. His lower body moved, trying to go deeper. He had to pull back, though, before he could push back in. With every pull and push, Ren Xiyang’s hole gripped him, squeezed him, as though he wanted to squeeze out all of his come.

Rian barely gathered his senses again. He had to make this good for Xiyang! He pushed aside the urge to melt and started to thrust accurately.

Ren Xiyang gasped, his body arching as his prostate was hit.

Rian’s penis went in and out, in and out, keeping Ren Xiyang’s hole stretched. The slick lube and come squelched obscenely as flesh slapped against flesh.

The loudest sound in the room was the sound of Rian’s hips thrusting against Ren Xiyang’s; second was the sound of Rian’s heavy breathing and exertion. Ren Xiyang wasn’t one to moan loudly.

But Rian was accustomed to that. It was the small details with Ren Xiyang. Every time he noticed something little, Rian had a little thrill of pleasure.

The lift of Ren Xiyang’s lips, the spark of interest in his eyes; and now, the lowed eyelids, the blown pupils in his eyes, the flush of his cheeks, the precome pearling at the tip of his penis, his fingers clenching, and the slight shiver and aborted breathing whenever Rian hit just the right spot.

“I love you so much,” Rian said.

Ren Xiyang’s gaze jumped up to his face. “I love you too.” He raised his arms out.

Rian obliged, leaning down to give Ren Xiyang a kiss.

Ren Xiyang’s lips parted for Rian’s tongue.

Rian’s hips continued to move, his dick penetrating Ren Xiyang from below, while his tongue penetrated Ren Xiyang’s mouth from above. He bit down on Ren Xiyang’s lip before pulling back.

Ren Xiyang’s eyes were dark, his lips shiny and red from kissing.

The air felt hot and steamy. The lights were dim, with the room around them dark. Their focus was solely on each other.

Rian’s heart swelled. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

Rian leaned over and kissed Ren Xiyang again. Ren Xiyang was all his, Ren Xiyang was all his, Ren Xiyang was all his! Rian’s kisses became increasingly sloppy as his thrusts became faster and faster. Eventually, he had to straighten and focus on fucking Ren Xiyang.

“Damn it, why do you feel so good? This is your first time, right? I’m your own first, I’m your only time—” Words of possessiveness flowed out of Rian’s mouth, he was only half-conscious of them.

There was a slight edge of a moan on Ren Xiyang’s exhales. His heart fluttered ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump. He felt like he was being soaked in Rian’s love and attention. Whenever Rian pulled out, he could feel a distinct emptiness. Whenever he pushed back in, sparks of pleasure flowed through him.


Ren Xiyang’s word was Rian’s command. Rian went faster and harder and deeper.

Arousal and pleasure spun through both Rian’s and Ren Xiyang’s bodies as they connected intimately.


Red eyes met blue eyes.


“Are you close?” Rian reached down and roughly tugged at Ren Xiyang’s dick. “Are you close?”

Ren Xiyang’s mouth parted. “I love you.”

Ugh—” Rian tripped over the precipice of pleasure. Unable to help himself, Rian thrust as deep as possible and came inside Ren Xiyang. “Yang…!” On instinct, his hand twisted and tugged at Ren Xiyang’s penis, and he kept thrusting against Ren Xiyang’s prostate.

Ren Xiyang was overwhelmed, he could feel Rian’s come inside of him.

It was too much. The waves of pleasure from Rian’s cock and Rian’s hand merged together in crescendo and come spurted out of his cock onto his stomach as the sensations overcame him.





Sorry if you expected classes at the academy right away!




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