These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 162: Xiyang, Xiyang

Rating: explicit



Rian’s muscles went weak. He collapsed down into Ren Xiyang’s waiting arms.

Heavy breathing filled the room as they came down from their high. When Rian had a bit more energy, he regretfully pulled out. A bit of his come leaked out too.

He rolled off Ren Xiyang and propped himself up on one arm, while his other hand stroked Ren Xiyang’s stomach, his fingers swiping through Xiyang’s come—come that was only possible due to Rian, in every meaning. His chest swelled with love and possessiveness. “So, how did I go?”

Ren Xiyang gave him a deadpan look. “You did fine.”

Rian pouted. “Just fine?”

“It was the best I’ve ever had.”

“…I’m your first.”

“Hm.” Ren Xiyang’s lips curled up.

Rian’s pout deepened when he realised that Ren Xiyang was just teasing him. Tch, who did he learn to do that from? “Tell me the truth!”

In a sudden movement, Rian was pressed back into the bed, and Ren Xiyang was leaning over him.

“Do you want to know how it felt?” Ren Xiyang said mildly.

Blood rushed through Rian’s body at the provocation. He pushed Ren Xiyang over and rolled on top again. “Can you beat me?”

Ren Xiyang reversed their positions again. “Or maybe I should find someone else to try out how being on top feels like. How about—”

“I won’t let you,” Rian said, on top once more.

Ren Xiyang relaxed. “If you don’t want to, then I won’t push it.”

Rian huffed. “Are you going to give up, just like that?”

Ren Xiyang raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so you like this kind of foreplay too?”

Rian rested his forehead on Ren Xiyang’s forehead. “Read my mind, dear lover.” He liked seeing Ren Xiyang riled up.

Ba-dump! Rian’s heart thumped with excitement when he was pushed back onto the bed by an invisible force.

Ren Xiyang straddled him. He pulled off his own shirt and used it to tie Rian’s hands together. He pushed Rian’s hands to rest on the pillow above his head.

“Is that all you’ve got, Earl Rosewood?”

“Patience,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian made a face at the sound of his words being used against him.

Ren Xiyang pushed Rian’s legs apart and settled between them. He placed a pillow under Rian’s hips.

Rian felt exposed. His penis stiffened.

“What’s the protection spell?” Ren Xiyang asked.

“I’ll do it,” Rian said generously. The magic settled inside his channel.

“Thanks.” Ren Xiyang picked up the vial of lube and coated a few fingers.

Rian expected Ren Xiyang’s fingers to go into his anus right away. But instead, Ren Xiyang bent down and sucked his dick.

Mmm…” Rian unconsciously relaxed. He was familiar with Ren Xiyang’s tongue and the inside of Ren Xiyang’s mouth and throat.

Then, in the middle of sucking, Ren Xiyang’s first finger entered and accurately found Rian’s prostate. He pressed down and released a bit of magic at the same time.

Nggnn!!” The triage of sensation made Rian moan. Fuck, so it could be done like this!

Ren Xiyang’s finger, then two fingers, moved in and out, opening up his hole and stimulating his prostate. With Ren Xiyang also sucking him, Rian had the sudden real fear that he’d orgasm before the main event—

“Xiyang, I’m going come.”

And yet, Ren Xiyang kept sucking, his tongue stroking his sensitive spots, his spare hand massaging his testicles.

“Xiyang!” Rian’s hands were tied back and pressed down with magic; he couldn’t pull Ren Xiyang off. With a groan, he came into Ren Xiyang’s mouth, monetarily seeing white. His chest heaved as he panted. “Haa…haa…Xiyang!”

Only then did Ren Xiyang raise his head. “Now you’re ready.”


Ren Xiyang shuffled closer, stroking his own cock and coating it with extra lube. It was hard in his hand, something that was only possible due to Rian. His gaze softened. “Thank you, Rian.”

“Of course. Wait, for what?” Rian’s skin tingled with the more-intense-than-usual gaze from Ren Xiyang. He wanted Ren Xiyang to look at him like this, all the time.

The spongy tip of Ren Xiyang’s cock pressed against Rian.

Rian’s hole reflexively tightened. And then, Ren Xiyang pushed in.

Ren Xiyang’s cock stretched him out, wider than his fingers. Slowly, inexorably, he pushed in all the way.

Rian squeezed, then relaxed, then squeezed again. His stomach fluttered. It was an unfamiliar sensation, filling him, expanding him.

Ren Xiyang started to thrust. When he pressed against his prostate, Rian’s breath hitched.

“Do you understand how I felt, now?” Ren Xiyang asked.

Rian tightened down with a vengeance.

Ren Xiyang gritted his teeth against his groan of pleasure. His eyes darkened as he started to thrust harder.

As Ren Xiyang’s penis slammed against his prostate, pleasure bloomed inside Rian.



Then, Rian’s mind almost blanked out when Ren Xiyang’s magic penetrated the tip of his penis and entered inside. “Xiyang!

“That feels good, doesn’t it?” Ren Xiyang murmured as he thrust into Rian. His magic filled Rian’s inner channel as he pulled out. That magic pulsed through Rian’s groin when he pushed back in.

Rian’s mind was clouded with pleasure. He couldn’t be like Ren Xiyang, he couldn’t suppress his moans. Every movement sparked pleasure. “Ngnnn, Xiyang, Xiyang…

“I love you, Rian.” Ren Xiyang’s movements became smoother and smoother, faster and faster.

Uggh!” Rian squeezed his eyes shut, the sensations too strong. He didn’t know where to focus…! There was Ren Xiyang’s penis pushing in, pulling out. There were the waves of Ren Xiyang’s magic washing through his body. The was Ren Xiyang’s magic, stimulating its way inside Rian’s penis, blocking his precome from emerging—

“I’m yours, Rian.”

Mnnhh!” Rian felt Ren Xiyang’s magic so deeply inside of him. It filled him up, it twisted and joined with his own magic. He loved Ren Xiyang so much.

It was too good, Ren Xiyang knew him really well too.

Rian’s body arched as his orgasm hit him. The pressure inside his penis suddenly released and his come erupted out. His mind went white, barely registering Ren Xiyang coming inside of him.

It took a while for Rian to recover his senses. By then, he had already been cleaned up; Ren Xiyang putting his shorts back on for him jolted him back to the present.



“Ren Xiyang.”


Rian gritted his teeth and sat up. He wrapped his arms around Ren Xiyang and then bit down on Ren Xiyang’s shoulder with some grievance.

Ren Xiyang huffed lightly and pulled Rian off his shoulder. “Hey.”

“If I had used so much magic, you would have turned to mush too. But I didn’t want to use too much magic on the first time, okay?” he grumbled.

“Turns out that I can’t read your mind,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely develop that telepathy spell for us,” Rian vowed.

“Before then, can you heal me?”

Rian straightened, the aura of a caring and competent lover settling over him. “Of course, dear.”

The two got ready for bed, redressing appropriately, and going under the blankets together. Due to Rian’s grievances, he was the one who hugged Ren Xiyang. He slung his leg over Ren Xiyang’s legs, preventing him from escaping.

“Good night,” Rian said. He hugged Ren Xiyang extra tightly.

Ren Xiyang placed a hand over Rian’s hand around his waist. “Next time, we could both bottom at the same time.”

Rian’s eyes snapped open. “That’s possible?” He immediately imagined an anatomically impossible (?) position.

“Surely you know what a dildo is.”

Rian closed his eyes again and snorted. “I thought you had something more interesting.”

“—And surely you could think up a spell that converts the sensations on that dildo onto your own penis. Imagine topping yourself. Anyway, night.”

Rian: “…”


“Good night. We need sleep to grow.”

Rian had a little nibble of Ren Xiyang’s earlobe to express his emotions before he finally went to sleep.



The next day, Ren Xiyang woke up bright and early. As he extricated himself from Rian’s hold, Rian woke up too.

“Xiyang…” Rian’s eyes remained closed as he reached out for Ren Xiyang.

“We haven’t trained together in a while,” Ren Xiyang said. “Didn’t you say we would check out the duelling fields today?”

Rian’s eyes snapped open; the word ‘duel’ could almost be seen shining from his eyes. “Very well, if we must.”

“Meet you out in the main room,” Ren Xiyang said.

Ren Xiyang went back to his bedroom. He messed up the bed a little before going to the bathroom. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he changed into a set of duelling clothes. When he came out to the main room again, he saw that Rian had put his clothes on, but the buckles, buttons and cords on his clothes had been left undone.

Speaking positively, it made Rian look debauched.

Ren Xiyang came over and tidied up Rian.

“Window?” Rian asked.

Ren Xiyang walked towards the door.

Rian sighed. “Next time,” he said.

There were several Royal Guards and one of Rian’s servants standing outside.

“Good morning, Your Highness. Good morning, Earl Rosewood,” they greeted.

“We’re heading out for duelling practice,” Rian said.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The Royal Guards followed them, while Rian’s servant headed into the quarters to clean up.

Given that it was a magical academy, there were numerous duelling fields. They even had some new-type duelling fields with complex terrains. However, given that it was a magical academy, there were several students who were already there, having gotten up even earlier than Rian and Ren Xiyang.

“Terrain, no magic, weapons practice?” Rian suggested.


The attentive Royal Guards produced the blunted sword and blunted polearm they had been carrying just in case. Rian and Ren Xiyang cast their own shields and headed to one of the rocky terrain duelling fields.

A Royal Guard acted as referee. “Get ready—start!”

Without magic, Rian and Ren Xiyang had to run, jump, and climb to navigate the terrain. Ren Xiyang was at a disadvantage, carrying a long polearm; but he had the reach advantage when he and Rian finally encountered each other on the duelling field.

Clang!! Clangg! Bam!

When they struck the other’s shield, the place where they struck would turn red.

The Royal Guards watched a serious expression. In their hearts though, they were nervous. What if something happened to Prince Rian this time

Several groups of students wandered over to watch. But since neither Prince Rian nor Earl Rosewood were using magic, it wasn’t that interesting.


In a sudden movement, Rian’s sword cracked the wooden staff of Ren Xiyang’s polearm. In a swift manoeuvre, Rian struck the winning blow across Ren Xiyang’s neck.

Ren Xiyang dropped his polearm and raised his hands in surrender. “You win, Your Highness.”

Rian sheathed his sword and held his hand out. “Good game.”

“Good game.” They shook hands.

Rian’s hold lingered. Ren Xiyang pulled back first, his fingers lightly scratching Rian’s palm on the way out.

The two walked off the duelling field together. Rian smiled at the gathered students, idly pushing his long hair back. “Good morning. Did you see anything interesting?”

Cheeks blushed under Prince Rian’s gaze and smile. “That was amazing, Your Highness!”

“Ayden, you were cool too,” a little Earl Rosewood fan followed up.

“Thanks,” Ren Xiyang said.

“We’re heading back to the Eburnean Residences,” Rian said. “Will you accompany us, or are you going to train?”



“How lovely. We’ll see you at breakfast later,” Rian said to the students who were going to train. He inclined his head at the others, and added, “Ayden, come along.”

Rian guided the conversation on the walk back to the dormitories.

Once they returned to their quarters, Rian regretfully went to have the bath that his manservant had prepared instead of following Ren Xiyang into his shower.

The manservant also helped Rian change his clothes.

Rian had prescribed matching clothes for himself and Ren Xiyang in alternating colours. Rian had a white puffy shirt, a long blue jacket with the Azure emblem, and a loose ivory over-robe with a subtle stylised snowflake pattern. Ren Xiyang had a black puffy shirt, a long red jacket with the Rosewood emblem, and a loose dark over-robe with a subtle rose pattern.

Rian had his manservant arrange a full-length mirror in the main room, so that Rian could admire himself standing next to Ren Xiyang.

“Very handsome,” Rian said arrogantly. “What if you kept your hair down like me?”

Ren Xiyang remained still as Rian took off his hair piece and hair tie. His hair fell like a curtain down his back. Rian arranged some hair over his shoulders.

Rian’s heart went ba-dump. Unconsciously, he had started to associate Ren Xiyang’s hair being down with certain activities. “On second thought, you can keep your hair tied up,” he said, re-doing Ren Xiyang’s hair.

“Thanks,” Ren Xiyang said drily.

Rian’s manservant in the background: I saw nothing, I heard nothing.

Breakfast was held in the breakfast hall on the ground floor of the dormitories. There were two dozen tables of various sizes and a dozen attendants taking breakfast orders for the students.

“Your Highness, please sit with us,” one of the third-year students from the association of future leaders called out.

Rian smiled and pulled Ren Xiyang along with him. “Good morning.”

Students entered and exited the breakfast hall over the course of the next hour and a half. Bells signalled the end of breakfast, and academy staff politely urged students to head to the grand hall of the Imperial Magical Academy for the first assembly of the year.

The grand hall was in the main building of the Imperial Magical Academy, not far from the main lobby. The hall had a tall, curved ceiling supported by stone arches. Large windows on both sides let in the brilliant morning light. There was a stage in front and rows of chairs filling up the main space. Academy staff directed the different year levels to sit in their assigned area.

There were approximately 120 students in the academy, with the new first years being the largest cohort.

Once the students sat down, those to be seated on the front stage filed in: the student council consisting of two second year students and two third year students, the teachers, the vice dean, and the dean.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Imperial Magical Academy of Sedaveria,” Dean Palatinate said, his voice magically projected throughout the hall. “The Imperial Magical Academy has existed for over 500 years. We were founded by a group of scholarly mages in the year…”

Dean Palatinate described the Imperial Magical Academy’s grand history and proud reputation, his words smooth and his delivery experienced. “…and so, I look forward to how you, the new generation, will amaze us.”

When he finally paused, the students and teachers clapped politely.

Dean Palatinate inclined his head. “Now, please welcome Lady Lillian Jade, the head of this year’s student council, to say a few words.”





I hope you enjoyed that (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆




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