These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 163: Little Earl Rosewood is attending class!

Lady Jade stood up and smiled. “Thank you, Dean Palatinate. Good morning, all. My name is Lady Lillian Jade, and I am the student council president. First year students, welcome to the academy. Second- and third-year students, welcome back. I won’t lie, the school year ahead will be hard. You will learn a lot, and you may feel unable to learn more. But throughout it all, I hope that you can remember to cherish this opportunity to study with the best people of our kingdom. You will form new friendships. You will develop new skills. You will be able to achieve what you didn’t think was possible…”

As Lady Jade spoke, her gaze swept across the hall, a faint encouraging smile on her face. “…So, I hope you will discover and grasp the opportunities the academy has to offer. Fellow students, please look forward to the coming year. Thank you.”

The students clapped, and Lady Jade sat down again.

The vice dean stood up. “With those words of advice from Dean Palatinate and words of motivation from Lady Jade, I hope you are all ready to face the new school year. Assembly is now over. Second- and third-year students, stay seated. First year students, follow Lord Zaffre.”

The teacher named Lord Zaffre stood and descended the stage. The first-year students followed him towards their first class of the academic year.

Functionally, there were two types of classes: big lectures with all the students in the same year level, and practice classes in which the year level split into subclass A and subclass B.

For the first years, their first class was a lecture on magical theory, taught by one of the oldest teachers in the academy—Lord Zaffre, a water mage.

Rian headed to the seats at the front and centre. Ren Xiyang reluctantly sat down next to him. Rian shot him a smile, which made him feel guilty.

Once all the students had sat down, Lord Zaffre begun.

“Welcome to the Imperial Magical Academy. I am Lord Zaffre, and this is first year Magical Theory. It is believed that magic has always existed in our world, but we humans have only been able to harness it in the last 1000 years, by bequeath of the Goddess. Magic comes from within us, and it is gifted to relatively few. You all, in this room today, have been specially chosen by the Goddess. It is your duty to understand how your magic works. I will teach you about the theory behind the major methods to harness magic: spoken spells, written spells, and hand-gesture spells…”

Lord Zaffre gave a long lecture about magical theory without taking a break, explaining the high-level theory behind how spoken, written, and hand-gesture spells worked, and used light-generation as an example.

Once Ren Xiyang understood how to functionally use the hand-gesture spell, the words started becoming a boring drone in the background. He absently magically scanned the classroom. It was a lecture theatre, with steps and layers to ascending rows of tables and chairs. The other students and the teacher were the brightest spots of heat and magic, but there was also magic humming faintly in the walls, floors, and ceiling, providing protection and regulating heat and light.

The lesson went on, and Ren Xiyang’s scan expanded. There were shielded rooms and secret rooms, small rooms and big rooms. There were mages and non-mages, there were people seated, standing, walking, and casting magic. Animals flew or scurried about, and there was water slowly moving up the trunks of trees…

There was only so much academy that Ren Xiyang’s magic could scan. Those lessons with Count Aegean hadn’t been so bad after all.

The class finally concluded when it was time for lunch. Lord Zaffre’s voice finally had some tone modulation. “Next class, we will be delving deeper into the theory being spoken spells. Dismissed.”

Rian nudged Ren Xiyang on the shoulder. “How did you find that, Ayden?” he asked in a low voice. “Did you like anything in particular?”

“I learnt the hand-gesture spell for light, if I ever need it for some reason,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Maybe it’ll be unexpectedly useful,” Rian replied.

Gesture-activated magical technology, maybe, Ren Xiyang thought to himself. Not that he would have time to develop that if he had to attend these magical theory classes.

Maybe the other classes would be better.



The other classes that day were not better: magical history and etiquette. At least the etiquette class was a once-off, in a series of weekly classes about general useful life skills.

When the etiquette teacher started talking about the etiquette rules among noble society, Ren Xiyang initially felt a bit of guilt for disregarding them. But then as the lesson when on, Ren Xiyang didn’t care anymore.

He was already friends with Prince Rian, Prince Alexius, and Prince Pollux. There was nothing more to say.

The moment the last class of the day ended, Ren Xiyang patted Rian on the arm. “Your Highness, I’ll be off first.”

Rian opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he could already see Ren Xiyang’s back as he swiftly walked away.

Rian: “…” What about their slow romantic walk together back to their quarters, smiling and chatting about what they had just learned??? But before he could run after his lover, other students came up to him to chat.

Ren Xiyang went back to his quarters. He put his books away, changed into gardening appropriate clothing, and then flew straight to the Rosewood house, surprising several staff.

“My Lord, you’re here!” Kel said. “Is there a problem?”

“Not a problem, Kel,” Ren Xiyang said. “Prince Rian has obtained a greenhouse and some farming land for me at the Academy.”

Maria gave Kel a knowing look.

“My Lord, do you want to transfer all your plants from here to the academy?” Maria asked.


“I’ll organise that right away,” Maria said. She headed off to find the cart driver.

“Where’s Hadrian?” Ren Xiyang asked Kel.

“My Lord, Lord Terra is currently visiting the University library with His Highness Prince Pollux,” Kel said.

“Hm.” It was good to see the kids getting along.

“How is the Academy, my Lord?”

“I’ll withhold my judgement for now,” Ren Xiyang said.

Kel pursed her lips. “Is there a problem?”

“We should hold a workshop for the teachers in the Rosewood fief, as to help them make their classes engaging,” Ren Xiyang said.

“I’ll pass that on, my Lord.”

“Thanks, Kel.”

“Is there anything else?”

“I plan to head to the Rosewood fief on Saturday morning and return on Sunday, bringing back more of my greenhouse plants.”

“Understood, I’ll organise everything.”

Ren Xiyang looked at Kel with a sudden feeling of gratefulness. She was often in the background, quietly making his life easier and freeing up his time and mind to allow him to focus on other matters.

“My Lord?” Kel’s brows pinched together in worry.

“You don’t have too much work or too little work, do you?”

Kel blinked. “No, my Lord. And if I have any problems, Maria helps me.”

“How do you see yourself in five years?”

“I’ll still be assisting you,” Kel said firmly.

Ren Xiyang smiled faintly. “Okay. Thank you, Kel.”

“You’re welcome. Now take a seat, and I’ll bring out some snacks for you. You’re a growing boy, after all.”

Ren Xiyang obediently sat down and waited for his snacks. He was a growing boy (man), after all.



Once Ren Xiyang’s potted plants, gardening tools, and sacks of fertiliser were loaded, he hopped onto the front of the cart with the cart driver. They went to the Imperial Magical Academy, entering through the side entrance that was closest to the fields and greenhouses. Ren Xiyang unloaded everything magically, and the cart driver left.

Sunlight and physical work revived Ren Xiyang. He arranged all his potted plants in the greenhouse and tended to them. Then, he took his hoe out to check his plot of land.

The soil in his assigned field felt good in his fingers. Soft, moist, and rich. Whether the academy or Rian had prepared this, regardless, it was ready for planting.

As Ren Xiyang dealt with the tiny opportunistic weeds and grass, he started to visualise what he wanted. It was autumn, so he could consider planting autumn and winter crops. He could also use magic if he wanted to plant summer crops. He could also plant trees from which he could harvest fruits or nuts.

He considered which of his experimental crops could be planted for field testing. He also envisioned the kind of foods that Rian would want him to cook, and the ingredients he would require.

(He quickly sensed Rian’s location: Rian was currently near the dormitory grounds, in the company of other students.)

After making several sketches of different field setups in his notebook, Ren Xiyang came to a decision. He wrote down his plans and then headed back to the Rosewood house to hand Kel his shopping list of seeds and plants.

Only then did Ren Xiyang headed back to the dormitories to clean off before dinner. Rian wasn’t there.

When Ren Xiyang headed to the dining hall, a few third students waylaid him. This meant he sat down with them at a different table from Rian.

After dinner, Ren Xiyang excused himself and headed back to his quarters to work on Prince Pollux’s healing plan. After Rian’s help yesterday, Ren Xiyang had started a broad outline.

An hour later, Rian returned.

“Hi,” Ren Xiyang said. He continued writing, finishing his train of thought.

Rian pouted. He strode over and draped himself over Ren Xiyang as best he could and then bit down on Ren Xiyang’s ear.

Ren Xiyang: “…” He put down his pen and rubbed Rian’s head.

“You left me alone,” Rian said pitifully.

“You were with other kids the whole time,” Ren Xiyang said.

“You left me,” Rian said sadly.

Ren Xiyang stood up. Rian used his superior height to continue to drape upon Ren Xiyang, wrapping his arms around him to secure himself.

“Come on little prince, time for your bath. Gary prepared it just before you came,” Ren Xiyang said. He started walking to Rian’s bedroom, dragging Rian along with him.

Rian made a spoilt, grumbling sound.

Ren Xiyang suppressed his exasperation. “I was busy with the new greenhouse and field that you got for me. Can you help me garden tomorrow?”

“I can,” Rian said, slowly reviving. He cooperatively shuffled along, instead of literally dragging his feet.

They had now reached the bedroom.

“Did you notice how Zaffre didn’t mention direct magic manipulation in class, though? I would consider direct manipulation the most fundamental method to use magic,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian smiled in amusement. “Good sir, most mages can’t directly manipulate magic. I wager Lord Zaffre can’t. If he could, he wouldn’t be teaching first years at the academy.”

“Oh.” Ren Xiyang had forgotten again. “You’re amazing, Your Highness.”

Rian snickered. “I am. But so are you, dear.”

They reached the bathroom. Rian finally detached himself from Ren Xiyang, so that Ren Xiyang could help him undress. Once they both got into the bathtub, Rian floated himself to Ren Xiyang’s side.

“Do you remember when we were in Hraun?” Rian asked. He placed one hand on Ren Xiyang’s thigh.

Ren Xiyang gave him a look. “I think I know what you’re thinking.”

Rian smirked and leaned in. “Oh, do you? I’m not going to hold back my magic tonight.”

Ren Xiyang’s eyelids lowered. “Oh, is that so?”

Rian kissed him first, while his naughty hands reached elsewhere.



The next morning, Ren Xiyang woke up first. Despite Rian’s sleeping state, his grip was strong. Ren Xiyang absently pushed back some strands of Rian’s hair, giving him a clear view as Rian started to pout.

“Sleep more,” Rian mumbled, eyes still closed.

“I guess I’ll just have a practice duel with another student then.”

“Not allowed.”

“Unfortunately, your Highness, I didn’t listen to etiquette class yesterday. I’m sure if I head to the Imperial Palace, Alexius would be willing—”

Rian sighed heavily and opened his eyes. “I know what you’re trying to do.”

Ren Xiyang got up as much as he could. “Is it working?”


Of course, it worked.



The classes that today were spell writing theory, combat magic theory, and magic practice, all of which the nobles breezed through and the commoner mages struggled with.

It wasn’t surprising that the commoner mages struggled. The other noble kids, like Rian, had had private tutors teach for years beforehand.

After class, Ren Xiyang changed into his gardening clothes and headed to his greenhouse and field. This time, Rian followed him, also changing into his prepared gardening clothes.

The Royal Guards followed in the background.

Kel was there, waiting with her delivery of the plants and seeds that Ren Xiyang had requested.

“Thank you, Kel,” Ren Xiyang said.

“My Lord, would you like any help?” Kel asked.

“I’ll be helping,” Rian said.

Kel wasn’t surprised. “Yes, Your Highness. My Lord, His Highness Prince Pollux is currently visiting today. He would like to ask whether he can meet you tomorrow at the Rosewood house, and whether you’d be fine with meeting before dinner at 5 pm.”

“Sure,” Ren Xiyang agreed.

Kel bid them farewell and left.

“I’ll go with you,” Rian said.

“Don’t be so intimidating,” Ren Xiyang said.

Ayden,” Rian pouted.

Ren Xiyang gave Rian a stern look.

Rian sighed. “Fine.”

Royal Guards: We heard nothing, we saw nothing!

“Now, plant these seedlings over here for me…”

Ren Xiyang directed Rian to plant the vegetable seedlings and the berry seedlings in their planned locations. After Rian did so, Ren Xiyang watered them lightly.

“Hey Rian, what exactly do I need to do to pass?” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian gave him a knowing look. “The academy wishes that everyone does the best they can.”

“Is there an exam or test?”

“Teachers will conduct an oral exam at the end of the year.”

“And how do you pass? How is it graded?”

“If the teacher finds that you have sufficient knowledge. However, only commoners have ever had to repeat a year,” Rian said, his implicit meaning being that he’d never let Ren Xiyang fail.

But Ren Xiyang was thinking about how many commoner mages had to learn to read and write at the same time as learning magic. The more he thought about it, the more serious their disadvantage seemed to be. He’d have to keep an eye on that.

He couldn’t talk with Rian in private much longer, though (Royal Guards not included). Other students soon came over to chat.






For a chapter about attending class, there was a lot of words outside of class 🤣

Ren Xiyang: Good

Rian: 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Also, thanks Anti-Re for bestowing the name ‘Gary’ on Rian’s manservant!

Gary: 🥺 Thank you! Gary has a name 🥺🥺🥺


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