These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 183: Mid-autumn events

Now that Minister of Education Marquis Tyrian had presented the proposal to the Council, Ren Xiyang felt he could finally talk about it others.

He had lunch with Baltasar, Florence, Hadrian and Prince Pollux and revealed that the changes were because of how he had been skipping classes.

“…That’s one way to force change,” Florence said drily.

Ren Xiyang nodded modestly. “Prince Rian has made a study plan for me. I don’t think I can pass all the exams, but he says that with his help, I will.”

Florence, Baltasar, Prince Pollux, Hadrian: “…”

They were speechless for different reasons. Florence knew and understood too much. Baltasar felt that Prince Rian’s favour towards Ayden was increasing. Prince Pollux unconsciously compared himself to Prince Rian—a genius—and fell short. And Hadrian felt that Sedaverians could be a little odd, but it wasn’t his place to comment.

“Good luck,” Florence finally said.

“Thank you,” Ren Xiyang said. “Baltasar, how is the harvest going in your fief?”

“Good,” Baltasar said. “The crops haven’t all been collected yet, but it’s already more than last year…”



After lunch, Ren Xiyang and Baltasar went back the Parliament for the afternoon sitting. Afterwards, they went back to their respective houses to change clothes for the evening engagements.

Tonight, there was an association meeting, followed by the evening mid-autumn gathering.

As usual, Ren Xiyang took a seat next to Rian at the front. As people were settling in, Rian leaned over to Ren Xiyang.

“How was the Council?” he asked.

“They presented the academy changes proposal,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” He smiled. “Anything else?”

They chatted briefly, but it was difficult to talk for long, given everyone’s eyes on them.

Once all the members took a seat, Rian stood up. “Welcome to today’s gathering for our association of future leaders…”

Rian welcomed new members, gave a brief update on the projects of various members, and introduced the chosen board of members for each of the focus areas—healthcare access, expansion of agricultural production, and expansion of trade.

Then, Rian invited selected association members to come up to give a short talk on their project, and finally opened the floor to questions.

When the meeting officially concluded, more members came up to the front to schedule a meeting with either Rian or Ren Xiyang. Unlike the previous association meeting, this time, they had plenty of time to linger and chat with each other before the evening social event started.

“Ayden…” Alexius walked over to Ren Xiyang first, his face the picture of injured innocence.

“Hello, Your Highness,” Ren Xiyang said. He inclined his head at Alexius’s friends following him, Günter, Tierri and Adrienne.

“Ayden,” Alexius’s brows pinched together, his lips turned down in a pout.

“What happened?”

“Last weekend, Rian forced me to practice team-duelling with him!”

Ren Xiyang’s lips twitched. He glanced over at Rian; Rian was currently talking to a group of children.

“Ayden,” Alexius said. “Rian said that if I didn’t agree, he wouldn’t let me meet you anymore! And that he would stop me if I tried!”

“Is that so…” Ren Xiyang’s lips curled up in amusement. “Truly a bad example of a big brother.”

Alexius nodded eagerly. “Exactly! I rather have you as a big brother.”

That might be true in the future, Ren Xiyang thought. “Maybe you could ask Their Majesties.”

Alexius giggled. “I could!”

“Unfortunately, I’m a bit busy lately so I can’t hold a practice session with you anytime soon.”

“Wah????” Alexius deflated.

“Come on, let’s schedule it into my calendar for the future.”

Alexius inflated back up again. “Yes!”



The theme for the mid-autumn social event at the Imperial Palace was poetry and past-times. The hall was divided into smaller areas and the adjacent rooms were used too, arranged with chairs, tables, sofas, and an assortment of games and books. Palace staff walked around carrying trays of food, while nobles gathered in rooms to chat. King Edric and Queen Mira moved between rooms and groups, listening to the poetry guests had devised. It was said that the top poems would be compiled into a book by Queen Mira herself.

After the association meeting was over, Ren Xiyang and Rian walked over to where the event was happening. Ren Xiyang accompanied Rian to meet various nobles and mage attendees, before they found an empty room to sit and relax in.

It wasn’t that no one saw them enter this room, but rather those who saw felt they couldn’t interrupt Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood just yet.

Rian squished onto the same sofa as Ren Xiyang. “How was your day?” His foot tapped against the side of Ren Xiyang’s.

Ren Xiyang silently routed a telepathic connection via his foot and coincidentally met up with Rian’s connection. “Good.”

Yangyang~ came Rian’s thought filled with effusive love.

Riri, Ren Xiyang sent back. He glanced over at Rian and unconsciously thought, Handsome today. (Clothes drape nicely, chest smooth, legs are long, hair, jawline…)

Rian’s eyes brightened. You think I’m handsome?

Ren Xiyang gave him a look. You know you’re very handsome, dashing, endearing, cute—

“Ayden!” came Alexius’s cheery call.

Annoyance flashed across Rian’s face. How did he find us again?

Ren Xiyang turned to Alexius and his friends; not far behind them was Florence, Prince Pollux and Hadrian. And behind them were several servers carrying trays of food and drink.

“Hello,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Good evening again,” Rian greeted with a stiff princely smile. My rivals are here! (Except Günter and Tierri, they’re not rivals).

Ren Xiyang: “…” His lips twitched. They’re all too young for me, Your Highness.

Don’t call me ‘Your Highness’ in your head!

How cute (handsomely cute). Ren Xiyang turned his attention to Alexius.

Alexius pouted when he saw he couldn’t squish onto the sofa with Ren Xiyang, so he had to take the closest seat instead. After the servers served everyone a drink and some small plates of food, Alexius said, “So, what were you talking about?”

“Marquis Tyrian presented Dean Palatinate’s proposal during the council meeting today,” Ren Xiyang said.

“What’s that?” Alexius asked.

“Dean Palatinate wishes to open an advanced stream,” Rian said. He explained the proposal.

Alexius made a face. “So, you’re saying that before I even start at the academy, I need to take several exams?”

“Stay in the standard classes if you wish,” Rian said.

Alexius pouted. “But if Ayden is joining the research stream, I want to research too!”

Günter frowned unhappily. “You need to study more.”

You need to study even more,” Alexius shot back.

Tierri and Adrienne gave each other long-suffering looks. Meanwhile, Florence was introducing some Sedaverian board games to Hadrian and Prince Pollux—they had already heard about the academy proposal.

Ren Xiyang turned his head partially to the door, eyebrows raising slightly. Anya Rose and someone else.

Rian also turned his head. Her husband, Lord Demarcus Rose.

A whole series of thoughts about Anya went through Ren Xiyang’s mind—about her statement about getting him in touch with the plant researchers at the university, her job as a researcher, to Florence’s suggestion to ask Anya about the mushrooms—

Mushrooms? Rian thought.

Ren Xiyang: Woops.

Florence knows about your secret mushroom growing project and not me??!!!

Luckily for Ren Xiyang, Anya Rose and her husband appeared at the door at that moment.

Anya smiled. “Am I allowed in, or am I too old?”

Rian stood up. “Dr Lady Rose, you’re welcome at any time. Lord Rose, you too.”

Lord Demarcus Rose gave a solemn nod. He and Anya Rose took a pair of empty seats.

“So, what were you talking about before we interrupted?” Anya asked.

Alexius perked up. “We were talking about the changes to the academy!”

“Oh, is that so?” Anya’s smile had a hint of pain.

“I was curious about the intended research supervisors,” Rian said. “Dr Lady Rose, do you happen to know anything on this?”

Anya smiled helplessly. “Your Highness, you’re too sharp. I’m indeed going to be one of the supervisors.”

Ren Xiyang’s interest transmitted down the mind-link.

“Dr Rose, I heard that you grow magical herbs,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Call me Anya, please.”


Anya smiled warmly. “Correct, I grow magical herbs. I’ve bought back several new, rare varieties from my recent travels.”

“What are the goals of your research? What about magical herbs are you researching? Do you do any other research not related to magical herbs?”

Anya’s eyebrows raised. “Allow me to confirm, you want to know my research goals, my magical herb research, and other research?”

Ren Xiyang nodded.

“Well, if you were the funding representative from the Capital Hospital, then I would say…”

What happened next was an esoteric academic conversation between Anya and Ren Xiyang about funding, the difficulties of acquiring funding, research groups and building a research group, the frequency of shifting fields and research directions, the idiosyncrasies of magical herbs compared to regular plants, and the use of plant growth magics and their development.

Rian could contribute to the research funding conversation—the Royal Healers’ Association gave out research funding, and the Royal Agricultural Development and Food Security Program would also eventually give out research funding.

Florence could contribute to the topic of magical herbs and regular plants and plant growth magics. She knew more about magical herbs and plant growth magics than Ren Xiyang, having developed some new spells herself.

“—Are you attending the University?” Anya asked with interest.

Florence nodded. “I’m attending part-time. During the other half of my time, I have fields to look after and research to conduct.”

“Normally I only take students who have attended the university for three years already, but maybe we could talk more. You may be able to shift to a full load at the university, with half of your time spent on research,” Anya said.

Florence nodded calmly. “Thank you, Dr Rose.”

“Let’s plan to meet again,” Anya said. “You too, Ayden.”

Ren Xiyang internally brightened. “Yes, that would be great.”

After Anya Rose and her husband left, Alexius slumped back. He and his friends had restrained from taking out a game and obediently listened without understanding. Alexius was now bored, bored, bored!

“Can we play a game now?” Alexius asked.

“How about table-top duelling?” Ren Xiyang said.

Alexius grinned. “Yay!”

“Prince Pollux, do you want to try?” Rian suddenly said.

Prince Pollux hesitated.

“I’ll maintain the shield,” Ren Xiyang said. “I want to watch.”

Prince Pollux glanced at Alexius. Alexius didn’t look [too] disappointed, so Pollux nodded.

They turned the central coffee table into a mini duelling zone. The rules were as usual: only the levitation spell could be used to manipulate one’s mini weapon.

Alexius asked Ren Xiyang to make a small ice sword for him, while Rian made a small ice chain with weighted ends for Prince Pollux.

Ren Xiyang watched with interest. He hadn’t seen anyone use a chain weapon before. Prince Pollux was unfamiliar with manoeuvring it at first, but slowly became more proficient. Under his control, the chain was flexible, wrapping around Alexius’s sword and pulling it this way and that.

However, Alexius had practised table-top duelling several time previously. Ultimately, he was able to shatter Prince Pollux’s chain and win!

Alexius jumped up happily. “I won! Good game, Prince Pollux.” He held out his hand.

Prince Pollux participated in this weird Sedaverians post-match ritual for the first time. “Good game, Prince Alexius.”

Alexius smiled brilliantly. “Who wants to duel me next?”

At that moment, a group of academy students came in.

“Your Highness, Your Highness, Ayden!” they greeted.

“Ahh, you were table-top duelling?”

“Your Highness, Ayden, you’re going to try out for that new stream, aren’t you? What would happen to the team-duelling practice?”

Alexius was shocked. “Team-duelling practice?” His heavy gaze turned to Ren Xiyang. “What’s this?”

Ren Xiyang felt a little bit guilty.

Rian: Don’t feel guilty!

“During combat classes, Prince Rian and I have been leading team-duelling practice,” Ren Xiyang said.

And, Ayden and I have been practising together in the morning, and we face off several teams,” Rian said, giving Alexius a superior look.

“Practising team duelling…what’s the point of practice if you don’t duel!” Alexius’s eyes started to glow. “We need to organise a team-duelling tournament!”

The students’ eyes also started to glow. “That’s a great idea! Your Highness, you’re a genius!”

Alexius puffed up. “Thank you, thank you.”

“My partner will be Ayden,” Rian immediately said.

“I know,” Alexius retorted. “But what if it’s a four-member team?”

“We don’t need more people,” Rian said with a pointed look. “Did you forget your defeats so soon?”

Rian and Alexius stared off.

Ren Xiyang inwardly sighed. He turned to the academy students. “How about table-top team-duelling?”


Alexius immediately grabbed Tierri. “Duel with me!”

Later, when Queen Mira came around, she found that only Lord Hadrian Terra had dutifully composed a poem. Rian was sitting blatantly close to Earl Rosewood. And instead of playing one of the traditional games laid out, Alexius was duelling the other children with miniature ice weapons.

And then, Rian and Alexius dared to give her the exact same look of innocence!

Forget it, forget it, she needed to talk to many people tonight and didn’t have the social bandwidth to deal with her two naughty sons.



At the end of the night, Rian stayed at the Imperial Palace, while Ren Xiyang went to the Rosewood house.

However, on Saturday morning, Rian was doing something different from usual—he went to the Rosewood house too.

There, he met Prince Pollux and his guards scoping out the Rosewood house. Leaving Prince Pollux to organise his move into the Rosewood house with Hadrian, Ren Xiyang and Rian left in the Rosewood carriage.

The Imperial carriage followed behind, carrying Rian’s luggage and accompanying staff.

Rian had given his Imperial Mother several excuses relating to work, but his real reason was because he wanted to have fun with Ren Xiyang at the Rosewood fief harvest celebrations~





Ren Xiyang: Wait, who are all your ‘rivals’?

Rian: Florence, Baltasar, Alexius, Adrienne, Prince Pollux, Hadrian, Vitus Natrium, Anya, Kel, Solicitor Carmine, Aaron…(blah blah blah)

Ren Xiyang: …

Queen Mira: What a shame that King Edric was allocated to visit the other rooms.

King Edric: Phew. (Really escaped this time!)




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