These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 184: Changing the world, one step at a time

After Alexius learnt that Rian had left with Ayden, he pursed his lips and ran to his Imperial Father.

“Imperial Father, are you free today? May I have afternoon tea with you?”

King Edric frowned.

“—And then, can you show me some powerful duelling moves?” Alexius’s eyes glowed with admiration and adoration.

Well, King Edric couldn’t deny that. “Very well.” He felt pleased that Alexius had chosen him, instead of Queen Mira.

During afternoon tea, King Edric asked Alexius fatherly questions, such as “how are you” and “how are your studies.”

Alexius answered obediently. “I’m well, Imperial Father. My tutors have been teaching me many things…”

Humpf, King Edric thought to himself. Mira was wrong, I am a good father!

“—Imperial Father,” Alexius said cutely.

“Hm?” King Edric responded in a fatherly, supportive manner.

“Can I ask a question next?”

“Of course, son.”

“Is it possible for Ayden to be my big brother instead of Rian? I don’t like Rian very much.”

King Edric’s expression threatened to crack. “No!”

Had Rian provoked Alexius into asking this? If Rian had his way, Earl Rosewood would become Alexius’s brother-in-law and King Edric’s son-in-law!

Alexius deflated. “Okay…”

Alexius wasn’t as enthusiastic at answering King Edric’s questions after that.

After they finished their afternoon tea, King Edric said, “Now, let’s go to the training field.”

Alexius look at him blankly. “What for, Imperial Father?”

King Edric felt as though he had been stabbed in the chest. “Didn’t you want to see some powerful duelling moves?”

Alexius blinked. And then he jumped up. “Yes, Imperial Father. Even if I can’t defeat Ayden, I want to be better than Rian!”

King Edric felt depressed. Ayden and Rian, Rian and Ayden! Alexius wanted to use him; he didn’t want to admire King Edric’s powerful moves at all!

Alexius took King Edric’s hand. “Come on, Imperial Father.”

Curses! King Edric held Alexius’s hand and followed him to their dedicated training field. He showed Alexius some powerful combat moves and patiently taught Alexius. As long as he ignored the underlying reasons, he could pretend that Alexius’s adoration and earnestness were for him…

But a small part of him couldn’t help but think—was he really such a bad father and male figure?



While King Edric was trying not to have an internal crisis, Ren Xiyang and Rian arrived at the Rosewood manor in the late afternoon. After exchanging greetings with the enthusiastic Rosewood staff and unpacking, Rian followed Ren Xiyang into his quarters, and told Maria that they were not to be disturbed and to not prepare dinner for them.

There was a certain look in Rian’s eyes, and Maria immediately understood.

Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood were going out on a secret outing!

Rian’s Royal Guards were conflicted. Should they pretend to not understand, and to simply take His Highness’ word at face value? Or should they get some plains clothes and try to figure out where His Highness was going to play???

Rian was oblivious to his Royal Guards’ worries. He closed the door and locked it. He and Ren Xiyang disguised themselves appropriately before they sneaked out.

This wasn’t their first time doing this, nor their last. They landed at one of their pre-scouted spots without onlookers and entered Redmond town’s festivities with familiarity.

Rian and Ren Xiyang changed all their most prominent features. Rian now had short, dark brown hair and brown eyes, while Ren Xiyang had short black hair and dark brown eyes. Their clothing was neat and drab. With Rian’s increased ability, he also cast a spell to subtly change the appearance of their facial features. They had also masked their magical signatures.

On Rian’s insistence, they wore their engagement rings on their fingers.

People might take a second look at them, but that was only because they were handsome.

When Rian saw the young male/female couples holding hands as they strolled down the festive streets, he immediately knew that he and Ren Xiyang couldn’t be any worse.

Rian caught Ren Xiyang’s hand and threaded their fingers together.

Ren Xiyang startled, his heart skipping a beat—in a bad way. He looked at Rian and then swept his gaze around them.

Rian leaned in. “What’s wrong?” he asked innocently. “I’ll protect you.”

Ren Xiyang looked ahead again, but his fingers tightened around Rian’s. This was the first time they held hands in public.

Ren Xiyang’s heart was beating faster than he’d like. Rationally, he knew that he and Rian were the strongest people in the entire town.

But irrationally, holding hands with Rian had brought up an old anxiety he had forgotten about. Two men, holding hands in public, were at risk.

He was certain that more people gave them second looks; he was certain that some people were staring at him. Was it malicious, or was it just open curiosity?

If Ren Xiyang could still have this feeling, what about other objectively less powerful people in his fief?

As Earl Rosewood, it was important for Ren Xiyang to lead the way and show to others that open affection between men was nothing out of the ordinary.

Rian squeezed his hand lightly. “My love, do you feel hungry yet, or would you like to enjoy a carnival game?”

“Let’s play a game. Go win me a toy.”

Rian’s lips curved up. “Your wish is my command.”

Ren Xiyang only let Rian play and win one ball game, which got them a small cloth flower.

“Shall I put this in your hair?” Rian said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“No,” Ren Xiyang said.

“What if I tuck it into your belt?”


Rian took the opportunity to stand as close to Ren Xiyang as possible, taking special care to secure the flower ‘stem’ in the belt around Ren Xiyang’s waist. As for his hands grazing Ren Xiyang’s waist? Those were ‘accidents’.

Ren Xiyang placed a hand on Rian’s chest and pushed him. “Time for food.”

Rian took Ren Xiyang’s hand again and continued down the streets.

In Redmond town, the people had adopted some of their Earl’s idiosyncrasies when it came to the mid-autumn harvest festivities. Colourful paper lanterns were hung among the fluttering ribbons and bunting, and mooncakes were among the abundant variety of apple and pumpkin dishes—there were even pumpkin mooncakes. The air was filled with the scents of sweet, savoury, and deep-fried foods.

By sharing purchases with each other, they had a wide selection of food for their dinner: there was pumpkin pizza, spicy tofu, apple chips, charcoal grilled chicken skewers, battered and fried mushrooms, and deep-fried mooncake, washed down with warm spiced apple juice and hot tea. Rian liked biting where Ren Xiyang had bit, and liked sipping where Ren Xiyang had sipped.

As the sky darkened, the lanterns lit up and the stage set up in the main square became lively. There were playful and fun songs at first. However, as families with children returned home, the songs started becoming more risqué, and the square filled with young people—including young couples.

When Ren Xiyang saw several couples dancing to the jaunty music, he had a sneaking suspicion. A glance at Rian confirmed his fears: Rian’s eyes were sparkling. “My dear, shall we?”

A few moments later, he and Rian were among those dancing couples.

Rian had no shame, no sense of embarrassment. He clapped, wriggled his arms, and kicked his legs like the other dancers. He pulled Ren Xiyang into twirls, dips, and lifts, forming a mixture of courtly and popular dance styles. Rian’s eyes were bright, his mouth full of laughter.

Reluctantly, Ren Xiyang started to enjoy it too.

Without realising it, his own lips curved up.



Eventually the musicians stopped playing and the festivities wound down properly for the night.

“Home?” Rian asked.


Ren Xiyang and Rian slowly walked out of town, hand-in-hand. Ren Xiyang was quiet, gazing into the distance.

“And what are you thinking about so intently?” Rian asked.

Ren Xiyang refocused his gaze. “I was thinking that I’d like to tell more people about us.”

“I trust you. If you have people you want to tell, there is no need to ask me first,” Rian said.

“Same,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian lifted Ren Xiyang’s hand and kissed it.

Ren Xiyang’s expression didn’t change, but his ears felt a little hotter than usual.

It was quite late by the time they returned to the Rosewood manor. They changed out of their plain clothes and restored their appearances.

Regretfully, Rian went to his usual guest quarters for the night, and Ren Xiyang went back to his own quarters to sleep.

Rian’s Royal Guards could finally relax. One of them quietly called back the plain-clothed Royal Guards who had tried and failed to locate Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood. They would pretend that nothing out of the ordinary happened that night.



Rian and Ren Xiyang both woke up early the next day. Ren Xiyang had to take Rian around the estate and fief for work-related reasons, so that Rian could report back truthfully to Queen Mira.

In the early afternoon, after lunch, Rian had to leave first.

After Rian was well and truly gone, Ren Xiyang turned around and asked Kel, Maria, Aaron, Mrs Cooks, and Solicitor Carmine (who was at the Rosewood fief to assist with the autumn tax collection) to come to his office for a short meeting.

“What’s the problem?” Mrs Cooks asked, concern all over her face, once they were sat in Ren Xiyang’s office.

Ren Xiyang shook his head. “I want to tell you something and ask for your non-urgent help.” His heart started to thump with that irrational nervousness again. “It’s currently a secret.”

“We won’t speak a word to anyone else,” Solicitor Carmine said solemnly.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

“You may have noticed that Prince Rian and I are close friends,” Ren Xiyang said. “In fact, I proposed to him a while ago, and now we’re engaged.” He took out his engagement ring from his necklace. “This is the ring His Highness gave me.”

Kel and Mrs Cooks were surprised. Aaron was shocked. Solicitor Carmine blinked calmly, but he was shocked inside.

“That’s amazing, congratulations, my Lord!” Maria said with a warm smile. “You and His Highness make the perfect couple! Do you want us to start preparing for the wedding in the Rosewood fief?”

Everyone looked at Maria in bewilderment.

Maria had the grace to smile sheepishly. “Too soon?”

“Prince Rian hopes to get married in the Capital, provided the laws can be changed,” Ren Xiyang said.

Kel recovered. “My Lord, of course, we offer our wholehearted assistance! I wish you and His Highness a long and happy life together.”

Mrs Cooks looked at him with a loving gaze. “My dear, we’re very happy for you. It must have been hard keeping it a secret.”

Aaron followed up, “Yes, congratulations, my Lord, we’re relieved that you’ve been able to find a worthy life-long partner.”

Solicitor Carmine nodded. “Congratulations, my Lord.”

Ren Xiyang’s throat felt tight, and his eyes felt a little sore. “Thank you.”

Mrs Cooks couldn’t help but reach over and pat his hand. “If His Highness ever wrongs you, do not hesitate to tell us and we’ll deal with him.”

Ren Xiyang swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“What was it that you needed help with my Lord?” Kel asked.

“I want to give Prince Rian a gift,” Ren Xiyang said. “I want something thoughtful, but traditional…”

“Why not a locket with a picture of yourself inside?” Maria said.

Ren Xiyang felt averse to the idea. But on second thoughts, Rian would absolutely love it. “Yes, that sounds good. Can you help me organise it?”

“Of course,” Maria and Kel said at the same time.

“Leave it to us,” Maria said confidently.

“Thank you. That’s all I have to say. Do you have any questions?”

“What are we allowed to say and to whom?” Aaron asked.

Ren Xiyang’s lips thinned. “Florence knows, and so do King Edric and Queen Mira. If there is someone else you want to tell, ask me.”

Aaron nodded.

“I presume there will be other arrangements to be made or planned for, even if His Highness is organising the wedding,” Solicitor Carmine said.

“Please elaborate,” Ren Xiyang said.

“I assume His Highness will eventually make this public,” Solicitor Carmine said.

Ren Xiyang nodded.

“Before that happens, we must prepare your foundations. We need to re-assess the Rosewood Group’s direction, to increase wealth and increase the range of our actions beyond the Rosewood fief.”

Ren Xiyang nodded. “You’re right. We can start thinking about it now, and re-frame for the new year. I’ll also bring Prince Rian along, so that we can plan together.”

“How about moving Prince Rian’s quarters next to yours, and adding a secret door between your quarters and Prince Rian’s quarters here in the manor?” Maria asked.

Everyone looked at Maria.

“Or would that be too obvious?” Maria said sheepishly. She simply felt that, now that Earl Rosewood had told them about his relationship status, wasn’t it their duty to facilitate that relationship?

“It could be done,” Aaron said. He was the steward of the manor to these kinds of arrangements were under his control.

“I’ll have a think about it,” Ren Xiyang said.

“While we’re here, is there anything else you want to discuss regarding the Group?” Kel asked.

Ren Xiyang reflexively took out his notebook. “Ah, yes. I need to allocate time to study over the next few weeks, so several things need to be pushed back or re-prioritised…”



Gary had stayed back at the Capital over the weekend, taking his short weekly break.

When Prince Rian returned to the academy, he asked Gary to have a short private meeting with him.

Gary lowered his head. “Your Highness, how can I serve you?”

“Lift your head, I just want to tell you something.”

Gary had a sneaking suspicion, but he raised his head, his expression professionally polite. “Yes, Your Highness?”

“I’m deeply in love with Earl Ayden Rosewood,” Prince Rian said.

“Congratulations, Your Highness,” Gary said calmly.

“I’m also engaged to Ayden and will marry him once he turns 18.”

“Congratulations, Your Highness.”

“That’s all, you may go.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Gary left the room, his emotions barely fluctuating. He was the prince’s manservant; his job wasn’t to question His Highness’s private life, but rather, to be as invisible as possible.

His Highness must be telling him so because he no longer wanted to bother messing up the unused bed every morning.

That was fine; that meant less work for Gary.





King Edric: Alexius used me! Alexius tricked me!

Queen Mira: Boo-hoo, cry me a river.

King Edric: (。•́︿•̀。)

Mrs Cooks: Prince Rian is a good boy, he helps Earl Rosewood take breaks. But if his Highness steps out of line… *cracks knuckles*

Rian: *achoo*

Alexius: Hahahah, someone is speaking badly about you!!!

Gary: If there was a best manservant award, I would win it every year.




There is now a Brazilian Portuguese translation, nice!



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