These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 231: So this amazing thing happened on Ren Xiyang’s birthday!!

After the sea-side holiday, Cassiopeia went home to the Schauss fief. She did some volunteer work and spent time with her extended family.

Then, she went to the Capital to work at the reference healing clinic and the Infectious Diseases Research Centre.

Cassiopeia’s research project at the academy had been on antivirals, because they should be easier to develop compared to vaccines. There was a precedent for spells and potions developed to counter specific diseases, but no precedent for spells and potions that would protect against specific diseases.

Cassiopeia had mapped out how these antivirals could work: first, they could help alleviate symptoms, which Cassiopeia could build in by pulling elements from existing spells; second, they should target and destroy the virus.

However, before Cassiopeia could start developing antivirals, she needed to learn the prior literature and figure out how to isolate viruses in order to test new spells on them in the laboratory rather than in humans or animals. She also felt it would be useful if she could isolate immune-system cells from patients after they recovered.

Cassiopeia didn’t do research full time at the academy because she still had some classes. So, after her first year, she only got this far—reading literature, learning known spells to target diseases, and isolating different components in the blood by taking blood samples from patients at the Capital Hospital while they were sick and after they healed. Cassiopeia used her perception magic skills from her reference healing experience to compare blood samples during and after sickness to figure out what was different, and thus identify the key suspects for viruses and new immune-system related cells.

When the Infectious Diseases Research Centre official started, the new healers and researchers arrived and started working on their own projects. Over the summer, Cassiopeia’s plan was to learn a bit more, talk to the other researchers, and develop her plan for her research project for the next academy year.

Her actual research focus over the summer was the reference healing clinic. She felt that she had neglected this research during the academy year.

Although the reference healing clinic had increasingly many patients, Cassiopeia’s number of patients at a time (two) didn’t change, as other healers started accepting gender transition cases. With the newly developed hair ‘removal’ (conversion) cream and the hormone cream, Cassiopeia could focus on making the more difficult changes in her patients’ bodies. It would be great if she could turn these difficult changes into straight-forward spells.

Unsurprisingly, the development was slow and difficult. Turning testicles into ovaries was so complex, spread out over so many sessions. It was very difficult to synthesise one spell that could do this in one sweep. Luckily, Cassiopeia wasn’t working alone.

Nevertheless, Ayden’s impending birthday was a welcome break from the research. Cassiopeia chose a present and headed to the Rosewood fief with her family.

The road from the Capital to the Rosewood fief was packed with carriages and carts from other nobles and wealthy citizens. Even King Edric and Queen Mira were travelling to the Rosewood fief.

Apparently, something big was going to happen.



Approximately two weeks before Earl Rosewood’s birthday, a rumour spread through the Rosewood fief: something big was going to happen when Earl Rosewood turned 18!

“Where did you hear that from?”

“I heard it from my cousin’s wife’s sister who works at the Rosewood manor!”

“Wow, that’s so legitimate!”

“What do you think will happen?”

“Turning 18…isn’t that the legal marriage age here?”

“You’re right!! Gasp, do you think Earl Rosewood is getting married?”

“What else can it be? I just wonder who it would be. Earl Rosewood has kept it secret.”

“Well, I think it’s Lady Florence Sage!”

“No, it should be Lady Cassiopeia Schauss!"

“Hah, it can’t be Lady Schauss, she’s not 18 yet!”

“Wouldn’t a nobleman-commoner romance be lovely? What about Ms Kel?”

The rumours grew even stronger when the people learned that the Rosewood Group was setting up an outdoor stage and that they were hiring a lot of temporary cooks. Why would the Rosewood Group do this, if not to have a stage to make a wedding announcement and have a wedding ceremony, and cooks to create a wedding banquet?

Not everyone believed that there would be a wedding announcement, but there was clearly something big was going to happen.

As such, the Rosewood fief was very lively on the lead up to Earl Rosewood’s 18th birthday.



On the night before Ren Xiyang’s birthday, Rian didn’t play hard in bed, as he too was anticipating the next day.

On the morning of Ren Xiyang’s birthday, Ren Xiyang woke up under Rian’s loving and excited gaze.

“Happy birthday, Yangyang!” Rian said immediately. He kissed Ren Xiyang. “Let’s get up!”

Ren Xiyang blinked. “There’s still a lot of time.”

“No time, no time,” Rian countered. “I need to get you ready and perfectly handsome for today.”

Under Rian’s urging, Ren Xiyang had a shower and changed into his first outfit for the day. Then he helped Rian into his clothes.

Ren Xiyang’s eyes softened. He could sense many people waiting for him outside his quarters. The moment he opened the door, the staff greeted, “Happy birthday, Earl Rosewood!”

“Thank you,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Oh, I remember when you were small and cute…” Mrs Cooks said nostalgically.

“It’s thanks to you that I can grow big and tall,” Ren Xiyang said.

Mrs Cooks gave him a crushing hug. Ren Xiyang patted her on the back.

“Breakfast awaits you, my Lord,” Mrs Cooks said.

“Hm, I’m looking forward to it.”

Breakfast was in the big dining hall, with a wide range of dishes, from toast and eggs multiple ways to croissants and steamed buns and savoury pancakes and noodles.

There were many people staying at the Rosewood manor, including King Edric, Queen Mira, Prince Alexius, Florence, Baltasar, Cassiopeia, and their families. When they arrived at the dining hall, they came up to Ren Xiyang to give him birthday wishes, to the point that it was difficult for him to take more than a bite at a time.

Rian had a distressed look. Just say the word and I’ll ask them to cease, he thought.

No need, Ren Xiyang replied.

Once Ren Xiyang finished breakfast and received a few more birthday wishes, Rian escorted Ren Xiyang back to his quarters. There, numerous stylists and tailors awaited.

Under their ministrations, Ren Xiyang changed into his second outfit for the day.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ren Xiyang had to admit that he looked good. Young him would have been extremely jealous of his current appearance.

The deep red jacket with its gold epaulettes showed off his broad shoulders, and the front fabric laid flat across his chest. The Rosewood crest was adorned on the front in gold, and he wore a light red cape, also adorned with the Rosewood’s fire rose. For today, most of his long black hair was down, except for a small portion at the back pulled into an ornamental ponytail and kept in place with a fire-design head piece.

There was a pure feeling of gender euphoria.

Rian stepped in front of him and looked at him up and down. He transmitted the image to Ren Xiyang, along with the thoughts, so handsome so handsome so handsome!!! Love love love!

Ren Xiyang’s lips curled up unconsciously. Thank you.

!! I really want to kiss you right now, Rian thought.

However, there were various people around them who didn’t know (yet).

“Are you ready?” Rian said.

“Am I ready?” Ren Xiyang said.

“You’re ready. Everyone is waiting for you.” Rian swept his hand forward. “Shall we?”


The stylists and tailors stepped aside for them to walk out.



The crowd cheered when Earl Rosewood and Crown Prince Rian emerged from the Rosewood manor.

“Happy birthday, Earl Rosewood!”

“All hail His Highness!”

“All hail the Earl!”

“Are you getting married today, Earl Rosewood?!!”

Earl Rosewood glanced at the person who had shouted that last comment, with a look of exasperation. This caused the nearby crowd to laugh.

“Ehh, watch out, Earl Rosewood will put you to work!”

Earl Rosewood’s lips twitched. “Thank you for the birthday wishes,” he said.

Not everyone could hear his words, but those who did, and those who could estimate via lip reading, were very happy.

Earl Rosewood’s two knights walked in front, ushering people out of the way, while Prince Rian’s Royal Guards walked behind him, protecting their backs.

Slowly, Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian made it to the temporary set-up stage. Behind the stage were luscious growing crops. In front of the stage was a large grassy area, usually used for playing sports and for hosting events such as this.

There were some seating provided, including some large structures with tiered seating placed at the periphery. The seating near the front though was primarily provided for the nobles and senior Rosewood staff.

“Welcome,” Prince Rian said, his voice magically projecting across the crowd.

All the people who were hard of hearing sat together in one section, where a Rosewood interpreter signed what Prince Rian had said.

The crowd became quiet.

“Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming today to celebrate Earl Rosewood’s 18th birthday,” Prince Rian said. He smiled. “First, can everyone wish Earl Rosewood a happy birthday?”

“Yes!” the crowd of Rosewood residents chorused. “Happy birthday, Earl Rosewood!”

The visiting nobles felt deafened by the sound and were a little shaken too. They hadn’t realised just how much enthusiasm the Rosewood residents had for Earl Rosewood. The people in their own fiefs wouldn’t be so energetic…

Earl Rosewood nodded. “Thank you, everyone. I appreciate everyone taking their time to come here to celebrate my birthday. I’m also deeply grateful for all the work that everyone has done. The Rosewood fief would be nothing without you all. Over the last almost 6 years that I’ve been leading the fief, you have all been very patient and kind and helpful, taking my ideas in stride. Thanks to everyone, the Rosewood fief has become the third richest fief in the kingdom, and I dare say, has one of the best living conditions in the kingdom. Thank you for bringing dreams into reality.”

The crowd burst into applause.

“Now, I would like to invite King Edric and Queen Mira onto the stage,” Prince Rian said.

Anticipation built when Queen Mira and King Edric walked onto the stage.

“All hail His Majesty and Her Majesty,” Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian said.

The audience echoed their words.

King Edric inclined his head. “Happy birthday, Earl Rosewood.”

“Thank you.”

King Edric turned to the crowd. “Queen Mira and I also appreciate the work that Earl Rosewood has done, both for the Rosewood fief and the kingdom.”

Queen Mira said, “This includes the introduction of the four-crop rotation system and many agricultural advances that have doubled the crop yield across the kingdom, making famine a problem of the past. Earl Rosewood has worked tirelessly to expand food charity across the nation. He has collaborated with Prince Rian to form the Royal Healers’ Association and the Royal Agricultural Development and Food Security Program, benefiting commoners far and wide. He has led the contemporary magical-technological innovations. He developed the highly adaptive and powerful reference-healing method, that has allowed those injured or disabled to walk once more. He has led the development of infrastructure within the Rosewood fief and extending beyond it, and promoted trade across the kingdom and internationally, playing a crucial role in developing stronger international relations. And finally, under his leadership, the Rosewood fief has risen to the third highest taxpayer in the kingdom, contributing thousands of gold coins that can then be used to benefit the rest of the kingdom.”

King Edric looked at Earl Rosewood, and then swept his gaze across the audience. “As such, for services rendered to the kingdom, I would like to promote Earl Rosewood to a Marquis.”

Eyes widened and mouths dropped—

The nobles were shocked. What?! Earl Rosewood was being promoted?!!!

The commoners were shocked. Ah??!! Earl Rosewood wasn’t getting married???

Ren Xiyang was surprised. He thought that he would be knighted or be gifted a large sum of gold or more land.

Even Rian was surprised. He had asked his parents to make Ren Xiyang a duke, not a mere marquis! He had prepared such a thorough report of all the amazing things that Ren Xiyang had done, and his own mother had clearly used that to make that speech earlier. How was that not enough? Tch, wait till he became king, then he’ll promote Ren Xiyang to duke!

Several Imperial servants came up onto the stage, settling a large shimmering white ceremonial robe on King Edric and offering him his royal magic staff.

In addition, two of Prince Rian’s servants came onto the stage, placing a large red ceremonial robe on Ren Xiyang.

“We will now conduct the ceremony,” Queen Mira said.

Rian’s magic subtly spread. Faint ceremonial music could be heard, and there was a light glow upon Ren Xiyang and King Edric.

“Let all present gather and bear witness to the promotion ceremony of the Rosewood lord,” King Edric said. “Earl Ayden Rosewood, come forth.”

Ren Xiyang walked over and knelt. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I, your king, has witnessed your tireless contribution to the kingdom. You have displayed prowess in the realms of study, research, development, duelling, and leadership. I, you king, look forward to your work henceforth.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. I will not let you down.”

“Ayden Rosewood, do you accept the Marquis-ship of the Rosewood fief and swear fealty to the Kingdom of Sedaveria and to the Imperial Azure family?”

“I, Ayden Rosewood, accept.”

Queen Mira stepped forward. She picked up the marquis coronet on the cushion held by one of her ladies-in-waiting and placed the coronet on Ren Xiyang’s head.

“I, King Edric Azure of Sedaveria, bear witness to the succession of Marquis Ayden Rosewood today,” King Edric said.

“I, Queen Mira Azure of Sedaveria, bear witness to the succession of Marquis Ayden Rosewood today,” Queen Mira said.

“I, Prince Rian Azure of Sedaveria, bear witness to the succession of Marquis Ayden Rosewood today,” Rian said.

“Marquis Rosewood, stand,” King Edric commanded.

Ren Xiyang stood, raising his head high.

King Edric turned to the crowd. “Then I introduce to you all, Marquis Ayden Roland Rosewood!”

Rian started clapping immediately. Thunderous applause rose into the air.






Author: *puffs up chest* did you expect that?




Look at 𓆝Goldfish𓆝’s art! They’re so adorable!




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