These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 232: The amazing Yangyang

The new Marquis Rosewood bowed to the audience.

Solicitor Carmine sat near the front as a senior member of the Rosewood Group management. Seeing the ceremony made him reminisce back to when Ayden became Earl Rosewood, with that very short, very plain succession ceremony. This was the complete opposite.

The other Rosewood staff also felt nostalgic. Remember when they were scared of Ayden being an assassin?  Remember when they didn’t even know he existed? Now, Earl Rosewood—no, Marquis Rosewood—had become one of the most well-recognised names in the kingdom after the Imperial family.

Alexius clapped happily. He was so happy for Ayden, Ayden deserved it! He was a lot better than the other boring nobles!

Cassiopeia was very surprised, even as she clapped. This kind of promotion was possible? It really drove home that this was not the novel. —Wait, red eyes, black hair, restrained personality, powerful—would he come a muscular Northern Duke next?!! A moment later, Cassiopeia dismissed her thoughts. The Rosewood fief wasn’t in the north, and it was well known that Ayden liked the sun.

Florence clapped warmly along with the rest of the crowd. In retrospect, she wasn’t surprised. Ayden had done a lot, going far and beyond the roles and responsibility of an ‘earl’; she was glad that he was getting recognition for it. Looking at Prince Rian, she also had a secret suspicion that he had wanted to make Ayden a Duke, but was rebuked.

Hespera, sitting next to her, leaned in. “How long do you think until he becomes a duke?” she asked.

Florence chuckled. “No later than when Prince Rian ascends.”

Hespera’s eyebrows rose. “I see.”

The marquises in the audience felt a sense of competition, while the dukes in the audience felt a sense of foreboding. If Ayden Rosewood could become a Marquis at the age of 18, and given the long life he had ahead of him, wouldn’t it be possible for him to become a duke sometime in the future? If not ten years, then twenty years, or thirty years, or even fifty years? Suddenly, they felt the urge to do some work…

After the clapping died down, Ren Xiyang stepped forward. “Thank you to His Majesty King Edric, thank you to Her Majesty Queen Mira, thank you to His Highness Prince Rian. Thank you to everyone for your support. I really, really couldn’t do this without all of your work. Everything that Queen Mira spoke of would be empty words without your hard work to make it happen.” Ren Xiyang bowed. “Thank you.”

“Yet, those things would not have happened without your leadership,” Rian said with a smile. “Please give the new Marquis Rosewood another round of applause.”

Ren Xiyang was both exasperated and happy. Rian was doing that on purpose.

After the second round of applause died down, Ren Xiyang could talk again: “The Rosewood Group and I have many plans for both the Rosewood fief and the kingdom. Population growth has played a big role in the Rosewood fief’s rise, and so planning for our future is more important than ever. We need to expand food production, water access, healthcare, housing, education, infrastructure and transport, jobs, access to amenities, nature, and entertainment, and waste processing. And this growth should not just be limited to the Rosewood fief. While we have plans for the future, the details haven’t been determined. After the autumn harvest this year, we will be running consultations, looking for both ideas, experience, and enthusiasm. So, please prepare your cases, and I look forward to building a better Sedaveria tomorrow.”

The crowd clapped.

“Just you wait, Marquis Rosewood!”

“Hire me, Marquis Rosewood!

Laughter spread, and the crowd started shouting various phrases such as “houses” and “swimming pools”, “books”, and “I have lots of enthusiasm!

Ren Xiyang clapped his hands. “That’s all I have to say today. A light lunch and cake have been prepared, so please enjoy.”

“What about singing happy birthday?!” someone shouted.

“That’s not necessary—” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian smirked. “Happy birthday to you~”

The Rosewood residents joined in enthusiastically to sing happy birthday to the new Marquis Rosewood.


“Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!”

Ren Xiyang’s cheeks felt hot. “Okay, thank you. Prince Rian, is there anything else?”

“I want to see a magic show. Does anyone else want to see a magic show?” Rian asked, looking at the crowd.

“We want to see too, Your Highness!”

“Well, the people have spoken,” Rian said, with an air of helplessness.

Ren Xiyang was the helpless one. “Very well.”

He had the staff help take off his coronet and ceremonial robe, while Rian, King Edric and Queen Mira got off the stage.

Ren Xiyang spread out his hands and looked up. Bright light shone done upon him, as winds whistled through the crowd.

Dark clouds formed overhead, making the ‘spotlight’ on Ren Xiyang even more stark. Crackling pillars of lightning formed and then—

WOOSH! Fire dragons seemed to grow out from the ground and flew through the air.

The crowd watched on in awe and excitement as they witness astounding magical feats. Dragons and other creatures of fire, water and ice wove through the air, engaging in a fast battle while dodging lightning. Near the end, they all crashed together in a big explosion!

The show concluded as the dark clouds disintegrated into fine rain, with light shining through it to produce a rainbow.

Ren Xiyang bowed.

The crowd was quiet for a long moment, still absorbed in the wonder that Marquis Rosewood had shown them.

Then, they burst into applause. “Encore, encore! Again, again!”

“It’s lunch time now,” Ren Xiyang said firmly. “I’m also hungry, please let me eat.”

Mrs Cooks, sitting with the other important Rosewood staff, immediately stood up. “To lunch, to lunch!”

With Ren Xiyang’s knights and the Rosewood staff assisting, Ren Xiyang and the other nobles and important people were escorted back to the Rosewood manor, where a sit-down lunch was prepared (full of Ren Xiyang’s favourite foods).

The hungry people in the crowd went to collect their promised “light lunch and cake”, and once Marquis Rosewood disappeared, the rest of the crowd followed too.

The Rosewood Group had prepared pre-packaged lunches (to make it faster to hand out), of ten different varieties, plus four different cake flavours, plus three different types of drinks.

The noise on the Rosewood grounds grew at everyone chatted with each other—after such a great show, and free food, who wouldn’t be unhappy? As for those envious about the Rosewood staff getting to eat with Marquis Rosewood…well, they just needed to try to get a job in the Rosewood Group! Wasn’t Marquis Rosewood talking about new plans? That definitely meant new hires were on the horizon!



After lunch was a tour of the Rosewood fief. Ren Xiyang hadn’t wanted to, but Rian had insisted, and Maria and Solicitor Carmine had agreed that it was a good idea. They took a floating carriage without a roof to visit all the small towns and villages.

The people who couldn’t travel to the Rosewood manor flocked to the main streets of their towns and villages to greet their lord.

“Make way for Marquis Ayden Rosewood!” Sir Allen Copper and Sir Tielo Russet announced. They were walking ahead, having gotten off their own carriage earlier. “Please greet Marquis Rosewood! Marquis Rosewood has been promoted today, by the power of His Majesty!”

The townspeople and villagers were stunned when they heard this. Did they hear right? Earl Rosewood was promoted? No, wait, why wasn’t there any marriage announcement?

When the two knights repeated the announcement again, only then did the people come to their senses.

“All hail Marquis Rosewood! Happy birthday Marquis Rosewood!”

Ren Xiyang glanced at the staring Rian, and then reluctantly waved.

This caused the cheers to become even louder.

Rian grinned. See, everyone loves the amazing Yangyang.

That’s factually not true, Ren Xiyang countered. Nevertheless, he was humbled by the show of the people’s support and trust.



It was tiring for Ren Xiyang to appear in front of so many people. It was late by the time they returned; due to summer, there was still some light left.

Upon returning, Rian had Ren Xiyang change into his third outfit for the day. It was less ceremonial and more familiar, and Ren Xiyang’s hair was tied up properly once more.

While Ren Xiyang was busy touring, Mrs Cooks and her team had been preparing for tonight’s birthday feast, the biggest yet.

Ren Xiyang ate deliciously and accepted more birthday wishes, and Rian ended the night with a show of fireworks outside.



After dinner, Rian cornered his parents in their guest quarters in the Rosewood manor.

“Imperial Father, Imperial Mother, allow me to ask you a question,” he said.

Queen Mira gave him a look. “Is it about why we didn’t make Ayden a duke?”

Rian smiled. “Oh, so you understand.”

King Edric scowled. “Rian! Your partiality towards Ayden is unseemly! How can he be promoted to Duke in one breath? Did he save the kingdom? Has he conquered new lands for the nation?”

“Has he not averted famine for years to come? What if famine would’ve happened, if not for his actions?”

King Edric was not happy.

Queen Mira was calm. “You shouldn’t praise Ayden so much, lest he rest on his laurels. He’s only 18. He shows promise. We want to see him carry through with his plans, not merely start them. As for what will happen in the future, there’s still the possibility of promoting him to a duke.”

Rian pressed his lips together. He reluctantly lowered his head. “I understand. Thank you, Imperial Mother. Have a good night.”

After Rian left—no doubt to complain to Ayden—King Edric gave a huff.

“He has become more stubborn and hard-headed,” King Edric said. “He didn’t even say goodnight to me! And with the way he acts, wouldn’t everyone know that he and Ayden are in love?”

Queen Mira blinked. “But you didn’t guess at all until you were told.”

King Edric felt his throat being blocked.

Queen Mira sighed. “I don’t know when Rian would announce his engagement…”

Before King Edric could become even more aggrieved, Queen Mira placed a hand on his waist. “Come to bed, it’s been a long day…”

Elsewhere in the Rosewood manor, Ren Xiyang was placating Rian at the same time, telling him that he didn’t mind not being a duke, and that he didn’t need to be a duke to carry out his plans, and oh, don’t forget that he’d be married to Rian soon, right?

If Ren Xiyang and Queen Mira had known what the other was doing, they would only sigh and think—like father, like son.



The nobles left the Rosewood fief over the next few days, returning to either the Capital or their home fief. The Rosewood residents returned to work. The matter of Earl Rosewood’s promotion to Marquis Rosewood was the new hot gossip across the lands.

Ren Xiyang and Rian remained in the Rosewood fief. Ren Xiyang took the day after his birthday as a holiday and soaked up some good sunlight.

Then, he did some work around the Rosewood fief, with Rian following him and attending all the meetings he had with Rosewood staff and community leaders.

A few weeks later was the 6th anniversary of their transmigration/regression and also the death anniversary of the late Rosewood family.

It was a brief, contemplative respite before they returned back into the thick of their work.



In a blink of an eye, summer approached its end. The academy classes started again, and Pollux was preparing to leave Angio.

Before Pollux left, he met with Aurelia.

Lady Iris served them tea before leaving.

Pollux was too nervous to pick up his teacup. “There’s something important I also need to tell you. I…don’t want to make you sign a contract first. I trust you.”

Aurelia sipped her tea. It was made just how she liked it. “You have my word.”

Pollux nodded. Ba-dump ba-dump. “I’m…courting someone.”

Aurelia blinked in surprise. “I see. Do you require some assistance?”

“In a sense, yes. This person is a man.”

Aurelia froze.

“I hope you can accept our relationship.”

“Can you tell me who it is?”

Pollux shook his head. “I haven’t discussed it with him yet. I just wanted to tell you in person before I left.”

Aurelia put down her teacup. “Has he ever hurt you or threatened you?”

Pollux laughed weakly. “The opposite.”

“If you have any troubles, don’t hesitate to contact me.”

“Understood. Thank you, sister.”

Pollux left, still nervous, by also feeling relieved. Aurelia seemed accepting and calm.

He didn’t realise just how much his news had shocked Aurelia.

Aurelia could hardly believe it. Pollux liked men? Pollux was courting another man, and she hadn’t even known?! Who could this man be? Who were the people Pollux interacted with the most?

A name came to mind—Ayden. Sometimes, it felt as though Pollux mentioned Ayden Rosewood every other sentence. Ayden had indirectly saved Pollux and directly healed him, had helped him become more open and lively.

Pollux and Marquis Rosewood…

Imagining them together gave Aurelia many complex feelings.






Sir Allen Copper and Sir Tielo Russet: We appeared! We were named!

Royal Guards: 😔😔😔

Rian: (≖_≖ ) I have a weird feeling that someone is coveting my Yangyang!




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