These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 43: Glorious gold

Ren Xiyang made the cage walls become a lattice again, letting in some air. Then he looked meaningfully towards the referee.

The referee, Master Foster, felt a deep dread. What should he do? Baron Carmine technically hadn’t announced his surrender, maybe he could get up again? If Foster preemptively ended the match in Earl Rosewood’s favour, then his own job would be forfeit!

Ren Xiyang curled his hand into a fist. The crowd watched in fascinated horror as the fire swallowed Baron Carmine up once again.

At first, the shield around Baron Carmine held up. But then, the shield broke under the fiery onslaught!

“End! End the battle!” Mage Jasper’s voice cracked. “The shield has been broken! End the battle!”

Master Foster was stunned. “Stop! This duel goes to Earl Rosewood!” he shouted.

Ren Xiyang lowered his hands. The fire blinked out of existence as he gathered the left-over fire energy into himself for later use.

Rian’s eyes crinkled. As expected of Ayden Rosewood, of course.

The crowd was stunned for a moment, but then someone started clapping. Some of the citizens of the Rosewood fief started to cheer.


Prince Alexius’s eyes were shining. Earl Rosewood is really strong! Since Earl Rosewood won, he even forgave the earl for not using any ice spells.

Ren Xiyang ignored the audience. “Get the healer in, quickly,” he said sharply towards Mage Jasper and Master Foster.

“Ah—yes!” Healer Blossom, who was part of Baron Carmine’s entourage, snapped out of her shock. Mage Jasper took down the shield around the duelling field and Healer Blossom rushed over to treat the fallen Baron Carmine.

Seeing the healer work, Ren Xiyang lingered briefly.

Healer Blossom hovered her hands over Baron Carmine’s body, casting general healing spells and a specific spell to heal burns.

Ren Xiyang pursed his lips. Any burns were minor—Ren Xiyang had good control of his fire; the burnt smell came from the crispy clothing.

Ren Xiyang turned to address the spectators. The audience naturally quietened so that they could hear his voice.

“Thank you to everyone for coming to watch the match today. I had a good match with Baron Carmine, a strong mage. He is swiftly recovering. You are welcome to remain until the evening. Thank you for your support.”

Kel led the clapping.

Ren Xiyang bowed seriously to all the people supporting him. Then, he walked off the field towards Master Foster.

Master Faster unconsciously took a step back. “Earl Rosewood, how can I help you?”

“According to the contract, the 2500 gold.”

Master Foster blanched. “Earl Rosewood, I am not personally authorised to handle such a large sum of gold.”

Rian walked over to them. “What’s the problem?”

“According to the contract…” Ren Xiyang trailed off meaningfully.

Master Foster anxiously looked over to the duelling field where Baron Carmine was still lying prone. He bowed. “Earl Rosewood, please forgive me. Baron Carmine will fulfil the contract within the specified time frame.”

“We should trust Baron Carmine’s integrity,” Rian said lightly.

“Oh.” Ren Xiyang nodded slightly. “You know where to find me.”

Master Foster quickly nodded. “Of course, Earl Rosewood!”

Ren Xiyang turned to Kel. “Kel, Mages Aqua and Hazelwood are here, I may as well meet them in the Rose meeting room. Schedule a meeting with Mage Auclair and Mage Vercher afterwards, too,” Ren Xiyang said, pointing out the four mages.

Kel nodded. “Yes, my Lord!” She headed over to the mages to deliver the news.

Ren Xiyang turned to Rian, one eyebrow raising.

Rian smiled slightly in response. “You can’t get rid of me, Earl Rosewood.” The two of them headed back towards the Rosewood summer manor together. The rest of their retinue—Prince Alexius, Sir Gerlach Aegean, and their numerous Royal Guards—followed them.

Once Earl Rosewood left, the chatter rose again. Groups of more daring people stepped onto the duelling field to see what it was like (it was just like the rest of the surrounding paved area), and what Baron Carmine was doing lying down on the ground like that (the Healer was hard at work). The rest talked to each other about the highlights of the duel.

“Rosewood was so fast!”

Baron Carmine’s fire blade was shocking!”

“Hehe, I knew that Rosewood would defeat Carmine!”

“As expected, the Carmine family is not suited to taking over Rosewood’s position in the peerage…”

“How unfortunate…”

Some left quickly, while others dispersed slowly. The Rosewood servants still sold some foods, and those with time took the opportunity to see the Rosewood rose gardens and visit the tofu factory/shop, which sold much more than just tofu.

It wasn’t much, but the Rosewood estate became just a little bit richer after this. And as for the 2500 gold, Ren Xiyang was definitely going to receive it, one way or another.



Mage Aqua and Mage Hazelwood gave their weekly report early. They were getting used to talking to Earl Rosewood, but this was the most intimidating meeting by far, given that Prince Rian, Prince Alexius, and their entire entourage were also watching them.

“Thank you for this,” Ren Xiyang said.

“We have only a few areas left to survey, we’ll be done in a week or two,” Mage Aqua said.

Rian, seeing Ayden’s approval, smiled at the two mages. “Once you’re done, head back to the Capital. I’ll have the rest of your salary paid swiftly.”

“Thank you, your Highness,” the two mages said.

“You can join us for lunch or eat separately later,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Thank you for the offer, my Lord. We will join you for lunch,” Mage Hazelwood accepted.

The two mages left the Rose meeting room first, and then Kel ushered the two healer mages, Mage Auclair and Mage Vercher, into the room.

After the round of extensive greetings, Ren Xiyang asked the two healer mages to give their observations on the health of residents in the Rosewood fief.

Both Mage Auclair and Mage Vercher took turns talking, while Ren Xiyang made some notes.

“…My Lord, truthfully, we are only two healers, we could spend weeks in one place and not see everyone who needs to be seen,” Mage Vercher said.

Ren Xiyang sighed in his heart. He knew that very well. “I understand. Is there anything else?”

“Yes,” Mage Auclair said. She turned to Prince Rian and lowered her head. “Your Highness, Prince Rian, thank you for this opportunity here in the Rosewood fief. However, I would like to return to the Capital and pursue further healer training.”

Rian’s smile showed nothing of his underlying thoughts. “Very well, then you may return to the Capital after today and the rest of your salary will be paid.”

“Thank you for your generosity, your Highness. Earl Rosewood, thank you for the work opportunity,” Mage Auclair said politely.

As the meeting concluded, Ren Xiyang extended the invitation to lunch to the two healer mages, who also accepted.



Lunch was held in the big dining room. There were multiple long tables, which quickly filled with plates of food. While the four mages and other visiting nobles were at the lunch, they didn’t get to sit close to the princes, because the Royal Guards sat next to them instead.

Ren Xiyang, seated at the head of the table, had the honour of having Prince Rian on his right and Prince Alexius on his left.

“—And that last spell you did, it was so scary,” Alexius said energetically. “I want to learn it too!”

“It wasn’t a spell,” Rian told his younger brother.

Alexius narrowed his eyes. “Are you trying to trick me?”

“When are you going to learn nonverbal magic?” Rian teased.

Alexius huffed. “I will!”

“He will,” Sir Gerlach said supportively.

Ren Xiyang ate without speaking, while Alexius sprightly carried the conversation with his big brother and Sir Gerlach Aegean all through lunch.

After lunch, Prince Alexius’s energy crashed. He was pulled away by Sir Gerlach Aegean to have his afternoon nap, much to his embarrassment.

Rian was very happy to bid his little brother goodbye.

Maria headed over to them. “My Lord, Baron Carmine is waiting for in the orange-rose drawing room.”

Rian gave Ren Xiyang a meaningful smile.

“Then we’ll head over immediately,” Ren Xiyang said.



Baron Carmine had awoken not long after the duel ended in absolute disbelief and deep anger. He became resentful when Master Foster told him what Earl Rosewood had said.

Baron Carmine didn’t want to see Earl Rosewood or that smarmy Prince Rian ever again. He gritted his teeth and scrapped together 2500 gold, which included him needing to visit the main bank in Redmond town before rushing back the Rosewood summer manor. A servant then took him to the orange-rose drawing room to wait.

When the Earl came in, Baron Carmine threw the heavy coin bag.

Ren Xiyang neatly caught it.

Rian’s lips quirked up in faint amusement when he saw Ayden Rosewood’s bright eyes towards the bag of gold coins. He was afraid that if someone threw a bag of gold coins then Ayden Rosewood could become fatally distracted.

“Your winnings, Earl Rosewood,” Baron Carmine scowled.

Ren Xiyang turned to Kel who was by the door. “Kel, please count for me.”

Baron Carmine’s expression tightened, threatening to crack. He suddenly realised that Prince Rian was by the door too.

“Yes, my Lord,” Kel said. She took out a new coin bag and sat down at the table in the drawing room. She counted the gold coins one by one. “…Two thousand and five hundred, as agreed,” she finally finished.

Ren Xiyang smiled at Kel. He smiled at Baron Carmine. “Thank you for duelling with me today.”

It was a genuine smile—Ren Xiyang was richer and there was now no immediate pressure of money!—but to Baron Carmine, it was deeply mocking.

Baron Carmine distinctly felt as though he had been tricked by this damn little dirty earl. But with Prince Rian watching him, he had to reign in his temper.

“Thank you for accepting my challenge,” Baron Carmine gritted out. “Allow me to take my leave.”

Ren Xiyang stepped aside. “You can leave at will.”

“Then I will.” Baron Carmine didn’t pretend to be overly polite. He straightened, using his full height over these children. He farewelled the prince and left. His carriage was waiting outside, along with his servants and hired mages.

To Rian, it was like Baron Carmine was escaping with his tail tucked between his legs.

“By the way, what if I hypothetically don’t leave the Rosewood manor until you agree to come to the Capital with me?” Rian asked idly. Without Count Aegean around, Rian wasn’t in a hurry to return. Sir Gerlach Aegean was more relaxed, and he was sure there were things here to occupy his little brother’s attention. “I can’t have you evading the social event, after all.”

Ren Xiyang pulled his eyes away from the bag of coins. “You won’t have to wait too long.”

Rian blinked. “You mean…?”

“I’ll return to the Capital with you,” Ren Xiyang said. “I owe you a duel, after all.”

Rian brightened. “What made you change your mind?”

“I need to go to the Capital to find people with experience constructing underground water and sewage systems.”

Rian: “…” Not even something like, ‘oh, Prince Rian, you were in line for a duel first so I should rectify that’?

“I simply need a few days to organise things in the fief.”

That, Rian could understand. “Very well,” he said generously. “What do you need to do first?”

“Is the prince so free as to accompany me?” Ren Xiyang said, raising a sceptical eyebrow.

“Of course, I have organised my affairs back at the Capital before coming here,” Rian said.

“Then thank you for accompanying me. I might enlist your help if need be.”

“—Which will cost you a favour.”

“Which will cost me a favour,” Ren Xiyang confirmed.



Before he could leave, Ren Xiyang wanted to appoint proper leaders in his absence. And so he called the managers of the current work teams on the estate to a big meeting: people like Kel, Maria, Mrs. Cooks, Aaron, and other employees across different areas like farming, teaching, etc.

They were very surprised to see Prince Rian sitting next to Earl Rosewood.

And they were even more surprised when the Earl announced that they were now the Rosewood Estate Council. New hires were now under their control: at least two members of the mini council needed to be present during an interview, minimally asking the same basic questions that Earl Rosewood had asked in previous interviews.

And while the earl was away at the Capital, they had a list of hires to make and projects to manage.

Kel frowned. “My Lord, why am I included in this Council? I’ll be going with you to the Capital.”

“I recall that your holidays are coming up again,” Ren Xiyang said.

“But I must accompany you,” Kel said, as though it was obvious—because it was obvious to her.

“Do you want to accrue your holidays?” Ren Xiyang said. “It means adding them up, so that instead of taking two days now, you can take four days in the next period.”


Ren Xiyang nodded. He took out the bag of 2500 gold coins, a bit reluctantly, and handed it to the new council.

“These are the funds for the Rosewood Estate Council to use over the coming month. Use this to pay salaries and equipment and so forth. I will also need for you to hire these new people for the estate…”

New-to-be-hires included a proper expansion of the in-house soap and cleaning products makers, in-house writing implements makers, and so forth.

Ren Xiyang had written a list and gave it to Maria to take charge of.

“In addition, I also need a group of people to help improve the fief’s current waste systems and collection,” Ren Xiyang said. “Find me some appropriate people to be promoted—additional payment of one silver coin per month over the duration of the project—such as the farmers working with the fertiliser, or the manor employees who are familiar with disposing waste. We will convene outside tomorrow morning to visit the town mayors about how we will help support current waste collection efforts and reduce the spread of disease and germs in the towns and villages.”

The new Rosewood Estate Council all nodded seriously.

Ren Xiyang explained the brief directions he wanted, so that the Council could have a better idea of who would be suitable for the project team.

Rian sat quietly as Earl Rosewood inspired vision and strategic direction among the commoner staff. It inspired Rian too. It made him want to grow up faster and becoming King…





King Edric: *sneeze*





The BL anthology Golden Gaytimes is still posting, featuring mermen, summer, battle, romance and more~!

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