These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 44: Nobles farming? What is the world coming to!

After meeting with the newly minted Rosewood Estate Council, Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian met with Mage Vercher. They were in Earl Rosewood’s suite, seated more casually on the sofas, with a tray of snacks and tea on the table.

Mage Vercher was stiff. He was facing both Earl Rosewood and His Highness Prince Rian! He didn’t know what they wanted from him. He didn’t know why Earl Rosewood was serving him tea. Although he was now a mage, he still understood deep in his heart that he was still a commoner. He was just a small farm boy until he accidentally discovered his magical ability.

“Be at ease, Mage Vercher,” Earl Rosewood said. “I’m satisfied with your work, and so is Prince Rian.”

Mage Vercher nodded stiffly. “Thank you for your praise, my Lord.”

“Now that Mage Auclair is departing, you can continue travelling to the various Rosewood settlements, as you have,” Earl Rosewood said.

Prince Rian smiled. “Or perhaps you might be interested in our long-term plans and your potential role in them.”

Mage Vercher’s heart skipped a beat. Long term? “Your Highness, I am your loyal subject and will do as you command.”

“You have the freedom to choose,” Earl Rosewood said. “You’re aware of the current state of health among the Rosewood residents. Even if all the healer mages in the kingdom went out to the fiefs, they can’t help everyone.”

“Thus, one of our long-term plans is to educate the common people about basic hygiene practices,” Prince Rian said. “The second is for healers like you to impart some more knowledge to the non-healer local doctors.” He paused and glanced at Earl Rosewood.

Earl Rosewood leaned back, teacup halfway to his mouth. “Your Highness, please continue.”

Prince Rian ‘smiled’ faintly at Earl Rosewood before turning back to Mage Vercher.

“Mage Vercher, you may have heard about germs and handwashing, simple things that non-mages can do to improve their health. I want to set up a Royal Healers’ Service, an organisation that works to reduce the disparity of health services and outcomes across the kingdom of Sedaveria. With Earl Rosewood’s cooperation, we will first run it here in the Rosewood fief. The organisation will have multiple duties, including healers directly helping patients as you have, teaching the common folk, and teaching the non-healer local doctors. The organisation needs multiple people. It also needs someone to take the lead in organising the first steps.”

Mage Vercher’s eyes widened, his breath taken away by the vastness of Prince Rian’s goal. “Your Highness, forgive me if I don’t understand, but you want me to…”

Prince Rian’s eyes curved in a smile. “Yes. Don’t be so surprised. Of course, there would be non-magical staff to assist in administrative matters. This is our offer to you. Additionally, if you know anyone suitable to join the organisation, then do tell us. The time frame for the initial set up is a year.”

Mage Vercher’s heart thumped, thumped, thumped. This was work, and it was work that would mostly benefit only the common people. But it would also be service to the kingdom. This was a huge opportunity. If he did a good job, then maybe, in the future, Prince Rian might grant him a baronship…!

“I—I have some friends back when I was training, I think they would like to join too,” Mage Vercher said.

Prince Rian inclined his head. “Good. Let’s talk about the overall goals and some details. First, keep quiet about it for now…”

Afterwards, Mage Vercher walked out of Earl Rosewood’s suite in a daze. He was suddenly struck by his luck—if he had told Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood that he wanted to go back to the Capital like Mage Auclair, he would’ve completely missed out on this! He wanted the Royal Healers’ Service to work in the Rosewood fief, and then maybe he could petition Prince Rian to have it implemented in his home fief next…

Back in Earl Rosewood’s suite, Rian downed a cup of cold tea, quenching his thirst.

“Since you made me do most of the talking, I expect heavenly delicacies for dinner, Earl Rosewood,” he said pointedly.

Ren Xiyang hummed noncommittally. “Technically, you pay Mage Vercher’s salary. Technically, it’s the Royal Healers’ Service.”

Rian opened his mouth to counter, but then someone knocked at the door.

Ren Xiyang strolled over and opened the door, revealing Prince Alexius and Sir Gerlach.

“So, you’re finally done with all your meetings? Are you going to start cooking dinner, Earl Rosewood? Can I watch?” Alexius’s eyes were big and bright and pleading and cute.

“Hm, yes.”

Rian snorted in his heart at his little brother acting cute. Tch, where did he learn such a bad habit from?



The news of Baron Carmine’s defeat at Earl Rosewood’s hands quickly spread around the kingdom. Some heard a more factual recount of the duel itself, while others heard widely exaggerated versions. Did Baron Carmine have a tight battle with Earl Rosewood? Or had Earl Rosewood completely crushed him? Or did Baron Carmine have the upper hand until Earl Rosewood turned the tide at the final moment?

It wasn’t very clear, and what people believed was determined by their prior beliefs on Baron Carmine’s strength versus Earl Rosewood’s strength.

But the people did know that Baron Carmine had to pay Earl Rosewood 2500 gold upon losing the duel! 2500 gold was a petty sum for the nobility, but a mind-blowing amount for the commoners. Why did Baron Carmine humiliate himself like that?

Solicitor Charles Carmine also heard the news.

Solicitor Carmine didn’t go to the Rosewood fief to watch the duel. If anyone asked why, then he’d say it was because he was too busy carrying out the plans and projects that Earl Rosewood had given him.

In truth, he’d rather not see his eldest brother get crushed by Earl Rosewood’s superior abilities. There was a conflict of interest. He didn’t know how he should face his eldest brother.

His eldest brother Ethan Carmine, now Baron Carmine, had always been insufferable. He wasn’t as bad as Baron Cordovan, but Solicitor Carmine had disliked him enough to go and work for the Rosewood family instead.

Whether his eldest brother had been overly arrogant, hungry for power, or even goaded by someone else to test out Earl Rosewood’s strength, none of that mattered in the end. Regardless of the fine details, a grown man had been defeated by a half-sized child. Ethan Carmine had made the family a laughingstock among the nobility.

Solicitor Carmine was now thankful for Earl Rosewood’s oddness. If it were anyone else, he would be fired immediately. But with Earl Rosewood, Solicitor Carmine would probably keep his job as long as he carried out his tasks properly.

Unlike a certain Manager Gregory…



On the morning of the next day, residents of the Rosewood summer manor could find their Earl wearing a broad-brim hat, caked with mud (and fertiliser), farming in the fields.

Ren Xiyang was trying to make up for the fact that he wouldn’t be able to see the fields while he was at the Capital.

Alexius tentatively followed his big brother out to the fields, along with the usual entourage of Royal Guards and Sir Gerlach Aegean. It was a bit stinky, as fertiliser had recently been applied to the fields.

Ren Xiyang’s lips thinned slightly when he saw them. Couldn’t he farm in peace? “Your Highnesses, how can I help you?”

“Act as though we’re not here,” Rian said graciously.

Ren Xiyang inclined his head and promptly ignored them.

Rian: “…”

Rian turned to his innocent little brother. “Alexius, as a prince, it’s very important for you to understand agriculture as it fuels our kingdom.”

Alexius squirmed as his brother tried to teach him again. Words went in one ear and out the other. Whatever Earl Rosewood was doing suddenly looked a lot more fun and interesting and not boring.

In the middle of his brother’s talking, Alexius trotted towards Earl Rosewood.

“Earl Rosewood, what are you doing? Can I join?”

“I’m weeding.”

With only organic pesticides at hand, weeding and checking for any diseases in the plants was a lot more arduous but it had to be done.

“Oh?” Alexius glanced back at his evil brother and then walked closer to Earl Rosewood. “I can help!”

“Okay.” Ren Xiyang looked at the Royal Guards. “Someone, fetch Prince Alexius a hat and a hoe.”

Rian sighed. “Fetch me them too,” he said.

“Yes, your Highness!” Two Royal Guards quickly headed off.

Ren Xiyang beckoned to Alexius. “Weeds are like unwanted visitors, eating up your food and preventing you from growing taller.”

Alexius made a face. “I am growing taller!” He moved to the other side of Earl Rosewood as his brother approached them.

“Look carefully at these plants. These, we want to keep. Plants like this, we want to dig up.”

The Royal Guards returned quickly with the items. Soon, Prince Alexius and Prince Rian were wearing big rustic hats in combination with their not-so-pristine-anymore white and blue clothing, hoes in hand as they attacked the weeds that Earl Rosewood had pointed out.

They looked like three young boys playing around in the mud, except they were all noble. Those princes were the future of the Imperial family! They weren’t even earth or plant mages!

Sir Gerlach Aegean: “…”

In the end, he decided he couldn’t stand and watch, and so found himself a hat and a farming tool to help alongside the two princes.

It was a good thing Count Aegean wasn’t here because he’d surely become very unhappy and gain a few more grey hairs!



In the end, Alexius didn’t weed for that long. Turning weeds into ice was a lot more fun!

Rian continued to work honestly…but he couldn’t help but goad Alexius from time to time.

Eventually, Ren Xiyang sighed world-wearily in his heart and told them both to stop. He took Alexius and Rian along to pick up some mature vegetables to have for their next meal, before returning to the Rosewood manor to bathe and change their clothes.

(The Rosewood farmers gave a sigh of relief.)

After refreshing themselves, it was mid-morning. Alexius eagerly looked for Earl Rosewood again.

But! Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian were going to the Rose meeting room to talk to a group of servants about improving current waste systems! They also planned to visit the Redmond town mayor in the afternoon after lunch to talk some more about it!

“Your Highness, this is a good time to complete some of your studies,” Sir Gerlach Aegean said, firmly directing the disappointed Alexius back to his guest suite.

Rian felt superior in his heart. He followed Earl Rosewood into the Rose meeting room and sat next to Earl Rosewood. The new staff task force for improving current waste systems filled in the other seats.

The Royal Healers’ Service could greatly improve the people’s health, but so would improving fundamental services.

Ren Xiyang wanted to construct proper sewage systems and water mains. However, what would the towns do while that was under planning and construction? How long would it take to connect all the households up to the new systems? It was still important to clean up the streets now and improve the water quality now. The current ban on dumping waste into the rivers was still being followed, but Ren Xiyang knew that noncompliance will occur in the future as the people became lazy.

So, he needed to make it much easier for the people to comply. And as with most problems, this could be solved with money.

Ren Xiyang spoke about setting up common nearby bins for the residents to dump their waste, about hiring more waste collectors and public-road cleaners in the towns to work daily or even twice daily, and about improving those workers’ pay and protective equipment. Things like all-body jumpsuits and face masks with in-built magic purification will go a long way in making the work more palatable and safe.

Rian wasn’t listening idly. As Earl Rosewood sometimes reminded them, rubbish and waste and filth were breeding grounds for germs. Rats and other pests also carried disease. It was a matter of public health to keep city and town streets clean. Or else, they might be able to avert the plague-curse, only to suffer a different plague instead. He wondered whether the Imperial Council would agree to a regular health-and-cleanliness inspection of major towns and cities…



Lunch featured fresh vegetables from the farms hand-picked by Earl Rosewood and the princes, hand-cooked by Earl Rosewood while Prince Alexius and Prince Rian watched (and bickered with each other).

“—Unfortunately, I am unable to follow you to town this afternoon,” Alexius said primly once he finished eating lunch. “I have to take a nap first, and then I have many other things to do.”

“I’m sure you have many important things to do here,” Rian agreed drily.

Alexius nodded seriously before he was taken away by Sir Gerlach Aegean for his rest.

“We’ll head to Redmond first,” Ren Xiyang said. “Kel has prepared a carriage for us, while the others will take another carriage. Come.”

Rian’s lips curved in satisfaction.

And so, while Ren Xiyang, Rian, and the new waste-collection-improvement task group visited various town mayors to talk about waste collection improvement, Alexius had his nap, and then had fun around the Rosewood manor, visiting the rose gardens, visiting the tofu factory, and obtained a big stomach from eating a lot of new delicious food.

Rian was very satisfied accompanying Ayden Rosewood, and Alexius was very satisfied not accompanying Ayden Rosewood. The princes were both happy that afternoon.






Prince Alexius: 🥺👉👈 I’m a cute baby

Prince Rian: Tch, who would believe that!

Ren Xiyang: Why am I babysitting two naughty kids (→_→)






After various comments about it, I decided to read the manhwa version of Trash of the Count’s Family…

…the clothes! AH the clothes!!!


Anyway, I did a sketch of grown-up Rian and Ren Xiyang:

Hm I wonder what they’re annoyed about…

I’m afraid to do more with the sketch because it’s only downhill from here…To be honest, it already went downhill when I added in the shading…



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