This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.16 Obvious Reagent

“As an additive, you said?” Sabina asked, intrigued. “Just yours?”

“Just mine?”

“Just your semen? How was it worded?”

Zoey paused. Naturally, she’d broached the subject of her newest skill with her alchemy tutor, and this was the exact reason why. As the expert, she’d easily be able to identify uses or quirks of her skills. And sure, Rosalie and Delta had made it clear keeping her class a secret was the standard, but Zoey didn’t care much for ‘the standard’, at this point.

Though, Zoey felt a bit embarrassed about the obvious deduction Sabina had made. “The exact wording was, sexual fluids can be used to amplify potions in various ways. So based on that, you think it works with anyones?”

“And various sexual fluids,” Sabina said. “Not just semen. Though that would clearly be the easiest to collect.”

Zoey nodded. Then, grimaced. “I’m not particularly keen on … collecting from a man.”

“Only interested in women. Yes, I inferred that. Fortunately, it isn’t a problem.”

“It … isn’t?”

“I apologize if you were looking forward to discovering this yourself,” Sabina said, “or perhaps with me, but I was too curious to not do my own experiments. I discovered something, last night.”

That had a promising sound to it. “Okay?”

“Your semen is clearly a potent magical fluid,” Sabina said, smoothly, in that same evenness that Zoey found a combination of amusing and impressive, considering the topic. “Hence, not just as a base, I did some experiments with it as a reagent.”

“A reagent.” Zoey adjusted to that. She still didn’t know where Sabina was going. “And …” If Sabina said it solved the problem of Zoey not wanting to collect sexual fluids from men

No way?

“I presume you’ve guessed it,” Sabina said. “Indeed. I suspected the same effect, and thus targeted, it was simple to coax out. When catalyzed, your semen produces a potion that temporarily grows genitalia. For example, a cock on a woman.”

“No shit,” Zoey breathed.

She’d been waiting for something like that to arrive, whether through a potion, skill, or item. And here it had arrived? She could give her partners a cock?

She supposed it made sense. Zoey’s cum—a substance stemming from a cock grown on a woman—would catalyze into a similar effect. How hadn’t she guessed that?

To be fair, she had a lot on her plate. Lots of distractions, and a packed schedule.

“Notably,” Sabina said, “it gives a superb outlook to our budding business. Not only will the effect be highly desired, but the reagent itself is renewable and simple to procure.”

Zoey coughed. Easy to procure. Yeah, when Sabina intended to milk her twice a day, it sure would be. Zoey’d just arrived to Sabina’s store, so they hadn’t handled their first session, but it would be coming up shortly, if she had to guess. Especially now that she had additional need to keep a ‘good stock’.

“You tested it?”

“I did indeed,” Sabina replied, quirking an eyebrow. “It was … an odd sensation.”

Zoey’s heart jumped. She’d tested it. Sabina had grown herself a cock. That imagery was hard to resist. Something stirred in her pants, which Sabina politely ignored.

“Took me all sorts of getting used to,” Zoey said, feigning a nonchalance that was given away by her traitorous lower half. “How big was it?”

Sabina raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure that’s a question for polite company.”

Zoey paused. Right. Even if they’d grown more familiar with each other, that didn’t mean Zoey should go asking whatever came to mind. She wondered whether she should apologize, but Sabina cut in.

“That was a joke,” she said. “I see I continue to be not very good at those.” She waved her hand dismissively, brushing past the topic. “I don’t mind speaking of it. It was nine and a half inches with a six and one-third circumference. It curves seven degrees to the left. Repeated ingestions resulted in consistent biology, which I found intriguing.”

Even described so clinically, in classic Sabina fashion, the idea thrilled through Zoey. While not as outrageously over-sized as Zoey’s own monster, nine and a half inches was still pretty absurd. That was more than enough to stuff someone silly. Wouldn’t fit in most girls, even. Would the potion give the same natural accommodation Zoey received?

“Nine inches,” Zoey grinned. “Was that fun?”

“I didn’t experiment with it in the way you’re assuming,” Sabina said. “I found the sensations too … new … to enjoy. Perhaps with some adjustment.”

Zoey worried for a moment that she’d overstepped by implying otherwise, but Sabina was, of course, unruffled. Still, Zoey had known Sabina preferred ‘giving’ than ‘receiving’, so it made sense she hadn’t gone crazy with her experiments. Probably should have assumed it.

“What happens if I drink it, though?” Zoey found herself asking.

Sabina paused. She clearly hadn’t considered it. While a thorough scientist, she was still human—she didn’t always consider every possibility. Here and there, a possibility would slip her mind. “Hm,” she said. “I imagine nothing? I postulate that for men, they’d grow their missing part. But you? You already have both.”

Zoey blinked at the first half of that statement, but brushed past it to the second. “Maybe I get two?”

“I suppose it’s not impossible,” Sabina said. “I think it more likely it would simply fizzle.”

It was hard to say which won out—Zoey’s experience in her class’s lewd interactions, or Sabina’s vast expertise. Probably the second, honestly. It would be way too lucky to get two amazing effects from one potion.

“But moving along,” Sabina said. “We’ll experiment with your new skill shortly, but we have a preliminary task to handle.”

Zoey’s heart skipped a beat.

“I hope you studied the suggested material,” Sabina said coolly, “because as I informed you, your reward depends on your performance.”

“I tried to.” She generally didn’t like making excuses, but in her case, they were pretty relevant. “I’m busy. And last night was, uh. I didn’t have time to study.” Then, because she wasn’t wholly a bad student, “but I squeezed it in where I could. I really am trying my hardest. Just … lots of things pulling me in lots of directions.”

“That’s reasonable,” Sabina said. “And I suspected as much.” She approached Zoey, and Zoey’s eyes widened. Sabina was one of the rare women taller than her, and combined with her antlers, she towered. More than her height, even, it was her personality, which while not dominant in the traditional sense, had an equal presence. Stalwart, collected, immutable. “But just because I understand, doesn’t mean I lower my standards. You’ll find the quiz difficult.” She cupped Zoey’s chin, tilting her head up. “If you get all ten questions right, well …” A hint of a smile. “I’m sure you can guess what the final reward is.”

Letting go of Zoey and turning, headed for the main storefront, she continued, “But the lesser rewards. You might enjoy those, too. Come. Our time is limited. Best to be quick about things.”

Heart galloping, a stupid grin on her face, Zoey trailed after.

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