This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.17 – ❤ Quiz I

Zoey found herself, once again, strapped down on Sabina’s reclining metal chair. Her instructor went about organizing her work table, ignoring Zoey as she shifted around. Letting the tension build. She could recognize the intent, but that didn’t mean it didn’t work. Fuck, just a few short moments from now, and Sabina would be taking care of her.

Well. Assuming she did well on the quiz.

A quiz.

Really? Zoey was expected to focus? With so much anticipation flooding her veins? Not fair. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to answer even the most basic of questions.

Finally, Sabina finished her superficial tidying of her workbench. She turned to Zoey.

“Your first question,” she said, folding her hands in front of her, pointedly standing several feet away—not yet approaching.

So, nothing at all would be happening, not unless Zoey got at least some questions right. No ‘give-me's.

“What,” Sabina said, “is the purpose of the calcinator in the alchemical process?”

That was one of the questions?

Sabina must have recognized the surprise on her face, because she said, “We’ll work on a scale of progressing difficulty.”

So the first would be painfully easy, like what one of the fundamental pieces of alchemy equipment did. That made sense.

“It’s a furnace that helps prepare reagents,” Zoey said. “A, uh, prep tool.”

Sabina didn’t mind the lack of elegance in the response. Knowing Sabina, she could probably have recited a textbook definition, as well as the source she’d memorized it from. Zoey didn’t work like that. She was certain she would never be the genius Sabina was, and that didn’t bother her. Her aspirations were to be ‘pretty good’, maybe even ‘great’, but Sabina was something else entirely. Zoey was utterly confident that her lack of renown came from how early in her career Zoey had found her. Even then, she did have recognition—Fe had been the one to point Zoey Sabina’s way, claiming she was one of the ‘best in the field when it came to the esoteric’.

“An acceptable answer,” Sabina said smoothly. Her fingers went to her lab coat’s buttons, and Zoey’s heart jumped. Slowly, making sure to tease, her teacher stripped from her concealing white coat, leaving …

Just a bra and panties, underneath. She’d come prepared. Zoey drank in the sight, the dark, lacy fabric set against smooth skin. Really, it was unfair how amazing of a body Sabina had, when she always locked it behind her lab coat.

Sabina’s eyes flicked down to Zoey’s growing bulge, and, like usual, Zoey didn’t see a hint of a reaction. Why did that passivity do so much for her?

She really, really wanted to see what it took to make Sabina squirm. Could she manage it? Could she pin down Sabina and fuck her until she was moaning and coming apart like any other girl? Or would that stone face persist through anything? Somehow, that sounded just as exciting.

She desperately wanted to find out.

It was a tragedy she wouldn’t, today. Answering all ten questions correctly was an impossibility. She was certain Sabina had prepared it so that the later questions would be beyond Zoey’s capabilities. It would encourage her to study harder.

Shrugging off the thick white coat, then folding and setting it to the side, Sabina approached. She sat down on the stool next to the table Zoey was strapped down onto, then said, “Don’t get too excited. You need to focus.”

“I’m aware,” Zoey said. Her eyes crawled across Sabina’s body, basking in the exposed skin. “But that doesn’t mean I can stop myself from looking.”

Sabina’s lips tilted, and she shook her head in exasperation. Zoey could tell—behind the layers of stone—that she enjoyed being admired. Obviously, Zoey was happy to indulge in that.

“Question two,” Sabina said firmly, making Zoey’s heart skip—because a correct answer meant more. Direct satisfaction? “What is the purpose of quicklime?”

“As a primary or preparatory reagent?”

Sabina seemed satisfied at the response. “You have been studying.”

“It’s interesting,” Zoey said. “I think your passion rubs off on me.”

“I’m not called a passionate woman, often.”

“It’s a different sort. Not in-your-face. But it’s obviously there.”

Sabina studied her. Finally, she said, “The question was intended for quicklime’s typical usage.”

“It’s more often used for preparation. It helps the dissolving process.”

“Which means, from a functional sense?”

“Easier catalyzation with elements slow to dissolve.”

Sabina stood.

Then climbed on top of Zoey, sitting on her thighs. Seeing how Zoey had a monster in her pants, even not situated on her lap, it meant her cock pressed against Sabina’s ass as Sabina straddled a safe distance away. By the pause, then purse of her lips, Sabina realized that her attempts to space herself hadn’t worked. Snorting, she scooted up, so she was seated on Zoey's lap.

“You can strip yourself, now.”


“Strip yourself.”

“I’m a bit locked down,” Zoey said dryly, struggling against her confinements to emphasize the point.

Sabina’s eyebrows raised, and the realization hit a second later.

“Ah … right.”

Her inventory. Though she was growing accustomed to the strange set of powers afforded to her, they certainly hadn’t become second nature.

She could just … strip herself. Whenever. So weird.

Focusing on her clothes, she sucked the various fabrics into that bizarre liminal space. In a moment, she was naked. Her cock, a second ago separated by fabrics, now pressed into Sabina’s warm ass directly. She was wearing lacy underwear, but it didn’t cover much. Her ass was hanging out, to Zoey’s cock’s satisfaction. She closed her eyes and shivered at the direct contact.

“Third question,” Sabina said, calmly straddling Zoey, wiggling her hips side to side, teasing her. Zoey’s instincts cried out to reach forward and grab the woman on top of her, press her close, but the straps on her wrists, ankles, stomach, and neck quickly reminded her of the situation. Locked down. Helpless to Sabina’s desires. “What is the purpose of a retort?”

“To sound clever?”

Sabina looked unimpressed at Zoey’s joke. To be fair, Zoey wasn’t operating at full capacity, seeing how her teacher’s ass was pressed into her cock.

“It’s, um, an alchemical tool,” Zoey said. “You heat something in it, and volatile components vaporize and rise up through the neck. The vapor condenses back into a liquid. It creates reagents from other reagents.”

“Indeed,” Sabina said. “I’m wondering if I made this too easy.”

“I have a feeling I’m going to run out of steam pretty quick,” Zoey admitted. “I’ve worked through the beginner sections, but once you get to the more specific stuff, I’ll start floundering.”

“That was my intent,” Sabina said. She leaned into Zoey, pressing her chest into Zoey’s, and whispered into her ear, “Otherwise, what’s there to look forward to?”

“I’d always look forward to this,” Zoey breathed, eyes closed. “Doesn’t matter how many times we do it.”

Zoey opened her eyes to see Sabina studying her.

“I’m not accustomed to handling romantics,” she said. “The flattery is … excessive.”

Zoey blinked.

It was the first tell she’d found.

The way Sabina’s eyes skirted away.

Was that the key? Sabina was used to extracting pleasure, but wasn’t used to being complimented? Earnestly and whole-heartedly? To draw a hilarious comparison, she was like Rosalie, but in a different way. Maybe that was why Zoey had taken to her so quickly.

Though, with Sabina, Zoey knew to tuck that information away for later. Blunt force wouldn’t work with this woman. She’d have to be much craftier employing that devastating piece of knowledge.

Reaching behind her, Sabina unstrapped her bra, then tossed it casually aside. Zoey drank in the sight of stiff, hard nipples, wishing desperately she could reach out and play with them. Unfortunately, she remained locked down. However exciting the lack of movement was, it came with downsides.

Until Sabina leaned forward, at least, and her tits were in Zoey’s face.

She took the hard nub happily, latching to Sabina’s breasts and swirling her tongue around. A soft nibble had Sabina inhaling sharply. She grabbed Zoey’s head and pushed her forward, burying soft pillows into her face. Sabina had almost as much up top as Delta, and that was a hard measuring stick to compare to.

“Fourth question,” Sabina said, the noises barely registering. Zoey protested, murmuring into Sabina’s tits, continuing to play with the older woman. How was she supposed to answer like this?

Not that she was complaining.

“Fourth question,” she scolded, pressing Zoey’s face in tighter. “What is the proper way to prepare a kiffah root as a catalyzer for a clarity enhancing potion?”

With Sabina sitting on her cock, and her nipple in her mouth, it would be a vast understatement to say she was distracted. How in the world was she supposed to focus on answering alchemy questions?

“Remember, dear pupil,” Sabina murmured into her ear. “Every answer means greater rewards.”

Ah. Right. That was a good motivator.

Zoey struggled through the haze of lust. Sabina pointedly didn’t remove her tits from her face, though, and Zoey wouldn’t have wanted her to.

Kiffah root. She’d heard the reagent name before. Sabina was going easy on her—though advancing in difficulty, they’d yet to reach territory where Zoey was clueless.

Scraping her brain, she barely managed to trudge up memories from her time spent poring over her assigned textbook. It might have happened faster if she wasn’t toying with her teacher’s nipples, swirling a tongue around and nibbling, but slow or fast, she did manage.

She gave her response.

Sabina considered Zoey’s answer, then nodded. “It’s fundamentally correct, though perhaps summarized more than I’d prefer. No matter.”

Leaning away, Sabina slid off Zoey’s body. She would’ve pouted, but she knew the disentanglement meant more, and better, would be coming.

“And my reward?” Zoey asked.

Smiling, Sabina walked to her table, plucking out two glass vials with cork stoppers. Zoey’s eyebrows raised. Some chemical enhancements to the situation? She hadn’t a clue what they were, but considering their environment—the room and table she was strapped to—she had a suspicion she was in for some fun.

Popping open the vial, Sabina poured the liquid into her hand. Zoey’s heart jumped at the implication. That she would be working in the material by hand. Her cock throbbed in excitement.

“Just remember to focus,” Sabina said, reaching toward Zoey’s cock. “We’re not even halfway through.”

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