This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.18 – ❤ Quiz II

Zoey’s teacher worked a slippery lubricant into her cock, long, slim digits caressing a needy member that had been agonizing for this moment. A drawn-out moan escaped her. Though Sabina had taken care of her once before, it had been with a toy. This was much more intimate. Her hand, directly on Zoey’s cock, stroking up and down.

And still with that perfectly poised, unruffled expression.

Then the substance’s effect took hold.

“Oh,” Zoey said, inhaling. “That’s—“

She had thought the heat throbbing her cock had been her natural arousal, but, she discovered quickly, that was only half right. While scalding, the sensations accompanying her teacher’s hand as she worked the slippery liquid up and down fourteen inches of girl dick was definitely not natural.

Some kind of heating agent?

“—that’s nice,” Zoey finished with a moan. The heat between her legs grew and grew, almost to an uncomfortable degree. Combined with her teacher’s stroking grip, the heat felt … nice? Not painful, even if it was?

Not entirely painful. It kept growing. Her cock felt like it was on fire. But in a good way?

She groaned, hips wiggling side to side, the sensations impossible to sit through. Was it increasing her sensitivity? Had Sabina appropriated some of her lewd ingredients for her own experiments?

“Question five,” her cruel captor said. “Detail the three most common indicators an active brew is destabilizing. Likewise, name three less common indicators.”

Before Zoey could start gathering her thoughts, Sabina was pouring the second of the two liquids. Swallowing, Zoey pushed that out of her mind, as well as the burning pleasure caressing her painfully erect dick. The question. Each answer meant she got more from Sabina. She had to focus.

“Discoloring,” Zoey said, “which is usually caused by irregular reagent distribution. Unequal bubbling, which is clearly the fault of … uneven temperature …”

Oh, god. She found out what the second substance did. Where the first had stroked her cock with an intense heat, the second was doing the opposite. Each pass of her teacher’s hand, working the liquid around, had Zoey’s cock turning colder and colder. Combined with what had to be a sensitivity-enhancing effect, Zoey’s words trailed off, replaced by a moan. She wouldn’t have thought freezing her cock with a magical liquid would feel good, but it did—excruciatingly, painfully so. Then again, maybe it was Sabina’s dexterous movements causing the euphoria wracking her lower half, making her hips jerk up and down against her restraints.

“Two of three,” Sabina prompted. “Keep going.”

Keep going. Like this. What a joke.

Somehow, she focused. Even as her tutor played with her cock, working in alternating bouts of hot-and-cold, seizing her dick with an assault of intense sensations, she shakily struggled out an answer. Sabina seemed impressed, though certainly not at the content of her answer, but that she’d managed to respond at all.

Pleased, Sabina stood, finally giving Zoey a reprieve. Zoey sagged into the metal chair-table, panting in exhaustion. Her cock throbbed, Sabina’s most recent attack having been the burning-hot liquid. Precum leaked from her tip, and her entire length was a shade redder than normal, twitching from agitation.

“I’m going too easy on you,” Sabina said. “Let’s take it further.”

Too easy? It’d taken everything Zoey had to make it through the last question. Still, horrified as she was to see what the next stage of her torture was, she didn’t protest. For all that the burning and freezing substances hurt, she was enjoying them equally.

Sabina loosened Zoey’s straps, adjusted the reclining metal chair so it was laying flat, then resecured Zoey. She tightened the ones around her neck, ankles, thighs, and arms, but removed the strap keeping her stomach to the table. Then she walked off to grab something.

Zoey stared up at the ceiling, where Sabina’s mirror displayed her laid out on the metal table. It was a lewd sight, seeing herself in such a compromised, locked-down position. Her face was bright red, and she looked dizzy even to herself.

Returning, Sabina crawled up onto the table with her, a device in hand. Zoey couldn’t crane up to get a great view with her neck strapped to the table, but she could still look down and mostly make things out. Except, not exactly. Sabina had placed the item down and was fiddling with it between Zoey’s legs.

“What is it?”

Sabina lifted the object, presenting it for her. A … dildo? With a box at the end?

Flipping a switch, the device hummed to life, then started thrusting slowly back and forth.


A mechanized dildo. Wonderful. Zoey’s lips parted, and, in anticipation, her panting grew louder. Her other part hadn’t gotten much action, recently—it was unsurprising her fourteen-inch cock occupied her partner’s attention, most frequently. But Sabina. Sabina wanted to play with both parts of her.

And, based on how she was working in the heating liquid into the slippery toy, she wasn’t going to go easy.

Sticking the toy to the table, then flipping the switch to bring it back to life, Sabina said, “Question six.”

The mechanized toy plunged into her. It slid in easily, spreading Zoey apart, lubricated by both her own excitement and the heating liquid. The dual assault of her burning cock, still being caressed by the magical substance Sabina had worked into it, and the sudden feeling of fullness as she was thrust into with a smooth, uncaring rhythm of Sabina’s toy, Zoey’s mind quickly came apart.

Then Sabina’s hands joined in, and she really couldn’t think. She was vaguely aware of Sabina asking the sixth question, but all she could focus on was her teacher’s strong grip, milking up and down her girl cock with both hands. From two directions, Zoey was taken care of, magically amplified by the burning heat of Sabina’s concoction.

She stared down her body, between her tits, unable to lean forward for a proper view. She basked in the sensations of her teacher’s ministrations, and the sight of her long digits working up and down her cock. And Sabina’s tits, which were still bared from earlier, and her nipples, wet from Zoey’s mouth.

Vaguely, Zoey was aware of Sabina quirking an eyebrow. A sharp two-handed squeeze of her cock dragged Zoey back, dispelling the melting haze she’d fallen under. The toy continued to hum, thrusting inside Zoey, and Sabina’s hands returned to their efforts when she saw she’d gotten Zoey’s attention.

“We’re past the halfway point,” Sabina said. “These are the real reward questions. Focus. Your next prize is my mouth.”

Her mouth? Zoey’s mind blanked at the idea. Her teacher’s lips wrapped around her cock? Getting to thrust inside that tight, slippery hole, with Sabina’s indifferent gray eyes watching her from down between her legs?

It had already been a herculean task to focus on the quiz, and with Sabina’s hands, and the mechanized dildo, pleasuring her, it was even more so. Still, in face of such an enticing reward, Zoey dragged her melting brain back into coherence. She genuinely didn’t know how she did it. Sabina’s throat wrapped around her dick was that encouraging of an idea, she guessed.

“If you were to combine luminorium,” Sabina said, “with a base metal such as orias steel and subject the mixture to a high-temperature calcination process, what would be the resulting product? And what processes would be needed for purification?”

Ah. Sabina had been serious, then. The second half of the quiz, and the ‘bigger rewards’, had come with appropriately difficult questions.

Zoey wrangled her thoughts long enough to parse the question. Discovering the difficulty of it, though, the total blank that it brought to her mind, she submitted to the reality of the situation. Question five was as far as she would progress, today. Maybe with more studying, she’d go further, but she certainly couldn’t answer this one.

For that matter, she wasn’t lasting much longer in the carnal sense, much less the academic one.

“I don’t know,” Zoey said, slumping. “Fuck, I’m getting close. Can I finish on you? Please?” She strained against the straps locking her down, hips arching upward. Had that been why Sabina had removed the one around her stomach? So she could see Zoey’s lower half struggle? The dildo-toy, strapped to the table, had to bend to match her raised hips, and it started pumping Zoey from a new angle. She collapsed back down, dizzy, feeling the first hints of orgasm started to wash through her. From two directions, not one. Both her cock and pussy. Two climaxes at once. And amplified by Sabina’s heating substance. It was going to be mind-erasing—Zoey could tell that even from the first hints of the upcoming euphoria.

“Finish on me?” Sabina asked. “We’re supposed to be collecting your load. Does my naughty student want to cum over her teacher’s tits that badly? To waste all this hard work?”

“Please,” Zoey gasped. “Please. Let me. I want to cover you.”

Sabina hummed, considering the question. Finally, she said, “I really am too accommodating. Very well. Go ahead. Cum for me.”

Looking down the length of her body, she saw Sabina point her cock toward her chest, then pick up speed, stroking Zoey’s cock with a renewed vigor.

The permission, of course, threw her over the edge. Sabina’s tits. She got to cum over her teacher’s tits. Her hips arched, and her pussy and cock seized in synchronized orgasm. Pleasure radiated through her, burning her nerves to a white-hot peak, and she came. Her hips jerked back and forth in rapid, spasming thrusts as the thrashed against her restraints, helping milk out her finish.

Thick white strings flew onto Sabina’s chest—and with the violence of her movements, onto her face, too, into her hair, her stomach, everywhere, Zoey’s panicked movements making her cock impossible to control. Zoey whined as her entire body was reduced to a hot sludge, her teacher diligently milking her cock up top, and her toy thrusting in and out, bumping into her deepest reaches down below.

She watched, in something close to a fugue, as she coated Sabina with cum. Sabina allowed it to happen with that same long-suffering patience, completely unaffected by the strings of Zoey’s cum quickly coating more and more of her. That, of course, was one of the reasons Zoey’s orgasm took so long to work out.

God, she couldn’t wait until she got the chance to see how much it took to make Sabina’s composure break. Fourteen inches ought to do the trick. Maybe some alchemical help, like Sabina had employed against her, today.

Finally, Zoey collapsed into the metal table, head swimming.

A long several moments later, after Sabina had let her come to her senses, Sabina said, “Well, then. Question seven.”

Zoey couldn’t help it—she started laughing.

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