This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 132: I Won’t Miss It

The sudden appearance of Lady Fionia left Ian genuinely perplexed.

‘Why is she here?’

The royal palace where he resided strictly prohibited outsiders from entering, a measure taken by King Eloin for Ian’s safety.

‘How did she manage to pass through when even the knights wouldn’t let the First Princess through?’

It was then.

“Lady Fionia, you must not enter!”

The Blood Lion Knights hurriedly came running behind her.

Ian smiled.

‘So, she didn’t even bother to ask for permission.’

It seemed she hadn’t received permission to enter after all.

“Stop right there!”

The Blood Lion Knights soon blocked her path.

“It is His Majesty’s order. No one is to be let in.”

Despite the knight’s firm expression, Lady Fionia remained unfazed. 

Instead, she glanced past the knight to see where Ian was.

“I’m glad to see you unharmed.”


Everyone, including Ian, flinched at Fionia’s words.

In particular, Duke Lavaltor, who was unable to tell his only daughter whether her would-be fiancée was alive or not, was visibly shaken.

‘That guy. The sight of the Seventh Prince in Labadom was unusual.’

It was as if he had no idea it would come this far.

But that wasn’t what mattered now.

Even though she was Duke Lavaltor’s daughter, it was a sin to disobey the king’s orders and come here.

It was when Duke was wondering what to do.

“It’s alright. Return to your post.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Ian at his words.

The knight spoke in confusion.

“Your Highness Prince Ian, His Majesty has ordered that nobody should…”

“She is not just anybody. She might become my betrothed.”


The knight was momentarily speechless. 

Unlike when it was the First Princess, it was ambiguous whether they could stop her as she was here because of her betrothal.

“I doubt His Majesty ordered you to chase away my pitiful betrothed.”


It was the knight who let Lady Fionia pass in the first place.

The knight had no choice but to return with a helpless expression, feeling the meaning behind Ian’s gaze.

After the door was closed, Ian turned to Fionia.

“So, what are you doing here?”

Fionia opened her mouth as if nothing had happened.

“I came here because I was worried.”


Ian paused for a moment. 

He felt a slight pang of guilt for not letting Fionia know that he wasn’t hurt. 

After all, she had brought all sorts of items for him. 

However, Fionia, who had been worried about Ian, soon spoke up.

“Now that I know you’re okay, I should hear the answer.”

“The answer?”

Ian tilted his head in confusion, but Fionia took a step forward towards him.

“I’ve heard that you haven’t given a proper answer, even after summoning my father.”

She glanced at Duke Lavaltor standing beside her, as if questioning why she hadn’t received a response yet. 

The duke cleared his throat and turned his head, appearing uncharacteristically weak.

“That’s right. With the sudden turmoil in the country, I haven’t been able to…”

The usually stern duke seemed vulnerable, surprising the other knights, including Ian. 

But Fionia didn’t want to hear any more excuses from her father. 

Instead, she turned to Ian and made a request.

“Please give me a clear answer.”

Ian could sense her earnest gaze.

‘If you plan to use Duke Lavaltor’s name like the Second Prince did, I won’t stay silent anymore.’

It was a look that conveyed her determination not to be used again. 

After seeing her eyes, Ian decided to test her.

“What will you do if I refuse the betrothal?”

“I will return to the Lavaltor territory.”

Her words surprised Fiosen.


Fiosen shouted desperately, his face pale with concern. 

It didn’t matter before because the Second Prince was the one betrothed, but now the situation was different.

“Most girls your age have already been betrothed. If you go back now, you will…”

She might be ridiculed by others. 

In this country, being unmarried at her age was seen as a flaw. 

But Duke Lavaltor stopped Fiosen from saying more.

“Be quiet.”


Duke Lavaltor looked at Fionia with a serious gaze, questioning her intentions to return to their territory. 

But Fionia responded calmly with a determined gaze.

“I am also a Lavaltor, just like my brother.”

She wouldn’t cling to marriage. 

She had learned swordsmanship from Duke Lavaltor, and she believed she could maintain her physical well-being

Ian could sense her determination. 

No, he read more than that in her eyes.

‘If he rejects her, does she intend to abandon the life of a lady and live as a knight?’

The duke nodded calmly at her serious gaze.

“Do as you wish.”


“You stay quiet. This is not your wedding; it’s Fionia’s business.”

“But, no matter what, this is…”

Fiosen seemed unable to readily accept Duke Lavaltor’s permission.

While the three people were having a staredown.

Ian couldn’t help but look at Fionia out of curiosity.

She appeared completely different from his previous life.

‘Fionia Lavaltor.’

During the previous life, all he saw was her standing next to the Second Prince at the wedding. He distinctly remembered that she didn’t display any emotions, like a doll. 

But now, it was different.

‘The eyes are different.’

Ian wasn’t sure if it was something she gained from their experience in Labadom Village. 

Her intense gaze seemed like she was ready to ride on the Blue King and leave at any second. Unconsciously, Ian smiled.

‘I don’t want to miss her.’

It wasn’t just because of her appearance. 

It was her confident demeanor to the Blood Lion Knights and her exceptional skills while riding with the Red Wolf in Labadom. 

At the very least, she had such outstanding skills that she deserved to truly be called the daughter of Duke Lavaltor.

She was even skilled enough to be considered his fifth knight. 

Ian looked at Lady Lavaltor.

“Very well. I will send a messenger to provide an official response.”

“No. Please respond now.”


This time, Ian was also unusually surprised. But Fionia locked her gaze firmly, as if there were no room for negotiation.

“You always try to slip away like this.”


“Don’t you remember? You promised to tell me in Labadom and immediately left for the royal palace.”


Ian broke into a sweat as he realized his oversight. 

It was only then that he remembered the time he had spoken to her alone in Labadom.

“Let’s talk about the engagement after the battle is over. I have more urgent work to do right now.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

But Fionia looked at him, unwilling to accept any more delays.

“I want to hear a definite answer right here, right now.”


Ian’s eyes flashed with amusement. 

He could feel her unwavering determination. 

However, he smiled as if he were in a bit of a predicament.

“It’s a bit difficult right now.”


“I haven’t been officially recognized as the successor of Kaistein yet.”

Ian’s words were not a lie. 

His status as the successor of Kaistein was still under review by the royal elders. 

If things continued like this, Fionia would have to leave Kaistein right away as the queen of Bahara.

He looked at her with mischievous eyes.

‘You wouldn’t want that, would you?’

Unlike the splendid Kaistein, Bahara was a truly barbaric kingdom.

Ian meant that it would be better for her to stay here, even if the answer was delayed, rather than going there. 

Of course, it was difficult for Ian right now.


‘The matter with Haverion is not yet resolved.’

It wasn’t the threat of danger that worried him. 

It was the organization to which Haverion belonged.

‘If I were them, they would try to exploit my weaknesses.’

He had none at the moment. 

However, once he had a wife and children, they would become his weaknesses. 

Ian was worried about that. 

But as if sensing his concern, Fionia casually replied. 

“Do not worry.”

She stood up straight and continued.

“I, too, bear the name of Lavaltor. Do not underestimate the noble lineage of the knights who protect this country.”

She was confident that she could protect herself, even if she had children.

‘She just reminded you not to be ashamed of that name.’

It was such a resolute look.

Moreover, Fionia did not end there.

“If Cardinal Haverion gets caught, can I help you?”


Everyone looked puzzled. 

Ian looked at her, prompting her to elaborate.

“How do you plan to help?”

“If you promise me an engagement, I will step forward.”

Everyone was stunned.

Of course, it was true that Ian was in a difficult situation right now.

It seemed unimaginable how she could be of assistance. 

Or perhaps, it went beyond that.

“Are you sure you can?”

“Even a lady has things she can and cannot say. Please do not act prematurely.”

Everyone found it hard to believe her words, except for Ian.

“Great. Let’s formally accept the engagement.”

At Ian’s words, Fionia smiled a bright smile that had never been seen before.

But not the other knights.


“Are you serious?”

The other knights exclaimed in surprise at Ian’s firm response. 

Did he truly believe what she said? 

Nevertheless, Ian smiled and spoke to Fionia in the same manner.

“You decide the date of the engagement ceremony.”

“Of course.”

“And regardless of the interim engagement, I will formally send a marriage proposal.”


At Ian’s words, everyone’s faces stiffened. 

It was essentially a declaration of war against Garcia. 

It was his way of stating that he intended to marry Fionia for real, not just as an obligatory engagement. 

Yet, at that very moment…

“Please take care of me.”

Just one person.

Fionia Lavaltor’s eyes were sparkling.


Duke Lavaltor and Fiosen stepped aside to have a conversation with Fionia for a while. Meanwhile, Nathan playfully smiled at Ian.

“Are you sure you want to get married? I never thought our prince would marry before us.”

It was obvious that he was trying to make fun of Ian.

He even made a mockery of marriage, saying it was hell.

Ian also smiled at him.

“Shall I send Sir Nathan as well?”


“I heard there’s a lady who has taken a liking to you.”


Nathan’s face turned pale at Ian’s words.

He intuitively realized that Ian was talking about the First Princess.

He quickly lowered his head.

“I… I was wrong!”

It was his plea to stop making such remarks. 

Galon shook his head, seemingly dumbfounded.

Then he asked Ian.

“But are you sure you will be okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” 

“However, your situation now…”

In addition to the powerful Garcia, he made too many enemies.

Even though Duke Lavaltor was in charge of military power, the question was whether they could stop their enemies with their own alliance.

But Ian smiled.

“Sometimes a single spear is stronger than tens of thousands of small soldiers.”

Duke Lavaltor’s family was no exception. 

After conquering Bahara and seizing the Garcia family’s wealth, money was no longer a concern. 

Duke Lavaltor’s power was deemed more necessary than theirs. 

Additionally, there was another factor at play.

“A good, talented woman wants to marry me. There is no reason to refuse.”

Ian smiled and said that the situation was much better than when he was a slave and men rushed to him.

But it seemed like Galon still hadn’t given up.

“But there’s no love in this marriage…”

“Love… The only person I loved in this world has already died.”


Galon hurriedly closed his mouth at Ian’s words.

He could tell at once who he meant.

That was Ian’s mother.

Ian was probably referring to that poor woman who was once a royal maid but died as a slave.

But Ian was sincere.

‘My mother died a cruel death as a slave.’

And that image was still clearly etched in Ian’s memory.

Galon couldn’t say anything under Ian’s sharp gaze.

It was then.

“Prince, you have a letter from His Majesty.”

A letter addressed to Ian arrived.

Ian opened the letter and smiled, leaving Galon confused.

“What’s going on?”

“It looks like Haverion has a lot on his plate.”


Ian shrugged his shoulders.

“They are requesting His Majesty’s permission for His Eminence to heal me.”

“The cardinal?”

“Currently, in Kaistein, he has the best divine power. They seem to think there is no other way. Of course, they think His Majesty will allow it.”

But was Haverion really the best?

Patience, the power of the Seven Virtues, was a power that resembled divine power.

In that case, there was no one who could surpass Ian as the current Kaistein.

But that wasn’t the problem.

‘But what should I do? I’m not sick.’

Haverion’s intentions were obvious.

But he had no intention of granting Haverion’ indulgence.

Rather, the present was good.

Public opinion toward Haverion and the Holy Empire was becoming extremely negative.

The anger of the people, as well as the nobles, was skyrocketing.

If the marriage with Fionia was widely publicized,

‘They will show up because a guilty conscience needs no accuser.’

It was clear that they were going to do something.

And when that time came,

‘I will come out and catch them all.’

But there was something to take care of before that.

“And I refuse treatment.”


“They say the Holy Empire is actually threatening Kaistein.”


“So, unless he bows his head first, and unless the Holy Empire shows an apology to this country, it’s not even possible.”

“I see. If that happens, he might suspect that the prince is awake.”

“It doesn’t matter. Because someone more important is coming.”


Ian silently pointed to the bottom of the letter.

[Saintess’s departure from the Holy Empire]

One of the most important figures in the Holy Empire is said to be equivalent to the pope.

The saintess was coming toward Kaistein.

‘Is it to save Haverion?’

Ian raised the corners of his mouth.

Of course, it might not be true.

However, the important thing was that through the saintess’s reaction, they would be able to find out the connection between his organization and the Holy Empire.

Ian was not going to miss that opportunity.

Moreover, there were scattered noble forces that followed Haverion and hindered him from becoming king.

“Sir Nathan, what about the thing I asked for?”

“Here is a list of those who followed Prince Haverion.”

Ian smiled as he took the list from Nathan.

“Great. Then, start working right away.”

Ian smiled.

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