This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 133: How to use an opportunity

The terror attack and imprisonment for the sudden return of the Fifth Prince Haverion.

Because of this, both the nobles and the people were in a state of disarray. 

There was one person smiling.

That is the Fourth Prince, Servin.

“Finally, an opportunity has come to me!”

He clenched his hands.

It had to be that way.

Ian, who was a strong rival, is unconscious.

His sister and brother are facing their own problems.

He discussed the situation with Viscount Schvarier, a member of his faction.

“What happened to the Third Prince?”

“They say his whereabouts are currently unknown.”

To be precise, the Third Prince found something in the library, went out to look for it, and then disappeared.

He was literally missing.

Normally, it was normal for the royal family to move on a large scale.

“It seems like everyone is quietly taking it easy because of the Seventh Prince’s incident. Only a few royal knights are conducting the search…”

“If he’s my brother, it’s worth it.”


Patience is one of the Seven Virtues.

It was clear that Ian’s power was bothering him.

Unlike his older sister, who is resourceful and powerful, the Third Prince’s pride is his strength. He would need the power to beat Ian.

“Then what about Sister?”

“I think she’s been distracted by the recent events.”

She was currently in charge of dealing with the aftermath of the terrorism, including maintaining the royal capital and interrogating heresy inquisitors and berserkers. 

However, her actions had caused dissatisfaction among some of the nobles.

“Nobles favor those who serve their interests.”

“Are they that dissatisfied?”

“It’s unavoidable. The First Princess, who generally does things for herself but is now looking after the commoner.”

The problem was that the First Princess was in charge of running Ian’s supply station, perhaps because she felt sorry for him.

She was working hard on useless things at a time of great importance.

Servin smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“If I handle this well, I might even gain the support of the nobles from that faction.”

This was an opportune moment, with everyone preoccupied.

‘Originally, I was going to make something useful in the fight for the throne, but…’

Now was not the time to make something like that.

The top priority was to reach out to the Fifth Prince’s followers.

“Most of them are centrists. But you shouldn’t just think of them as small and medium-sized forces.

“The Prince’s insight is accurate.”

There were more moderate forces that did not belong to Garcia, the Southern Nobles Union, or Marquis Adelas than expected.

Servin gazed with ambition.

‘Furthermore, those who followed Haverion are deeply dissatisfied with the country’s vested interests.’

It had to be that way.

Those born with divine power had to be sent to the Holy Empire unconditionally.

However, Haverion is one of the outstanding candidates who possesses excellent intelligence in addition to divine power.

In any other country, it would have definitely been hidden.

Yet, Haverion and his faction were completely oppressed by Duke Garcia and others. Haverion had no choice but to become a hostage and be sent to the Holy Empire. 

Of course, his faction did support him as well.


‘But they won’t be able to refuse my offer. They will be left with no alternative.’

Unlike his more powerful brothers, Servin acknowledged his own weakness. 

He believed that joining forces with him would bring greater benefits to the nobles than aligning with his siblings.

‘If only I can successfully recruit them into my faction…’

A new power structure could emerge in Kaistain.

Servin knew very well that it would be difficult to become king on his own, but this changed the situation.


‘As a powerbreaker, I can hold the board and shake it up.’

By combining his own forces with established factions, Servin believed he could rapidly build a significant power base. 

In the past, this would have been unthinkable due to the strong support Haverion received from his faction. 

However, the circumstances had shifted, and Servin saw an opportunity.

‘Continuing to push the Fifth Prince is like holding on to a rotten rope.’

Instead, it was something that could be associated with treason or conspiracy. 

The urgency of the situation likely prompted the Fifth Prince’s faction to reach out to him. Viscount Schvarier, who was present, also smiled.

“I have already spoken to them. Your Highness just needs to finalize the arrangement.”

“Well done, Viscount Schvarier.”

Viscount Schvarier had successfully contacted the Fifth Prince’s faction and persuaded a person of significant power within their ranks. Capturing that individual would likely lead to the collapse of the entire faction.

‘Thank you, my youngest brother. Thanks to you, I have received such a great gift.’

Naturally, it wasn’t only the nobles from the Fifth Prince’s faction who had reached out to Servin.

“I also received a call from the temple. He asked me to please let him meet you.”

This was to be expected. 

Ian was unconscious, the Third Prince was missing, and the First Princess was occupied with her duties. 

In such circumstances, the importance and influence of Servin, the Fourth Prince, were bound to increase.

The temple and the Holy Empire, who had no desire to be involved with Haverion, had reluctantly sought Servin’s help. 


‘But still. Those arrogant temple bastards are desperate.’

It was no wonder that Servin’s mouth rose as high as the smile of Viscount Schvarier.

‘If I join hands with the temple, I can also make up for my lack of force.’

By aligning himself with the temple, Servin saw an opportunity to bolster his own power. 

Merely by saving their reputation and standing by their side, he could restore the temple’s prestige. 

It seemed like a favorable deal for both parties. However, Viscount Schvarier expressed concern.

“But there’s one problem.”

“What is it?”

“The Third Prince…”

Viscount Schvarier hesitated for a moment before continuing.

“I had secretly sent people to search for him, but all contact has been lost.”

“Completely lost?” Servin asked.

“It appears that something attacked them, like a beast,” Viscount Schvarier explained.

There were no intact bodies, only gruesome bloodstains that indicated they had been savagely attacked. 

Viscount Schvarier seemed worried that the Third Prince might have acquired some kind of power. 

However, Servin remained unfazed.

“It does not matter.”


The main strength of the Third Prince lay in his knights. 

Even if he were to return with some extraordinary power, it would already be too late.

‘By then, I will have already absorbed the factions of the Fifth Prince and the temple forces.’

The problem was only the First Princess.

“I’m sure she’s doing that now because she’s sorry for the youngest, but…”

The moment she comes to her senses and takes care of her faction nobles, the opportunity disappears in an instant.

Servin understood that his sister needed to recruit as many nobles as possible before addressing the concerns of the faction nobles. With a determined look in his eyes, he stopped in front of a mansion.

“Inform Count Julian that Prince Servin has arrived.”

The mansion Servin arrived at was Count Julian’s, who was a key figure in the Fifth Prince faction and led the centrist force. 

Servin’s initial smile quickly faded as he heard the count’s response.

“Count, what did you say just now?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can follow Your Highness.” Count Julian replied, sweating nervously under Servin’s intense gaze. “I decided to follow the Seventh Prince.”

“What? I don’t think he’s even conscious right now.”

“But his messenger has come, and he said that if I didn’t follow, he would judge me as a follower of the Fifth Prince.”


In that moment, Servin’s eyes widened.


‘Could it be that he was only pretending to be unconscious?’

It wasn’t certain.

But if Ian had been feigning his condition and observed everything…


‘Now is not the time for this. I have to hurry.’

Servin hurriedly left the count’s mansion.

“Hurry! I must gather supporters before the messenger of the youngest prince arrives.”


From now on, it was a race against time.

It was clear that whoever could attract as many nobles as possible would have the upper hand in the fight ahead.

But how did this happen?


“Sorry. I have already decided to follow the Seventh Prince…”

The other person also shook his head.

No, most of the people in the Fifth Prince faction and the centrist faction had already been taken over by the youngest.

Servin began to scream loudly in the middle of the night.

“What kind of person are you? Who dares to block my path?” he yelled in frustration.

Just then, something fell on top of him.


That’s just old junk.

And at the same time, boos poured in towards him.

“Quiet down! Let us sleep!” 

“Do you ever sleep? Why are you making noise in the middle of the night?”

The stench of garbage filled Servin’s nose. 

As his enraged knights attempted to confront those who had insulted him, a subordinate approached with a pale expression.

“Your Highness! It’s a big problem!”

Viscount Schvarier, who was next to Servin, responded in a cold voice.

“Can’t you see that the prince is busy right now? Deal with those…”

“That’s not important now. Lady Lavaltor is said to be meeting His Majesty!”


A moment of silence came.

The fact that Lady Lavaltor was meeting His Majesty wasn’t an issue. 

But the following words left them frozen.

“Lady Lavaltor and the Seventh Prince are officially engaged!”


The engagement between the Seventh Prince and Lady Lavaltor, which had been mere speculation until now, was now a reality. 

Two factions that were never meant to unite were attempting to merge. 

And that wasn’t all.

“Furthermore, Lady Lavaltor is seeking His Majesty’s approval for the Seventh Prince’s revenge. All the nobles in the country are gathering at this very moment,” the subordinate continued.


The gravity of the situation began to sink in. 

The Fifth Prince’s faction, which Servin had been trying to win over, along with the interests of all the nobles, were now at stake.

And if Lady Lavaltor’s request for revenge was granted…

‘There will be no more opportunities for the Fourth Prince.’

Viscount Schvarier called Servin with an urgent expression.

“Your Highness?”


However, Servin had fainted from the humiliation he had experienced for the first time and the smell of sewage.




Ian smiled.

“That’s fun.”

Then Galon, who was next to him, came up as if curious.

“What’s so funny, Your Highness?”

“Ah, it seems like the Fourth Prince is very busy.”


Ian explained, referring to the news brought by the chamberlain that detailed the Fourth Prince’s movements.

“I thought he would quietly immerse himself in his research. He’s quite competent,” Ian commented, impressed by the Fourth Prince’s actions

He’s really the son of that blood lion.

Ian had initially underestimated the Fourth Prince, perceiving him as nothing more than a bookish individual focused on research. 

He never expected him to make moves in this critical situation.

‘Everyone was holding their breath for fear of being involved with the Fifth Prince.’

‘Everyone was on edge, afraid of being associated with the Fifth Prince.’ 

If they had made any missteps, they could have been implicated in treason alongside the Fifth Prince. However, the Fourth Prince had boldly drawn attention to himself, moving with confidence and presenting a just cause.


‘Certainly, his actions were risky.’

Ian acknowledged. 

If he had delayed even slightly, he might have lost the nobles he was trying to win over. 

The one who is now moving in place of Ian is Nathan the Swift.

Compared to the Fourth Prince, who moved the carriage at night, he ran over the buildings of the royal castle and contacted nobles at a very high speed.

Additionally, he carried a sword, a symbol of Ian’s authority.

“This sword signifies that Lord Nathan possesses equal authority to me. So, if anyone refuses my offer, show the sword and crush them in my name.”

Naturally, the speed at which Nathan appeased the nobles had to be extraordinary. Galon nodded, recalling the situation.

“I think he was touched when the prince gave him your sword. For some reason, I see him working hard.”

“It can’t be. Sir Nathan has another motive.”

“What could that be?” 

Galon’s expression mirrored his confusion, as if he couldn’t comprehend the situation. 

Ian smiled brightly.

“I made a bet with him.”

“What bet did you make?”

The bet was really simple.

Nathan takes responsibility and completely appeases the centrists.

The challenge lay in the stakes of the bet.

“If he fails to appease the centrists, he has agreed to marry my sister.”


Galon was speechless.

Galon found it difficult to believe that such a bet had been made. 

It seemed absurd and outrageous. 

He paused for a moment.

“But what happens if he succeeds?”

“Oh, in that case, I’ve decided not to mention marriage for a while. Especially not concerning my sister.” 


Galon suddenly felt sorry for Nathan.

He had been teased incessantly and had unwittingly entered into a bet he couldn’t afford to lose. An expression of sympathy lingered on Galon’s face, understanding the weight of the circumstances. 

But that wasn’t the most pressing matter now.

“The lady is meeting with His Majesty.”

“As her fiance, she asked for fair revenge.”

Ian looked interested.

Even though he had made a deal with Lady Lavaltor, he had no idea that she would be so bold.

‘Just revenge.’

If her request was acknowledged, Lady Lavaltor and Haverion would have to draw their swords and engage in battle.

Normally, he would predict the victory of Haverion, who is a man.

‘The lady’s sword skills are formidable. It’s a landslide victory for Cardinal Haverion.’

He knew that if Lady Lavaltor were to be harmed in any way, the Duke of Lavaltor would not stand idly by. 

It wasn’t just a matter of the dukedom; the people of Kaistein would likely never forgive him either. 

For Haverion, it would be akin to falling into a hopeless trap. 

Thanks to this, the effect was clear.

“It is said that all ministers, large and small, are gathering in the audience hall.”

Haverion had moved swiftly, even willing to kneel before the people if King Eloin desired it. However, that was out of the question.


A question burst out of Galon’s mouth.

It was Ian who suddenly got out of bed and prepared to leave.

Ian answered calmly.

“My wife-to-be is taking action like this. As her husband-to-be, I can’t just sit still. And this is also an opportunity.”

“What are you planning to do?”

Ian smiled despite Galon’s bewildered expression.

He was planning to finish the work before the saintess came.

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