This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 21

Although he didn’t come for a while, the dean still remembered Yang Chuyue.

“The dolls you brought with you last time, there are several dolls that you still need to hold when you sleep.” The director is a woman with short hair. One side of her hair is pinned with a black clip. She is much older than Mama Yang. , Smiles very tenderly.

Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu shared the things they bought with the children.

A group of children surrounded the two of them, chatting and talking, but many of them were sitting or standing not far away, looking at this side eagerly, as if they wanted to come over, but they were a little timid.

The dean stood by and watched for a while before going to work on other things, leaving Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu behind.

Before long, a few more volunteers came to the yard to help clean up, play with a few children, and teach painting or singing. The weather is good and the atmosphere is good.

Yang Chuyue sat down on the small bench, leaned back, stretched his legs and didn’t want to move.

She checked the time, it was early, and she was not in a hurry to go back to school. When she raised her eyes, the time fell on Tang Shuangxu.

Tang Shuangxu was dragged by a child to play the game of the eagle catching the chick. Yang Chuyue was originally playing the role of the eagle, but after a volunteer came over, she just wanted to be lazy, so she let the role out.

Sitting next to him, watching Tang Shuangxu followed a string of small dots, running around, hiding the eagle in front, laughing and making noise.

But the eagle who played the eagle was a big boy, and his height was suppressed. Although Tang Shuangxu tried very hard to protect the little chicken behind him, he was still taken away by the eagle, and she had a fair face because of her running. Red, breathing is a bit messy.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer chicks behind them, the chicks screamed, and a figure joined the battlefield.

“Yang Chuyue, you foul!” Eagle had said hello before, but knew the identities of Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu. When she saw her joining the battlefield, he stopped immediately, took the opportunity to pant, and complained to Yang Chuyue.

Yang Chuyue opened her hand to stand in front of Tang Shuangxu, knowingly asking: “Where did you foul?”

“The mother chicken and the baby chicken are there, what do you mean by suddenly adding in? You are still stopping in front!”

“Because I am a big cock!” Yang Chuyue said confidently, “As a big cock, we must protect mother chicken and baby chicken.”

When she finished speaking, she heard laughter from behind.

Yang Chuyue paused, then turned to see the smile on Tang Shuangxu’s face.

On the contrary, the little chickens behind cheered and welcomed the big **** played by Yang Chuyue.

Yang Chuyue suddenly gained confidence, hands on hips, and looked at the opposite man aggressively, “The big rooster that went out for food is back. Now we must not only protect the mother chicken and the chicks, but also save the chicks who were taken away. Come back! Little ones! Clash with me!”

She yelled and rushed towards the boy who played the eagle.

The little chickens behind laughed and screamed, and rushed forward together.

Tang Shuangxu originally stood still, but Yang Chuyue rushed a few steps to find that she hadn’t followed, so she turned her head and pulled her back, “Be positive, mother chicken, we have to save our little chicken!”

In a blink of an eye, the “Eagle”, who was still so aggressive and frightened the children to run around, was besieged and soon defeated and begged for mercy.

“Yang Chuyue, you are shameless!” shouted the boy who was crushed on the ground by a few little kids.

Yang Chuyue squatted down next to him, and asked Tang Shuang’s preface, “Axu, am I shameless?”

“No.” Tang Shuangxu shook his head, but did not hesitate when he answered.

“This is not shameless.” Yang Chuyue reached out and touched the head of the child next to her, smiling: “This is called the Eagle Catch the Chicken Counterattack version, you know? You can also call the Eagle Catch the Chicken sequel.”

The children had a good time and agreed with Yang Chuyue’s words. She said what she said. The boys on the ground had completely given up struggling, rolled their eyes and lay still and let them be slaughtered.

After staying here for a long time, before leaving, Yang Chuyue gave the money left over from shopping to the dean.

When I went back, there were a lot of people in the car, and there was no place to sit. Yang Chuyue reached out and grabbed the upper ring. Tang Shuangxu didn’t grab it, only the pole next to it.

Before long, Yang Chuyue leaned slightly and put his head on her shoulders, closed his eyes, and his voice was dull, “Axu, let me lean on for a while…”

“Are you uncomfortable again?” Tang Shuangxu frowned slightly, looking sideways to look at her.

Yang Chuyue replied and took a few deep breaths, repairing the aura on Tang Shuangxu’s body feels much better.

It may be that playing with the group of children for a long time is quite exhausting. Yang Chuyue originally just closed his eyes to rest, but did not expect to fall asleep in a daze.

Falling asleep, when the car stopped suddenly, everyone in the car leaned toward the front of the car, Yang Chuyue fell back, and the hand holding the upper ring tightened instantly, and the exposed forearm was also taut.

Her other hand almost subconsciously hugged Tang Shuangxu who was leaning on her, and Tang Shuangxu also leaned into her arms because of inertia.

Yang Chuyue opened her eyes and raised her head, rubbing the corners of her lips against the ears of the person in her arms.

“Are you okay?” She went to see Tang Shuangxu, her hand still on the waist.

Tang Shuangxu didn’t say much, just shook his head, and after he was steady, he walked two steps forward, still holding the pole firmly with one hand, she faced Yang Chuyue with a nice line on the side of her neck and a fair complexion.

But the tips of her ears are red.

Yang Chuyue caught a glimpse and pursed her lips, remembering that when she raised her head, she seemed to touch her ear.

It’s not the first time I touched…

But she still couldn’t help but lowered her gaze to the tip of Tang Shuangxu’s ears, she was stunned when she looked at it, and she didn’t move her gaze away, thinking of when Tang Shuangxu had just leaned over.

The girl is really fragrant and soft.

Thinking of this, Yang Chuyue leaned two steps to Tang Shuangxu’s side, and his other hand crossed her to grab the pole, and lay behind Tang Shuangxu’s back.

The two did not go back to school directly because it happened to be about to eat dinner.

“There is a snack bar here, I heard hot and sour noodles are delicious.” Yang Chuyue said.

The snack bar is called Golden Chopsticks, which makes fried skewers with milk tea hot and sour noodles. Yang Chuyue rushed to the hot and sour noodles.

When the hot and sour noodles came up, I looked at the sauerkraut froth, meat froth, and peas on the top, turned it over with chopsticks, the bottom was not bean sprouts but kelp, Yang Chuyue was satisfied.

Although bean sprouts taste good, she still prefers kelp.

When I was full, I did not forget to pack a delicious potato flour from the opposite side and take it to the school.

“You often get motion sickness?” Tang Shuangxu walked beside, still holding a cup of milk tea, which he didn’t finish just before eating.

Yang Chuyue nodded, “It used to be more serious. I didn’t get in the car, and when I saw the car I was going to take from a distance, I became anxious. I got in the car after vomiting. It was a lot better after going to high school.”

Before high school, she was a day school, and she didn’t even need to take a bus to and from school, but after high school, she had to take the bus every time she went back and forth.

“If you don’t transfer in the middle, it would be nice to be able to sit to the station all at once. You will be there after a sleep, and you have to transfer in the middle of the most annoying.” Yang Chuyue said, “Our family only has my brother who doesn’t get motion sickness.”

Tang Shuangxu responded, not knowing what he was thinking.

The second day is the last day of the school sports meeting. The morning is the collective event. The top three of each grade in the collective event still have bonuses. Chen Bo has already said that if you get the bonus, then keep the duty pay, usually for use. Come to buy food.

Yang Chuyue is taller among girls. Group events are divided into two groups for men and women, and men and women are ranked separately.

Tang Shuangxu was in front. Yang Chuyue could see her when she raised her head. She caught a glimpse of her standing there. The girl in front was talking to the girl behind her, and she seemed to be looking at the front, not knowing whether she was in a trance or what she was doing.

Even though Tang Shuangxu’s relationship with her classmates has become familiar, but most of the time, there are still very few people who can talk to her.


The people in front heard Yang Chuyue’s movement and turned to look at her. Tang Shuangxu hadn’t reacted yet. When she was trying to make the girl who looked back in front to call Tang Shuangxu, the other party paused and suddenly looked back.

Yang Chuyue immediately laughed and said to her: “Wait for the closing ceremony to be over, shall we go to the sports square? What food festival is going on there recently or something, it is very lively.”

“Okay.” Tang Shuangxu also followed with a smile, seeing Yang Chuyue still poking his head, glanced behind her, and said: “The teacher is here, you stand up quickly.”

“Oh.” Yang Chuyue stood still, and Chen Bo happened to pass by her, and stepped forward. “What good food are you going to eat later?”

“Just…just barbecue, spicy, grilled chicken…” Yang Chuyue broke her hand index.

Chen Bo shook his head and sighed, “Eat less of these and eat more in the future! You won’t be so thin if you eat more food…”

“Yeah, I know the teacher.” Yang Chuyue’s ears became callous when she heard that, and she was often talked about by Yang’s mother at home.

Chen Bo walked away with his hands behind his back.

Soon it was the girls group’s turn. Everyone entered in a long line. When the event point was reached, several classes stood together. As the referee’s whistle sounded, everyone started to move.

This kind of group project tests the unity of everyone. As long as one person goes wrong, it will affect the whole, especially the two-person three-legged and small train. Fortunately, their training has been fruitful in the first more than a week. .

The laughter of everyone in the game is more.

As soon as the results came out, one of the four classes took the first place, and the other two projects were also in the top three. The bonuses added up a lot. At the beginning of the closing ceremony, everyone was still discussing with the class leader what to buy for the next class. of.

Yang Chuyue sneaked to the front, standing behind Tang Shuangxu, and suddenly blocked a lot of the sun shining from behind.

“I don’t know how long it will be.” She raised her head and squinted her eyes to look on the podium, and exclaimed.

Tang Shuangxu looked down at the shadow falling in front of him, and asked, “Hungry?”

“A little bit.” Yang Chuyue reached out and touched his stomach.

It was almost time to eat. The sports square was under the school, and she was walking for about ten minutes. She was still figuring out what to buy first on the way later, and she was stuffed in her palms.

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