This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 22

It’s a small sandwich biscuit, one bite, two pieces in a small packet.

When Yang Chuyue lowered her head to see, her eyes lit up. After making sure that Chen Bo was talking to the next class teacher in front, she immediately lowered her head to open the biscuits.

Tang Shuangxu, who was standing in front, didn’t turn his head. He heard a rustling sound from behind, and also heard her chewing biscuits.

Immediately afterwards, her lips were touched by something.

“It’s delicious.” Yang Chuyue handed another biscuit to her mouth, turned his head to look at her, and urged, “Hurry up, eat fast, the teacher is coming!”

“You…” Tang Shuangxu just wanted to say that you were hungry and ate everything, but with a mouth, the biscuit came directly into her mouth.

She couldn’t vomit it out to Yang Chuyue again, paused, and chewed slowly.

A small piece of biscuit barely eased Yang Chuyue’s hunger, but the leader above said it almost. At the moment of disbanding, she did not hesitate at all, and took Tang Shuangxu and walked outside the playground.

“Finally, I’m finished, walk around, and have dinner.”

The weather that had been fine in the morning suddenly became gloomy, and it even seemed to rain at any time.

The wind is also a bit cold.

When walking to the Sports Plaza, Yang Chuyue bought a scallion pancake and ate half of it with Tang Shuangxu. After the hunger subsided, his stomach became a little warmer and his body warmed up.

The sports plaza, which is usually bustling only at night, is also rare to live today. Entering through the gate, you can see various sheds covering the city at a glance.

These sheds are also divided into areas. On the right hand side, they are all eaten. There are a variety of freshly made gourmet snacks, both local and non-local.

And the shed on the left hand side contains both dry goods from all over the country, as well as clothes and household groceries.

There are many people coming in and out, and there are also many students.

Yang Chuyue rushed to eat, and took Tang Shuangxu straight to the left.

The first shed on the left is where roast lamb is sold. The smell is tangy, and when you look at it, the back row is all eaten.

This is a paradise for foodies.

Yang Chuyue is very happy.

Tang Shuangxu’s taste is similar to hers. In many cases, the two of them only buy one portion and share it with each other, so that they can taste more other things.

When Yang Chuyue ate and drank enough, they didn’t have to finish these sheds.

“You can come here to buy a supper at night.” Yang Chuyue was holding a bag of snacks in her hand and a bunch of roasted gluten in her hand. She took a bite, frowned, and said to Tang Shuang, “There is no such aunt outside the school gate. It’s delicious.”

Tang Shuangxu was full when she bought roasted gluten, so she didn’t want it.

At this moment Yang Chuyue said, she handed the roasted gluten to her mouth and said to her, “Really.”

The grilled gluten was on Tang Shuangxu’s mouth. Yang Chuyue originally wanted to let Tang Shuangxu take a bite from the middle, so that she wouldn’t touch the place she had eaten.

Tang Shuangxu paused, took a bite from the place where she had just eaten, and then directly bit down that section.

“I’ve bitten over there…” Yang Chuyue stretched out her hand and placed her palm on her chin, thinking that Tang Shuangxu could bite off, and the point she bitten could be thrown out.

But Tang Shuangxu did not.

She ate the whole section and frowned. “It’s not tasty.”

“Let’s just say, this one doesn’t taste, and it’s dry.” Yang Chuyue retracted her hand, reached out and grabbed her ears, stared at the remaining roasted gluten in her hand for a while, and then finished eating with a few mouthfuls.

She thinks that there are girls in the class who have a good time drinking the same cup of milk tea, which seems to be nothing, which also shows that she has a good relationship with A Xu.

But the roots of her ears are still red.

It’s still a bit hot.

On the way back, Yang Chuyue was uncommonly silent. Tang Shuangxu glanced at her for a few times, his eyes dazzling at the roots of her red ears.

After the end of the school sports meeting, the temperature began to drop sharply, and it began to drizzle that afternoon.

Fortunately, Yang Chuyue has the habit of putting an umbrella in the desk, so she and Tang Shuangxu don’t have to go out for dinner in the rain during dinner.

“Don’t look at the rain, although it’s not heavy, but it’s chilly.” Yang Chuyue reached out to the umbrella to receive it, and Chao Tang Shuang prefaced: “It’s going to cool down, do you have a thick quilt?”

When Tang Shuangxu moved to the Xiangshan community before, she also helped move things. She knew that Tang Shuangxu didn’t have a lot of things, and there was only a thin air-conditioning quilt at the time. It is obviously no longer appropriate to cover that kind of quilt at this temperature.

“Yes.” Tang Shuangxu nodded.

Yang Chuyue was relieved, “If you still feel cold at night, just buy a hot water bottle. When you go back, you can charge it up and you can put it in the bed after you wash it. It’s so comfortable…”

“What about you?” Tang Shuangxu looked down slightly.

Yang Chuyue tugged at the sleeve of her umbrella, wrapped her fingers that were a little cold in the wind, and said, “Me? My winter quilt was brought over when school started, just to prevent the weather.”

The small county is in the south. Even if he grew up here, Yang Chuyue still couldn’t adapt to the weird weather here. She was still wearing short sleeves the moment before, and the next moment she went to find Qiuyi and long trousers.

Everyone laughed and said that there is no spring and autumn here, only summer and winter.

The winter is still wet and cold, and the school does not install air conditioning. It is up to everyone to prepare their own quilts and quilts.

Yang Chuyue thought about coming over with a padded jacket next week.

But she never expected that the temperature would have dropped to eleven or two degrees before next week.

Some students who were prepared for a long time have already put on thin padded jackets, even if they did not wear padded jackets, they have added clothes to the school uniforms.

Yang Chuyue was embarrassed.

She only has two change-over sweaters, except for short-sleeved and school uniform jackets, not even a sweater.

On Thursday night, the classroom windows were closed, but they still couldn’t stop the sound of the cold wind roaring outside.

After the mid-term exams, they changed positions again. Their large group was moved to the side near the door. Yang Chuyue was supposed to be sitting on the side of the corridor, but the other deskmate had poor eyesight. Yang Chuyue didn’t. So-called, just changed positions with her, sat inside, and changed from Tang Shuangxu’s left hand to her right.

At this moment, she was wrapping up her school uniform and shrank in the corner shivering.

I don’t know if it was her illusion, but she always felt a steady stream of chill drilled into her body from the cold wall.

“It’s cold!” Yang Chuyue resolutely abandoned the cold wall and hugged Tang Shuangxu on the other side, “I’m going to die from the cold…”

Her face was white, and her lips changed color coldly.

Tang Shuangxu turned his head and frowned when he saw this scene, “Why didn’t you go back to the dormitory to change clothes just now?”

In the afternoon, a cold wind blew outside and the temperature dropped significantly. When she went out for dinner, Yang Chuyue hugged Tang Shuangxu’s arm all the way to keep warm. She didn’t return to the dormitory after dinner, but went straight back to the classroom.

Hearing Tang Shuangxu’s words at this moment, he sniffed and sighed, “I didn’t bring any thick clothes. The other sweater was washed.”

It could be dried in one day, but after the temperature dropped, it rained again. The air was wet and cold, and the washed clothes were not so easy to dry. She had put on a short sleeve this morning, but obviously, this is not possible. Resist the cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Shuangxu withdrew his hand back.

“Don’t don’t…” Yang Chuyue was anxious, “Let me give it a hug…”

But Tang Shuangxu stood up and said to her: “I’ll go out for a while, and the teacher will come over later, you can ask me for a leave.”

“Ah? When will you come back? How long will you have to invite?” Yang Chuyue looked up at her, and then retracted into the corner.

Tang Shuangxu had already left, “I rushed back to the evening newspaper.”

“Okay.” Yang Chuyue pulled the school uniform upwards and drew his head in.

It doesn’t seem to be that cold anymore.

In fact, Tang Shuangxu came back by stepping on the ringtone at the beginning of the evening newspaper. She obviously ran back, still panting, with a blushing face, holding a thin beige padded jacket in her arms.

Yang Chuyue was still shrinking under the desk at this moment.

Tang Shuangxu hadn’t seen her when he came in. After entering the seat, he saw the person shrinking underneath, and he couldn’t see her.

“Yang Chuyue!”

“Ah? Who called me?” The school uniform moved, and Yang Chuyue showed half of his face from the neckline. Before he could see anything, his eyes went dark and a piece of clothing was covered on his head.

There is a familiar smell on her clothes.

When he realized what it was, Yang Chuyue stood up immediately, took off the school uniform jacket quickly, put the thin padded jacket inside, and put on the school uniform jacket again.

“It’s so warm!” Yang Chuyue hugged Tang Shuangxu next to her with a whirr, and rubbed her head on the side of her neck, “Axu, you are so kind~”

“Cough!” Chen Bo coughed as he stood at the door, “Class is now.”

Yang Chuyue raised her head to meet his gaze, hehe smiled and sat back.

With the blessing of the thin padded jacket, Yang Chuyue is finally not cold anymore, that is…this padded jacket is a bit small for her.

The main reason is that the sleeves are a little shorter. She is taller than Tang Shuangxu. Although she is not fatter, her hands are unavoidable.

But this is not a problem for Yang Chuyue at all. It just makes her a little bit distracted. When doing homework at night, she can’t help but bow her head and sniff at herself.

The frequency was too high, even Tang Shuangxu noticed it.

After class, I asked her: “What are you sniffing?”

“It smells like you.” Yang Chuyue pulled open the collar of the school uniform and sniffed again. When she looked at Tang Shuangxu, her eyes were bright, “You said that if I wear it for a few more days, will I have this smell on my body?”

While she was talking, she leaned in to sniff Tang Shuangxu’s body, and then pulled her collar after sniffing.

The more I smell it, the more I feel that this breath smells good, which makes her like it very much.

She suddenly remembered the time Tang Shuangxu spent the night in her house, and she wore her clothes. Later, when she packed her clothes, she discovered that the clothes were also stained with the breath of Tang Shuangxu’s body.

This was completely different from the smell of laundry detergent she had been accustomed to in the past ten years.

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