This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 23

“It would be great if there was a laundry detergent with Tang Shuang preface.” Yang Chuyue sighed, “I will definitely buy it!”

At that time, her clothes and quilts will also have this good smell.

“You smell pretty good on your own.” Tang Shuangxu picked up the pen and said.

Yang Chuyue leaned over again, “Really? It’s the smell of my laundry detergent, right? The same thing I use at school…”

“No.” Tang Shuangxu shook his head, smelling the sweetness of milk that had become clearer because of her approach, and pressed the corners of his lips. “It’s another smell, it smells good.”

“Really?” Yang Chuyue lowered her head and sniffed her body, but it was a pity that apart from smelling Tang Shuangxu’s body, she could only smell the laundry detergent.

“Forget it, maybe only other people can smell this kind of smell. Just like the smell I smell on you, you also said it was laundry detergent before.” Yang Chuyue gave up.

In any case, Tang Shuangxu’s coat saved her life.

During the holiday on Saturday, Yang Chuyue put her jacket back on, changed it and washed it and dried it, and took it to school the next afternoon and gave it to Tang Shuangxu.

After the weather became cold, it was rainy and rainy for several weeks. Yang Chuyue’s task of 30 words a day has not fallen. Over time, she has formed a habit, and she will also feel the vocabulary in the next monthly exam. The effect of increased volume.

In this monthly test, Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu didn’t need to move their desks. They were in two adjacent examination rooms.

After the English test came out, Yang Chuyue went to find Tang Shuangxu and said to her: “English is quite simple this time, even I can do it.”

Especially when it comes to reading comprehension, Yang Chuyue thinks it is at the junior high school level, she can understand it.

“It’s not simple.” Tang Shuangxu packed up his pencil case and looked up, “You’ll know when the results come out.”

Soon, within two days after the exam, the results came out one after another. Before the English results came out, Yang Chuyue heard someone in the class say that English was a bit difficult this time. I heard a lot of these words, and Yang Chuyue felt it in her heart. It’s a bit out of spectrum.

Until the English score came down, Yang Chuyue got the test paper and saw the score on it, the first reaction was to go to Tang Shuangxu.

But when Tang Shuangxu came back from lunch, she went to the bathroom. She could only turn around and waited on her seat. When Tang Shuangxu appeared at the door of the classroom, Yang Chuyue Science raised the test paper to show her, “Axu , Do you guess how much I did in the English test?”

Tang Shuangxu met her excited gaze, and paused, “Passed?”

“Yeah!” Yang Chuyue laughed from ear to ear, and when Tang Shuangxu came over, she reached out and hugged her, “Axu, you know, this is my second pass in English.”

The first time was when she was in the entrance examination.

Compared with her mathematics, which is close to full marks, it is not enough, but what makes Yang Chuyue most proud is that she passed the English entrance examination for high school.

Tang Shuangxu was held by her and couldn’t help but laugh. The prefect pressed the corners of his lips and said to her, “So memorizing words is still useful. You can’t slack off this matter. If you want to keep going, you should also try to go. Learn the basic grammar and so on.”

“Yeah.” Of course, Yang Chuyue is what she said.

96 points, compared with Tang Shuangxu’s English score, it is not enough, even in Yang Chuyue’s own science scores, but she is just happy, looking at the test paper over and over again, the more she looks at it, the more she feels that she is awesome.

“Hey, I passed the English test hahaha… I didn’t expect that I could also pass the English…”

It was almost time for lunch break, Tang Shuangxu saw that she didn’t plan to take a nap for a while, and simply handed over his English test paper, “Look for yourself first, and then ask me if you don’t understand.”

“Good.” Yang Chuyue immediately took out the notebook.

She was almost wrong with questions such as grammar, and Yang Chuyue didn’t make any mistakes with those questions that only needed to understand the meaning of words and sentences.

This time, because of the increase in English grades, Yang Chuyue’s overall grade ranking also went up. Her mathematics, physics, and biology took three first places in the school, and her chemistry was still a little bit worse.

When Yang Chuyue gave Tang Shuang’s preface to the question, she said seriously: “It must be because the symbols of chemistry are too similar to English, so I didn’t do well in the exam.”

“Strong words are unreasonable.” Tang Shuangxu snorted and tapped her pen twice on her forehead.

Compared with Yang Chuyue, Tang Shuangxu’s science performance is actually a weakness. Although Yang Chuyue has not rarely talked to her during this period, he also deliberately copied her notes. Those basic points can basically be taken down by Tang Shuangxu. Some traps are not enough.

Yang Chuyue said: “I still do too little work. When I wait for Christmas, I will buy you a few sets of test papers and brush them.”

Speaking of which, Christmas is indeed not far away.

“Thank you so much,” Tang Shuang prefaced.

New Year’s Day is not far from Christmas. Before Christmas, the school has already started organizing a New Year’s Day party.

The school league committee is responsible for the New Year’s Day party. Every class must prepare at least one program, but not every class’s program will be selected. Primary and re-elections are required.

After the class meeting, when Chen Bo asked Tang Shuangxu to organize the program, Yang Chuyue remembered that Tang Shuangxu was still a member of the class.

Yang Chuyue was quite curious about what program Tang Shuangxu would organize by then, but at this time something happened in the student union.

When she was called to go to the library, the library was already surrounded by a lot of people. There were three floors inside and three floors outside. Yang Chuyue had a headache watching this scene, and let the unrelated personnel go away and shut the books directly. The museum convened a meeting of people from the entire department.

“Let’s talk about it, what the **** is going on.” Yang Chuyue sat against the wall and glanced over the two parties.

Both parties are freshmen, one boy and one girl, and the girl’s name is Wang Yang. When recruiting new recruits, the ministers of other departments were scrambling for it because of his performance.

But Wang Yang chose to stay in the learning department.

At that time, Yang Chuyue was still the minister of the Disciplinary Department. She did not participate in the contest, but she was really impressed by Wang Yang.

Later, she also moved to the learning department. It can be said that she was relieved to leave many things to Wang Yang. Someone from the department went to the classroom to call her, saying that when Wang Yang was fighting with others, Yang Chuyue’s first reaction was still Recall whether there is a second Wang Yang in the learning department.

The boy who fought with Wang Yang is called Fei Yang, and he is also very active. More importantly, Fei Yang likes Wang Yang. This is no secret in the learning department. Yang Chuyue, the shopkeeper, knows a little bit about it.

After Yang Chuyue asked, the others also looked over. Fei Yang flushed without saying a word. Instead, Wang Yang raised his head and looked over, telling the story of the conflict between the two.

It turned out that the two people had already had a conflict before.

Before that, it was just a few disputes.

“Every time I say something, he has to fight against me, every time I endure, but today he is like this, the library can not bring food in, we all know this rule…” Wang Yang said.

At that time, there was a girl who wanted to enter the library with food. Wang Yang stopped the other party as usual and suggested that if she wanted to go in, she could choose to store the food outside.

“The girl originally agreed. She just kept the food outside, but Fei Yang suddenly broke in. It didn’t matter if she brought it in. She also said that I deliberately embarrassed her. I argued with him a few words…”

I don’t know what’s going on later, it may have been a backlog of dissatisfaction in my heart a few times before. At this moment, it suddenly broke out and Wang Yang moved his hand.

“I did it first and smashed the register on his face.” Wang Yang admitted frankly.

As soon as she did it, Fei Yang directly fought back. Fei Yang was taller than Wang Yang. When she first joined the student union, she looked tall, thin and handsome.

But during this period of time, his food may be a bit good, and he has grown more than one sign horizontally.

He directly pressed Wang Yang on the desk. Fortunately, the other people next to him found out and pulled the two apart in time. When Yang Chuyue rushed over, Wang Yang’s hair was messed up, not only his neck was red, but his face was also red. Fei Yang also had scratches on his neck.

Listening to the whole story, Yang Chuyue sighed and asked the two of them: “Then have you calmed down now?”

Fei Yang still blushed and said nothing.

“I have calmed down.” Wang Yang nodded. She looked at Yang Chuyue and said: “I did it because I was wrong, but I didn’t think I did the wrong thing about the dispute.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Yang Chuyue said, “It is expressly stipulated that food cannot be brought into the library. Even if some students don’t know this, you shouldn’t be ignorant.”

She stood up, her face was serious, and she lost her usual way of talking, “I was not the one who took you when you entered the learning department, but I believe the minister at the time must have told you to memorize the library regulations. Is there any Say?”

Yang Chuyue looked at Fei Yang and asked the following sentence.

Fei Yang didn’t look back, he was pulling his neck and said: “I was just joking with her, who knew she couldn’t make a joke so much?”

“Are you kidding?” Yang Chuyue sneered, seeing him unconvinced, and didn’t think she had done anything wrong at all. She didn’t bother to say more, and said directly: “Then I will tell you directly, it happens to be our department’s Everyone is here, and you have all heard clearly. There is no problem with the relationship and communication with the department. It is no problem to make jokes occasionally, but I also hope that you can understand what is not to be a joke. You, as the maintenance of library rules and regulations People who are joking about what they maintain, do you think this is funny?”

Probably everyone is accustomed to the appearance of Yang Chuyue who is not very concerned. Even if she occasionally meets or sees her in other parts of the school, she is very talkative, and even magically can take out one or two candies or other small things. Snacks are distributed to everyone.

The first time I saw her put up a smile and talked, she was bluffed for a while.

Even the two deputy ministers at the same level as Yang Chuyue didn’t say a word.

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