This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 35: Entrepreneurial Youth

Chapter 35

After spending Chinese New Year's Eve in Chengdu, Yu Fanxing finally left. Yu Shu went home for Chinese New Year's Eve. Because Ye Ping kept pestering her about getting married during dinner, they had an unpleasant parting. Yu Shu slammed down her chopsticks and left.

Before leaving the county town, she went to Gossip Pavilion again to listen in.

Zhou Yan's family reputation was completely ruined. Many people were present at the time, and some busybodies even posted videos online. Zhou Yan instantly became an internet celebrity. His colleagues and bosses all knew about it. Zhou Yan got into an argument with his coworkers and a fight broke out. He was fired by the company. In addition, the house he bought in Chengdu was poorly located. He had borrowed a lot from relatives and friends for the down payment, and now that he had lost his job, no one dared to interact with his family except for creditors.

Speaking of this, the king of gossip started talking about a similar family - it turned out to be Meng Xulin’s. The story was similar. Meng Xulin's business failed, his father's business lost a lot of money, and he had borrowed from loan sharks. A few days ago, the creditors came to their door and splashed paint. The gossipers heard some inside news - that family had sold all their houses in the city, but they still had a hole of over a million that they couldn't fill.

The old lady spit out the melon seeds in her mouth, "This must be related to gambling, otherwise how could they owe so much?"

"Who knows," the old lady said as she picked melon seed shells off her chin. "The interest on those private loans is terrifying."


After listening to other people's misfortunes, Yu Shu instantly felt that being pestered for marriage was trivial in comparison.

What a joke. Why should she be annoyed by this trivial matter of being pestered for marriage? She had so much money now. She didn't need to find a man to quarrel with his whole family.

Wouldn't it be better to spend money raising some young fresh meat and wild dogs? At least she wouldn't have to worry about the man eyeing her money in a marriage, and she wouldn't know how she died if she met a vicious man!

As for children, she could have them too.

She was only 24 this year. She could fool around for another ten years before considering having kids - adopt one, or go abroad to find a highly intelligent sperm donor to have a mixed-race baby.


Rich women don't need love. Rich women especially can't be trapped by marriage.

As for Ye Ping, there was no point in reasoning with her. They didn't even live together. In the future, whenever Ye Ping brought up marriage, she would just walk away like today.

When Yu Shu left Gossip Pavilion, she was in a great mood, humming a song as she went back to pick up Yu Feng. She didn't go upstairs, just made a call and waited in the car.

Soon, Yu Feng and Yu Yang came down with their luggage, but there was no sign of Ye Ping.

This time, Yu Feng was going to Chengdu to receive corrective surgery. It had been agreed earlier that Ye Ping would go to Chengdu with them for a while to take care of him until he could walk again before returning.

Seeing this situation, Yu Shu knew that Ye Ping was throwing a tantrum. She could even imagine what Ye Ping must have said when refusing to come downstairs: "She's so arrogant now, thinks she's so capable. Does she still need me, her mother?"

This was Ye Ping waiting for her to give in. But Yu Shu refused to do so. She didn't ask anything, just took Yu Feng and left.

"Sis~" Yu Yang clung pitifully to the car window, "Can't you just say something nice to her? Otherwise when you're gone I'll be left alone to suffer. Wah~"

Yu Shu thought about it, then transferred 100,000 yuan to Ye Ping and showed her the successful transaction page: "There, happy?"

Money, aka miracle medicine, could solve all problems.

Not for Yu Shu though. Ye Ping could still work up a temper.

When Yu Shu returned to Chengdu, she scheduled the surgery time with the doctor, then went to the domestic helper market. Within a week, she had tried four housekeepers but was unsatisfied with them all - some were too gossipy, some had shifty eyes, some cooked terribly but arrogantly talked back, and one was even more annoying, speaking sarcastically and cursing Yu Feng as a cripple when she thought no one could hear. This left Yu Shu fuming.

Yu Shu felt that her requirements weren't high. She just wanted someone who could cook for an invalid, didn't talk much, was hardworking and clean. She was offering a higher than normal market rate too, an extra 2,000 yuan, so why couldn't she find a suitable person?

That night while soaking in the bath, Yu Shu called Yu Fanxing to chat about this.

"My requirements aren't high, right? So why can't I find a suitable auntie?" Yu Shu pressed down on the sheet mask on her face. "How do you guys find housekeepers in your family?"

"They go through butler training."

"Oh...nevermind then."

The two butlers in the Shen family were graduates of the British Royal Butler Academy. They had worked for the Shens for over ten years. All the servants were personally trained by the two butlers. Their family backgrounds were thoroughly investigated - no crimes among relatives going back three generations, and no grievances or entanglements with the Shen family. These were basic requirements for interviews. After passing the interviews, they entered a six-month probationary period. The butlers would teach them step-by-step according to the preferences and rules of the employer's family, starting from menial cleaning work until they could enter the master's bedroom after at least two years.

After listening to this, Yu Shu clicked her tongue. "Your system is like an old noble household, with classes and duties."

"It's a bit like that, but there are no class levels, just wage levels." Yu Fanxing was in the bathroom shaving her calf muscles. She recently felt they were getting loose.

The chat with Yu Fanxing didn't provide Yu Shu with any valuable experience. She didn't have butlers, nor did she have time to pick carefully. Yu Feng's surgery was next week.

How annoying!

This long-lost feeling of annoyance and irritation!


Ever since she won 300 million yuan, everything had gone smoothly. This was the first time she felt flustered and at a loss.

Could it be...her luck had run out?

Twenty minutes later, at a nearby convenience store.

"Boss, 10 yuan worth of scratch cards please." Yu Shu slapped a 10 yuan bill on the counter.

The boss handed her a stack of scratch cards. Yu Shu didn't pick, just took the top five. She bought a bottle of sparkling water and sat at the small dining table by the window to slowly scratch.

Just as she sat down, two dejected-looking youths came into the store and ordered two cups of coffee. They sat in the corner sighing.

"Sigh - I'm out of money again. My dad has blocked me."

"I checked my accounts today. I only have 200,000 left which is just enough for this month's salaries. I can barely cover the utility bills. Next month I still have to pay half a year's rent. If I can't raise the money, we'll have to close down the company." The youth with gold-rimmed glasses took off his glasses and pinched his brows until they turned red.

The one with a buzz cut lamented as he tugged at his short hair, "A promising venture cut short in its infancy..."

"If we close down, we still have to refund the customers' deposits. I calculated it's about 100,000."

"Don't say anymore, you're stressing me out. I even sold the car my dad bought sinful..."

"What's your car worth? I mortgaged the wedding house my parents bought me. They wouldn't even let me in the door this New Year!"


Yu Shu scratched while listening in. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they weren't sitting far away and she wasn't deaf. She thought they would start arguing, but surprisingly they didn't. After venting to each other, they started encouraging one another.

"Hey, cheer up. What if an angel investor notices us tomorrow?"

"It'd have to be a real angel then!"

"Doesn't have to take an interest in our project. Could just take an interest in me. I should be able to land a sugar daddy with this face." The buzzcut touched his chin. "I should be able to eat soft rice with this face."

"Go look at yourself in the bathroom..."


Confidence is good.

Yu Shu finished scratching the five cards - two were 100 yuan, one was 2,000, one was 5,000, and one was 50,000.

Not a single dud. It seemed her luck was still there.

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