This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 36: Angel Investment

Chapter 36

Yu Shu took the remaining two tickets from her pocket after the convenience store owner praised her good luck for winning three out of five. She put on a false, humble smile and said, "Oh, not at all."

"Geez, where can I get money..."

"I told you this plan wouldn't work. The upfront costs are too high and we barely have enough to get by."

"We just need to get through the initial period. There are so many middle and upper class families looking for highly qualified maids. Once we make a name for ourselves..." He clutched his head. "We're going bankrupt and still trying to make a name..."

Yu Shu paused as she stepped out of the convenience store, then turned back and sat down in front of the two young men. "I'm a rich lady. I have money."

The two youths froze at her three words, then Fan Caiyun scratched his head after a long pause. "Who caught your eye? Or did you take a liking to both of us?"

This rich lady was young and beautiful!

Yu Shu glanced coldly at him. "Tell me about your start-up projects."

Qi Yu was the first to react. He introduced themselves, "I'm Qi Yu and he's Fan Caiyun. We started a home services company in the industrial park in West City."

In short, the biggest highlight of their home services company was providing high-quality, highly-skilled domestic workers. They could even tailor-train staff according to customers' requirements.

Customers signed contracts directly with the company. As long as the contract was still valid, the company guaranteed it would find and train suitable housekeepers for the customer. Their main target were middle and upper class families.

"The biggest contradiction in the domestic service market now is the growing demands of customers for the quality of domestic workers versus the disorderly market and generally low quality of domestic workers."

Fan Caiyun was extremely excited. His fingers trembled slightly. They had met with a few investors before, but their assistants heard their pitch and didn't let them meet the investors.

This was their first time meeting a tycoon face-to-face.

"Let me give an example. One of our most popular projects now is homework tutoring. We provide domestic helpers who can not only do housework but also tutor children, mainly elementary and middle school students, for families with children. These employees must have at least a bachelor's degree and are very expensive, but still in short supply."

Yu Shu immediately grasped the huge latent market. She had worked part-time as a tutor for a few years in college. Those students' parents were either driven crazy by homework or too busy with work to tutor them. Most families weren't short on money and some had more than one maid.

She was often called or messaged by students to ask questions after tutoring sessions ended. The one or two hours of tutoring per day could not meet the students' needs, especially after the double reduction policy basically eliminated cram schools. If this home services project took off, the prospects would be very promising.

Seeing her interest, the two spoke with increasing enthusiasm.

"In addition to families with children, we also plan to provide special maid training for families with patients and seniors, of course the training investment for this is greater. They need certain nursing and first aid knowledge..."

Yu Shu interrupted him, "Sorry, I have to take this call."

She had been gone for too long. Yu Feng was worried when she didn't come back and called her.

"I'm fine. I'm at a convenience store nearby. I'll be right back."

Hearing she was about to leave, Fan Caiyun panicked immediately. "Sis, sit a while longer. I don't even know your name yet, or where you live. Can we exchange WeChat? I'll send you the plan. Will you come see our company tomorrow?"

"Don't worry, I won't run off. With your name, I'll definitely visit your company." Yu Shu was amused by his manner. "Sure, add me and send me the company materials and plan. I'll stop by tomorrow to take a look."

The three said goodbye at the convenience store entrance. Fan Caiyun stared unblinkingly as Yu Shu left, murmuring to himself, "Rich sis, she must be an angel."

"Stop staring. Let's go back and revise the plan."

"Oh, right, right, right, we absolutely can't let rich sis get away."

"Don't call her sis. She looks younger than us."

"You don't understand. Calling her sis is a term of respect, expressing my endless admiration."


After reading the materials, Yu Shu was very interested in the project, but wasn't sure how much was exaggerated since entrepreneurs were skillful sweet talkers.

She forwarded the materials to Yu Fanxing but didn't get a reply, guessing she had gone to bed for her beauty sleep.

In the old Shen house in Beijing.

Shen Youlin couldn't fall asleep. He got a call from Pei Heng to go out for drinks and kebabs.

"No girls? I'm not going."

On the other end of the phone, Pei Heng roared, "Girls, and you don't make a move on them!"

His words evoked endless tragic memories. Every time they went out with girls, Shen Youlin managed to make them leave in tears.

Pei Heng counted - of the girlfriends he had, no less than eighteen were sabotaged by Shen Youlin.

"Are you into me or what? Otherwise why do you break up every relationship I have!"

Shen Youlin neither confirmed nor denied, "Your taste is too poor."

Pei Heng lamented indignantly, "Keep talking like that and you'll lose your only friend!"

"Should I care?"

Pei Heng only said it in jest as usual. He was just playing around with those girlfriends and brought some to Shen Youlin to easily get rid of them when he wanted to break up.

Shen Youlin didn't only sabotage his relationships, he would pay extra attention to any couple he saw and could instigate arguments between married couples on the street.

Pei Heng sighed helplessly, "Come out. Let Dr. Pei cure you." Shen Youlin graciously agreed. Remembering he hadn't walked the dog today, he took Dou'e with him when he went out.

"Seventh bro going to walk the dog?"

His distant cousin Zhao Wenqian was in the first floor lobby with her cousin. Seeing him go out, she smiled like a matchmaker, "Go with Nianwei. She really likes little animals too."

Su Nianwei glanced at him shyly, blushing as she twisted her clothes waiting for him to call her to go together.

"Not walking the dog, taking Dou'e to find her stepmother." Shen Youlin smiled gently, "You two cousins sure are close."

Su Nianwei whispered, "Cousin has always been good to me, treating me like her own sister."

Shen Youlin smiled harmlessly, "Is that so? Then be my big brother's little wife and be sisters forever."

"Youlin!" Zhao Wenqian scolded him, "What nonsense! Apologize to Nianwei."

"Why are you yelling so loud? I'm not deaf." Shen Youlin dug his ear. "You scared Dou'e. Can't even take a joke?"

"What kind of joke is that? Do you see me as your sister-in-law?"

Shen Youlin chuckled, "No."

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