This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 37: Goodbye Yu Yan

Chapter 37

Yu Shu only received Yu Fanxing's reply the next day after getting up. Yu Fanxing was not ignorant about investment. She had been exposed to it for many years and could see some tricks.

Yu Fanxing: You can invest a few million to try the water. If you lose, take it as an experience.

Yu Shu: ...This experience is a bit expensive. I'll feel bad if I lose money.

Yu Fanxing: Let me send it to my nephew to take a look. He's a professional, and he happens to be in Rong City too. Let him accompany you to do research.

Yu Shu: It's not appropriate, is it?

Yu Fanxing: It's appropriate, very appropriate. You two can just treat each other as friends. If you really like each other, I can laugh myself awake even in dreams. Let me tell you, my nephew is tall and handsome, 180 galaxies better than my worthless son.

Yu Shu was stunned looking at the WeChat card she sent—the familiar avatar and ID, the WeChat number that had been lying in her friend list for months.

An hour and a half later, Yu Shu got into Yu Yan's passenger seat. Because she was nervous, she almost bit her tongue when greeting: "Consultant Yu, what a coincidence."

"It is quite a coincidence." Yu Yan smiled, "How did you get to know my aunt?"

"In a beauty salon in Capital, she fainted from hypoglycemia, and then I happened to have chocolate in my bag, so..." Yu Shu stammered through her words, the more she stammered, the more nervous she became, and the more nervous she was, the less articulate she was, regretfully biting her tongue.

Fortunately, Yu Yan didn't say much, and soon talked about the project she wanted to invest in, pointing out the biggest problem.

"There are no big issues with the market and business model of the project. The biggest problem is the customer source."

Yu Shu realized: "The proposal didn't mention this issue at all!"

"Yes, they know it themselves too. If I guess correctly, they currently have no way to accurately deliver ads to target audiences. I see their promotions are mainly relying on self-media and on-site promotions in mid-to-high-end communities. Both methods have very limited effects without much success."

"Then what's the solution?"

"That depends on you, rich lady." Yu Yan teased her, "Ask Manager Yi out for a meal. He would be very happy to help with this."

Oh right! Selecting the target audience through the bank is the fastest and most accurate way.

"If you don't want to just collect bank interest, you still need to have connections." Yu Yan's tone was gentle and flat, "Participate in some clubs, parties, and gatherings that interest you. For business, information and connections are always most valuable."

Yu Shu understood what he meant. She was no longer an ordinary salaried worker. To get rich for a long time, knowledge, connections were indispensable.

Qi Yu and Fan Caiyun's company was doing much better than they thought. The company was small, with only 18 employees apart from the two of them. Currently, only two training classes were offered, one for families with primary and middle school students, and the other for families with elderly people with no severe disabilities or loss of self-care ability. When they went to visit, they happened to encounter classes in progress. The home tutor class was teaching tutors to get familiar with different versions of textbooks and the learning content of each grade; the elderly caregiver class was teaching the registration process at hospitals and how to use the public WeChat account of the hospital for registration and payment. They were all extremely practical things, really starting from the actual needs of customers.

The fatal flaw was also exactly as Yu Yan said, they got very few customers, currently less than thirty.

After looking around and sitting down to rest, Yu Shu casually mentioned that she was also looking for a suitable nanny, her father would have surgery next week, and she wanted to find someone to cook.

Qi Yu pushed his glasses: "Miss Yu, I suggest you choose a male nanny. Think about it, your father will definitely have limited mobility after surgery. Even you may not be able to help with some things. A male nanny would be much more convenient."

Oh right! Qi Yu had considered problems she hadn't thought of.

Qi Yu called in a middle-aged man in his forties who looked short in stature with an honest and silly face.

"This is Uncle Zhang. He used to run a small restaurant and is good at cooking. He can also drive, so you don't need to commute to and from the hospital every day."

Yu Shu clasped her hands together and made a decision on the spot: "This project, I, Wang Duo Yu, am investing in it!"

Yu Shu simply invested 5 million, leaving Qi Yu and Fan Caiyun with eyes shining like stars, looking at her as if looking at a fairy who had descended to earth, full of reverence.

That night, Yu Yan hosted the dinner and formally introduced Manager Yi to Yu Shu, and also introduced Qi Yu and Fan Caiyun. He talked very late into the night about Yu Shu's newly invested startup project. Especially Qi Yu and Fan Caiyun were extremely excited and kept in an agitated state all night.

The five didn't break up until midnight, and of course the bill was paid by Yu Shu.

Both Yu Shu and Yu Yan had drunk alcohol and called a designated driver to take Yu Shu home first.

Yu Shu was a little tired, leaning back in the rear seat, not wanting to talk much. After getting along today, she and Yu Yan were much more familiar with each other, without the restraint when they first met. She even joked about each other's alcohol capacity.

"Silly boy is calling~ Silly boy is calling~~~"

A cheerful ringtone sounded, and Yu Yan answered the call, sounding a little impatient: "What's up?"

"I'll be back tomorrow. Are you back in A City? Grandpa's birthday is next month, and I..."

The driver asked Yu Shu, "Is it the building in front?"

"No, turn right in front..."

"Woman! You're with a woman in the middle of the night!" Shen Youlin heard Yu Shu's voice on the phone and pulled out a tuft of hair on Duo E's head, "Yu Yan, you're not clean!"

"A client."

"You're not even back in A City, where did you get a client! Do you think I'm a 3-year-old kid?"

"There are no 3-year-olds as annoying as you." Yu Yan was too lazy to say more, "Hang up. Let's talk about Grandpa's birthday when you get back."

"Hey!!!" Shen Youlin was furious and yelled hoarsely: "Butler—"

Two minutes later, the panting Wei Bo appeared in Shen Youlin's room and smoothed his handlebar mustache: "Young Master Seven."

"I want to go back to Rong City, now, immediately! Right away!" Shen Youlin acted like a spoiled child, pinching Duo E's pink ear and shaking it randomly.

The silly puppy didn't dodge but shook her head along with his rhythm.

Private jets can't just take off whenever one wants. They need to file applications and get flight route approvals in advance. It was definitely not possible to fly now.

"Please wait." Wei Bo took out his phone, "There is a flight from Capital Airport to Rong City leaving in 40 minutes. You can leave immediately. Duo E and your luggage will be sent to Chang Garden in Rong City tomorrow by the family plane."

Shen Youlin snapped his fingers in satisfaction: "Perfect."

He had to go back to save his silly cousin. He couldn't let him fall into the hands of a woman and ruin his reputation in an instant, becoming a complete idiot!

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