This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 123


Chapter 123 Lonely

The boundless purple surrounds the deep pitch black, tangled together like mud in a river Sand generally moves slowly in the air. This is a dead place, except for the endless abyss that makes people tremble, there is only a small silhouette standing in this magnificent void, small, pitiful, like a mayfly.

Silent, malicious, twisted.

After the voice that protected him all the time disappeared, Spirit Sea chose to face the void.

Spirit Sea felt the malevolent and twisted gazes around her, only the silver rank and the others had no fear or worry, just the same calm as always.

No words, no calling. Spirit Sea didn’t seek the voice any more, she just felt, felt the void she had never seen before.

Before today, the void in Spirit Sea’s eyes has always been in the Perfect World built by the void. There is only the brilliant purple kite, and the slightly grayish Yahei. In that “void”, there is also a gentle woman named Yuan who accompanies her, who will enlighten her and help her move forward safely in the void.

However, when she finally made up her mind to leave that “void” and step into the real void that once dyed the world with despair, the bubble that originally wrapped the Spirit Sea was completely shattered.

“Is this the world you face…”

Desperate, empty, boundless dead world.

Spirit Sea walked slowly on this distorted land of purple and black. She closed her eyes and did not rely on her senses to confirm the direction. In this world without any material existence, vision is just a medium that makes people crazy, and feeling is the only weapon that human beings can rely on to survive in the void.

“Why should I bear it alone.”

Reluctant to speak, indifferent, always hiding his expression under a gray scarf. In this world, Spirit Sea has shed the labels that have been slapped on her. Expose yourself to this strange and familiar world.

However, she knew that she was not alone.

The warm gaze was still there, buried and washed away by countless malevolent gazes, but Spirit Sea still sensed her presence.

This time, I’m here to find you.


At this time, with the grand ceremony, The mission to visit Muqi set off from the City of Silver.

Duchess Torreya also made a name for herself in this ceremony. In addition to her beautiful appearance, which brought her a lot of fame, a long-held decree also appeared in the crowd. before.

The Trailblazer Act.

Selected by the king, those who expand the territory of the Magnum Kingdom can obtain the status of dukes in advance. This kind of duke status is more inclined to responsibility than that of Zhou Li. Those who get the pioneer duke need to do their best to serve the empire, and they are not allowed to obtain Fiefdom and corresponding rights until they get the corresponding merits.

In fact, even if the duke’s name was castrated at first, there are still many people rushing for it. After all, the potential value brought by the word duke is far beyond everything. Therefore, after this bill was officially lifted and implemented, many nobles protested, but the central purpose was still interest.

But the uproar didn’t last long, and Magnum III convened Parliament on the second day of the submission of the protest letter for a friendly discussion. No one knows the specific content of the negotiation. People only remember that the people who left the Imperial Palace sang and danced happily.

Ordinary person will not know these things, they only know that the beautiful girl was appointed Duke of Pioneer, a thankless title. They didn’t have much response, just watching the girl set foot on the hero’s team as if they were having fun, and went to the land of Muqi together.

Yes, Torreya is also one of the delegations this time.

For no other reason, Zhou Li did it.

In Zhou Li, the civilized greetings of “If you don’t put that bitch by my side and let me monitor it 24 hours a day, I won’t go to Muqi to move your house and demolish it” resounded in the hall. , After weighing the pros and cons and obtaining Torreya’s consent, Magnum III readily agreed to Zhou Li’s opinion. He knew that the current Zhou Li would not tear his face with him, and to have Torea go to Muqi with him would be a good way to make plans for the future war, and with Hero there, he was not afraid of anything.

Yes, until now, Magnum III still thought that hero would not do anything wrong.

After sorting out and analyzing, Magnum III keenly noticed that all kinds of incongruous behaviors of Hero after entering the City of Silver were all premeditated actions. Whether it’s creating a crappy stand-in, or “borrowing money” that looks like a rogue but is actually a robber, it’s Zhou Li’s close plan closely linked with one another.

In addition to letting him relax his vigilance and habitually suppressing his nature in front of him, these out-of-tune behaviors also sent a signal to the group of nobles who had always maintained a wait-and-see attitude that this hero really likes power and power. Money, the cooperation at this time is almost a certainty, and then the king’s move to allocate 40,000 gold coins to Zhou Li confirms that the two parties have reached an indescribable transaction, so this group of nobles also believes that Zhou Li will become a duke.

At the end, not only were the MPs fiercely attacked by Zhou Li’s plot, but even Magnum III himself cut a large piece of meat and fed it to Zhou Li. At this time, Magnum discovered that Zhou Li did not seem to be as “black-hearted, shameless, despicable, by fair means or foul, robber logic, insidious and cunning” as he seemed on the surface, those may be disguise, it is he A disguise that is deliberately displayed to oneself.

Therefore, Magnum III thinks that Zhou Li is still a hero in essence, but the means and temperament are somewhat different from the previous heroes. He believes that on the premise that Zhou Li will not hurt Toreia, it is not bad for Toreia to contact Zhou Li.

Magnum III, are you asleep, I can’t.

Torea sat in the bumpy carriage, enduring the noise and noise outside. The most important thing is the baptism in front of the hero who is staring at him for some reason.

“How could it be, you can endure this ****?”

Zhou Li sit cross-legged on the carriage, rubbing his chin curiously, puzzled He said, “It shouldn’t be, you’re not enchanted, you should have a physical disgust for this thing. It’s hard enough for me to say such disgusting things myself, can you bear it?”

You know disgusting yourself?

Torreya glanced at Zhou Li indifferently, her white hair was combed into a single ponytail, and she shook with the carriage, and she looked very cute with ice-beauty. She ignored Zhou Li and just silently endured all the weird and imaginative “little bedtime stories” that Zhou Li told her in her ears.


Torreia’s hard heart wall made Zhou Li feel a little troubled, although the two had met in the previous life, and they had a good chance to learn from each other a few times. , chopped off some limbs on the opposite side, but Zhou Li really didn’t know what kind of temperament this guy was. After all, in the last life, the two of them either saw Kaigan or Shaoren Kaigan, and there was almost no talkative link, so they didn’t know each other very well.

“Well, I’ll tell you another story.”

Zhou Li suddenly sat up straight, he quietly looked at the girl in front of him, his expression was no longer the same as before. Cynical, but an expression of indifference to everything.

“There used to be a boy who lived a pretty happy life. He had a house, a car, and a good job. He was handsome and in good shape. He was the envy of everyone.”

“His world has no disasters, no monsters who will kill all mankind at every turn, and no messed up gods. There, believing or not gods mainly depend on whether they walk or not, and don’t have to worry about being caught on the street. The nobleman kicked him to death and gave ten gold coins to make a mess.”

“You said, this kind of life is good.”

Watching the unfathomable mystery talk Zhou Li raised an irrelevant topic, Torreya frowned slightly. For some reason, she didn’t stay silent this time, she gently nodded, and her tone even fluctuated a little:


“Yes, that’s nice.”


“Yes, that’s nice.”


Zhou Li crossed his hands and said with emotion: “It’s so good…that kind of peaceful life.”

“Unfortunately, the story I told was not very good.”


Zhou Li’s tone cooled down, and a silent anger lingered in his heart: “When he was proud of his life, suddenly, he was called.”

“The god told him , he wants to become a hero, to save a garbage world that has nothing to do with him. Although he has the super power of yearn for something even in dreams, he can also open a bunch of powerful plug-ins like the protagonist of the novel, but, He didn’t know that these things were clearly priced.”

The carriage traveled through the night, the bumpy sections of the road had passed, and only the long smooth asphalt road remained.

“He is the hero, the protagonist in the novel. But his Demon King is not the Demon King in the novel.”

“Killing, tyranny, bloodthirsty. The one in The young man in his world who was shaking even killing chickens soon saw a massacre. In that massacre, except for him and a girl, a total of 60,000 people died. A tower with stacked human heads.”

“Before he lost consciousness, he saw the hotel boss who was a little bit greedy, but always secretly bought steamed buns for the group of orphans. Aunt with two more sausages in his bread. The drunkard who once had a relationship, the branch leader who just gave the boy three Silver Coins as a reward, saw girls, men, old people, women, saw…”

As if the despair reappeared at that moment, a terrifying silence appeared in Zhou Li’s eyes. He looked at the stunned Torreya, word by word, and said bloody words without emotion.

“The people he cares about.”

“The story ends here.”

Suddenly, Zhou Li smiled, he seemed tired He stretched out the same way and let out a comfortable moan. Then he rang the carriage’s bell, the carriage slowly stopped, he jumped out of the car, and said to Torea in the car in a casual tone:

“Dude, don’t miss me. , otherwise I will be unlucky to dream at night. Go to bed early, and I will tell you about sex tomorrow, it is more exciting than sex.”

After finishing speaking, Zhou Li waved his hand and returned to his own carriage.

In the carriage, Torreya stared blankly at the carriage of Zhou Li not far away, and the image of Zhou Li who was sitting under the lamp when she was telling the story just now appeared in her mind.

Desperate to the extreme.



“Wow, it’s cool.”

Returning to his carriage, Zhou Li spread out the hero exclusive on his waist, and opened it while talking: “Just now Tolei How is Ya’s mood?”

“It seems that you were brought in, a little sad, and a little empathetic.”

Looking at the text in the book, Zhou Li sighed lightly , said a little tricky: “It seems that she really doesn’t carry the memory of her previous life, nor does she have a bloodthirsty temperament. It’s really weird.”

“Yeah, that level of massacre is simply torture. , With her current appearance, I suspect that even if it is the death order from the gods, she may object. Is she really the Demon King Torreya of the previous life? Could it be that we have the wrong person.”

“No, it’s impossible.”

Soon, Zhou Li rejected hero’s exclusive conjecture: “I won’t forget her eyes, in this world only she has that kind of red eyes .And the gods have obviously had direct contact with her, otherwise Magnum III would have invested so much in her.”

“It’s really strange.”

End of hero exclusive After this sentence, he paused and continued to write: “You Black Emperor has been promoted to platinum, why don’t you take a look?”

“I’m too busy to forget.”

Zhou Li scratched his head, then turned to the special page. When he clicked on the familiar page, a black illusory shadow suddenly appeared, and it was fleeting.

However, Zhou Li and Hero did not see the shadow, they just continued to open the Dark Emperor’s page to check the power after the promotion.

(The Dark Emperor’s Law: You can distort the rules you need. The distorted rules will be biased towards you, this time, the rules are made by the emperor.)

(Determine the order : All existences that contain order will be determined by you.)

(Empire: Let the black fog cover the area you designate, and in the black fog you will control everything that the black fog touches.)

(Control: You will control the creatures/things distorted by the black mist. If the other party is your subject, you will have complete control.)

This is Zhou Li’s former skill, now obtained greatly enhanced. But for Zhou Li, one-on-one singles will never happen to him, he will only fight in groups and sneak attacks, so he just keeps it in mind, but doesn’t pay too much attention to it.

What he really needs to care about is the next two skills.

“The Dark Emperor’s Immortal Coffin”

(You will get your own coffin, when a non-mourner kills you, you will Reborn in a coffin. But the price is the death of a random subject and cannot be resurrected)

(Your mourners will not die before you)

(Your graveyard will not Die before you)

When Zhou Li saw the text engraved with black mist, he fell silent.

He has forgotten a lot of things from previous life, a lot, and it won’t sound again.

But only at this time, Zhou Li remembered what the pretty woman who was standing above the black mist had said to himself with a sly smile.

“You want to die? I don’t want you to die, you will never die.”

At that moment, Zhou Li saw eternal loneliness in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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