This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 124


Chapter 124 The Old Man

The capital of Mucci is Havana, a city in the mountains. The city is located on the eastern side of the Brownian mountain range east of Duskwood, next to Magnum’s territory “Calia City-State”.

Three hundred and fifty years ago, on March 3rd, a professional named “Harry” opened up the east side of the Brownia mountain range and established the Havana settlement under the testimony of twelve quarters. At first, this adventurer just wanted to build a settlement so that others could explore the magnificent Brownia mountain range, but as the number of gathering points increased, the settlement gradually expanded, and a prototype called “The Kingdom of Miracles” gradually took shape. appear before the eyes of the world.

Fifty years later, Havana has become a world-famous “Mountain Corridor”, and Harry, who was a knight-errant and a “teacher” back then, also built his dream according to his previous ideas. The “miracle country” – Mu Qi.

The reason why it is a country of miracles is that this country has a high respect for nature and soul, so they do not believe in gods.

In this world, any country has its own gods that it believes in, and even the three Eastern Courts, which do not ask the secular world, have their own gods to bless them. Because only gods can purify the calamity land left by the second calamity “Reversed Era”, so that food and human beings can live on the land for a long time. Otherwise, once many people gather in a place without the protection of the gods, those upside-down elements will suddenly explode one day, with unpredictable consequences.

However, Mu Qi broke the law that “a country cannot be established without the blessing of gods”, which is almost universal truth. For some reason, the first generation of Mr. Muqi, Harry, has the ability to communicate with natural elements. He signed an agreement with those natural elements everywhere, so that these extremely mysterious existences choose to bless Muqi and thousands of Muqi who absolutely believe in nature. the people.

“There are still five kilometers to Havana.”

In the carriage that is the widest and most gorgeous in the entire convoy, everyone is surrounded by a map, the whole body is full. Listen carefully to Zhou Li’s explanation.

“Muqi does not have too much attention to etiquette in this country. Except for the standard handshake, Muqi has only one etiquette to praise nature.”

Zhou Li draws on his chest After recording this simple and clear etiquette, Ivey asked: “This etiquette When is it usually used?”

Zhou Li looked towards Xiao Ke on the side, she was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and explained to everyone familiarly: “We generally use the etiquette of praising nature for all kinds of embarrassment. time.”


There were puzzled expressions on everyone’s faces, why they didn’t expect, Xiao Ke’s answer turned out to be like this.

“Uh, how should I explain this…” Xiao Ke rubbed her eyebrows with a headache, and after a while, she said hesitantly, “It’s like, hehe?”

Seeing the more profound doubts on everyone’s faces, Xiao Ke was a little panicked and quickly continued to explain: “Let me give an example, like when you came home one day, your mother suddenly asked if you were looking for a lover. , you are very embarrassed and have nothing to say. At this time, you can use this etiquette to skip this topic.

“Oh, it’s similar to the goodness in Buddhism, right? “

After saying a confusing sentence, Zhou Li raised his legs and said to the crowd, “You have nothing to talk to with that guy from Mu Qi, so just do it.” With this gesture, the other party will politely retreat, and will not continue to be embarrassed with you. “

“That’s it. “

Xiao Ke nodded, very agree with Zhou Li’s statement. Then she thought of something, and quickly reminded: “By the way, although Mu Qi has nothing particularly taboo, but there is one you must pay attention. “

“Don’t cut down trees.” “

Xiao Ke said to everyone very seriously: “No matter when and where, don’t cut down trees, especially saplings.” “

“Huh? “

Ivey is now catching up to Elma’s status in terms of acting as a fan. “Why?” “

“Actually we don’t know either. “

Xiao Ke shrugged, but still looked serious: “We have followed this custom since 500 years ago, and it has been passed down since the birth of this country. Although we don’t know why, this is the most taboo point of the whole Muqi. Once the trees are cut down, Muqi’s survey team will immediately appear and take people away, must pay attention! “

“Don’t worry, we didn’t run all the way here just to chop down trees.” ”

Zhou Li laughed and answered, and then Elma, who was beside him, floated his gaze to him, suddenly leaned over and stared at Zhou Li without blinking.


After a long silence, Zhou Li turned his head and said innocently, “I haven’t done it yet. “

“Don’t do this. “

Elma pinched Zhou Li’s face, then returned to her position.

“There are still two kilometers.” ”

In fact, within a ten-kilometer range, this city where mountains and clouds coexist has already appeared in the eyes of everyone. It is like a city-state hanging upside down like Divine Vestige, with all the mountains and peaks. Without the majesty of this city, it has been deprived of the luster in people’s eyes. In this scene, even Ain, who has always been cold, showed a shocked expression.

“Wow~ so beautiful. “

Elma opened her mouth and said in surprise, “I thought there would be no such building other than God World.” “

“Gods can shape the natural environment at will in God World, of course humans can’t compare.” “

Zhou Li rubbed Elma’s head, looked at the shocking city, and murmured softly: “But in reality, it seems that humans seem to be stronger than them. “

“The city was established by the first survey teams of the year, who communicated with nature and let the elements help them build a city-state.” “

Xiao Ke looked at his hometown he hadn’t seen for several years, and there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes: “Every stone and wood on it has traces of the corresponding element spirits helping humans.” Trees pluck their most tenacious branches, rivers wash away the rubble that people need, and the stones trim themselves into what they want. It can be said that this is a miracle shared by nature and human beings. ”

The closer they got to the city, the more shocked everyone felt. They felt that the city was like the kingdom of God in the story, and human beings simply did not have the ability to touch it. However, the more this feeling, the more lethargic They deeply admired the first-generation survey team and the natural elements.

Arriving one kilometer away, the welcome team of the Muqi Republic had already arrived. After a concise and pleasant welcome ceremony, Zhou Li entire group got off the carriage and slowly walked towards the building representing the highest authority of the Muqi Republic – the Natural Tower.

“Do you need a tour guide? “

The man in charge of receiving Zhou Li was a man named “Noah”. He faced Zhou Li and said to him with a just right smile: “My image may not be very good, but He knows everything about Havana. If you need, I can help you get acquainted with this beautiful city faster in the next time. “

“Thanks for your suggestion.” “Zhou Li nodded slightly, and his smile was nothing like the arrogant and despotic of Silver City back then,” but we have a local here, don’t bother Mr. Noah. “

“Huh? ”

Noah was stunned for a moment. When he saw Xiao Ke, who had emerged from the crowd, he was clearly laughed. Then he invited the foreign minister on the side to follow the crowd.

Accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zhou Li entire group came to the gate of the natural tower. This is a huge building made of vines and trees, without any artificial traces. It seems that the trees deliberately It grows normally and builds a tower full of natural beauty.

This tower is the most important authority in the entire Muqi. It is divided into six areas, representing “military, financial, cultural, “Building, Nature, and Coordination” are six different national areas. Each of these six areas has three floors of space for the corresponding officials to work. And Zhou Li and the others are going to this tower this time. The most cutting-edge of the game – co-ordination.

The six areas of the tower are decorated differently, the military area has a wood carving with a curved blade, and is mostly constructed of thorny vines. The financial area has golden wood Bars separate the areas, implying that wealth must be controlled. The stone book of culture, the hammer and sickle redwood carving of construction, and the wall of natural elements all have distinct and unique styles.

However, when Zhou Li When they stepped into the most important and highest level “coordinator” of the entire tower, they were all surprised.

Except Zhou Li.

“Welcome to the coordinator. ”

This area is made of pure white wooden boards, without any decorations, let alone gold and silver, not even a carved wood carving. Except for the dizzying white, There is only the black growth ring pattern on the floor. In the middle of the growth ring pattern, an ordinary and outrageous wooden chair is placed on it.

Everyone is welcome to sit on the chair, thin firewood A bone-like white clothed old man.

The old man is very old, and the years have left ruthless marks on him. Wrinkles, old man’s lines, loose skin, cloudy eyes. He is like a man who has already Like a person buried in the earth, it exudes the breath of dying.

“teacher! “

At this moment, Xiao Ke in the crowd couldn’t bear it any longer. She trotted to the chair with three steps and two steps, looked at the old man with tears in her eyes, and said tremblingly, “You… …how is your body…”

“So old? ”

As if talking about other people, the old man who was made a teacher by Xiaoke looked at Xiaoke with a smile, and he stretched out his thin right hand tremblingly, with rough fingers. Gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Xiao Ke’s eyes. The old man used this action for a long time. He looked at Xiao Ke who couldn’t hold back his sadness, and lightly said with a smile:

“Xiao Ke is a big girl now. , why is it always crying. “


Seeing the old man’s dying look of sadness, mixed with the warmth brought by the old man’s comfort, Xiao Ke bit his lower lip and held back. Her own tears.

The old man touched her hair, then looked towards Zhou Li, and said to him in a relaxed tone: “If the old man guessed right, this should be hero. . “

In the face of the old man’s question, Zhou Li was not as arrogant and unrestrained as he was with Magnum III. He walked forward and said to the old man very decently: “Yes, I am this year’s class.” hero, my name is Zhou Li. It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Muki. “

“Haha, why are you being polite.” “

The old man didn’t have the air of Lord of a Country at all. He laughed twice, and then coughed a few times. Facing the worried eyes of everyone, he waved his hand and said after two breaths: “It doesn’t matter, the old problem is old, and it is a problem when people get old, and no one can avoid it. “

“Can’t even you escape?” “

Zhou Li looked at the old man and asked this question slightly.

“No one can escape.” “The old man shook the head, without any sadness, just talked about death calmly, even if he was about to die soon: “Demi-God can’t escape, God can’t escape, even they can’t escape. “

“Do you know what we’re here for?” “

As if they had known each other for a long time, Zhou Li said again: “Do you know the purpose of Magnum? “

“I know the latter.” The old man blinked and said with an old urchin-like tone: “They’ve wanted this country for a long time, I’m just old, not stupid, of course I know.” “

“However, I really don’t know the purpose of hero. “

The old man leaned back, his cloudy eyes lightly cast his gaze on Zhou Li’s face, he narrowed his eyes slightly, at this moment, Zhou Li seemed to feel the gentleness and thoroughness of the old man. His eyes touched his soul directly. But this feeling was fleeting, so fast that Zhou Li felt like he was hallucinating.

“Zhou Li, can I teach you Xiao Zhou? “

In the face of the old man’s question, Zhou Li nodded and answered.

“Okay, then I’ll call you Xiao Zhou.” The old man looked kindly like a neighbor’s great grandfather, and his voice was neither fast nor slow: “You are here this time, probably not just for Magnum and Muqi.” “

“That’s right. “

Zhou Li nods to study,” and responded very calmly. He quietly made a gesture behind him, and then said to the old man: Do you have any concerns about the soul? “

The old man was startled for a while, he glanced at a group of Xiao Ke who were holding back tears, and seemed to think of some kind of pampered laughed, and then said to Zhou Li: “Yes, I am indeed right.” There is no small study of the soul. “

“Then can you help this child?”

With Zhou Li’s words, Kaya appeared in front of the old man.

At the moment when Kaya arrived, the old man was suddenly shocked, and an inexplicable coercion instantly diffused throughout the hall. Everyone suddenly felt like an enemy, and the black mist spread over Zhou Li’s body, surrounding everyone to death. Resist those invisible coercion.

“Appeared. “

Soon, the pressure dissipated. The old man glanced at Zhou Li and the others apologetically, but his eyes quickly returned to Kaya, who was standing quietly. Looking at Kaya, the eyes are like looking at another person.

“Like, it’s too similar. “

The old man’s voice trembled a little more, and there was a rare light in his eyes, a light that Xiao Ke had never seen before. But Zhou Li could see the name of that light.


“It’s exactly the same as His Royal Highness Chonghuang. ”

Thanks to King Jijizhe for the 100 points

Thanks to the 100 points of Zhishou

Thanks to the book friend 20210524175739703 for the 200 points

(End of this chapter)

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