This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 262


Chapter 262 The False God, Appearing (2-in-1)

“Will the soul of who kind be perfect?”

In that conversation, the fake who had been perfectly disguising himself finally couldn’t hold back his curiosity and asked the words that were not part of the plan.

For humans, falsehood has always looked at them with a complex eye. Falsehood was born and strengthened by humans. He knew very well in his heart that if humans in this world were exhausted, he would soon follow in their footsteps. For there is no creature other than man who can create so many falsehoods.

So, when he learned that the most perfect thing in this world is the human soul, his false heart surged with unstoppable curiosity.

When he asked this sentence, Thomas, who had been recording something, really stopped his movements. False still remember that it was a night with few stars in a month, and it was a rare sunny day in Yingnan. Thomas, dressed in a white robe, sat casually on the grass, with his back to the stars and the moon, holding a pen and paper in his hand, and there seemed to be countless ink words floating in silver’s pupils.

“Actually, human beings are the most complex creatures in this world.”

Putting down the pen, Thomas put down his silver-rimmed glasses, and his soft voice echoed in the open air. “I have seen a kind-hearted and pedantic peasant, willing to give up his daughter’s life to save a thief.”

“I have also seen an extremely cruel general who listened to slanderous words. Wanting to eat the placenta, ordered the killing of all the women in the city. In the city-state next door, the meticulous merchants hoarded goods and food, and one plague caused another famine, killing tens of millions of people .”

“However, I have also seen warriors shining with golden spirits, who resolutely burned their own lives to protect the village. I have also seen professionals with iron will, with silver The posture forged a god-given tool and saved the city that was on the verge of collapse.”

“Ten million people gathered together to sincerely pray to the gods, just to let a kind man get the salvation of his soul. “

Gently covered the paper on the grass in his hand, a faint halo lingered beside Thomas, as bright as firefly, “Humans are a gem that can never be guessed.” Although they are the most filthy and mean, they also have a kindness that exudes a bright halo. It is because of this that human beings fascinate me.” . He only remembered that in that summer night, he received the message that “human kindness is the most perfect material”. As for what Thomas said afterward, he didn’t remember.

Later, he successfully killed the god of literature and gained the authority of the god of literature. In order to completely control the power, leave this world shrouded in mist, falsely use all authority and power to release the human souls collected by the god of literature in books, and imprison the grotesque souls forever in books.

And the price of this is that the pen and paper are completely integrated, and they no longer have the ability to tamper with reality. He can only affect things that have existed in the book, for example, humans.

(I am the god of literature, the god of falsehood, the Great Accomplishment, I can manipulate reality, figurative illusory shadow)

(now, the grotesque will return to the world)

When two lines of text containing strangely twisted rays of light appeared, roars and roars resounded in the sky. Zhou Li’s entire group looked out the window, and when the “dark cloud” composed of countless densely packed weird and grotesques appeared in the field of vision, Torreya and Lin Zi suddenly felt a shudder in their souls.

Weird, all grotesque.

They emerged from the clouds like the last wrath of the flood and hurried toward Jordan. Just when Torreya thought that these grotesques would tear herself and the others apart, she was shocked to find that none of those grotesques were aimed at herself, the others, or any human being. The place they rushed towards was the Jordan Tower.


Torreya suddenly started, and she reacted at this time. This “God of Literature” is not trying to manipulate the grotesque to attack humans. His real target is those that Zhou Li used to threaten Roja. Black powder.

No, the purpose of the god of literature is to harvest souls, he wants to destroy the black powder!

No, it’s too late.

extend the hand, Torreya opened her mouth just to remind Zhou Li, but was shocked to find that she couldn’t say a word anyway. But she didn’t panic, because what stopped her from speaking was a small black mist.

It was Zhou Li who was preventing her from speaking.

In this instant, the text emerges.

(your black powder will soon fail)

(now, you will have to abide by the conditions I gave)

“oh? ”

Zhou Li sat back on the sofa with his elbows on his lap and his hands folded in front of his chest. He looked at the text in front of him, raised his eyebrows, seemed right but actually isn’t and said, “It seems that your ultimate goal is to harvest the souls of these humans.”

“My black powder plan In fact, it was successful, because both Roja and you, the purpose is to make the souls of these people more pure, so that you can harvest. So you have been misleading me just now, and want me to think that your harvesting plan has failed, you What you really want is Elma. But, your ultimate goal is to destroy my black powder, right?”

(You realize it’s too late)

(All the grotesques have reached the Jordan Tower and surround your black powder. Even if you detonate them, you will just kill the grotesques, and their blood will rain, and all gunpowder and explosions will fail)

(You have no choice)

“There is no choice.”

Zhou Li nodded and repeated convincingly. Just when he falsely wanted to let Zhou Li choose to acknowledge allegiance and help him harvest his soul, Zhou Li spoke again.

“Actually, I really didn’t have a choice at that time.”

Zhou Li raised his eyes, the mockery in his pupils made Fake feel uneasy for a while. Zhou Li raised the corner of his mouth and said with emotion: “I ran the whole city and couldn’t find a kilogram of black powder. If it wasn’t like this, I wouldn’t have to deceive you and Roja.”

“Cheat Fool, I really have no sense of achievement.”

Elma on the side finally couldn’t bear it anymore, her warm red lips also evoked a perfect arc like Zhou Li, her eyes were curved into two crescents, and she smiled very gentle.

The voice fell, falsely receiving the news of the blood-colored leech. Then, he felt a sense of absurdity.

In the place shrouded in black mist under the Jordan Tower, there are only piles of natural fertilizers.

On the black fog network arranged by Geralster, a piece of paper with a smiley face fluttering in the wind, which was written by Elma, Zhou Li’s funny expression rippling in the rain, was extremely mocking.


Angry, shame, shock.

Fake has never felt so humiliated, as the god of falsity, he has been deceived by Zhou Li’s little tricks for so long. He had sensed Geralst’s actions, and also felt that Geralster had used the black mist in the Jordan Tower, but he concluded that Geralster really placed five tons of black powder in the Jordan Tower, thoroughly Tricked by Zhou Li.

Shame! What a shame!

The false god is deceived, it is as absurd as Death God is dead. This kind of absurd thing happened to him today like no other in history. His false heart is full of endless anger. If he can appear in front of Zhou Li in human form at this time, he will definitely perform for Zhou Li. A red temperature warning.

“Please, use your brain.”

Zhou Li looked towards false, shrugged with contempt, as it should be by rights: “One day’s time , five tons of black powder, you have to shake your head if you ask the Pope of the god of chaos to come.”

“I won’t lie to you, you really think you are an onion.”

The falsehood at this time was completely swept away by anger, and he didn’t even think about why Zhou Li suddenly reminded him to check the piece of black powder. Obviously Zhou Li can continue to deceive the fake, deal more time, or let the fake get away with it and continue to negotiate with Zhou Li in order to save the grotesque life.

However, Zhou Li did not choose to continue to deceive, but chose ‘self-destruct”.


(You pissed me off, totally pissed me off!)

(The grotesque will burst into your cage and tear everything you hold dear!)

appeared, and the grotesque people who had gathered in the Jordan Tower seemed to sense something, and roared and roared in unison.

Then they stopped moving.

“Originally, I wanted to deal with Roja like this, but didn’t expect, he was still abandoned by you.”

Zhou Li, who held Elma tightly, stood up, The two were shoulder-to-shoulder and could clearly feel each other’s warmth. Zhou Li looked towards the book incarnated by falsehood, his voice was cold: “You haven’t reacted yet, is my real purpose?”


False dumbfounded, his “brain” was blank at this time, and he couldn’t understand why he suddenly cut off the “wires” that manipulated those grotesques.

“You let us kill all the grotesques before, with the aim of destroying them completely, right?”

extend the hand, a priceless ring It appeared in Zhou Li’s hand, and in the next second, he crushed the ring containing the law of void, and countless strange papers with different names engraved on them appeared in his hand.

(This is…)

(How could it be possible! How could it be possible!)

(How could you possibly have this!)

“The first weirdness you released was their evil, the monsters who were infected with the evil roots of human beings. They have a human-like appearance, but they are more cruel than human beings.”

“And What you are releasing now is the original weirdness. The original weirdness is good, they are pure, but they are of no use to you. So you want to use our hands to eliminate all the weirdness, right?”

Zhou Li looked at what he wanted to write in front of him, but couldn’t deny the falsity of his words, said with a cold laugh: “Congratulations, you failed.”

“You I think I can only kill the grotesque and wipe them out.”

“I’m sorry to tell you…”

Zhou Li extend the hand, he has been hiding under his trench coat The Book of Gaia appeared in his hands. On his wrist, silver’s Ouroboros quietly “watches” the falsehood, as if waiting for something.

“You failed.”

Spread the book, then put the paper with countless names engraved into the book.

Lady Rose, Scarlet Wolf, Skeleton Man, Blood Count, Stitched Frankenstein, Scissorhands, Slime Fat Monster, Voidling, Phantom, Silver Moon Herald…

The materials of these papers are different, some are paper made of roses, and some are warm bone products. Like wanderers returning home, they quickly entered the Book of Gaia in Zhou Li’s hands.


After all the papers entered the Book of Gaia, Zhou Li closed the book and stared coldly at the falsehood in front of him, beside him , countless “monster souls” with no human appearance, but with kindness, float by his side. They followed Zhou Li’s gaze to the false, to the monsters who wantonly trampled on their homeland.

(You are all monsters! This world wants human beings, I gave you human appearance, human soul, why are you not satisfied!)

(I use paper You and the pen constructed you, I used literature to remove your hideous appearance, I saved you, and it was my god of literature who saved you!)

(I am your creator, why do you want to Resist me?!)

“Because you are fake.”

Without a long-winded discussion with the fake about “whether there is reproductive isolation in human body composition”, Zhou Li just Looking at the fake, lightly said: “Fake is always fake.”

“You, always just a god dominated by lies and deceit, literature, you are not worthy.”

The Book of Gaia hovers beside Zhou Li, with a thousand grotesque pure souls, confronting the evil god who steals literary authority and tries to manipulate souls.

Elma holds Zhou Li’s hand, the world loves her, and she loves the entire world. She used to be the will of the world, the Spiritual God named Gaia, but now, she’s just Elma.

The angel of hero Zhou Li, Elma.

“You don’t even have a pen, and you want to master literature?”

Angry, outright anger.

You are here, on your own, on your own, on your way to death! ! ! !

(I am the god of literature, I will tear you apart!!!!!!)

The god of falsehood, no more pretending.

Torreya stared blankly at the huge silhouette in front of him, like a hill suspended in the air. He has slender and curved limbs, and his eyes are made of bone and flesh. of spooky spheres. No matter what description or language she uses, Torreya at this time is unable to describe the creature in front of her.

But the only thing that can be accepted and understood is the two curled goat horns on the creature’s head, but the blood-red stripes on it make it difficult to look directly.

Many times, most people treat “Spiritual God” as a misunderstood cognition. They often substitute themselves into it and apply human experience and patterns to gods.

In reality, however, this is completely wrong. Humans and Spiritual God are two completely opposite species, and the battle between these two different species is the existence of the difference between Heaven and Earth.

In the subjective judgment of human beings, the battle of the gods should be holding Divine Item, controlling heavenly punishment and thunder to tear the enemy to pieces. Or set off a monstrous flood, drowning the other party in death.

However, Zhou Li, who has actually seen the “Spiritual God” shot, knows that these fantasies, like “the emperor also uses a golden hoe”, are completely wrong. He had seen the God of Chaos kill a god-given monster that had strayed into the kingdom of God. He did nothing but “looked” at the monster, and then the monster was “banged” into a naked eye. Unobservable crumbs.

The weapons of the Spiritual God are their authority.

And now, a false god with a twisted literary authority has appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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