This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 263


Chapter 263 The War

Spiritual God wants to kill mortals, just a single thought.

There is no need for so-called ‘skills”, and there is no “Divine Punishment” in people’s mouths, if the gods really want to kill, they just need to “think”.

The god of literature can easily split human beings into countless words with a single thought, and destroy words. The god of death only needs to wave his scythe to send death directly to others. The God of Chaos can destroy life with just one look, and Goddess of life can harvest any life just by raising his hand.

However, these are all based on the gods in their own Divine Court, who can fully control their own authority. Just as the god of literature has left his Divine Court, he cannot use the power of reality and fantasy all the time. Life Goddess, a god who has no Divine Court in this world, needs to be possessed by a goblin who is an experiment to assassinate Zhou Li, which is funny with absurdity.

And now, as the Ancient God who controls the new Power of God, Falsity not only failed to completely crush Zhou Li with authority, but even the original subordinate Weird was out of his control. Now, in order to kill Zhou Li, he did not hesitate to give up the opportunity to become a new god from the Gospels, but also to project his own entity into the real world and kill the man who humiliated him in front of him.

It seems that the previously unkillable false active appears, which is the performance of its fly into a rage out of humiliation. However, Zhou Li did not despise falsehood because of this. On the contrary, such a falsehood made him feel even more troublesome.

Above God, below God.

Although the fake can be killed now, the question is, who can kill him?


Zhou Li looked at the horror monster gradually condensed in front of him, sighed, at this time Torreya and Lin Zi had been transformed into “Black Goat”. The monster was completely suppressed. They gasped for breath, but couldn’t take in any air. The weak feeling of suffocation gradually covered their chests, and the painful feeling filled every inch of nerves.

“The wind is tight…”

With a snap of his fingers, two Void Portals of different colors bloomed from behind the four of them. Zhou Li first threw Torreya and Lin Zi into purple’s Void Portal one by one, then he took one last look at the black goat that was about to break out of its cocoon, smiled, and then took Elma into silver’s Void Portal.

“What’s the situation?”

In the void, Kaya, Spirit Sea, Lin Ling, Don Quixote and El siblings quickly surrounded. This morning, Zhou Li sent them to various trusted associations, of which El siblings were sent to the Berserker Guild, Spirit Sea and Lin Ling to the Neal Chamber of Commerce, Kaya to Spirit Sea and Don Quixote to the Void Stand by, ready to bring everyone together.

In fact, Zhou Li was ready to collect all the weirdness.

He had anticipated that those grotesques would come again, and they were all out. But Zhou Li never told anyone about this phenomenon, because he knew that the Gospels could monitor all human beings with whom he had little connection. Once the Gospels learn that they can turn those seemingly useless “papers” into their own aid, the Gospels will surely take the grotesques back, not even send them out.

Therefore, in the first batch of grotesque and human confrontations, the fact that human beings suffered heavy losses was partly due to Zhou Li’s lack of advance warning. But it is also because of this that Zhou Li has completed his plan to transform the grotesque into his own help.

Spirit Sea and Kaya acted as transporters in this plan, in fact, in just a few hours, Kaya and Spirit Sea have traveled back and forth between reality and space hundreds of times , if it wasn’t for the fact that one of the two had the kingdom of Calis and the other had the space of Void, otherwise they would have died long ago.

“It’s what I expected.”

Zhou Li sighed, scratched his head and said innocently: “didn’t expect this god of literature to be fake, I’ve been teasing He’s coming. Now it’s in a hurry, its original size appears, and it’s ready to kill me.”

“Then you’re still so calm?”

It’s hard to breathe Lin Zi, who came, supported his knees and said angrily: “You said it in advance, I was almost scared to death by that monster.”

“I don’t know what level his eavesdropping ability is. .”

Zhou Li rubbed his eyebrows, now he is also a little anxious. He is not an omniscient and almighty god, and he did not expect the god of literature to be so stupid and cute. He would be killed by someone when he went out to sea with a pen and paper. He at first really thought it was the god of literature, and wasn’t prepared to expose the fact that black powder was false.

Actually, Zhou Li didn’t know there was such a thing until the falsehood revealed its true colors. At that time, he was proud that he had exposed the hypocrisy of the god of literature, and was waiting for the god of literature to fly into a rage out of humiliation. But he didn’t expect, the god of literature is really anxious.

Why are you in a hurry when you say a few words?

This was what Zhou Li was thinking at the time. He didn’t expect a false god to break defenses so easily, and he was full of real damage in just two sentences. When Fake revealed his true nature, he thought that Zhou Li had already guessed his identity, so he remained expressionless and calm.

In fact, Zhou Li’s mood at that time was only one sentence.

Who the fuck are you?

Where is my pure literary god?

However, Zhou Li did not mess with the general direction. He still relied on various words to deal with the false god who revealed his true face. Then, something even more unexpected happened.

The false god was more vulnerable than he expected.

He’s fucked up again.

Really, Zhou Li has never been so tired before, he didn’t expect to work hard for a long time, even the god of literature dares to plot against the false god who is played by himself with two sentences It’s broken, the defense is broken to the extreme, and the table is directly lifted to stop playing.

“Is there any other way?”

Facing everyone’s inquiries, Zhou Li, who had been thinking about it, shook the head, and then nodded. Facing everyone’s doubtful eyes, Zhou Li said, “Yes, but I’m not sure.”

“Let’s just say, just shrinking back can only fail, and you may succeed if you fight.”

Don Quixote on the side stood up and said calmly: “Up to now, the Guardian’s shield has killed 23 people, injured 17 people, and there are 61 people who retain battle strength. You can be dispatched at any time.”

“The city defense army has counted 9,800 people to retain battle strength.”

In the void, a silver gate opened, and Iraqi with a bandage on his right arm Star walked out of the door, he looked at Zhou Li, and said firmly: “The third, fourth, and fifth Legions retain 100% battle strength, one or two Legions retain 25% battle strength, and six or seven Legions retain their battle strength. A total of four people.”

“Templar Knight’s first, second, and fourth squads have a total of 50% battle strength reserved, about a thousand people.”

The purple door opens, and the face Christine walked out of the purple door with a scar on his face. He forced his eyes wide open and said in a trembling voice, “The third square, destroy.”

Zhou Li knew what this sentence meant. What, he didn’t answer, just walked up to Christine and patted him on the shoulder, silently nodded.

“Contact all other professional unions, and all the Jordanian people who can fight.”

Zhou Li looked towards everyone, at this time he was not frivolous and playful, he thought about it Thinking, he took out the Grand Consul’s medal from his jacket pocket, put it on his chest, and then tidied up his clothes.

“Tell them that the war has begun.”

His eyes drooped slightly, but he couldn’t hide the cold light in them. Zhou Li seemed to have made up his mind as if he had made up his mind.

My war has also begun.

The grotesque is back.

It’s just that the weirdness of this time is different from the previous two. The grotesque that appeared for the first time are all monsters projected on humans. They have the general appearance of humans and the body of humans, but they are cruel and bloodthirsty and like to kill.

The grotesque that appears for the second time, they do not have human bodies, but have different appearances like in fairy tales. Although they have also been killing, their eyes are extremely empty, and it is easy to be seen that they are being manipulated.

And the grotesqueness of this time is a real disaster.

They, no, they have an extremely eerie appearance, seemingly unintentional whispers of the Ancient God’s evil spirits. Their bodies are very distorted, as if they are spliced together by flesh and blood that does not belong to the same creature, and people will feel crazy the moment they see it.

The intertwining of blood and flesh, the exposed teeth of the skeleton, the dislocated body.

This is the mindless raving of those crazy Ancient Gods in their endless nightmares.

This time, the real grotesque disaster befalls the city.

Without words and no communication, the moment human beings and the grotesque meet, it is a tragic war. In this war, only one person, or one grotesque, can stand up.

Berserker smashed the grotesque body of the bone spurs, and then shattered his legs by the aftermath of the grotesque self-destruct. In the last moment, he stabbed the gunpowder flying blade hidden in his waist into the side Throwing into his Tiger Alligator’s mouth, they died together in the dazzling rays of light.

In an instant, a brilliant professional and two brilliant grotesques died. But this is just a small battlefield that can’t be any smaller. In this city lit by war and flesh and blood, battles are being staged everywhere.

The Templar Knights, who were originally intended to control the border when the end of the border was closed, quickly plunged into the war. As evil nemesis, they kept traversing the city, and their white flags had been bloodied. dyed red, flying in the sky above the dim city.

People stared at the flag, and when they saw the leader of the warrior roared back dozens of grotesques, revealing the familiar face, the excitement quickly spread through the city. . They know that a Kristin can’t sway the battle, and it’s impossible to kill all the weirdness that pops up. But they believe that Christine is the protector of the city.

When looking down at the dozens of story-high flesh and blood monster, it emerged from the ground, climbed up, and shredded the bodies of the two city guards at will, the raging flood set off a heaven overflowing giant wave behind it. , wrapping the flesh and blood monster in a water prison. The next second, a silver light flashed, and a seemingly ordinary silver arrow penetrated the core of the flesh and blood monster.


angry roar shouted from Gerost’s mouth, he threw away the huge cross-blade, and the blood-colored worm that suddenly appeared and stabbed Istar was divided into two , then he held the returning sharp blade, and snapped his fingers with his left hand. In a flash, silver’s arrows burst into dazzling rays of light, and the terrifying flesh-and-blood monster turned into a pool of thick water and was melted in the in the water prison.

“Where’s Ackerman?”

Retracting the cross blade, Christine walked to Ista, threw a bottle of blue liquid to him, and asked: “Why are you alone?”

“Ackerman’s left leg was severed, his right forearm was melted, and he is now receiving treatment.”

In just a few words, Yi Sta said it expressionlessly. Geralst was stunned for a moment. Normally, Istar and Ackerman have always been twin Dragon-Tigers on the battlefield. And now, with Ackerman so badly wounded, Ista is impossible.

The war was worse than expected.

“A beetle monster appeared on the streets of Corey, and its strength is expected to be bright.”

In the communicator, a slightly anxious voice came out, followed by a sour chewing sound disappeared completely. Istar and Geralster looked at each other, and without any more words, they quickly led the city defense army towards Cory Street.

“How long will your plan take?”

In the void, looking at Zhou Li who was constantly flipping through the books in his hand, A Zi, who was in charge of external communication, said: ” They can’t hold it anymore.”

“3 minutes, 3 minutes more.”

Breaking cold sweat, Zhou Li, who kept looking up every word, left a sentence promise. But such a seemingly useless promise gave Azi a reassurance.

Because before this, Zhou Li never said a word.

“I see.”

Closing the book, Zhou Li closed his eyes. He felt the coldness on his wrist and muttered to himself: “I know why it’s ouroboros.”

“It turns out that the repeated fate is not me…”

Just now, Zhou Li wants to activate all the goodwill and weirdness in the book and let them deal with the monsters outside. He knows that there are limits to the false god revealing his body now, and he still retains illusions and wants to complete his plan to take over the authority of literature. Therefore, the body of the false body did not start killing, but used his last efforts to make his “grotesque” against the civilians.

However, just as Zhou Li wanted to motivate the Book of Gaia, he When the benevolent grotesques were released, he was surprised to find that he had lost his ability to control the Book of Gaia. Those grotesques could not respond to him, and their power disappeared as quickly as clay ox entering the sea.

Just when he felt a little powerless for the first time, Zhou Li suddenly thought of something, and he began to read the book of Gaia and the hero exclusive, trying to find something. And now, he found it.

The most crucial, winning blow.

“Elma. ”

Zhou Li, who was lying in the void with his eyes closed, suddenly spoke. He opened his eyes, and the black mist in his eyes gradually faded away, leaving only pure black eyes that he had not seen for a long time.

“I am here. ”

Stroking Zhou Li’s eyebrows lightly, Elma sat next to Zhou Li as always, she stared at Zhou Li who was entangled in the black mist, bringing him the final sobriety in the madness.


“We can win. “

“Yes. ”

(end of this chapter)

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