This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 27


Chapter 27 The Dark Emperor

Where did it come from? !

The words behind made Don Quixote shivered immediately, and his right hand was directly on the hilt of his waist. However, the strong mentality of the Hed family prevented her from doing her next move. She resisted the twitch of pulling out the long sword and looked towards the source of the voice.

Black trench coat, standard top hat, tall and thin figure, in addition to a silver cane in his hand, there is also a…

Looking at the “abstract art” “Mask”, Don Quixote’s expression froze, then turned his head to tremble slightly, and then looked towards the abstract man in trench coat as usual, solemnly asked:

“Who is Your Excellency?”

“Zhou Li, 25 years old, is hero.” After stating his identity, Zhou Li took off his top hat and gave a salute very standard. Of course, at the same time, he also revealed the exclusive hero book hanging around his waist. When Don Quixote saw the four big characters exuding a unique brilliance, she understood the identity of this person.

“Hello, dear hero.”

He rolled over and dismounted, caressing his chest, but the funny dress on his body couldn’t hide Don Quixote’s golden ratio figure. She looked towards Zhou Li with a calm expression, her fiery short hair dyed with a splendor in the sunlight, “Don Quixote is called.”

“oh?” Zhou under the mask Li raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth raised a suitable arc, “Come on call? I have never summoned you.”

“You are joking.”

Don Quixote stood up straight, and the dozens of Knights behind him rolled over and dismounted together, standing neatly behind her. Together, they clenched their fists with their right hands and beat their chests, and the hum of metal and flesh colliding suddenly resounded across the land.

“The Hete family, call on the hero, challenge the hero!!!”

It is not as fierce as a lone wolf, nor does it mean the king of tigers and leopards. This queue of thirty-one Knights did not appear to be extremely sharp at all, and even their leader, Don Quixote, did not have any imposing manner. They just stood there, but let people see the towering mountains.

Can anyone break them up?

“Legion, the guardian of Emperor Chong’s banner, really has a name is not in vain.”

Just when everyone was surprised, Zhou Li suddenly applauded and said with great admiration: “In the final counterattack of the disaster, with only thirty powers, dozens of city-states were forcibly saved from the annihilation of the world, known as the “Immortal Diamond Knight”. It seems that Miss Tang has completely inherited the Hete family. Glory.”

“I won.”

Tang nodded slightly, and Knight took a staggered step behind him. At this moment, A Zi, who heard Zhou Li’s words, suddenly remembered a rumor. This rumor once spread during the prosperous period of the Hote family decades ago, but then suddenly disappeared for unknown reasons.

The diamond Knight that disappeared back then was really the Hod family!

Strongly suppressing the doubts in her heart, Azi did not ask any questions. Because in this scene today, the protagonist can only be Zhou Li.

“The challenge letter has been issued, so, now let’s agree on the details of the challenge, Miss Tang.”

Zhou Li stepped forward, facing a group of Knight and Don Quixote stared, and said expressionlessly with a mask on his face: “You must see my problem too, right?”

“too weak.”

Unceremoniously, after forcing himself to ignore a series of other shortcomings of hero such as ‘so beautiful, stinky, and squeezing aliens”, Don Quixote blunt pointed out the problem with Zhou Li: “Dark Iron Rank don’t…forgive me to speak bluntly, I have never seen such a weak hero, and in many cases, you can’t even match a professional with a slightly higher innate talent.”

Faced with Zhou Li was completely unaffected by such a critical strike and hard to conceal words. On the contrary, he nearly laughed when he heard such a blunt of verbal onslaught. Although Zhou Li had many exchanges with this Miss Knight, but now Don Quixote is too young, he is not sure that his method is useful for Don Quixote of this era.

Now it seems that it is a success.

“So do you think the challenge between us is fair?”

Zhou Li smiled, but then a dignified expression appeared on Don Quixote’s face in front of him. At first, she thought that hero was at least a gold rank, and she challenged hero with a heart of death. However, what she didn’t expect was that hero could be so weak. Don Quixote now seriously doubts whether this hero can beat the shiny goose in her house is a question.

She almost didn’t hit the Dark Iron Rank!

But the situation is even trickier now.

Don Quixote frowned, for her, facing a formidable foe would only make the Knights of the Jote family more excited. But bullying the weak is an insurmountable Heavenly Retribution for her.

“So, this matter still needs you and me to think about it in the long run.”

Zhou Li turned sideways, reached out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, “It’s better to invite Miss Tang and the Knights to come to us. Let’s stay in the residential area for a while, and we will discuss the content of the challenge.”


Don Quixote hesitated for a moment, but now this situation is also for her. That’s fine. After all, the current Zhou Li can completely refuse this challenge because of “the gap between you and me in combat capability is too large”. And if the challenge is rejected, Don Quixote’s plans to get hero on track will collapse. But looking at Zhou Li’s performance, he didn’t seem to mean to refuse, which made Don Quixote hesitate.

“Okay, I agree.”

The grandfather’s teachings came to mind, and Don Quixote finally chose to agree to this matter, “But please don’t take this matter It’s taking too long. I’m so sorry my people still need me.”

“Rest assured, I promise you that this challenge will begin in half a month at most.”

Looking at the relieved Don Quixote, the corners of Zhou Li’s mouth widened under the mask, “Please rest assured, I will do my best to make this time’s challenge absolutely fair.”

“I swear on the name of hero!”

A dark body, full of elegance, Zhou Li right hand supports the chest, the cane hangs on the ground, and the exclusive hero around the waist shines with splendid rays of light. Under the gaze of the gods, the oath of great real value was established.

However, the expression on Elma’s face, who was standing on the side at this time, was already stiff, and when Zhou Li uttered the words to swear in the name of hero, a chill hit Elma’s heart.

It’s broken, this guy is going to be out of luck.

To be extremely unlucky!

But Don Quixote was defenseless. She was shocked when she saw Zhou Li’s actions, and then entered her room in a trance.

In the exquisite wood house, Don Quixote sat in a chair and pondered all kinds of talents just now. Just when she witnessed Zhou Li make such a real value and sincere oath with her own eyes, she suddenly trembled in her heart.

In the past, the image of Zhou Li for Don Quixote was always constructed by the intelligence of that unknown person and several of her own intelligence officers. But now, after seeing the daoist, Don Quixote inexplicably has a good impression of this polite, humble and righteous teenager.

Am I too preconceived about him?


In the exquisite wood house, Zhou Li sits on a chair Flip through the “hero exclusive” and turn to the panel used to obtain the power of the previous generation hero. When the four cultivation paths appeared, the original text of “Chonghuang” had been dyed with a layer of black ink, changing the original appearance.

(Black Emperor)

Zhou Li clicked on these three words, and after clicking on the innate talent page, a line of characters like an abyss appeared on the book.

(Dark Emperor’s Will: Basic innate talent, you will get the eternal protection of darkness)

(Condition: by fair means or foul, defeat a stronger than you Enemy. Remember, the stronger the enemy, the stronger your will.)

Looking at this line of text, Zhou Li laughed wildly. Afterwards, he put a letter aside and said softly to himself:

“Hero’s First Stage battle will be my first step to become the Dark Emperor. At the same time, it will also be a Goblin. The Farmhouse’s First Stage Feast.”

“It’s time to make some big bucks!”

(End of this chapter)

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