This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 28


Chapter 28 I really doubt how busy some people are

“Have you heard, the challenge is over.”

In a familiar tavern, a familiar warrior drank a familiar wine and said to the crowd with a chicken face: “The Church of Justice just announced it! Hero accepts it!”

“What?” The mage sat on the side with a big horse and a knife, and asked in surprise: “Hero really accepted the challenge of Don Quixote???”

“Liar to you What are you doing?”

The warrior gave the mage a white look, his thick black beard shook and said, “It’s written in black and white, hero accepts the challenge, but it takes time to discuss the details of the challenge.”

“Oh, this hero has quite the spirit of a Knight.”

The thief who was drinking suffocated came over and said with great interest: “To discuss the details… I guess the hero is afraid of letting Tang Quixote’s reputation has been discredited, so I guess she wants to let her go.”

“Is that so?” At this time, the bartender who was wiping the glass raised his head and asked with a little doubt: “You didn’t pick it up? Have you arrived at the newly issued advertisement flyer?”


All the thieves were stunned. With the reflective glass, he took out three pieces of paper from the counter and handed them to the three. As the first loudspeaker in the team, Warrior started to read the above content.

“Hero’s first show will be grandly opened at Goblin Farmhouse!”

The bold title at the beginning directly shocked Warrior, he never thought that someone could be so shameless Place the title halfway up the paper. But he didn’t wait to come out of the shock of this moment, when the subtitle of one third occupying other pages below blinked his eyes.

“The new concept development system hero: grow up under your watchful eyes, until the horrific disaster is overcome.”

“My grass! What is this?!”

I don’t understand it, but I’m shocked.

The warrior raised his head blankly, while the expressions of the others were even more blank. The short two lines brought them a huge spiritual shock that refreshed their outlook on life.

Is there such a way of playing?

Although his brain has not yet reacted, the warrior continued to read mechanically: “He who used to be just an ordinary person, suddenly was ordered in danger, and accepted the task from the gods – to fight against the disaster.”

“Faced with this heavy responsibility, hero readily accepts it and embarks on the hard road of crusade against disasters as an ordinary person.”

“Ah? Hero turns out to be just an ordinary. person?” Everyone made a sound of surprise. In the historical records, the three heroes of the past all possessed a remarkable life experience and extraordinary innate talent without exception. Whether it is the hero of the sky who has “the blessing of the sky” from birth, or the Chonghuang who only took two years from bronze to platinum, they are all terrifying existences that everyone looks up to.

But just today, the content of this piece of paper overturned their thoughts. They didn’t expect that the word “ordinary” would one day be associated with hero. However, it is this sense of contrast that makes them feel a touch of kindness towards the hero they have never met.

What, there are times when hero is weak.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. They didn’t know that in the wood house of the farmhouse, Zhou Li closed his eyes and listened to the voice in his ear (the successful launch of the cultural democrat), and his smile grew stronger.

“After a series of arduous struggles, hero developed his initial strength – a gathering point called Goblin Farmhouse.”

“Teaching patiently at hero With compassion and compassion, the goblins, who were originally regarded as disasters, learned etiquette and reason, and at the same time learned to create wealth with their hands. In just a few months, a comprehensive, high-quality , The gathering point of excellent service is established in the east of Duskwood.”

“The Goblin Farmhouse has excellent geographical conditions, there are no exotic animals all around, and the climate is extremely pleasant, which is very suitable for the general public. The adventurer conducts a hearty exploration of Secret Realm. In order to allow the majority of adventurers to explore, feel at ease, and explore freely, the gathering point set up by hero is extremely safe and has the endorsement of the hero union. Moreover, in the Goblin Farmhouse, each adventurer will get Feeling at home, home-like warmth and comfort.”

“Is this… true?” The mage rolled up his sleeves and curiously asked, “Does Dusk Forest really have such a safe entrance? “

The thief slightly frowned, with some disbelief: “I did hear about a gathering point in the east of Duskwood, but I’ve never been there. And I’m a member of the El Chamber of Commerce.” , buying inspect-controlling medicine is a lot cheaper, so I have never been to the East Entrance.”

“The East Entrance is indeed real.” At this time, the bartender said, “You know, Fire Butterfly Windsor. Let’s go.”

“I know, the strongest Bronze Warrior.” The warrior opened his mouth and said clearly: “I heard that she has been in and out of the city-state a lot recently, and she seems to be busy with something. Her original team also gave She retired, and the other teams never paid attention to her recruiting Windsor.”

“She is helping Goblin Farmhouse.” The bartender picked up a glass and wiped it with ease, “Once She came over, and I curiously asked about the farmhouse. According to her description, the Goblin Farmhouse is much better than other gathering points at the entrance, and its safety and comfort are much better than other gathering points. Windsor always speaks upright, so there shouldn’t be too much falsehood.”

“Oh, you can go and see.”

The crowd began to talk, after all, Duskwood is a The golden treasure trove of the world, almost 70% of the things required for professional evolution are produced. A safe entrance gathering point can greatly improve the exploration efficiency and survival rate of adventurers. The adventurers in the tavern began to plan to take their teammates to the eastern entrance next time they explored.

Anyway, it’s not a big problem even if the crotch is pulled, can hero still trick them?

With this note, the warrior continued to read. Because this paper is not the most important thing, the arena between hero and Don Quixote is the most important.

“After developing a gathering point for several months, he worked day and night for the hero of the public and the people, ignoring the improvement of his own strength, and just devoted himself to the welfare of the vast adventurers and building a high-quality gathering point. Therefore, The current hero only has the bronze rank, and his strength is really weak.”

“And a few days ago, the righteous Don Quixote Knight was very sad because of the misleading performance of the hero. With Knight’s spirit as her belief, she deeply felt that she could not let hero be involved in the world, so she wanted to challenge her to wake up her.”

“Faced with the encouragement of boxing, hero was fascinated and agreed to Tang. Quixote Knight’s challenge. However, after all, the strength is too weak, even if Don Quixote Knight defeats hero, she will not agree. Therefore, we will discuss the details of the battle and strive to be fair and just.”

Finally, warrior looked towards the end and slowly read out that line of words.

“Before the challenge begins, Goblin Farm will provide services for adventurers who are interested in watching and learning. Unfortunately, in order to relieve the pressure on the building and avoid crowd stampede incidents, we cannot There is no ticket-watching service. But in order to give back to the adventurers, only ten Copper Coins are charged for this ticket. Of course, if you want to watch the battle between hero and Knight up close, you can go to the Goblin Farmhouse to pay ten silver and buy a Zhang special spectator tickets to improve yourself.”

“Goblin Farm, your trusted adventure partner.”

(end of this chapter)

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