This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 510

Chapter 509 .You yell so loudly… (4000 words)

Taboo Forest for Selected Children

Such a thing

Beichuan Temple seemed to have thought of something. He clamped the gray thread book under his arm and reached out and flipped through his backpack.

It was a tattered strip of white cloth with skewed writing on it.

“The nursery rhyme of falling cherry blossoms. ’

It is mentioned above that there is a forest of thousand sakura behind the mountain of Mou Chi’s family, and it is said that people were killed and buried under the cherry trees to suppress the cannibals in the forest.

It’s a coincidence that the incomplete bound book of Sacrificial Affairs also mentions the “Forbidden Forest”.

Is it possible that the ceremony just now was to select children to suppress the little ghosts in the Senzakura Forest?

“” Beichuan Temple.

Intuition tells Beichuan Temple that this thing about the “Forbidden Forest” is definitely not that simple.

And just as Beichuan Temple was thinking so, a faint call suddenly came from behind him


The voice was full of longing, and it was full of sadness.

“Who is there?!”

God in Makie and Asamiya Eternal also heard this time.

The two of them looked back.

But apart from the broken sliding door behind, there are only gray walls with cracks.

Back in the corridor of the tunnel, no one was seen.

It was as if the sound just now was completely auditory hallucinations.


“This is definitely not an illusion.”

Beichuan Temple first made a conclusion.

Looking at the empty scenes on both sides of the corridor, he frowned.

Not only he couldn’t perceive it, but even the god-resident Makie Asamiya couldn’t perceive it forever.

If it’s really converted into a wraith level

At least you have to go up high-level and middle-level, right?

And the most important thing is

Beichuan Temple looked at the dark corners around the mansion.

From just now, it seems that from these dark places, purely malicious eyes crossed his neck.

It was as if pale, thin fingers were running across his neck.

But if you walk over and look at it, you will find that there is basically nothing in those places except for the dirty cushions or the round tables that are affixed to the wall horizontally.

This is the same feeling as when Beichuan Temple was not particularly capable at that time when he broke into Asamiya’s house alone.

But in fact, the ability of Beichuan Temple has been greatly improved.

This kind of feeling can only be said that there are indeed some terrifying things hidden in this mansion.

Beichuan Temple concentrates its attention on the surrounding environment, and the Kending at the bottom of the sleeve is ready to enter the hands at any time.

At present, the main thing is to find clues to solve Zhu Zhiyin, after all, that is the most important reason for Beichuan Temple to visit this ancient house.

If the matter of the Taboo Forest can be investigated, it would be safer to investigate it easily, because it may involve the secrets of the “present world” and the “hidden world,” and it is estimated that it involves seven or eight things behind it.

After the goal was determined, Beichuan Temple did not continue to stay in this area.

He put the two notebooks away, walked out of the room, and continued to explore inside.

The ceiling of this mansion is very low, roughly speaking, it should not exceed two meters and seven. This low dusty ceiling presses on the head, as if it is pressed against the heart of a person, making it hard to breathe.

The candlelight emits a faint light, and they are slightly swayed by the air current generated by the passing of Beichuan Temple.

As long as you step on the floor under your feet, you will make a groan of “creaking”. From time to time, you can see some broken wooden holes in the floor of Beichuan Temple.

Apart from these sounds, there is nothing left.

It’s like being isolated by the world, everything is quiet.

“There is a door in front.”

Kamizumi Makie made a sound.

As she said, there is a broken paper sliding door in the direction facing Beichuan Temple.

Through the gap of this paper sliding door, you can still vaguely see the opposite.

Beichuan Temple hurried to the paper sliding door, he put his hand on the sliding door and pulled it aside.

It may be because the sliding door is damaged, so it doesn’t move.

But on the right hand side of Beichuan Temple, there is still a staircase to go upstairs. Maybe going upstairs and then going upstairs to another direction will have a way to enter the room in front of you.

Bang! ! ! ! !

Raise your foot.

Kick directly with one foot.

The paper sliding door groaned overwhelmedly, and then pulled the door frame and fell together.

In the dust splashing, Beichuan Temple kicked the door frame blocking the way and entered the room without a word.

It is very similar to Ma Gong’s house, with a patio opened at the head of the first floor, the roof is sealed, and a stove is erected in the middle.

This is supposed to be provided to Mu Chi’s family to keep warm in the winter.

Some furs of wild beasts hang on the corner wall.

Because it is too old, coupled with being polluted by sewage, it emits an unpleasant stench.

In the place where the wall is pasted on the left, a stepped road can be opened up to the second floor.

There are rooms without doors on both sides of the steps. If you just look at it this way, you can clearly find that these two rooms should be similar to a canteen or a restaurant.

In addition to opening this, there is a double-opening door leading to the atrium corridor in the direction of Beichuan Temple.

Beichuan Temple plans to go to the atrium corridor to take a look at the situation.

After all, going to the atrium can also figure out the general layout of this mansion and determine the direction of future exploration.


“There is only more than an hour left.”

Beichuan Temple glanced at the time roughly.

He stopped and went all the way, and from time to time he had to investigate the suspicious places. It was extremely difficult for him to have more than an hour left.

After dawn, the village that appeared out of nowhere will disappear.

As for where this village will disappear

This is something that Beichuan Temple does not know.

Maybe it’s the spiritual realm, maybe it’s another space. Anyway, various situations may arise.

But there is only one thing that can be determined.

That is, before dawn, one must leave this soul-binding place where countless people are buried.

Because the unknown is the most dangerous.

Thinking of this, Beichuan Temple subconsciously took a step towards the dilapidated wooden double door.

next moment

A painful and distorted voice came from his side:

“That child, that child has always been there”

“The Cursed Child”

Beichuan Temple looked sideways and saw a distorted and pale figure of a priest turned into smoke, and the steps on the left hand side to the second floor dissipated.

“” Beichuan Temple.

Seeing this afterimage, Beichuan Temple stopped, thought about it or changed its direction, and walked to the second floor steps on the left.

The cursed child.

Is this talking about the children who were selected to go to the Forbidden Forest just now?

Why do you say “cursed child”?

What’s the secret behind this?

It’s safer to keep up no matter what you think.

Beichuan Temple silently stepped up the steps and took out the flashlight inserted in the backpack’s water bag.

I don’t know why, but there are no candles on the second floor, making people unable to see the way forward.

Beichuan Temple turned on the flashlight and glanced at the rooms on both sides.

From the second floor onwards, there are basically rooms for sleeping. There are futons or kimonos that you usually need to wear.

It’s just that because of the age, these kimonos are covered with mold and they are still wet.

Beichuan Temple explored every room and walked deeper into the corridor while exploring.

And at this time

what! ! ! ! !

A cry sharp enough to tear a person’s eardrum came from the room on the side of Beichuan Temple.

This sudden sound didn’t start Beichuan Temple, on the contrary, the pitiful Nishikujo, who had been lying on his stomach, jumped up.

At the same time, the horrified cry of God Zhu Makie:

“What are you doing so loudly!”

She was too scared.

Originally, he lay steadily in the Kagura Bell, but was shocked by the ghost call that suddenly came from the dark.

“” Beichuan Temple.

The actions taken by Beichuan Temple were much more concise compared to the scolding of God in Maki-e on the partition wall. He simply said, ‘Then I’ll go in’, and then kicked the door of the room sideways to the ground.

He stepped in without hesitation, looking around at the same time.

Under the vertical light of the flashlight book, the furnishings in the room are clearly visible.

This looks like a male room. On the cracked wall hung the men’s light gray kimono for daily wear. They are placed on the sacrificial table and the priest’s clothing and the sacrificial crown

In addition to these things, there is a small square table next to the bedding, and a stack of paper held down by the inkstone is placed on the side of the square table.

“this is?”

Beichuan Temple handed the flashlight to Poor Nishikujo, and his free hands picked up the thin stack of paper.

Under the vertical light, the writing on the paper is clearly visible.

“The ceremony was held”

‘It’s a taboo, cruel ritual that can’t even be mentioned by name. It is said that as long as the name is pronounced, it will cause misfortune and curse. ’

‘But because of the request of the owner, I, Mu Chi Yashiki, specially left a record here. ’

‘If we fail, we hope that people from Mou Chi’s family can make corresponding countermeasures after discovering this record. ’

A few words at the beginning.

But even these few words completely attracted Beichuan Temple.

A taboo ritual that can’t even be mentioned by name and causes misfortune?

He continued to look down.

The records left by Mu Chiwushu are very clear, as if he was afraid that he would make a big mistake if he didn’t know a record.

‘The ceremony is mainly presided over by the Patriarch. ’

‘The twins selected for the selection of qualified male and female twins, men are called sacrifices, and women are called surrogates. ’

‘In addition to this, the Forbidden Forest needs to be opened. ’

“Sacrifice” and “Further”?

Beichuan Temple’s eyes flashed.

He hadn’t heard any explanation about such rituals from Mu Chi Zhenshi.

But since the whole village has been mobilized, and there is still a taboo ceremony that cannot be named, it should be very important.

Beichuan Temple raised his hand and turned to another page.


Beichuan Temple stared.

This page is not connected to the content of the previous page, as if the middle pages were taken away by others.

The content on the paper is also very simple.

‘It’s not right, it’s wrong! It was a ritual that I organized, so did the curse fall on me because of it? ’

Deep rhetorical question, slightly anxious handwriting.

‘From under the cherry trees in the atrium, you can always hear something.

‘Is that the kid? It must be the unknown child. Choosing him was the wrong choice. Why would he come back? ’

“Could it be that you want to take Hotarizuka away?” ’

‘No, it’s definitely not possible. ’

“Hitatsuka is a must for the ceremony”

‘Ahhhhhhh! ! ! The ceremony must be carried out anyway! Otherwise everything will be wasted! For Mu Chi’s family, we must’

The text stopped here abruptly.

But the familiar words above completely attracted the attention of Beichuan Temple.


Beichuan Temple repeatedly confirmed the name, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Mu Chi Yingzong This is a female name that appeared in the future dream of Kamiya, but I did not expect to see it in this record.

Is she connected to this ritual that must never be named?

In fact, it is not difficult to analyze by combining the preceding and following texts. This Mu Chi Yingzhong should be the so-called ‘superfluous’.

But according to Shengu’s future dreams, shouldn’t she be the witch of Mou Chi or someone related to the witch of Mou Chi? Why was it involved in other rituals again?

Or is it necessary to perform a ritual of ‘sacrifice’ before becoming a maiden of Mou Chi?

“The mystery is really getting more and more.”

Taboo Forest, the future relationship between Ji and Zuo Zi and Shen Gu, and the unresolved Zhu Zhiyin issue.

Beichuan Temple thought so, and then put away these precious materials with his right hand, and then he shook his left hand, Jianding slid into his hand, and then slammed into the empty air in front of him fiercely!

puff! ! !

The sound of the blade piercing the flesh came.

The jet black liquid flows across.

Beichuan Temple stepped back, avoiding the thallium knife that was chopped off by the opponent.

At the same time, Kagura Bell’s Asamiya Eternal Life and God Resident Makie floated out.

Needless to say!

The two of them quickly shot a golden chain from the bottom of their sleeves, but in an instant they restrained the priest resentful spirit with a torch in one hand and a thallium knife in the other.

Poor Nishikujo then threw down the torch, and from behind his **** he drew out a gleaming hammer with cold light.

Snap! ! !

When the hammer and the human body touch each other, various liquids burst out.

This time Beichuan Temple didn’t do anything. Poor Nishikujo, Ma Gong, and sisters of Shen Zhu had already settled this grievance neatly.

I have to say that they have also grown by leaps and bounds.

Following Beichuan Temple for so long, situations similar to this sudden occurrence have been seen a lot.

“There is no problem with the data? Mr. Temple.”

After the resentful spirit was completely resolved, Ma Gong Yongshi asked with concern.

“There is nothing wrong with the data, compared to that”

Beichuan Temple looked at the resentful spirit twitching on the ground.

The opponent’s skin color was blue and white, and although he couldn’t see the appearance on his face, the priest’s suit he was wearing was no different from the set of priest’s suit in the room.

If the analysis of Beichuan Temple is not wrong

This resentful spirit that suddenly appeared should be the owner of this room, Mou Chi’s house.

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