This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 511

Chapter 510 .Sure enough, it’s you (8000 words goal

“Speaking of which, the dressing of this resentful spirit is really strange.”

God Zhu Maki glanced at the priest holding the thallium knife and torch, and couldn’t help but say something.

It is understandable to hold a torch. After all, a village hidden in such deep mountains and dense forests needs torches to illuminate from time to time.

When she was alive in the village, she often saw priests holding torches in their hands.

But thallium knife–

“Chopping wood isn’t something a priest should do at all, right?”

Standing nearby, Kamizumi Maki couldn’t help but complain.

The thallium knife is actually the hatchet as the saying goes.

Such sacrificial priests should all have a high status in the family, and things like chopping firewood would definitely not be the opponent’s turn to do.

That’s why God Zhu Maki would ask such a sentence.

“Combining the analysis of the data discovered by Temple-kun just now… This Mou Chi’s thallium knife should be mainly used to cut down the abnormal trees in the atrium… Right? But I still don’t understand. ”

Asamiya looked at Beichuan Temple forever, and asked the same question: “The family with such a powerful bloodline…’Zhu Zhiyin’ shouldn’t there be an easier way to get rid of the grieving spirit? For example, using kind thoughts. ”

Yes, a family with such a long history like the Mu Chi family shouldn’t have a more secure way to get rid of the resentful spirits?

The strong bloodline of “Zhu Zhiyin” alone should be enough for them to cope with the whispers of the resentful spirit in their ears.

“It’s not that simple.”

Beichuan Temple shook his head and continued:

“You said that the resentful spirit is just an ordinary resentful spirit that can be dealt with with kind thoughts…but what if the resentful spirit that entangles Mu Chi’s house is not an ordinary resentful spirit?”

There is a record in the materials left by Mu Chi’s house.

The taboo ritual of not being able to name the name, just saying the name will lead to misfortune.

Since Mu Chi Yashiki clearly knew about this, it meant that he himself should have participated in the so-called taboo ceremony, and this had caused some kind of disaster.

“And since it has something to do with the rituals of the Forbidden Forest, maybe the other party can transfer and spread it through the medium of trees?”

Even make a bolder speculation.

If the tree cut down by Mu Chi Ukashiki with a thallium knife was a cherry blossom tree… Does this mean that the “Forbidden Forest” is actually the “Forest of Thousand Sakura” spread in nursery rhymes outside?

Because of the taboo ritual, the “cannibal kid” appeared in the Senzakura no Mori?

“Sijun’s words are reasonable, but I owe it. So what should I do now? Shall we go to the atrium to see the situation first?”

Asamiya Eternally showed an expression of sudden realization.

“Although I want to continue to explore, but now there is no time.”

Beichuan Temple showed the time on the watch to the three good spirits including Asamiya Eishi.

It’s only half an hour before half past six.

In summer, dawn and sunrise are very early, and Beichuan Temple must leave for half an hour.


Beichuan Temple, who was busy sorting things out, looked back inexplicably behind him.

Behind him is an empty corridor.

The darkened corridor is like a monster with a huge mouth open.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Temple?”

Asamiya keenly noticed something wrong with Beichuan Temple and asked.

“From entering the mansion to the present, there is a feeling of something peeping in secret. When I mentioned that I was leaving here, that feeling was even stronger.”

Beichuan Temple replied frankly, and at the same time did not forget to add: “You must also be careful.”

Yes… those whispers close to my ears…

Regardless of whether there is malice or not, the mentality of prevention must always be brought up.

After entrusting them to Ma Gong Yongshi, Beichuan Temple did not hesitate anymore, he confirmed everything, and then quickly descended the stairs and walked back along the corridor when he came over.

This passage is actually not long. The reason why it took so long when Beichuan Temple came over was because I was afraid that some places would be missed, so I investigated it carefully.

It didn’t take much time to walk back in this way.

About a minute later, Beichuan Temple came to the entrance.

At the moment when he wanted to leave directly–

Beichuan Temple saw the bright green brilliance flying around.

That is the glittering green brilliance that sometimes gathers…and sometimes spreads out.

“Fireflies…in this soul-bound place?”

Asamiya’s face changed forever, and he just wanted to remind Beichuan Temple…


There is no need for her to remind.

At the moment when he felt something was wrong, Beichuan Temple had already increased his speed to the maximum and rushed towards the long road outside Mou Chi’s home.

“Are you… going to… leave like this? Mou… Chi’s secret…”

The vague and broken voice rang in Beichuan Temple’s ears again.

This time the sound was much clearer than the previous few times.

If it were someone else, it would definitely stop subconsciously because of this sudden sound.

But Beichuan Temple did not hesitate, and the more the other party said, the faster he ran.

To be honest, Beichuan Temple wanted to know the secrets of Mu Chi’s family, but it was definitely not through this sudden sound in his ears.

For one thing, Beichuan Temple didn’t know the other side’s good and evil. If you still don’t know which party the other party is, then you blindly believe…this is undoubtedly something fools do.

Secondly, Beichuan Temple doesn’t know the strength of the opponent. If the opponent is a particularly weak spirit body or a wandering soul, it is fine to stop and listen to what the opponent wants to express.

But the problem is that Beichuan Temple didn’t find out where the other party was during the whole process, and in this lifeless soul-binding place, they could still call out those glowing green fireflies…It’s not kind to think of.

The third and most important point.

Beichuan Temple is running out of time.

There was a gleam of light in the sky, and there was not much time until dawn.

Even if Beichuan Temple was able to defeat the opponent, in the end, the opponent would forcibly stay in this soul-binding place.

In summary, all Beichuan Temple needs to do now is to leave this option as soon as possible.

“You… don’t want to know… the secrets of Mu Chi’s family?”

The voice sounded again, Beichuan Temple turned a deaf ear, and continued to rush forward.

“Don’t… leave here…”

Beichuan Temple continued to rush forward.

Uh? ? ? ?

Seeing that Beichuan Temple didn’t care about it at all, and then rushed forward, the owner of the voice seemed to be a little surprised.

The persuasion sound like thunder blasted in Beichuan Temple’s ears!


Beichuan Temple was expressionless.

After the time of the other three sentences just now, he was already about to rush out of the verbose.


This dull and vague voice seemed to be irritated. After the sound fell, Beichuan Temple clearly found that the redundant road in front of him was stretched forward unrestrictedly.

“Even able to master the place where the soul is bound?!”

Asamiya’s surprised voice rang.

She didn’t know until now that Beichuan Temple didn’t say a word and how correct it was to bury her head and rush forward.

This sudden voice may not be invincible, but to fight with the opponent, a series of preparations must be made.

Looking at the infinitely stretched road in front of him, Beichuan Temple gave a cold snort.

He flipped his palm, and a faint blue flame leaped into his hand.

God’s resident fire in the village.

It can get rid of evil spirits and make people clear, and in the same way, it also feeds on resentment.

Beichuan Temple pulled his finger, and the fire shot directly.

But the effect of the resident fire this time is not great. The road ahead continues indefinitely. The resident fire just burns and does not stop the continuation of the road.

“…Sure enough, it’s you…”

The voice behind is getting closer.

Even Beichuan Temple could feel his face being swiped by the opponent’s pale fingers.

Really you?

What does this mean?

“Beichuan! It doesn’t work at all! And we can’t see anyone behind you.”

God in Makie rarely panicked.

This is the first time I have encountered this situation.

Whether it’s kind thoughts or staying in the fire, none of them has any effect!

“I know.” Beichuan Temple responded.

This is indeed the first time I have seen this, but you need to stay calm anyway, or you can only kill yourself.

Kind thoughts are useless…and standing on fire is useless…

Wait, standing fire is useless?

If nothing is burning, the standing fire should be extinguished.

Beichuan Temple looked at the burning fire in front of him, as if thinking of something.

Suddenly he took out Kaneji from the bottom of his sleeve, and at the same time condensed his lifeless energy, then—

He cut into the empty space in front of him fiercely.

Click, click, click——

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the space shattering, a huge gap torn apart appeared in the empty space in front of him.

Sure enough!

Beichuan Temple’s eyes flashed, and he went in without looking back. Its speed and robustness made people stunned.

In such an emergency situation, Beichuan Temple did not notice.

Not far behind him, a figure made up of a bright green brilliance was staring blankly at this side.

‘It’ stared at the huge gap for a long time, and finally it seemed as if it could no longer be maintained, and the entire bright green body shattered in the air.

On the other side, Beichuan Temple was standing at the tedious entrance, looked back at the shrinking crack, and exhaled heavily.

But he did not relax, and soon raised his speed again and ran towards the exit of Mou Chi’s family.

And the moment he left the redundant entrance, the fluttering brilliance reappeared where he was just standing.

But it quickly dissipated because Beichuan Temple was not here.


At twelve o’clock in the evening, Beichuan Temple spent three hours exploring the village from the entrance of the village.

He only took five minutes when he came out.

From this we can also know how fast Beichuan Temple actually used it.

Even Kamizumi Makie didn’t seem to be slowing down, “Just now…what was that just now?”

Her tone was completely incomprehensible, and it was obviously the first time she saw that type of thing.

“There are books about the place where the soul is bound… even the Asamiya family doesn’t have a few books, so I am not particularly clear… The only thing that is certain is that the unknowable thing may be useful for our next exploration A great hindrance.”

Asamiya Yongshi looked worried: “Although the other party may want to help Temple Lord, it is better to be careful.”

As the saying goes, knowing others knows the face and does not know the heart.

This principle applies to the spirit body in the same way.

Maybe there is the kind of spirit body that can deceive people around.

If Beichuan Temple really stopped according to what the other party said, and ended up being dragged into another unknown world, it would really be called death wronged.

“Compared to this, I want to know how Beichuan did it just now! Why did I break away from the infinitely spreading path?”

God in Makie turned to look at Beichuan Temple, full of curiosity.


I tried all means just now, but I couldn’t leave that verbose way.

Why did Beichuan Temple take them away suddenly?

He didn’t conceal this Beichuan Temple, he simply replied neatly:

“Because I saw the standing fire burning.”

“Standing fire is burning?”

Shen Zhu Maki’s small head melon seeds were not enough, she scratched her pink cheeks and stared at Beichuan Temple with big eyes.

Under her gaze, Beichuan Temple couldn’t help but shook his head and continued to explain:

“Standing fire does not burn space. It needs a medium to burn… This medium can be kind thoughts or resentment. Both of these are basically related to the spirit body. It’s not extinguished, so I’m already thinking.”

Beichuan Temple raised a finger.

“Are we locked into a spiritual realm created by the other party? That space is a spiritual realm created by the other’s kind thoughts or resentment, so the resident fire can continue to burn in it.”

“Thinking of this, I directly used the strongest spiritual tool I currently have at hand, instilled the dead energy into it, and then tore a hole.”

As Beichuan Temple explained, he looked at the spirit dagger Kending he was holding.

At this time, the surface of Kanade was shining with silver light, and it looked like a child showing off his credit.

Seeing this kind of determination, Beichuan Temple also stretched out his hand and stroked its dagger, and then said: “Now we haven’t figured out what the other party is and what it wants… So we still have to stay vigilant.

Having said this, his voice paused: “But some subtle touches are still possible. If the other party really wants to help us, then we can accept its help without any problem.”

The voice just now sounded a bit like a girl’s voice… Could it be that this thing that wanders in Mou Chi’s home… is it the Miko of Mou Chi?

No… No matter how you think about it, it won’t be that way.

Beichuan Temple rejected this idea.

According to Mu Chi Zhenshi’s statement, the witch Mu Chi has entered the yellow spring, and even the spirit body has not escaped… How could this suddenly appearing spirit body be the witch of Mou Chi?

And Beichuan Temple was very concerned about what the other party said.

It’s you…what’s going on?

“…Anyway… the next thing is a bit more complicated.”

Beichuan Temple couldn’t help muttering to himself as he looked at the village that had been dissipating with the dawn behind him.

The rituals of the Miko Muchi, Zhu Zhiyin, Zuo Yu Ji, the Forbidden Forest…

More and more mysteries…something that is now being left behind by the past…

Twisted together.

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