This star just wants to learn

Chapter 731: Being clever but being misled by cleverness

"Checking your homework, don't say you didn't bring it!"

Pu Tong knocked on his desk. Anyone who has been a student knows that if you don't bring it, you haven't written it. Everyone has been there before. This excuse is really superficial...

"How can it be?"

Ding Lingling rolled her eyes at him. They were not children anymore, so they couldn't use such an excuse. It was not so much that they didn't bring it, but that they had finished writing in a dream and woke up to find that not a single word had been touched.

Besides, what they had to hand in today was script practice. How could they forget such an important thing? Ever since Pu Tong set the script to her, she had worked hard on it.

Sun Yilin on the side nodded, obviously ready.

Both of them like to make up stories. With such a good script setting in front of them, it would be a waste not to write it...

"Okay, okay, let me see!"

Pu Tong nodded. He gave Ding Lingling's "Shawshank Redemption" and Sun Yilin's "Farewell My Concubine" respectively. He didn't know how they were doing.

He was the first to pick up the script written by the talented girl Ding Lingling and planned to read it carefully.

Xie Mu, who was not far away, was looking worriedly, as if he was worried that Ling Ling's script did not meet Pu Tong's requirements.

"Ah this..."

When Pu Tong assigned the script task, he only set the story background and key plot points for the characters, and there was no main line of the plot.

After all, open creative conditions are more suitable for them to unleash their creativity.

I didn't expect that Ding Lingling's creativity would be so strong...

In her script, the male protagonist Andy does intend to escape from Shawshank Prison, but the direction of the entire script is completely different.

Other supporting characters in the script also had a different life... The black man Red became Andy's accomplice, and Bags, who bullied Andy, became a traitor.

Jailbreaking first requires cutting a hole in the floor. Prison guards came and went outside the cell. In order to prevent the guards from making sudden visits, "Andy" tied mirror fragments to his toothbrush to make a monitor. A monitor poked out of the door hole revealed what was going on in the corridor.

The drilling tools are parts of the iron bed. The room opposite the cell is being repaired, and the noise can cover up the knocking sound of the drilling. The prisoners seized the opportunity and boldly banged on the ground, drilling through the floor in one fell swoop.

Due to a lack of control of time, "Andy" and "Red" almost failed to return to the cell before the prison guards' morning shift. To this end, "Andy" used a glass bottle and sand to make a timing hourglass. The sand drained out every half an hour.

It took some time to escape, so the five men took turns working in the hole at night, and finally penetrated the pipe wall a few days later. That day, "Red" and "Borgs" were under the cave. They followed the underground water pipe outward and successfully led to the neighborhood.

Everyone decided to leave that day. Just after drawing lots to decide the order of going down the hole, "Bao Ges" was met by the warden and was told that his wife had withdrawn the lawsuit, and the case turned around. The unusually long conversation, which lasted two hours, aroused the suspicion of four other people.

"Red" refused to listen to the excuse and excitedly questioned the content of the conversation. "Baogus" realized that he had been considered a traitor, so he turned away sadly, and there was a dull atmosphere in the room. At "Andy's" signal, "Red" apologized to "Buggs".

That night, everyone dressed up, tied their ties, polished their shoes, and started to escape from prison. Gio was afraid that his mother would be sad if she found out that he had escaped from prison, so he had already decided to stay. Just as the others were saying goodbye to him one by one, and were about to leave in a ceremonial manner, the surveillance mirror Tommy was holding turned shockingly, revealing the prison guards lined up neatly on one side of the corridor. Action exposed! "Red's" first reaction was to strangle "Buggs" to death, but he was separated in time by a swarm of prison guards. "Borgs" was sent to a single cell, and the other four prisoners were stripped of their shirts and stood side by side facing the wall...

The episode with the strongest security in Shawshank Prison!

Different from the escape of the male protagonist Andy in "The Shawshank Redemption", the script written by Ding Lingling, their escape plan actually failed...

Isn’t it a bit outrageous that the escape in a prison escape movie failed?

Of course, in reality, this kind of thing is definitely more likely to fail, but in the movie, the audience appreciates the movie from the perspective of the protagonist, and the prison escape fails. How frustrating.

A failed jailbreak, how uninspiring.


Pu Tong rubbed his eyebrows and didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment. Andy succeeded in the movie, but he failed in Ding Lingling's case.

The focus of Ding Lingling's version of "The Shawshank Redemption" is also different from the original version. It originally focused on the word redemption. The main line is the growth of the protagonist Andy, rather than the prison escape itself.

But in her story, the focus is on a very exquisite prison escape, which ultimately ends in failure, which is quite imaginative.


Xie Mu came up with a look of gloating. He had naturally read Ling Ling's script and knew the plot.

In his opinion, this script must be very beautiful when filmed. The tragic ending can actually set off a sense of tragedy and make people remember it.


Pu Tong scratched his head. He really didn't know how to evaluate it. Although Ding Lingling's script was very different from the original version, in terms of plot alone, it was very exciting and exciting.

But once he puts these characters into the "original version", it will be somewhat difficult.

He glanced at the script again, and suddenly realized one thing. The wheelchair girl in front of him was so smart, so smart that Pu Tong even sighed to himself...

Because of this, when she was writing the script, she would naturally think more, trying every possible means to write a wonderful plot and "show off her skills".

Just like the series of perfectly executed jailbreak plans and the final twist in this script, they all earned enough attention.

But "The Shawshank Redemption" actually doesn't have too elaborate ideas and plans. The reason why it can stay in the history is just because its core is very profound...

To be honest, the prison break in this movie does not stand up to scrutiny, but its excellence does not lie in this setting, but in a miracle!

Its unique narrative perspective and use of a large number of metaphors have made this a great and immortal classic inspirational film.

Obviously, Ding Lingling is not suitable for such a profound subject matter. She is too smart to like the so-called chicken soup.

The world is sober, but too sober, and cleverness is misled by cleverness.

Pu Tong paused and quickly found the right way for her.

"Ling Ling will write suspense detective scripts in the future. I think it suits you very well..."

Is there any subject matter that is more suitable for her than one full of mysterious cases and shocking reversals? As long as she wants to, with her intelligence and talent, given time, she can become a "queen of suspense".

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