This star just wants to learn

Chapter 732 Who else?

If you want to become a screenwriter, you need to have certain writing skills, writing skills and originality ability...

The ability to express is something that everyone has. Since the beginning of reading and writing, we have been using words to express ourselves.

Of course, if you want to be an excellent text creator, it is not enough to just have the ability to express words. You also need to incorporate emotions.

Just like the same propositional essay, why do some students write brilliantly and write articles that are different and very touching? And some people's articles are not only dry, but they may not even make sense with basic logic?

To a certain extent, the biggest difference between creators lies in "creative power".

For example, writing programs and codes, what is the fundamental difference between writing programs and writing?

Writing requires emotion, rich emotion, and the ability to move the audience emotionally.

In Pu Tong's view, Ding Lingling's script is excellent in terms of expression and originality, and can even be said to be top-notch.

But she is obviously a bit rusty in driving emotions and cannot write too many touching things. This is her problem.

However, this kind of thing can be made up for with experience. Slowly practicing it will not affect her becoming a good screenwriter...

Since she attaches so much importance to the excitement of the plot rather than emotion, it is definitely the best solution to let her write suspense and detective stories.

The core of suspense novels is: mystery. For this mystery, the bigger the better, the more dangerous the better, and the more incredible the better.

Because when people find suspense dramas in the suspense category, they assume that the content of film and television dramas must give them some dangers and puzzle-solving experiences that go beyond ordinary life, and more importantly, get pleasure. This is a conventional concept for this type of work and readers.

"Is it really possible?"

Ding Lingling scratched her head. In her impression, writing suspense requires a lot of knowledge accumulation and imagination. She felt like she had nothing in her stomach.

"You said there's nothing in your stomach. I can understand that you don't have enough story material, or you don't have enough literary quality."

Pu Tong paused, "Actually, as long as you carefully observe yourself and the environment, you can find a lot of suspense materials. To write suspense works, you need to mix and adjust your own and other people's horror experiences, and then write in your own style. come out."

"Think about your childhood, your present, and what things will threaten your life in the future. Or are there any enemies that may cause trouble for you because of some things. Then, you can set up a scene that you are most afraid of. , put yourself in it. Then peel off the cocoon to find the mastermind behind it, and save the day."

Ding Lingling nodded and immediately got an idea. Her childhood life was full of darkness and unhappiness. It was very easy to find some dark sides...

Of course, Pu Tong would not just give a suggestion and act like a shopkeeper. If Ling Ling really wanted to learn, he really had many excellent suspense detective plots in his mind.

Not to mention the unpopular ones, he is a long-time fan of "Sherlock Holmes". Ever since he watched "A Study in Scarlet" in junior high school, he couldn't put it down.

If she doesn't like foreign themes, then domestic detective stories are also very good, such as "Young Bao Qingtian" and "Detective Di Renjie", which she will never tire of!

After reviewing Ding Lingling's script, she picked up Sun Yilin's script.

Compared with "The Shawshank Redemption", her "Farewell My Concubine" is more in line with the national conditions, and I don't know how well she wrote it...

How to evaluate this movie?

In the past, Pu Tong only thought this movie was great, but now that he has experienced it more, he began to truly understand it.

The protagonists of this movie, Cheng Dieyi, Duan Xiaolou, and Juxian, faced the unpredictable times. The three of them had ill-fated fates. They were pushed along by the times, and they had no time to think and position themselves, and they had no chance to make their own choices.

Cheng Dieyi, the little Douzi whose eyes were full of helplessness and anger when he was a child, resisted again and again, but compromised again and again.

From cutting off that finger to finally admitting that he was a concubine; from escaping from the theater and returning to the theater; from becoming a role player, and then becoming a heavy smoker; later, the arrival of the army made him feel that there was still hope in life. So he started to quit smoking and began to want to live a good life.

With the changing world, the loss of morality, and the loss of humanity, Cheng Dieyi finally understood that this life is like a play, but his overlord is no longer his overlord, and his Yu Ji Meng is just his one-man show...

You can't live without being crazy. From the beginning to the end, he even went crazy with his senior brother.

In the face of the times and destiny, how insignificant and powerless an individual is!

Pu Tong was thinking at that time, how did those people who lived in the old era survive? If he had lived in such an era, what role would he have lived?

Fortunately, there are no what-ifs. Fortunately, he lives in an era of peace and food and clothing. Although he lives a very useless life, he is also an upright person.

Even though he was suppressed by his agency and never realized his dream of becoming a star, he could at least live upright and like a human being, without having to suffer whippings for his body and ravage for his soul.

Isn't this his greatest luck? What qualifications do you have to be full of complaints and desires?

The older you grow, the more you will gradually understand that everyone has his own destiny, but this destiny is not in our own hands, but in the hands of God and the times. Small wealth depends on hard work, and big wealth depends on fate!

There is a line in the play that says, "You have to make your own progress!" Pu Tong only now understands the meaning of this sentence. It must not be superficially understood to mean that as long as he works hard, he can create a world.

It should be understood as a kind of spiritual sustenance. We have to work hard to live and go all out, but if we can't get things that we try our best, we have to learn to let go, don't be attached, and save ourselves!

After resurrecting his life, Pu Tong has saved himself.

However, Sun Yilin's simple creations naturally cannot write such profound things. In her writing, the protagonist Cheng Dieyi is a drama addict. He studied hard and practiced hard to perform the perfect "Farewell My Concubine", and finally became a real actor. …

Yes, in the script she wrote, this is an inspirational story about an opera performer who overcomes all difficulties and finally realizes himself.

Although what she wrote is different from the original work, she wrote it very well about the sense of life as a drama.

If Ding Lingling is smart but is misled by her cleverness and likes to write more complex things, then she is stupid enough and likes to explore single points to the extreme.

Both of them are actually pretty good.

However, Pu Tong always felt that Sun Yilin's script contained too much personal stuff.

"Who were you thinking about when you wrote this script?"

Sun Yilin's face immediately turned red when he heard this.

Who else could it be?

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