Timeless Prominence

Ch55: Testing the Minx

Upon reaching the mountains, Rein discovered that quite a number of Halls members meandered about fraternizing with one another. There were some female advancers somewhat similar to Suey in the sense that they had thrown themselves at a male counterpart.

Chirh certainly was not making false claims when he had mentioned to Rein that some female advancers would rather lose their virginities to a not unpleasant man of their choice than become desired targets for the devils in the western wilderness.

However, despite their actions, many of these beauties with youthful and shining bodies due to their efforts to climb the advancer ladder, were dressed much more conservatively than the brazen Suey.

Rein examined the tottering minx that leaned onto him for support, eyes cast to the ground. So the woman has some sense of shame after all.

“Walk properly, you little minx,” Rein ordered as he lifted Suey’s chin with his left hand, his heart warped from his origins.  “Stick your chest out and strut like the harlot that you are. Make sure to look into every man’s eyes.”

“Yes, my celest.” A slight quiver in her voice, yet she had a determined expression.

Having come out here with nothing but an open cup and harness lingerie that failed to cover any of her private parts, many eyes had already been drawn to Suey’s body.

Now, she stood straight in her red heels and stuck out her ample chest barely supported by the flimsy material that wrapped just underneath her breasts.

Rein held the minx with his right arm curving around her slim waist, his hand placed on her ribs and tickling the underside of her right breast.

He walked alongside as Suey stuck out a tantalizing long right leg and began strutting forward as ordered. Her tits jiggled enchantingly with every footfall, drawing the eyes of both men and women.

Having received the order to look in the men’s eyes, Suey discovered that this was only possible with a few-- most men’s lecherous gazes instead roamed her body, many lingering on her chest.

As for the women? They mostly had disgusted and disdainful expressions on their faces.

“Slut,” so intoned a number of the women.

“No wonder she rejected Supreme Guihnes,” another commented. “At least she has the awareness to recognize herself undeserving of becoming a flower in Supreme Guihnes’ garden of rapture.”

Rein observed the little minx’s expressions. She displayed no signs of cracking, and her fear was minimal. He had intended to push her into such debaucherous acts as a method to scare her into behaving appropriately in the proper sense, and reveal her true intentions. Clearly, his methods had yet to achieve the desired effect.

Suey turned her head and met Rein’s gaze, her eyes filled with a hazy wantonness.

“Am…” She whispered rather hungrily. “Am I doing well?”

Rein only felt a pang of sadistic urge at her question. His right hand traced upwards and twisted Suey’s right teat, causing the woman to stutter in her continuing strut.  To the delight of the onlookers, Suey squeaked and further arched her back in a bid to relieve the pressure of Rein’s clamped-tight fingers.

His right arm that curved around her narrow waist then traced a path down and cupped her snatch from the front. He discovered that she was dripping honey from such a performance.

“Continue.” Rein’s dark eyes bored into Suey’s.

“But… my celest…” Suey’s voice was of faux innocence, laced with lewdness. “If… it’s sensitive… yes, my celest.”

Rein kept his right hand between the minx’s smooth and slender legs that gleamed in the late morning sun, cupping over her sensitive nub.

Suey began strutting forward again, but this time with Rein’s hand between her thighs, every single stride, she would whimper sultrily as her sensitive nub would repeatedly receive a sparks of pleasure that coursed through her very core.

Their public display would soon come to a standstill when the majestic figure of Lyne, her hands on her hips, blocked their path.

“Although it is understandable that some may prefer to not carry their virginities to the western wilderness, this is too much, is it not?” The cool beauty’s lips were pursed in disapproval. “This is no way to treat a lady!”

“One should not interfere in that which they do not have full knowledge of,” Rein calmly replied. He was not going to immediately cave in to a woman’s advances before ascertaining her true intentions! The tougher ones required more extreme methods to crack. Lyne had no idea of Suey’s shamelessness!

“I intend to have Xeeseir become a vassal and potentially marry into the Xuere Clan through a branch family. Thus, you being on the same team makes it my problem as well,” declared Lyne righteously.

Then, her mouth opened into a large O as she finally noticed the current actions of Suey. Though standing still, Rein’s hand remained between her lovely thighs. The minx was grinding herself against his hand while Lyne chastised Rein!

Lyne’s mouth opened and closed quite a number of times like a goldfish, completely speechless as she watched Suey swivel her hips about until a loud final exhaustive moan.

Lyne could not believe her eyes as she watched honey spurt from between Suey’s legs before the minx collapsed on the ground, delivering a musky smell into the noses of those close enough to her position…

Rein barely restrained his chuckles. It was certainly a sight to see the normally majestic and cool Lyne so utterly lost for words. He forced himself to maintain a neutral expression, not wishing to make further enemies.

Lyne spun around and regained her demeanor before marching off, not saying another word.

Rein bent down and dragged Suey back onto her feet.

“Look at what you’ve done to the poor noble’s mind…”

“Did I do well…?” Suey gazed into Rein’s eyes with devotion. Now, Rein discovered instead a growing softness in his heart.

“You’ve done well indeed.” Rein failed to repress that feeling and found himself praising Suey, disregarding further considerations.

Well. He was indeed impressed that Suey had endured and even seemingly enjoyed herself through the whole incident.

“I challenge you to battle!” A sudden yell.

Rein raised his head and found a stocky man half a head shorter stomping towards him. Rein could not reject such challenges. No initiates could. Honestly, he was surprised that Beincen hadn’t recklessly convinced a number of inner advancers to challenge him every day.

Rein nodded, unsure of what to expect but very much curious about the power he might have gained after achieving minor success with red draconic lightning.

They two traveled to a close-by an empty circular arena. Many of these existed in the mountains given to the Hall of Heroes, as challenges to climb the rankings for the monthly contribution rewards are quite common.

“I am Arhn, owner of the toughest and most physical bodies in the inner realm of these Halls. Those who had tempered their bodies to the heavens reign in the inner realm!”


“Young man, you must know something,” Arhn warned. “I was hired by House Larne for an exorbitant sum. I have no grudge against you.”

“Oh? Why do you tell me so?”

“I’d rather us not have a misunderstanding. Or for you to hold a grudge against me,” so replied Arhn.

“Pathetic,” scoffed Rein. “You wish for me to not hold a grudge after giving way to Beincen?”

“Such is the world. If I reject Beincen, then House Larne would sabotage me in the western wilderness. I would not even know how I died. You had better watch yourself.”

“And you do not fear me doing the same?”

“Hardly,” chuckled Arhn. “You’d need a clan’s strength to completely wipe out all evidence of sabotage from the Halls’ eyes. You are not capable of such methods.”

A flurry of blows began, and the two men’s fists met one another, very much intentional by both men. Both had come to a silent agreement to avoid the use of inscribed armaments.

Arhn, having reached the peak of the inner realm, had the advantage of forming a partial aurae shell that further added to his tempered body. Naturally, Rein had no idea as to the body tempering method used by Arhn.

Rein discovered Arhn was far more resilient than even that combat instructor. It must be because that combat instructor did not temper his body much. Arhn’s physical combat was far more refined.

Arhn swung a partially-coated fist that slipped past Rein’s defenses and struck his right chest. The very force of it sent Rein skidding backwards for a few arm’s length.

A tinge of pain, and yet… Rein was overjoyed! He wasn’t sure if this was normal, but it seemed as if his body was becoming more… compact. Although he had already achieved minor success with the red lightning, it seemed that quite some residual aurae from the vials he had consumed remained.

Furthermore, he had yet to fully adapt to his body in combat, and the feedback provided began to align his mind with his body.

“Heh.,” Rein grinned. “Just so-so.”

Arhn was expressionless as they began another flurry of blows, their feet stepping already inhumanely quick despite the lack of advancer arts.

A loud but dull thump resounded in the arena as both men simultaneously landed a fist on the other’s durable bodies. Rein had opted to allow Arhn to land a blow to assist himself in  absorbing any residual aurae, while testing the power of his very own fist!

This time, Rein was only sent skidding backwards a few feet while Arhn only fell back a step.

Then, Rein leapt forward again, having sensed his body further being refined with another release of residual energy in his body.

Arhn began frowning. He could feel that this young man before him was strengthening at a perceptible speed.

Rein no longer even defended seriously, allowing quite a number of blows to land on his own body while raining his very own onto Arhn’s body.

Arhn found himself forced to use a partial aurae shell, the image of a half-formed armadillo shell, to defend against Rein’s blows.

Another almighty trade of blows, and this time, Rein only fell back five steps while Arhn himself was shocked to discover his partial shell shattering as he fell back three steps.

“I concede.” Arhn immediately left the arena, and Rein wasn’t sure what to make of it. Arhn still had a clear advantage-- yet he had left just like that?! Rein rejoined a beaming Suey and a wooden Jory, who had observed the battle on the side.

Your victory has been recorded

That was the watcher’s voice that sounded in Rein’s ears through his gray Halls robe. However, Rein was in no celebration mood. He found it very odd that Arhn had given up despite his advantage.

“I challenge you!” Another voice yelled. Rein came out of his reverie to find a bald youth carrying a jingling staff walking towards them.

“As a monk, it is my duty to confront and overcome the desires of our hearts,” he stated as the metal rings on the head of his staff clinked when he pointed it at the barely-standing Suey.

“Go ahead,” Rein ordered, and after a few heartbeats, couldn’t resist cheekily sounding a suggestion into Suey’s left ear. “Fight him in your heels. After all, this monk needs to defeat his desires.”

If Suey lost a few contribution points because of his suggestion, he could always give a share of his contribution points to the woman in the future for peace in his heart.

Jory, having shadowed the two, wrapped her hand in an aurae shell before activating a small pouch on a belt around her waist.

She reached in and seemed to rummage in an endless space before pulling out the bronze whips that the twins had used previously.

Rein also indicated that Suey was free to re-equip the thin gray Hall of Heroes robe that he had made her remove during her exposure ‘fun’.

“Suxeire,” greeted Suey, her voice still somewhat breathless with lust.

“Shizr,” introduced the bald youth. “Aspiring monk.”

“Monk. Seeing as you wish to overcome your desires, a far better method would be for you to resist lust magic, no?” Suey asked, and the aspiring monk Shizr was piqued by her words.

“If you are capable of such arts,” he nodded in agreement.

Rein remained expressionless on the outside, but was inwardly wondering if she was capable of it, why Suey had not attempted to use such lust arts upon him to achieve whatever her goals might be.

His attention was drawn as the nearly-naked Suey, her slender body visible through the thin gray Halls robe, began to dance and spin her figure before Shizr!

Part of her body became covered in a pink shell that appeared as a misty veil that gave the impression of caressing her body. Then, the woman began sashaying in a small circle around Shizr’s figure, who planted his feet shoulders wide and began muttering some sort of chant as he occasionally jingled his staff with a knock to the ground.

Rein raised an eyebrow when Suey glanced in his direction with a coquettish smile, not once or twice, but repeatedly. It was then that Rein suspected that Suey intended on giving him a show using Shizr!

How truly relentless.

Shizr’s chants stuttered as Suey suddenly pressed her body against his back and dragged her exposed breasts in circular motion. Despite her ‘opponent’, Suey stared at Rein and bit her lips teasingly during this whole sequence.

The under-attack monk’s crotch rose as the contact ensured that Suey’s partially-formed lust shell delivered its magical effect onto Shizr’s body.

“You damn seductress!” Shizr lost control, spun around and gripped onto Suey’s shoulders. Suey allowed the man to throw her onto the ground.

The monk seemed to have rather easily lost control and he wasn’t even aware that Suey maintained eye contact with Rein this whole time as he undid the wrapping sash of Suey’s Halls robe and his hands groped her full breasts. Suey rested her arms above her head ‘helplessly’ as she arched erotically with her legs splayed wide, while pleadingly staring at Rein the whole time.

“You’re fucking dripping wet!” Shizr had pulled down his baggy trousers and revealed his manhood upon discovering Suey’s readiness.

He aimed at her snatch, only to find himself tumbling to the side after receiving a boot to the head.

Suey looked up at the towering Rein, who’s head blocked out the rising sun, with an expression of relief. Noticing this, Rein rolled his eyes. She could have prevented it herself if she so chose to. After all, the lust magic was hers! He knew that she desired his interference, and found himself… complying to that unsaid request.

Regardless, the kick to the head seemed to have somewhat cleared Shizr’s mind.

“I concede! Thank you, friend.” He now sat cross-legged in meditation. “No-- thank you, my brother. I consider you my brother for assisting in resisting such temptation. Rein, was it? I overheard your name from earlier.”

Before Rein could even reply, Suey was on her knees before him, and had pulled down his trousers, revealing his somewhat… transformed manhood!

Rein was initially slightly concerned regarding his manhood having somewhat gained a large knot along with many hardened ridges due to his body tempering art. He believed that it must be because of how his method used lightning to scar his flesh and muscles, the wooden vitality to recover.  Accompanied by the fact that his body might gain some draconic appearance…

This concern was quickly allayed with Suey’s hypnotized look at his manhood.

“I’ve… waited so long for this dragon…” She whispered huskily, confounding Rein with her words.

She then opened her mouth wide and began servicing Rein in the very middle of the arena.

Rein found himself amazed by her skill. He knew her to be a virgin having felt between her legs. Yet here, her tongue skillfully lapped the underside of his manhood, and her hands wrapped behind muscular buttocks, forcing him deeper into her throat as she gagged repeatedly.

That gagging noise certainly distracted Shizr from his meditation, and he opened his eyes, transfixed by the sight before him.

“I apologize, monk,” Rein said. “It would be inappropriate for me to be your brother, I believe.”

“Please~” Suey pleaded at this stage. “I need your help~” she placed Rein’s hands behind her head.

Rein could not resist petting her head while running his fingers through her soft raven hair before wrapping his hands around the back of her head.

What followed would be an absolute demolition of the woman’s face. Having put up with Suey’s antics for so long, Rein repeatedly forced his transformed manhood down the minx’s throat despite feeling resistance only halfway in.

Not at all put off, Suey’s eyes entered a lusty trance that bid him to continue relentlessly.

Rein grunted as he finally released his spunk, coating the minx’s whole face. Suey clearly enjoyed it, her fingers dragging the liquid into her lips while wiping a significant volume all over her ample chest. 

Rein had to admit by now, that even during his merchant days, there was never quite a woman like Suey…

Having watched them finish, Shizr seemed unperturbed.

“My brother. It is very understandable, with such a vixen before you. However, I am an aspiring monk for very clear reasons. You see-- I once questioned myself, my attraction to women, and even my occasional loss in control.”

“I concluded that we as humans began our lives as mortals,” Shizr continued his rant. “As mortals, our lives are short, and we need to continue our race by having the drive to perform such acts, to the point where it is in-built within us! I even wondered why some men would forcibly take women.”

“My conclusion? Nature’s safety measure. If no man or woman is willing to engage with one another, then at least these forceful men and perhaps even forceful women, would ensure the continuation of the human race. It’s like a regulating mechanism. The lesser number of men and women cooperating with one another, the higher percentage of the next generation will carry the blood of these forceful men and women.”

Rein’s mouth opened slightly at the monk’s seemingly-mad revelations, but nodded nonetheless.

“It is frustrating, you understand?” Shizr was pouring out his heart, having seen this brother-of-his nod in understanding. “Sometimes I wish to focus on strengthening my mind and body, yet an errant beauty disrupts my concentration. How I wish to become an advancer of the highest realm. Once I gain an eternal life… this drive to procreate will decrease, as both my mind and body will recognize it as significantly less necessary to create new beings.” 

“You, too, should attempt such a path, I believe.” The monk patted Rein’s shoulders with a smile before wandering off.

“He does have a point…” Rein muttered…

“No, he doesn’t!” Suey squealed in panic. “Monks make a lot of crazy claims that can sound convincing on the surface. This is love, don’t you understand?!”

What? Rein couldn’t help but cough at Suey’s words.

Rein opted to return to his cave abode. His original intention was to drive fear into Suey, yet he had utterly failed. If anything, she seemed to have gained confidence, and was now clutching onto his right arm while fearlessly meeting eyes with anyone they traveled past with her face and breasts white with drying spunk.

Many were taken aback by her appearance while quite a number insulted her with various names. Despite all this, she seemed unaffected and even reveled in such insults, pressing herself against Rein with mewls of pleasure.

They reached the tunnel back into the Hall of Heroes’ labyrinth, only to find Beincen having positioned himself here to block his path.

Beside him stood Arhn, who Rein had previously battled!

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