Timeless Prominence

Ch56: A Mind-bending Revelation

Beincen was not the only noble here, for out of the corner of his eye, Rein noticed Lyne of the Xuere Clan approaching as well. Had she returned to condemn him yet again?

“Rein, you are a fool for displaying your physical capabilities,” the noble smirked. “I hope you’re ready when the time comes.” No wonder Arhn had conceded mid-battle. Beincen’s real strike would come in the western wilderness, not here!

“And you,” Beincen roamed his eyes the length of Suey’s body. “It would be far better for you to submit to one such as I.”

A sudden idea occurred to Rein, and he whispered words into Suey’s left ear.


“I simply advised her to submit to you as you mentioned. You see… I have no desire to also burn down the rest of those around me,” Rein shrugged uncaringly.

“I’m already wet and willing…” Suey huskily murmured as she sashayed towards Beincen, reaching forth to bring his hand to her snatch.

“Hah! So you do understand!” Beincen momentarily lost control of his faculties in delight at having so easily distanced Rein from a member of another on his supposed team.

“Pouring like a waterfall!” His fingers flicked Suey’s nub and he looked around as if wishing to confirm his achievement with onlookers, only to discover a glaring Lyne that had arrived in front of him!

Unlike Rein, Beincen had not noticed the scion of the Xuere Clan, the very woman he had been pursuing, approach their location.

His eyes widened in shock and realization.

“You evil whore!” Beincen immediately delivered a harsh slap that sent Suey to the ground. However, she had been prepared, and defended her face with a watery aquamarine shell that quivered as it absorbed the force. To Rein’s knowledge, Beincen should be a low shell advancer.

Lyne sighed, seemingly disappointed before completely ignoring Beincen as she reentered the Halls of Heroes labyrinth.

Beincen hurried after her with Arhn chasing behind, and thus Rein was freed to return to his cave abode without obstruction.

“That scared me so much that I can no longer walk~” mewled Suey, who remained with her round bum to the ground.

Rein sighed. She was clearly exaggerating. Yet, she had willingly cooperated. Somehow, Suey now felt like his partner-in-crime. How they had reached this stage, he did not know. She certainly deserved just rewards.

He bent down and carried Suey like a princess, and the minx wrapped her arms around his neck in unconcealed excitement.

As he winded through the tunnels back towards his quarters carrying the scantily-dressed Suey while followed by her twin Jory, Rein discovered his heart filled with a sense of melancholy.

Perhaps some might find this odd, seeing as he had such a willing kitten in his arms. Yet, the events of this day heavily reminded Rein of his peaceful mortal merchant days, when his family was still very much alive. He had certainly partaken in some debauchery back then, as was the norm of many merchant families in the Fusion Realm. The games he had played to test Suey today very much reminded him of those times.

Suey’s right hand rested above his heart, taking comfort from the rhythmic thumps. Their gazes met again, and Rein glimpsed a sort of unexpected understanding in the woman’s eyes. He could not maintain that eye contact for more than a heartbeat as he looked away, pretending to search for the correct path back to his underground cave abode.

Rein brought the twins into his cave abode. The two ladies joyously exclaimed as they discovered Rein’s purchase of comfort furs softening the stone bed while carpeting various parts of the ground.

Rein sat down on the edge of the furred stone bed and Suey pressed herself against his back while side-sitting upon the soft and warm fur.

“I think my twin wants you to take hers too…” She breathed tantalizingly into Rein’s ear. “I wasn’t sure if she would choose such a path, but we agreed that she would be the first to go if she so desires.”

Indeed, Jory was stripping, and she shyly glanced at Rein to confirm her choice.

Jory’s exposed form was quite similar to Suey’s. However, she was half a head shorter, did not have the scar on her cheek, and her hips were a tad narrower.

“Stay still please,” she requested. Rein nodded. He naturally understood that Jory only desired to lose her virginity before entering the western wilderness.

Unlike Jory, Suey was far more… forward with her desires, and seemed interested in something more.

He laid back just as Suey popped a pill into his mouth.

“It’s just a vitality pill…” she giggled. “They call it the rising dragon pill.” What an absolutely relentless minx.

Jory lowered herself on top of his waist and Rein felt the trickle of warm blood flow.

“I can be a very jealous woman…” Suey informed Rein, before she pressed her lips against Rein’s and very soon their tongues began intertwining like dancing snakes.

Rein remained true to his promise, and allowed Jory to control the whole situation. She spasmed quite a few times through the process, and soon enough Rein discovered himself reaching his peak as he observed this more reserved but incredibly tight twin struggle on top of him.

“Careful!” he warned. “I’m about to--”

“Rein, my celest~” Suey charmingly giggled into his ear. “To properly avoid the virgin detection methods of the devils, yin and the yang must mix properly. Your essence must enter her womb… Do not worry, she won’t carry your child. We came prepared!”

The deed was soon done, and Jory collapsed onto the soft furs on the left side of Rein’s bed.

Seeing the reserved twin so vulnerable, Rein gently stroked Jory’s face and complimented, “Well done.” Unlike with Suey, he felt none of those sadistic desires. Jory was simply too appropriately behaved.

He received a small smile in return.

It was now Suey’s turn. The woman rummaged inside a small pouch whose interior must have been expanded into a large space.

She soon pulled out quite a few stakes with inscriptions and embedded power gems. She began stabbing these stakes around Rein’s bed, while ensuring all their clothing was flung far from the furred bed.

“Formation?” Rein had learnt some of this knowledge from his half-senior Chenhr, and recognized the setting-up procedure.

Suey nodded and activated the many stakes surrounding the bed.

“The Halls have ears, but this should be an effective measure,” Suey explained. “Blocking out the watcher directly is quite impossible for me. Instead, these stakes release a cacophony of noises to obscure our words. As a result, what we say will simply seem like it is covered by louder voices.”

Having set up these defenses, Suey laid herself to Rein’s right and nuzzled her face against his neck, Her right hand reached down and she teasingly dragged her nail across his jewels as well as his ridged and knotted dragon.

“My celest…do you mind listening for a while? I… I want to let you know more about me before I get turned into…a writhing mess and my mind melted into mush~”

“Go ahead.” Rein found her delicate hands skillfully returning him to full mast before continuing a teasing contact that kept him at the ready. He was quite capable of listening to her words while receiving such service. It was expected of him in his mortal merchant days to not be taken advantage of during business dealings even if assaulted by honeypot schemes.

“I am a seer of my people,” Suey began. “I was born with it… a bloodline of an ancient magic that doesn’t fully conform to the rules of modern day advancer arts.”

“We women have to be careful of men. Some men have mastered the skill of fooling a woman to feel certain emotions in order to take advantage of said woman. It is why wiser women know to simply reject the initial advances of a man and assess such a man’s efforts to win her heart instead.”

Rein acknowledged this with a nod. He had thought Suey to be too forward, and had intentionally wished to instill fear into her throughout the day.

“But, truly perceptive women have no need for such a method. Naturally, some women believe themselves perceptive and only discover their own idiocy some time later. As for me? I’ve seen scenes of many future possibilities!”

“Hmm.” Rein was doubtful of her words. “Precognition… divination… aren’t these predictive types of magic often vague?” He had not learned much about such magics, and was filled with curiosity.

“It is as you say, my celest,” Suey continued. “However, that vagueness can turn clear if certain conditions are met. These visions become vivid and detailed if a future event is inevitable in many or even all possible futures.”

“Then, that must mean…” 

“Yes, my celest.” Suey beamed as she continued her expert finger manipulation. “Are you bored of my words yet?”

“Hardly,” Rein chuckled. “I quite like the idea of an… intelligent and interesting pair of lips wide and filled to the brim.” He grunted as Suey flicked the tip of his dragon with her fingers in response to his words.

“In every single one of these futures where I am alive,” she continued, “I come across you. Eventually. Always.”

“Like now?”

“No…” Suey hesitated, rather uneasy with the path she had chosen. “In all those futures… I always only met you after you were already an outer advancer…”

“You…” Rein’s eyes widened in realization. “You’re attempting to twist the course of the future!”

“Yes, my celest. That I am.” Having been accused, Suey’s confidence rose instead and she was filled with brazenness.

“I come from a backwater place. In all these futures that I can see, my home is surrounded and destroyed, always! Some of those futures end there. In the others where I survive… I end up a slave.” Her voice lowered in volume as she muttered, “A sex slave.”

Rein found his throat dry. It was difficult to believe that in all these futures, this would be one’s fate. Yet if true… 

“My home… is deeply-hated by all surrounding it due to conflict across many ages. It is inevitable, unless I take action early on to twist the future before the point that leads to that inevitable pattern of set futures begins.”

Rein’s mind was thoroughly drawn in by Suey’s words now. A flick of her fingers and he was reminded to ensure the woman had something hard and warm in her hand to hold on for comfort.

“So… why me? I have no capabilities of preventing this future of yours.” Rein believed he would be more than thoroughly occupied with trying to find where Jein had been taken, or at least retrieve his corpse and execute those who harmed his younger brother. Then, there was the matter of Dingien Clan’s potential hand within.

“I am not truly seeking to prevent this future of my home’s destruction…” Suey muttered, downcast. “I am simply just… hoping that something will change. I came here to find you, because in all those futures… you always gave me hope… only to be…”

Suey came to a stop, not willing to continue further.


“It’s that bitch!” Rein grunted as Suey’s hand gripped tight over his dragon. “That bitch never allowed you to give me a hand! And you always listened to her. You were stuck in the outer advancer realm because of her! I know it!”

Rein’s mouth was agape and he blinked rapidly at Suey’s jealousy-filled outburst.

“I…” he was naturally lost for words. Whoever this ‘bitch’ was, he had certainly not met her. And perhaps would not for decades if not centuries due to advancers’ long lives.

“I apologize, my celest…” Suey reigned in her emotions. “A seer must not be too attached to the many visions she sees. In my desperation, I have already seen too many. My heart has become… unstable.”

“Do you blame me? I am… trying to skip the line, so to speak.” Suey avoided Rein’s gaze, somewhat ashamed.

“Mmm.” Rein took a moment to think. “I suppose technically, such a future has yet to occur. It is said that we advancers use our arts to escape the fate of mortality, no?”

Rein was certain that both men and women, if given this ability, would take advantage of it in various ways as well.

“You always… even in all those futures…” Suey muttered under her breath.

“However, do you not fear that your early intervention might transform my nature?” Rein couldn’t help but ask this. “Perhaps you meeting me here will change my very nature into something you detest in the future.” This was a possibility that Rein knew could occur.

“Some men and women… they are born with something extra in their hearts,” Suey rejected his concerns. “In many of these futures, I have seen much. Some men without fathers grow up to become the fathers they wish they had. Some imitate the fathers that abandoned them. Some of those abused grow to inflict their pain upon others. Some learn to protect instead, despite the lack of positive influences.”

“Some men and women are just born better,” stated Suey. Such words can be quite dangerous. No doubt, those nobles believed themselves to be born better, in a different sense.

Rein did not believe himself to be all that unique. He was but a man seeking revenge. Yet her words placed a burden upon him. Not even he understood why.

“So, what is it that you desire?” Rein asked. Suey had already mentioned that she was uncertain and did not expect her home’s supposed destruction to be prevented.

“Love!” Suey declared with unblinking eyes, “A different kind of love.”

“I…” She bit her lips and then clarified her words. “In these futures that I survive… I end up captured and traded, nothing but a sex slave.”

“When I was a child, the first green apple I ate was as sour as vinegar. Ever since that day, every single green apple I come across… I would see that greenness as a sign of its sourness, reflexively already imagining the sour taste on my tongue.”

“You mean…” Rein’s instincts made him feel even more heavy-hearted.

“Yes my celest. If it is inevitable that I would be captured…” Suey was fierce as a tiger. “I’d rather my body be as some of those slave owners like to say, ‘broken’ long before that inevitable future.”

“I want to eat as many sweet green apples as possible, such that those future sour apples are just perceived as blips in my mind.”

“When those future owners perform debauchery on my body, I want to tell myself and said owner, that I’ve already had this done to me many times and have in total been ravaged a million times, and he was but one-in-a-million, late to the party!”

Rein instinctively wrapped his arm around Suey and gave her forehead a soft kiss.

“Are you sure that will work?”

“Please accept me, my celest. It is better than nothing. Plus, there’s much more to it…”


“Yes. I believe one day, our goals will align. I am not like those other women, dreaming of some… romantic honeymoon romp. In all my visions, the couples that stay connected through not just decades, but centuries and milleniums… they always have a common shared goal. I… I just want you to know that I desire much more than simply being…if you so choose, my celest.”

“Very well,” Rein understood what she desired, and despite being unsure of the effectiveness of her methods, acquiesced to his role. He would have to perform acts akin to that of a sex slave owner. He only hoped that the concerned feeling he had developed for her would hold tight through the whole process. Perhaps by the end, that would be the difference.

He had come across the slave trade as a mortal merchant, but the Hehr family had seen it as an affront to humanity. He still remembered clearly a merchant requesting exotic slaves, hoping his father would deliver some members of the Golden Desert Tribes into their hands. That merchant had been expelled from the Hehr Mansion promptly.

As for her words of a common shared goal that might extend a millennium? Rein himself was a young adult. He had no idea what to expect. It was not he who could view all these futures!

Suey yelped as Rein stood and lifted her into a full nelson position, thoroughly locking her slender legs behind her neck.

“Look into your sister’s eyes,” he commanded. Suey raised her eyes and blushed shamefully as she was stared down by Jory’s deadpan expression.

“Rein. Punish this minx sister of mine. She drags me around just to fulfill her whims based on her mad future vision.” The reserved twin’s outburst ignited Rein’s fire.

He began ravishing the immobilized Suey.

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