Timeless Prominence

Ch75: A Slight Breather

Nunan scurried around the perimeter of the lair to set up much more extensive defensive formations as the others carved apart the three-headed cobra.

The two groups had agreed to stay here for the night. If they had killed the three-headed cobra out in the open swamp, they would have rapidly harvested the snake before entering the Endless Mountains to the northwest to search for a safer haven.

This thicket surrounding the mud lake that functioned as the three-headed cobra’s lair changed their decision.

It was well-hidden, and functioned as a fortress of sorts, with only an opening in, through the tunnel that they had followed the three-headed cobra through. WIthout Wilo’s ability to track her wooden needles, of which many had entered the snake’s body, they would not have been able to find this place.

As such, they chose to rest and recover here instead of attempting to find some safe location at the foot of the mountains come nightfall.

Many tents with minor inner space augmentation were set up. Seeing these, Rein was reminded of the odd situation regarding advancers with good spatial affinity in the advancer world.

Spatial advancers often end up in a few paths. One-- incredibly rich barons due to their spatial augmented products beloved by all advancers. Two-- a personal retainer to teleport an influential and powerful advancer from place-to-place. Three-- a combat support advancer of sorts in teams and armies.

This was a result of spatial arts not having any direct damaging traits-- many attempts were made to bypass the limitation, but the advancer world discovered that as spatial magics are ‘physically’ weak, even the weakest of objects would stabilize space and prevent the collapse of, for example, a spatial tunnel or a spatial crack.

That was precisely why Rein himself spent much of his time considering how to make use of his origin skill outside of using it for escape and travel. So far, he had a few ideas that he would only be able to to test when he reaches the shell realm.

Once the tents were sat up, they returned once again to the arduous task of carving apart this five-hundred feet long snake. Its snake-scale would fetch a handsome price along with contribution points from the Halls. Its fangs would be of much use for blacksmiths.

As for the extracted venom, the glands, and the rank four demon core? This had already been promised to Rein’s alchemist instructor, Vahrk. Obviously, with Vahrk being a member of the Halls, they would receive contribution points, but no additional benefits.

As for the heart of the three-headed cobra… that contained the heartblood of the demon. Once extracted, it would amount to around three drops of coagulated blood essence, and any who consume these would find themselves having a heightened mastery of certain arts that shared similar laws to the skills of the cobra.

Their guess was that venomous arts would see some improvement. Arts related to airborne magics to infect others’ eyes would also gain benefits.

Nunan came over after setting up the defenses, and placed the three-headed cobra’s heart into a box of maloewood. Upon this box were many inscriptions and power gems that would protect and preserve the heart. They did not bother harvesting the heartblood, preferring to preserve the whole heart to better sell it should they come out of this unscathed.

None had desire for the heartblood. Wilo might use poison, but her poison is not venom-based. The heartblood of the three-headed cobra had no benefits to any present. Plus, the original plan had always been to use the cobra’s heartblood to draw out bounty targets.

Now, the flesh of the three-headed cobra… this was very much troublesome. It simply had too much weight. One might assume that they could simply preserve the flesh and store it in their spatial pouches. That is false.

The weight of everything in these spatial pouches are , in fact, felt by the carrier of said pouch. The space within these pouches exists within the pouch, and the weight of the objects inside are transmitted outwards.

“Should we light a fire?” Xeeseir muttered. This was the current point of contention among the members.“This will allow us to cook this meat and absorb the energies within the meat. We can also use the smoke to preserve some of the meat for our future.” The group did bring food, but none compared to the quality of a rank four demon beast.

“Would this not attract many other demon beasts?” Chirh interjected in a panic.

“The dying and bloody smell of the corpse has long reached the noses of demon beasts,” Xeeseir replied as the sound of cawing crows increased in volume overhead.

The thicket surrounded them on all four sides, but there remained the issue of demon birds swooping in from above. As such, many of Nunan’s formations focused on blocking that single entrance and aerial defense.

“Aren’t formation masters supposedly able to blind all sorts of senses?” Chirh grumbled unhappily.

“I’m just a shell advancer. Perhaps if I’m an outer advancer ....” Nunan sighed. “As a shell advancer, I can only create formation tools and place them as traps. Forming large-scaled formations capable of such a feat is not possible for me yet.”

Despite this, they had chosen to recover here because they believed it far safer than the uncertainty of the Endless Mountains.

“Hmm…” Nunan contemplated their situation for a moment and added, “It might be a good thing. To draw out the demon beasts and fallen devils.”

“Are… are you crazy?!” Chirh responded as he subconsciously pulled at his hair.

“Even if many devils show their faces-- which they won’t, for a single fire in the expansive western wilderness will only draw eyes within a limited vicinity-- we can simply throw the heart of the three-headed cobra into their midst and they would fight over that single piece of meat like rabid dogs.”

“We might even be able to get a few more bounty targets indirectly,” she confidently mused. “Demon beasts are unlikely to reach this place at any quick speed, except for perhaps demon birds. But if this attracts many devils, discordant amongst themselves in our surroundings…”

The discussion between Xeeseir and Nunan was one of madness in Chirh’s mind. Yet, opportunity always came with risk. They already planned to bait in devil bounties with the heartblood of both the cobra and the Blissful-Endflower. Why not begin now, draw eyes and introduce more initial chaos in the dark?

“Chirh,” Xeeseir added as he grinned half-maniacally. “Do you not remember House Larne? They might be tracking us in one way or another, looking to pounce. Now, if there are a bunch more devils and demon beasts in the vicinity…”

Chirh was tongue-tied. He could see the benefits to himself despite the risks. If House Larne lost too many figures along with Beincen, then in the future, he might not even need to take such risks in the Western Wilderness!

Nunan and Xeeseir informed the others. Many were wide-eyed, some raised their eyebrows, but all could see the method within the madness.

And so, a fire was set. They carved some dry wood from that central huge tree, started a fire and cooked the cobra meat. They also set up a structure to smoke some of the meat to store within their spatial pouches. Of course, they are not able to carry all the five hundred feet snake flesh weight, but advancers without body tempering still have increased strength, and as such, they would be able to each carry some useful weight of the dried meat.

They set up a guard rotation to watch for potential enemies from the sky. The traps set by Nunan would notify them of any coming in through the tunnel.


“By Devil Hehrn’s Shadow… What the fuck are these idiots doing?!” Ailehr, the Sect Leader of Harvest Devil Sect, cutely complained as she observed the Halls’ youngsters.

At least, she pouted and appeared rather cute to the other four devils. The four knew this cuteness was but an act.

They noticed that the reckless fools had set up a campfire in the middle of the swamp, and the smoke their rose to the heavens was filled with the taste of a rank four demon meat. The Blood God, Hahrn, of the Blood Devil Sect, was salivating simply from this smell. He could barely resist the rising aroma, having a deep desire to leap forth and consume the blood of this three-headed cobra.

Ailehr had thought that her mission would be quite easy. With her strength, she would ambush and kidnap Lyne in a critical moment when the team fought against the Blissful-Endflower. Their informant had said that this demon plant was the target.

She spread her aurae tendrils into the environment, stretching them as far as she could. Already, a few extra devils had popped up. As for demon beasts, they sensed her touch through unexplainable instincts, and immediately turned to flee.

It was then that she noticed something approaching from a mountain peak deep into the northwest. She filled her eyes with aurae and activated an art to augment her eyesight.

“An eagle-based demon bird is approaching as well…” She muttered. It would take that eagle half a day or maybe even a whole day to arrive. Eagles enjoyed snakes for food. As long as the Halls’ youngsters left in the morning, they should be able to avoid the eagle-like demon. However, the eagle’s presence could be an unexpected factor. How troublesome. That demon bird should be quite high rank, and would not be scared off by Ailehr.

Ailehr could feel a headache. She will have to demand increased compensation from that second prince before handing Lyne over to him. 


“These… these fucking mad retards!” Uncle Naohr rarely lost his cool. In fact, this was the first time Beincen had noticed this scholarly uncle of his, always calm despite the quickness of his speech, so agitated.

“Are you Minhr Nation nobles so weak?” scoffed the leading Sun Sword Sect disciple, Yidahr. “In chaos, there is opportunity. Though these Halls’ youngsters are idiots, it’s our opportunity as well!”

“Yes!” Beincen loathed the idea of walking away with no benefits. He had to kill Rein! Yidahr’s words suited him. He expected no less from his hidden ancestors’ disciples!

Uncle Naohr had been ordered to follow Beincen’s decision. He could only bite on his own tongue in silence. Malak, the man of fiend blood lent to them by Supreme Guihnes, nonchalantly cleaned his fingernails with his teeth. He cared not one bit. He was under very different orders from Supreme Guihnes after all! Not that House Larne knew.


Beside the campfire, Rein and his allies sliced apart the simply salted cobra meat and consumed the flesh. As Rein swallowed, he would feel a flow of aurae that lifted his spirits alongside the aurae concentration within him. No wonder advancer restaurants had all sorts of demon beast meat dishes.

However, he could not fully enjoy this savory meal, for Suey had begun ‘misbehaving’. She initially acted frisky, and then she began demanding Rein to feed her the meat using his mouth. She pressed her ample breasts into his right arm, causing unneeded distraction during their important discussion regarding the Blissful-Endflower over the invigorating meal.

“Yes,” Rein replied as he brought up the alchemist instructor Vahrk’s advice. He did his best to ignore Suey’s hands that ran up and in between his muscular tempered thighs. “Instructor Vahrk has said that the plant demons and plant-based poisons are weak to heat. He has given us antidotes, but…the spores this plant releases and its control over other plants in its vicinity…”

Plant demons would often place parts of themselves into the environment. Some of these parts might even become different bodies of the same mind. After the battle against the three-headed cobra, they believed that they needed many more contingency plans against the Blissful-Endflower. They needed to flush out ideas for unexpected situations.

The plan wasn’t just against the Blissful-Endflower. They needed to draw out the devils and demons during the battle. Perhaps they might be able to obtain the heads of bounties without killing the Blissful-Endflower if the devils showed their faces too soon!

Suey’s eye-catching actions naturally drew the disapproval of all present. If Suey was confronted, she would point out that most of their strategies are conjured up by Xeeseir and Nunan anyway. The others only had occasional input.

“Am I not more important …?” Suey breathed huskily into Rein’s right ear, desiring the young man’s attention, feeling somewhat neglected over the past few days.

Rein finally had it with the minx, and he stripped the woman out of her leather armor in front of the others. Suey only moaned  in defiance yet did not physically resist. Soon, Suey’s remaining clothing was only in a leather thong alongside a white long piece of cloth wrapped around her chest tightly, her breast flesh spilling out the top in a wondrous cleavage. Many female advancers use chest wraps to tighten their breasts against their frame for battle.

“Down, slave kitten!” Rein harshly ordered, and Suey sat sideways onto the ground and rested her head on top of Rein’s right knee obediently. Rein’s hand lightly stroked her cheek and head while he continued partaking in the discussion on the Blissful-Endflower.

All the men naturally ogled the nearly nude woman. Suey only felt a rising heat as she received the heat of their gazes. She always loved being disciplined by Rein and placed in such vulnerable positions. It was hard to fully explain. She knew that her fate art visions had twisted her heart.

Her heart loved being humiliated by Rein. And she certainly enjoyed it when Rein ordered her to do the most debaucherous of acts. She had, of course, thought of why this might be. She believed that it was sourced from her visions.

Her deepest fear was whether a man would still accept her, treat her simply if that future in her visions came to pass. If she was captured, used as nothing more than a sex slave through potentially decades by those influential figures in those visions… would any man still tolerate her? It was not simply whether one might pity and feel concerned with her fate. It was regarding continual acceptance and treating her just like any other friend or lover.

Some men may claim themselves capable, but she knew that more likely than not, such events would impact the man’s behavior and treatment toward such a woman.

Whenever Rein ordered her to perform such humiliating acts, and returned to treating her just like any other day… a peace filled her heart.

“Rein. We do not have any fire users…” Nunan said as she sent a cursory glance of disapproval at Suey, a willing slave pressing her body against Rein’s right calf as Rein stroked her hair.

It had to be said that this was truly odd. Flame arts are pretty popular in the advancer world, and yet, none of the eleven present had mastered any flame arts. Xeeseir might have some flame-based arrows, and they certainly carried some basic elemental bombs. Still…

“I can attempt some…” Rein muttered as he clashed the lightning aurae within his body against the wooden aurae. He trusted in his body’s ability to survive this dangerous method, after having tested it through combat. He guided the mixture to his throat, and spat out a rush of impure flame breath that still carried hints of lightning and wood. His chest and throat felt a slight singe from the heat, but he was otherwise fine.

This trick was what Rein had gained from hearing Gent’s description of his methods in a vision.

To his surprise, the flame he spat out consumed the normal flame of the central campfire! Red flashes of lightning occasionally arced across this new flame!

They all looked in wonder at this new flame.

“What is this… flame?” Nunan wondered, attempting to estimate how useful this flame might be in their fight against the Blissful-Endflower.

“I’m… I’m actually not sure…” Rein replied. Gent had only described this method of creating flame, but not the actual resultant nature and quality of the fire.

“I did not expect you to be capable of this…” Lyne’s eyes transfixed onto Rein, as if attempting to see through his methods. She then glanced down at Suey, and her lips curled into a sneer.

That sneer reminded Suey of Lyne’s hand spreading her love tunnel wide, and she reflexively pressed her thighs together to Lyne’s amusement.

“This is but a method of mixing elements,” Rein explained. “I’m uncertain if I might burn my body if used repeatedly. I’m only capable of this because of my body’s durability and recovery state.”

“I can provide assistance with my ice-based art,” Lyne nonchalantly solved the problem.

“Let's conclude our methods then.” Nunan tilted her eyes backwards to see the skies still clear minus that crows now perched on the top of the thicket. These normal crows are still here, but dared not descend for now. That meant any major threat had yet to arrive.

“Rein. I know as an inner advancer, you won’t be able to control the flame once it spurts out of your mouth. However, your goal is to simply burn the plant demon’s valley.” She threw a bottle of pills into Rein’s hand. “These are aurae recovering pills. Use it to continue burning the valley and ensure that the plant demon cannot escape to its auxiliary bodies. Mistress Xuere. If you cool his body, he should suffer no problems from his method of producing fire.”

“We will travel as one team to circle within the valley. We will not engage the Blissful-Endflower until we have burned down the demon plant’s whole domain. After that, the battle will truly begin. Devils, demons and other foes are certain to show. We will proceed according to our many discussed plans!”

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