Timeless Prominence

Ch76: Lyne’s Predicament(1)

The members dispersed to take their rest. A night watch rotation had already been decided.

“Rein,” Xeeseir remained behind as he glanced at Suey with a bit of mirth in his eyes. “Let’s swap our rotations. You and your… pet can take the first two shifts.” He then winked with a twinkle in his eye. “Then you can properly punish the little thing for the rest of the night!”

Rein choked air as Xeeseir smacked his back heartily. He gazed down at Suey, who bit her lips as she submissively melted against Rein’s right knee.

“Kitten,” Rein whispered softly. “You were misbehaving during such an important meeting on strategy. If not for Xeeseir’s experienced input, we might not have been able to make the right adjustments to our plans.”

“Do you not think that you should thank him? He has even switched shifts for your benefit!”

Suey’s heart began to beat rapidly. Yes, they might have playfully swapped places with the couple Aizen and Yuynan of the Harmony Sect. Yes, they had done something of a similar nature during the Harmony Sect Trial with the Sect Leaders Meynzy and Aihr.

However, this was the first time that Suey felt as if Rein was truly treating her like a worthless wench, her services to be sold for benefits. It felt as if the opportunity to switch guard shifts with Xeeseir was bought with her body!

In this very moment, Suey’s mind once again recalled her horrendous fate in all those visions. She also thought of the seductive art she could use. She rarely used it as a result of those visions, only having tested it against that monk who had wished to contend against her sluttiness.

“Don’t worry, kitten,” Rein whispered into her ear. “No matter what, I will always reclaim you. I won’t blame you for any of those visions you might experience. I only hope you can go through them with a smile on your face.” He kissed her as a finger traced the ‘Sole Cauldron’ Art engraved into her abdomen.

Rein had met some women in comparable situations during his mortal merchant days. His father avoided the horrors of the slave trade, but he was quite aware of its existence and influence in the realm. And it seemed the advancer world had such horrors as well.

Suey’s mind now fully caved to Rein’s. She still held some fear, but she decided to discard her concerns and embrace her fate, trusting that regardless of future events, Rein would reclaim her.

She grew in confidence and leaped onto her feet, joyous as she stuck out a tongue at Rein. She etched Rein’s words that she was to enjoy herself, into her heart.

Suey wrapped parts of her body in a pink mist. On the day she becomes a shell advancer, her whole body suffused in this pink mist was certain to cause a higher degree of destruction.

She swayed her hips as she tiptoed towards Xeeseir, and the middle-aged man was visibly shocked, as he fell backwards into a sitting position on a fallen tree trunk.

When Suey’s pink-mist shelled hand brushed against his neck, trailing down to pull down his pants, Xeeseir’s mind was assaulted with a desire to ravish the minx before him. However, he managed to maintain a somewhat clear state of mind with his iron will.

Xeeseir had naturally been through many harrowing experiences through his lifetime, and thus his will had grown strong.

Certain types and qualities of advancer arts are not confined by power realms, usually those related to ancient magics. Suey’s fate-reading ability, for example, simply did not behave according to the rules of inner-shell-outer-telekinetic and above grading.

The will of an individual also did not follow these rules. A man deeply loyal to his wife-- any sorts of magic would be unable to sway a man with such a will. Obviously, in such a situation, a seductress might be able to use her magic to fool such a man into thinking she was his wife, but that was trickery, and not truly breaking that man’s will to be loyal to his wife.

Xeeseir clearly had this strong will.

“Are you sure about this?” he glanced questioningly at Rein.

“Enjoy yourself, big brother,” Rein replied with a smile. “You are deserving of it. When I first entered the advancer world, all I heard was its cruelty, its betrayals. You, through your actions, have always worked to ensure our teams’ good cooperation. I have already learnt much simply by observing you.”

These words came from Rein’s heart. Xeeseir was always forthright. If not for one of his nature functioning as the leader of the team, there would be much internal strife within their newly-formed group. Especially if said leader claimed undeserved benefits.

Suey had already playfully pulled down Xeeseir’s pants, exposing his substantial manhood. Xeeseir had tempered his body as well, though that art was not unique like Rein’s.

“This pet of yours…” Xeeseir lightly patted Suey’s head.

“Oh… I’ve trained her to love the worst of treatments,” Rein encouraged. “Go all out. She’ll be fine!”

Suey inwardly called Rein an asshole--lovingly-- as she warmed to his praise. She interpreted his comment on her durability to be a compliment.

She peeked sideways at Rein to see him stroking the girthy dragon between his legs that had lumps and notches of vitality due to the oddness of his body tempering art, and she felt a strong desire to put on a show, wishing to please Rein.

She slobbered slovenly over Xeeseir’s normal and human stiffness, and felt a satisfaction in her heart as she saw Rein’s monster rearing its head.

Soon, she stuffed the whole of Xeeseir’s length down her throat, and Xeeseir wrapped his hand around the back of her head and relentlessly pumped her gullet as per Rein’s recommendation.

Eventually, Xeeseir groaned as he reached his peak, and Suey visibly gulped as dribbles of white cloud fluid leaked out the corners of her lips. She wiped the dribbles with her fingers, before licking and sucking on those fingers seductively as she looked into Rein’s eyes.

She was filled with satisfaction as she noticed Rein cease the stroking of his manhood to avoid succumbing to her wanton actions.

“She is, indeed, impossible to discard,” Xeeseir praised as he pulled his pants back up.

“Indeed,” Rein wagged a finger, indicating for Suey to return to his side. “That is why I am certain I will always reclaim her.” Truthfully speaking, Suey also reminded him of his merchant days, which no doubt had some influence on his nature and his approach to such situations.

Suey crawled, dragging her limbs across the muddy ground as she swayed her hips enticingly. She pounced at Rein’s crotch hungrily, only to be stopped by Rein’s hand which locked her chin in place.

“We are meant to keep guard, kitten,” Rein criticized Suey facetiously. “Behave yourself until the end of our two shifts.”

Suey could only moan in disgruntlement as she pressed her face against the beast of Rein’s crotch.

Rein would keep watch while enduring Suey’s efforts. He only stopped Suey’s actions if she attempted to satisfy her hunger with her mouth. Otherwise, he endured her cheeks rubbing against his manhood, among many other teasing actions the kitten used in an attempt to distract him from his important guarding duties.

Finally, Suey gave up and simply rested her face against his crotch. She couldn’t help but wonder how and why Rein cared for her, despite already having made the decision to take the risk of throwing herself into his arms.

Does Rein care or not care about possessing her? Well-- the truth was both.

When Rein entered the advancer world, he already chose his course of action. That was to explore the cause of the Golden Desert Town’s fall.

His experience as a debaucherous merchant, along with his depression in the aftermath of the town’s destruction-- he had come to an understanding. He had no desire or belief that he was some kind of being that could truly assume control of all that is around him.

For him, if Suey opted to stay and played her role-- whatever that may be-- he would certainly be overjoyed. However, if she decided that this was not her path… Rein had every intention to simply let go before continuing his own attempts to seek the fate of his younger brother, Jein.

This was why he acted freely with Suey.

Some women might deem that disappointing, desiring to be pursued. Yet, there are many who might consider such a continued chase to be harassment.

Rein had decided the general path he intended to walk upon. He would act as he ever did, and those that wished to come along, he would welcome. Those that did not-- they would be free to go. If they became obstacles before his path, he would remove them. That was Rein’s mental state.

Anyway, the simmering heat of their debaucherous positions continued until Xeeseir eventually returned to take his shift and relieve the two of their responsibilities.

Suey gleefully bounded to her feet and followed Rein into his tent. She was meant to share a tent with her twin Jory, but all knew that she would be in Rein’s tent.

A bamboo mat for rest was already laid out, and she bit her lips before fully stripping out of her remaining undergarments.

She arched backwards on her spread knees, presenting her wide-open lips with her head hanging backwards. She held her ankles with her hands and presented her lithe form before Rein’s eyes. She wished for Rein to ‘reclaim’ her throat, so to speak.

“My flesh has grown much more flexible!” She blubbered in excitement. “And I’ve already gained some progress with the ‘Bone and Organ Thousand Shift’! I can do much more now!”

Rein himself had integrated the ‘Bone and Organ Thousand Shift’ with Gent’s unnamed draconic body tempering art. Many advancer arts can be integrated together if they have compatibility.

“Let’s test out your progress then, “ Rein growled menacingly. Prior to their visit to the Harmony Sect, Suey was unable to deal with Rein’s enlarged body form due to his body tempering progress.

He savored Suey’s mesmerized eyes before slipping the tip of his manhood into those inviting lips. He gripped her neck as he gradually pushed himself further in, and was amazed to see that Suey’s now flexible flesh comfortably stretching inhumanely. He would be deeply concerned if he did not know it was Suey’s progress in the ‘Boundless Dissipation’ body tempering art that led to this flexibility.

Rein groaned as his whole manhood sunk into her throat, extending down past her clavicle.

“You’re out of this world, kitten,” he honestly praised. He only felt a pleasurable vibration as Suey attempted to acknowledge his praise with her throat so distended.

Rein’s heart jumped as the front of the tent’s lap suddenly opened! Lyne walked in coolly, with  a quick glance at Suey’s vulnerable position.

“I expected this,” she expressionlessly stated. “I had wished to develop an understanding of the flame you create within your body, and yet…”

If Lyne was the same person when Rein initially joined the Halls, she would have flipped out by now. She had been protected from such sexual matters due to her noble and talented upbringing. The downside was that this also served as her shackles-- she had limited understanding of such matters.

Such comprehension can be quite beneficial, as the road of an advancer depended much on their understanding of the world’s intricacies. Not that Rein believed himself to be some purveyor of truth.

Regardless, Lyne’s idolization of Baejenh, and Baejenh’s slightly push, had seemingly opened Lyne’s mind.

Rein exhaled pleasure again as Suey recognized Lyne’s voice and attempted to speak with Rein’s thickness lodged down her gullet.

“This fucking slut…” Lyne muttered, suddenly rankled. “Making things difficult for other women.”

It was then that she noticed the mostly hidden ‘Sole Cauldron’ curling signs on Suey’s abdomen, and her eyes widened in shock. She directed a frown towards Rein but her expression returned to neutral in a short moment.

“No…” She muttered, immediately dismissing her suspicion of Rein. “She probably begged you for it, didn’t she?”

Rein had no deep understanding of Lyne, and attempted to withdraw himself from Suey such that the minx could explain the situation.

“No, no, no,” Lyne glared at Rein, “Keep going.”

Lyne circled around behind Rein, and saw the lewd hazy eyes of Suey peeking out from underneath Rein’s jewels.

“Bitch,” she sneered. “I hope you’re ready.”

“I heard this piece of meat practiced some flexible tempering art?” Lyne asked Rein as she circled back to his front. “I could see her improved usage of her bronze whip at least.”

“She has,” Rein simply replied in a low voice.

“Hmm…” Lyne’s eyes glowered dangerously. “I wonder… if her cervix can be stretched open…?”

Lyne’s words nearly sent Rein over the edge as Suey weakly struggled in her inescapable position, her neck tightly held by Rein.

Lyne extended her right arm as she encased it in a cool aurae mist.

“I wonder… perhaps this will help cool her mind.” Lyne now grinned. She could see that Rein was very much drawn in by her words and actions.

She lightly grazed her fingernails teasingly around Suey’s abdomen and her slender thighs, and Suey struggled helplessly in her locked position. Lyne then shoved her cool mist arm into Suey’s snatch!

The kitten bucked her hips wild at this intrusion, to Lyne’s amusement. Lyne’s mirth jittered past her lips uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Rein calmed himself as he lodged himself stationary within Suey’s throat. As an advancer nearing the shell realm, she had no need to breathe.

Lyne did not cease her highly invasive action. Already, half her forearm was encased by Suey’s pleasure tunnel.

Lyne began grinding her arm into Suey’s flesh. She began doing so with a small smile on her lips, and that small smile gradually increased in magnitude.

“Ooo,” she mocked Suey as the rest of her forearm sunk in. A higher point in Suey’s abdomen now stretched obscenely under Lyne’s arm.

“Wow…” Lyne was rendered speechless for a moment as she felt Suey clamping down in climax at such an intrusion. “... I do believe my cooling arm wasn't of much use to calming this slut.,” she commented.

Lyne withdrew her glistening arm and Rein also breathed deeply as he removed himself from Suey’s throat.

His kitten slumped down onto the bamboo mat weakly, and offered no resistance as Rein positioned her on her back and spread apart her legs to reveal her widened love tunnel.

“Do it,” she blushed as she averted her eyes in shame and desire. “Reclaim my womb.”

She moaned as Rein entered, and whimpered as he pushed past the normal point of blockage. She winced in a mixture of pain and pleasure as he finally forcefully stretched her womb.

“I believe…” she hesitantly said before she discarded her shame and filledl herself with determination, “that my womb needs training to gain flexibility as well…” She was, of course, referring to the ‘Boundless Dissipation’ Art that required physical pressure to train.

Rein praised the ‘Boundless Dissipation’ body-tempering art in his heart as he began gouging out the writhing Suey with his dragon.

He completely forgot about Lyne’s presence until he felt the bare cool touch of two soft orbs against his broad and muscular back.

He turned his head to find Lyne chin resting on his left shoulder from behind. Her hair should be originally black in tone, but due to her ice-based art, many of her strands had now turned snow white with a blue-tinge.

Her slightly larger breasts came with a wider frame compared to Suey’s, which would certainly help her in wielding the sword against weighty foes.

Rein wasn’t sure how he should react. He truly had little to no understanding of Lyne on the whole, and was very much flummoxed by her current participation.

Despite his bafflement, Rein certainly enjoyed himself as Lyne pressed her nude form against his back and her soft and cool porcelain hands and arms roamed across his body, desperately searching for warmth.

He returned his focus to the magical burrowing of Suey’s womb, barely resisting the urge to fill his kitten’s depths.

“I think this slut needs to have her womb filled. Every. Night. She should not be allowed to consume her birth control medicine.” Lyne’s whispers into Rein’s left ear were enticing. Just not the last part. Pregnancy in such a situation was hardly ideal.

Sensing that Rein was prepared to end the night, one of Lyne’s hands reached down and tantalizingly cupped Rein’s jewels.

“Slut,” she playfully said to Suey. “Your dear master will fill your womb, but he will do so with his lips upon mine.”

Rein acquiesced and played along. Another grazing of Lyne’s fingernails against his jewels and he pressed himself against Suey forcefully as he painted her internals in an uncontrolled explosion.

Suey’s eyelids fluttered as her eyes rolled in ecstasy at the sensation that no normal woman would ever feel. At the same time, she glimpsed Rein turning his head left to share sloppy kisses with Lyne, who also carried a hint of jealousy in her eyes. Lyne's lips smooched against Rein’s. Eventually, her eyes hardened again and she gazed dominantly at Suey, as if attempting to put Suey in her place.

Suey certainly felt somewhat threatened, but she had full confidence that no other woman would ever go as far as she would for Rein. After all, she had knowledge of many future timelines, and knew what she was going for from the very beginning!

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