Timeless Prominence

Ch77: Lyne’s Predicament (2)

Rein wiped himself down with a silky cloth and water container that he carried in his spatial pouch. He then cleaned the limp Suey, despite knowing that she was fully capable of cleaning herself with a circulating water-based shell. He also ensured that his kitten consumed the birth control medicine. Suey played coy and initially rejected the vial, until Rein roughly parted her jaws with a slight pinch at the joint close to the ears.

As for Lyne, Rein simply wasn’t sure on what this woman was playing at. He certainly had no desire to attract unneeded attention from associating with this woman of unknown intentions!

As he covered himself and Suey with a warm animal fur on top of the bamboo mat, Lyne made no steps to leave. The cool beauty only glared at Rein with a hint of dissatisfaction. She posed with a hand on her hip for ten heartbeats for Rein to rake his gaze down her form. She then climbed underneath the fur blanket and pressed her cool skin against Rein’s much warmer body.

“You…” Rein wasn’t sure of how to broach the subject, but these was no need.

“Let me tell you a secret,” Lyne murmured as she reached downwards and stroked to reignite Rein’s fire. “My ice-based advancer sword art is built upon an ice phoenix art, stolen by an ancestor who discovered one fallen to this realm.”

“But, this is an art heavily influenced by a demon bird. Granted, demon birds have historically been less antagonistic against us humans… but there is a severe weakness of this art-- my body temperature significantly drops over its extended use…”

Rein recalled how Lyne had repeatedly relied on a sort of ice art to freeze the three-headed cobra, which allowed them to sever the cobra’s heads. Their normal weapons could not break through the scales of the snake until Lyne forcibly froze sections of its very being.

Rein now understood why Lyne’s skin always seemed to have an unexplained coolness to his touch.

“We of the Xuere Clan rely on a unique type of heat-based pill to dispel this encroaching coldness, but I prefer not to waste or overuse said pills. Preserving a few extra of these pills could prove critical in our future battles,” Lyne explained, her breath tickling Rein’s left earlobe.

It was not at all convincing. Lyne could see Rein rolling his eyes at her reasoning. It mattered not to her. To her, it was fine as long as she had a ‘reasonable’ excuse for her lewd actions!

“And, as I mentioned before, I need to have a deeper understanding of your method of producing the flame,” Lyne continued as she placed a hand upon Rein’s chest and dragged her fingers over his firm pectorals.

Since she needed warmth, Rein would give it to her. He wrapped his left arm around Lyne’s waist and pulled her into a tight half-embrace against his left side.

He was met with a glower from Lyne, and a cool sensation against his neck. Without him noticing, Lyne had withdrawn a dagger from somewhere and pressed it against Rein’s neck!

“As long as you do not cross a line, I will accept your dirty hands,” she righteously muttered. “Just... no matter how you warm and defile my body, take care not to… conquer my flower. Or this dagger will be your death.”

Suey had been silently observing all this time. For the first time, it was Suey who giggled bewitchingly at Lyne.

“Slut,” Suey accused with a snicker.

“You’re the real slut!” Lyne retorted vehemently. “Throwing yourself at Rein all day long, training and stretching yourself to inhumane range upon his-- Do you think I don’t notice your hands groping his body at every opportunity?!”

Suey did not bother replying to Lyne’s objection.

“My celest,” she whispered into Rein’s right ear. “These nobles are just repressed beings, presenting themselves as saints while desiring the freedom of association that we have.”

The close vicinity ensured that Lyne heard every single word of Suey’s whispers.

“Hmm… I bet~” Suey’s voice was humorous. “That Mistress Xuere here… deep down, wishes for you to completely… and utterly, destroy her flower.”

“Perhaps… she may even wish for you to fill her with your seed. She seemed rather jealous of what you did to my womb…” Suey grinned at Lyne, who averted her gaze. Lyne had not expected Suey to meticulously observe her own flickering expressions during their earlier fun!

Rein raised an eyebrow. He had no idea whether Suey’s claims might be true, but he knew Suey often had interesting insights. Their debauchery did not obscure Rein’s awareness of Suey’s many fascinating contemplations. Many were born of her visions, expressed during their bed talk.

“Really.” Rein wondered. “You should explain your thoughts, kitten.”

“Oh, the poor thing,” Suey mockingly consoled Lyne. Rein had not expected the dynamic between the two women to switch so quickly. Lyne was now pressed against the left side of Rein’s body, not willing to meet either of the two’s eyes. She had not expected Suey to see through her! She began to realize that Suey was not so easily trifled with.

“As a member of the Xuere Clan, guardian of the Xuere gap against the western wilderness… she will undoubtedly be taken by a prince of the Dingien Clan, sooner or later, to strengthen their bids for the throne!”

“The Xuere Clan might be able to put it off for some time, but they will have to take a side sooner or later, else they may be seen as rebellious, not dissimilar to the position of the Evergreen Mountains’ Great Sects. Recently, none of the other scions even dare to approach Mistress Xuere any longer.”

“Hmm…” Rein interjected as he gazed warmly down at Lyne’s defeated expression. He had no desire to conquer such a desperate and pitiful woman. If asked why… Rein’s reply would be that he simply had too much pride in himself.

In his heart, he preferred to have a woman crawling before him without a single request from himself, much like Suey. It would be an absolute self-insult if he needed to force himself upon another. Would that not mean he lacked the ability to draw attention? Regardless, none of this is important to Rein as of now-- conquering women is rather low on his current list of priorities.

“Well… Mistress Xuere,” he continued as he patted her half-snowy blue-tinged hair. “You can always escape this realm.” He knew of realm portals from Blacksmith Tiehr. “I am certain you will have opportunities in other realms.”

“She can’t, silly,” Suey slapped Rein’s chest. Despite Rein’s sharp mind, Suey discovered that the man sometimes missed a thing here and there. “Mistress Xuere loves her clan. If she vanishes into nothingness, the Xuere Clan would receive much suspicion, highly likely to suffer some form of retaliation. Mistress Xuere is also the most talented of the current generation of the Xuere Clan, and many retainers joined the Xuere Clan to serve under her. Such responsibility cannot be so easily discarded.”

Rein understood immediately. He realized that his viewpoints were limited by his own situation as a lone wanderer. He had forgotten that many, such as Lyne, had unbreakable ties and responsibilities to their clans, and could not simply leave as he could.

“Mistress Xuere probably has thought of a possibility long before this day. What if she returned from the western wilderness with a child in her belly?” Suey cooed into Rein’s right ear, encouraging her man to entertain this dangerous idea. “If none knew who might have gotten her pregnant, many might assume that she simply met with misfortune. She simply required a man not displeasing to the eye, one willing to leave her be if so requested. And perhaps one of odd and unknown talents.”

“Under such a situation, none of the Dingien Clan would request her to be married into their structure any longer. Though the Xuere Clan might still eventually have to take a side, they would not be seen as a threat. After all, the Dingien Clan and the many factions under them would have no worries against the Xuere Clan,  whose reputation among the populace are certain to be lowered due to Mistress Xuere’s ‘misfortune’.”

“A blessing in disguise. For then, Mistress Xuere will have time to rally loyal supporters, even if some leave due to the news of her misfortune. And if she masters her advancer arts, and her child grows to be a powerful advancer… the Xuere Clan will stand tall from the shadows, before any even notice their rising strength!”

Suey stared deep at Lyne, and Lyne finally mustered up the courage to meet Suey’s eyes and retort against her words.

“Nothing but the conjecture of a slut’s mind, addled by the pleasure of having her womb filled by her owner’s seed,” Lyne spat.

“Precisely,” Suey smirked in return.

“Well…” Rein stepped in between the two. “I, for one, have no desire to become an open enemy of the Dingien Clan.” There was the dangerous possibility that the Dingien Clan might be able to determine the father of the child, eventually.

“Rest assured, Mistress Xuere,” he continued. “Your flower will remain untouched, for the most part. That I can guarantee.”

“My celest. I do not mind you creating more bodies to save my home, but this pretentious bitch will not have things exactly her way. Whatever she may attempt, I can guarantee that I will not leave you suffering to the end.” Suey kept her eyes locked at Lyne’s.

Despite Lyne’s best efforts to maintain a poker face, her face twitched and displayed a flash of disappointment before returning to an expressionless state.

Suey snorted in derision as the tension between the two women fizzled out.

Rein was true to his word. His hands roamed the slightly wider and sturdier fit frame of Lyne’s porcelain body, and his body delivered a warmth into Lyne’s bones.

Lyne chose to pretend Suey was but a shadow. Unlike Suey, Lyne restrained her moans as her skin tingled underneath Rein’s hands. 

“I… I need to test your flame,” she uttered the supposedly important goal of her visit. “Directly.”

“Mm.” A noise of agreement and Rein placed his lips against Lyne’s under the watchful eyes of Suey. Suey felt a tinge of envy, but she also now derived a great deal of amusement as she watched Lyne restrain herself, pretending to be some holy and pure maiden.

Rein ignited the wood aurae in his chest with his red draconic lightning, and released a wisp of this flame into Lyne’s mouth. He had no worries that this would harm Lyne-- her ice-based art should be quite powerful, especially if its overuse caused the cooling side-effect potentially dangerous to her body.

Lyne finally failed to suppress a moan as the warmth of the flame dispelled a wisp of the chill that had infected her body after the battle against the three-headed cobra.

“More…”  she whispered before adopting a demanding tone. “You bastard! You have already defiled my whole body. The least you could do is provide me with proper warmth!”

“My celest… you should make her beg!” Suey once again giggled at what she perceived to be Lyne’s projected persona.

Rein had no desire to put Lyne in such a position. In fact, he enjoyed Lyne’s efforts. The dragon between his legs had returned to full mask, and twitched whenever Lyne weaved words in such a pretentious manner.

He increased the ignition of wood with the red draconic lightning and delivered a scorching static-buzzing flame into Lyne’s throat.

Lyne subconsciously shifted herself atop Rein and pressed herself against his frame. Rein’s engorged hot manhood was now trapped between their forms, its tip stabbing threateningly against Lyne’s fit abdominal line.

She maintained the pressing of her lips against Rein’s. Rein understood his assignment, continually pouring heat into Lyne’s drooling mouth that voiced pleasure at every delivery of flame. Finally, Rein began to feel a slight discomfort in his own throat.

“I see,” Lyne softly said as she returned from a daze, sensing the lost the continual supply of heat. She pressed her now-warm hand against the top of Rein’s chest, and Rein could feel his somewhat parched throat cooling. They returned to sharing lips and heat, until Lyne’s body glistened with a sheen of sweat.

Lyne did not leave despite having completed her supposed task of testing Rein’s flame. She chose to continue resting against Rein, sharing a comfortable skinship. Lyne did not maintain such ‘peace’ for long.

Soon, her hand gripped Rein’s towering dragon and she gazed into his eyes, proving Suey’s conjecture immediately.

When Rein calmly looked into her eyes and simply enjoyed her service, she raised a toned left leg and pulled Rein’s right hand downwards. Rein’s right hand explored and squeezed down upon her lovely left silky-skinned meaty thigh.

She bent her knee, trapping Rein’s manhood in between her thigh and calf, and rotated her hips to pleasure Rein.

Rein also indulged in this with calmness, and Lyne, feeling somewhat frustrated at the man not having lost control, rolled onto her left side.

“Spoon me,” she demanded.

Rein also rolled onto his left side and wrapped his arms to Lyne’s front as he kneaded the woman’s breasts. Lyne offered no resistance and only bit down a moan at her sensitive nipples receiving a twist.

She felt relief that Rein did not continue his attack there. She shifted her bottom, trapping Rein’s stiffness between her thighs. The top of Rein’s manhood brushed dangerously against Lyne’s flower.

“Look,” Suey whispered. “Her dagger has been thrown far away. Even if you fill her womb with your seed, she won’t retaliate. She wants it.”

Lyne pretended to not have heard Suey’s words and began gyrating her hips. However, she did not wish to be the initiator of such complete debauchery and prove Suey’s conjecture true through and through. She hoped that Rein would lose control and forcefully take her ‘against her will’. Then, she would be absolved of any actions unbefitting her status as a noble!

Rein was not moved, despite Lyne doing her very best as she wriggled her hips with his manhood between her thighs. Currently, Rein very much feared the possibility of becoming an open enemy of the Dingien Clan. The child could be connected to him, after all. That fear was more than enough to keep his mind sane under Lyne’s gyrations.

“Mistress Xuere,” Suey laughed. “Unless you make it known, and admit you are no better than,” she filled her voice with lust, “a slut like me…”

“Rein won’t budge so easily. He has me to satisfy his needs, after all!” Suey declared this with mirth.

The tent flap opened again! Lyne reflexively ducked her head underneath the animal fur covers.

“Lyne. You here? It’s time for your shift,” Nunan said as she entered.

“She’s not here,” Rein replied. Leak of this encounter would turn him into that second prince’s open enemy.

His statement was betrayed by a groan of pleasure, elicited by Lyne’s movements under the covers. He could feel the tip of his manhood dipping into a slight concave opening. Even a half-thrust and he would be undone. He barely maintained a clear mind against Lyne’s now-slippery warm skin.

“I see…” Nunan half-turned, pretending to leave, before she suddenly spun around, reached down and tugged with relish at the fur covers!

Lyne was revealed in all her glory before this retainer of hers, Nunan! Despite being revealed, she pushed on forward, doing her darnest best to bait Rein into taking her ‘without her full verbal agreement’.

Her eyes were in a daze as she dragged the skin around Rein’s girth with her rotating hands, while she repeatedly dipped the tip of Rein’s lower head into the opening between her legs.

“Tsk…” Nunan repeatedly shook her head in mock disappointment. “So, this is why you are the only one who treated me and my mother well in the Xuere Clan.”

“To thank you for that, my lips will be sealed about this matter. That I promise. I will cover your shift.” Nunan threw the fur covers back over the three and exited the tent.

Lyne seemed to have finally awoken from her feverish actions after Nunan’s exit. She peeled back the covers and leaped onto her feet, frustrated at having failed to bait Rein into giving her what she desired.

She glared down with pursed lips and was very much off put as Rein propped himself up slightly with his elbows, his eyes very much clear, the manhood between his legs a stiff tower that twitched as he flexed.

Rankled at this sight, she raised her dainty porcelain right foot and pressed her right sole against the underside of Rein’s rod. She could see how menacingly it appeared against her foot, and felt a tinge of shame along with a deep desire.

She said nothing as she angrily turned, quickly redressing herself and storming towards the tent flaps with the dagger that she had come equipped with in hand. She paused her steps at the tent flaps.

“Nunan’s a bastard child and I’ve treated her and her mother well, so…” That was all she said before disappearing.

Suey simpered at Lyne’s behavior as she climbed atop of Rein.


“Hmm…” Rein reconsidered Suey’s earlier words. “Surely… most women wouldn’t be willing to go to such lengths...”

“Let me correct--” Suey squeaked as she used her own weight to receive Rein’s tool. “You. We women prefer to… have a cleaner appearance. And we certainly enjoy security. However, we can be daring when we need to be as well!” She lifted herself up before lowering herself in one swift slosh as if to accentuate this point. She released a long moan of pleasure and had to stay still to gather her voice again.

“Surely, you know of many noble ladies having a… boy toy?” Suey continued. “Or sometimes, their child might not even belong to the legal husband of their arranged noble marriage.”

Rein had to admit-- although he had such observations in his mortal days, he always thought them to be rare as a whole, assuming it to primarily exist within the merchant class.

However, such knowledge did not sway him into feeling regret at not taking the bait. No matter what, he preferred not to risk becoming an open enemy of the Dingien Clan.

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