Titanfall System in Borderlands

Chap 16: Back to the Badlands

Inside a building that was not very busy, a man with tired, unfocused eyes was sitting on a bench. He almost fell out of his seat when a sudden blue glow illuminated the space, and a man materialized right in front of him.

"Damn, is Fast Travel working again?" The man tapped his chest a few times, trying to calm his racing heart. He looked at the newcomer, confused by the unfamiliar outfit, unlike any corporate uniform he had ever seen.

"Hey, have you seen my gun?" The man doesn't let the opportunity pass and asks the new face. The few people around seemed to know the man; some rolled their eyes, sighed, or just cursed quietly.

"Ugh, I feel sick." Maxwell rubbed his stomach as he fought a slight dizziness. Recovering, he gave the stranger a brief glance before leaving the building.

Outside, the visor of his helmet blinked, adjusting to the intense brightness of the city, as advanced communication systems and environmental sensors began their readings, he lifted his head to read the giant sign:

Welcome to T-Bone Junction

"So it's real, I'm back in the Badlands," Maxwell muttered, letting out a sigh. He didn't know if the filters in his helmet were top quality or if the time on Dead Island had made the air on Pandora seem several times cleaner.

Speaking of which, he was still getting used to his new equipment. His pilot's helmet has more technology than his old one given to him by Atlas, and it wouldn't be a lie to say that it was the most expensive part of the suit.

Equipped with a HUD display, it provides real-time information such as health status, real-time feedback on implant cooling time and condition, a tactical map with compass, advanced interchangeable radio communication systems, and environmental sensors such as night and thermal vision providing tactical advantage.

All this technology is protected by an impact- and bullet-resistant structure, with internal layers designed to absorb shocks and explosions.

On its back, its Jump Kit emitted a slight hum as its thrusters adjusted. The recharging system is powered by movement thanks to its alternator and ambient energy with small solar plates. Maxwell was eager to test his jetpack, now he could do double jumps, it seemed silly, but it made it clear to him that he was very close to officially becoming a pilot.

His tactical vest, light but extremely resistant, adjusted to his movements, it didn't even feel like it was there because it was so comfortable. Several pockets stored ammunition, grenades, and first aid kits, while adjustable holsters kept his P2016 and Data Knife within quick reach. Maxwell flexed his fingers in the kevlar-reinforced gloves, appreciating the protection against cuts and impacts and the non-slip surface that improved weapon handling.

He walked through the busy streets, and with every step, Maxwell's boots, with their cushioning systems, avoided making too much noise. He just didn't understand why people seemed so frightened by his presence that they avoided walking on the sidewalk where he was.

"Oh damn! I forgot to control my bloodlust." Realizing what was wrong, Maxwell reduced the intensity of his bloodlust but didn't deactivate it completely.

Some people seemed quite interested in his equipment, so it wasn't a bad idea to make it clear that he was a dog that just barks but doesn't bite. Maxwell felt the presence of others around him, but not the same constant threat as in Dead Island. Here, he could move with relative freedom, although he kept his instincts sharp.

"What should I do first?" Maxwell ponders, his foot tapping rhythmically on the sidewalk. His eyes then turned to the screen of his system, seeing that the main mission of Zombie Island had been completed."I think I'd better find a good place to collect my rewards."

Maxwell heads to the outskirts of the city, to a parking lot with few vehicles. He sends out a heavy pulse of his bloodlust to drive away anyone who might be in the area, and after checking the perimeter he turns his attention to the system.

[(X) Escape from Zombie Island 

(X) Kill Dr.Ned {optional} 

(X) Sell the experiments carried out on the island to Atlas or Jakobs or destroy it {optional} 

(X) Don't get bitten for your entire stay on the island {optional}]

[Main Quest "Zombie Island" is completed. Depositing rewards]


[1x Smuggled Stimulant]

[5x MRVN]

[1x Spyglass]

"Stim huh? I just hope I don't get addicted to it, I read somewhere that some pilots were addicted to this drug and ended up dying of an overdose," Maxwell looks at the next reward and shakes his head, satisfied. "Five marvins? Looks like the system is finally being generous with me."

"No fucking way, Spyglass?" Maxwell's eyes widen, touching the items for more detail. "That thing costs over 60 credits, and I can't even buy that thing with my Regeneration level."

[(Augment) Smuggled Stimulant/Assault Stimulant Implant: ASI is an advanced implant installed in the adrenal glands. Unlike single-use stimulants (Stim), which are applied via disposable syringes, ASI stores and synthesizes adrenaline directly from the pilot's body. The helmet's HUD display provides real-time feedback on adrenaline levels.]

[(Robots) MRVN/Marvin: Mk. III Mobile Robotic Versatile Entity, also known simply as "Marvins", are mechanical workers assigned to manufacturing and other routine tasks, such as cleaning, carrying loads and other manual labor. Their machine learning allows them to be used for more versatile purposes, such as training opponents for combat, performing first aid, or piloting vehicles. The basic models, however, cannot communicate beyond emojis.]

[(Robots) Spyglass: Spyglass units handle logistics, navigation, deployment, and communication. They are built on a modified Spectre chassis. However, due to its more advanced A.I. in logic and tactical decisions, providing intelligence and information to troops on the battlefield, it allows it to lead squads and infantry units.]

Several robots materialized in the parking lot, the Marvins looked confused, but Spyglass quickly understood their situation.

"At your service, Admiral!" Spyglass salutes respectfully, his cold robotic voice showing no emotion. In the background, the Marvins, seeing Spyglass' sudden action, silently try to imitate his saluting movements sloppily.

"Admiral huh? I haven't created my space navy yet, but we can set some parameters," Maxwell points out to Spyglass. "You've been promoted to rear admiral, don't let me down."

"Thank you, sir, it's an honor. But I'd like to know who your Vice Admiral is."

"I haven't recruited yet, she's an A.I. and is currently in Elpis, but that's a conversation for later."

"I see. What are your orders, sir?"

"Relax Spyglass, give me a minute and I'll clarify our situation." Maxwell waves his hand.

"Of course, sir."

Maxwell turned his attention to the system screen to pick up the rewards for the mission "The Pack"; the vehicle would help him with his current plans.


[1x Samson]

[1x Cloak]

Ducking his head, Maxwell realized that a key had appeared in his hand. Pressing the button to unlock the car, he heard the noise and saw the flashing lights of the vehicle in front of him.

Opening the driver's door, Maxwell let his body relax in the leather seat and inspected the interior. Hydraulic steering, 6x4, 6 gears, radio, air conditioning, and electric windows.

He nods, satisfied with his vehicle. Maxwell asks the system to install the implants he had won.

[Do you want to implant the "ASI" and "Cloak" augmentations in your body? The system charges $10c for the installation of both.]

'Do it,' Maxwell wouldn't be stingy, and with his confirmation, he felt all his skin and viscera ache. He knew that Cloak was installed just under the skin of the pilots, it was a painful surgery, but something very redundant for men of war, the apex of soldiering.

Letting out a pained sigh, Maxwell gestured for Spyglass to get into the car. He would be testing his new cybernetics in a more private space.

He hands Spyglass an ECHO when he enters Samson, before beginning to explain what it was for.

"Pay attention, this is an ECHO device that is connected to the ECHOnet, use it to collect the information you need. However, don't connect yourself to ECHO, I think the network has been compromised by a certain Siren, she can control technology that is on the same network as her."

Without saying a word, Spyglass turned his attention to ECHO, his robotic fingers rapidly typing with surgical precision and speed. He collected basic information, such as what planet he was on, the calendar, geopolitics, and influential figures.

Spyglass nods, in less than a minute he already knew the basics of what was going on in Pandora.

"What are our objectives, sir?"

Maxwell closes his eyes, organizing his thoughts.

"Currently the Vault Hunters are after the last piece of the Vault key, but I have information that Tannis, the researcher into everything related to the Eridians, will forcefully betray them because of Steele, who will arrest Tannis soon after in Crimson Fastness."

Maxwell opens his eyes, turning his face to Spyglass. "I want to rescue the researcher, she's important to my plans. Not only that but claim the base where she's being held for me, there's also the ECHOnet server, full of juicy information, I don't think I need to explain how important this mission is."

Spyglass remained quiet, processing rapidly in search of information about Tannis. He didn't wait for his superior to request it, it was his duty to gather information and provide intelligence.

"But first, I'm going to Marcus, I need money, and I'm full of ECHOs packed with weapons." Maxwell started Samson's engine, his piloting skills were a little rusty, but nothing that would prevent him from driving.

Spyglass knew from ECHOnet that Marcus was a very wealthy and influential merchant, his business network extending beyond Pandora to several planets.

--- Break ---

Parking in front of Marcus' store, Maxwell opens the door of his Samson, before turning to Spyglass.

"Stay here, and don't let the Marvins hang around town," Maxwell points at the Marvins sitting in Samson's truck bed, they were quiet the whole trip. "If anyone tries anything funny, call me immediately."

Maxwell hands over his P2016 to Spyglass, he would be buying a new secondary weapon.

“Copy that.” Spyglass agrees, picking up the pistol before sending the orders to the Marvins. He goes on alert against any suspicious individuals.

With everything done, Maxwell goes to the entrance of the store, hoping that Marcus hasn't somehow found out who stole his vending machines in Promethea, it's been a few months, but the man idolizes his money like a god.

Maxwell makes his way to the counter, where he is greeted by Marcus, to no one's surprise. The shopkeeper in question had already spotted Maxwell since his arrival at the front of the store, his eyes seemed to calculate all his equipment, deducing that he was some kind of solo mercenary.

"Greetings my friend, to what do I owe the pleasure? Names Marcus, in case you haven't noticed the giant sign at the entrance," Marcus points upwards. "Sell, buy, trade. We'll do anything, just don't expect your money back."

"Maxwell, just call me Max. I want to sell guns." Maxwell was brief, he didn't want to spend too much time talking. A dozen ECHOs fell on the counter, making the sound of metal hitting wood.

"Well, well, what have we here?" Marcus's eyes swept over the ECHOs before returning to Maxwell. "Are you going to sell the devices too? $2,000 each."

"Of course, but without the SDs." Maxwell lets out a snort, finding Marcus' attempt comical.

"Hehehe, a shrewd man, I like that." Marcus didn't feel the least bit embarrassed, making money and cheating was commonplace in business, and only the inexperienced complained. But Marcus only mocked these people before taking every penny from them, anyone who didn't know the rules shouldn't try to play.

Taking one of the ECHOs, Marcus briefly inspected the inventory. He repeated this process on all the devices.

Maxwell's fingers tapped the wood periodically, patiently waiting for Marcus to finish. He could have sold in the automatic machines, but they only received guns, and he didn't want to go around carrying a dozen ECHOs.

"200,000" Marcus gave his price, hoping for some negotiation. But fortunately for him, Maxwell didn't have the patience to get a few dollars more in a heated argument.

"70% in my ECHO wallet, the rest I want in physical cash." Maxwell didn't like having everything in his digital wallet with a certain Siren connected to ECHOnet.

(Wallet: $140,613)

As soon as he received confirmation that the money had been transferred to his account, Maxwell picked up the wad of dollar bills, held tightly by a rubber band. He stashed the physical money in his vest pockets.

"It was a pleasure doing business, come again!" Marcus laughed happily, he had gotten a good find, Jakobs guns. He just wondered where Maxwell had got them.

Returning to his Samson, Maxwell made his way to T-Bone's apartments, wanting to sleep before testing his cybernetics and Jump kit.

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