Titanfall System in Borderlands

Chap 17: Combining hunger with the desire to eat

In the lower parts of T-Bone Junction, Maxwell was warming up for a small run. The platforms below the main town were supported by rusty and precarious structures, forming a tangle of walkways and makeshift houses. There, in the deepest layers, lived the poorest, in an area suspended over a chasm that led straight into the Badlands desert.

"Sir, do you think this is a smart idea? There are better places to test your Jump Kit," Spyglass' voice echoed over the communicator, his image appearing in the top corner of Maxwell's display. "I'm afraid the environmental conditions are unfavorable; the wind is against you. There's a 38% chance of you falling."

"Falling is not the problem. Tell me what the chances are of me dying in this race?"

Spyglass hesitated. "0.001%," he replied in an instant. "The equipment is new, but there's always a margin of error in my calculations... Sir?"


[STR: 50>65] [END: 50>65] [DEX: 50>65]

"YAAAWOOOOO!" Maxwell shouted, releasing a 50% adrenaline charge. He felt his body pushing its limits, every muscle fiber electrified, his mind racing to ridiculous levels. The speed was such that he left afterimages of himself, like an accelerated blur in the air.

Without hesitation, Maxwell launched himself from the edge of the platform, his body feeling like it was flying. The wind roared around him, buffeting the suit and trying to destabilize it. Gravity quickly began to pull him down, and the Badlands desert floor was fast approaching.

[STR: 59] [END: 59] [DEX: 59]

In the middle of the fall, Maxwell activated the Jump Kit's thrusters. A blast of energy came out of the back of the suit, creating an opposing force that launched him upwards again. The impact of the explosion coursed through his body, forcing his muscles to absorb the shock, but he maintained control.

He adjusted the angle of his body in the air, heading for the nearest wall.

For many, the idea of running on such a steep surface would be sheer insanity, something straight out of the tales of ninjas and wizards. Who in their right mind would try to run on a wall literally perpendicular to the ground?

But with Titanfall's technology, it was possible. This wasn't magic, but pure science.

Arriving at his destination, the impact against the wall was absorbed by the boot's cushioning system. Maxwell began to run, it was a little uncomfortable for his spine, but he couldn't allow himself to lose momentum. His Jump Kit responded immediately when his feet touched the wall, adjusting the thrusters, delinking one, and leaving only the side opposite the wall to create an opposing force.

[STR: 54] [END: 54] [DEX: 54]

Maxwell jumped from wall to wall, he had probably covered almost a third of the city, but he wouldn't stop until he had completed his goal.

[Ninja Warrior: While wall-running, cover 1/3/5 kilometers 

(X) - Grappler 

() - ???

() - ???]

[(Gear) Grappler: The grapple is great for getting to hard-to-reach places quickly. It can also be used to pull enemies closer.]

With the system screen flashing, Maxwell knew his race was over. Retrieving his reward, a glove materializes, and before gravity takes his new equipment away, Maxwell grabs it and attaches it to his wrist.

Raising his arm, his visor calculates the trajectory, and with his destination in mind, he releases the hook, which flies into T-Bone's upper body, catching on a building before pulling his body up.

"WOOOW FUUUUUCK!" Maxwell shouted as he was quickly pulled up by the hook. He was so fast that he ended up exceeding the height of the building, going beyond the point where the cable should have stopped him.

"Huh? It must have been the wind," commented someone on the balcony of the building when he felt a strong gust. Looking around and seeing nothing, he shook his head in confusion.

From high above, Maxwell had an impressive view of T-Bone Junction. His gaze fixed on the vast expanse of sand that made up the Badlands, and he wondered in which direction Dead Island lay. The city below seemed tiny, and the sight gave him a sense of freedom and power.

[STR: 50] [END: 50] [DEX: 50]

His contemplative moment was interrupted when gravity finally pulled his body down. Instead of resisting, Maxwell plunged into the fall, accelerating toward the ground. As the city floor rapidly approached, his Jump Kit released a powerful stream of energy, slowing his descent and allowing for a smooth, controlled landing.

"Satisfied, sir?" Spyglass's voice sounded through the communicator. Despite his cold, robotic intonation, Maxwell could have sworn there was a hint of reprimand.

"Almost," Maxwell replied, rubbing his hands together enthusiastically, a mischievous smile forming inside his helmet. "Now I want to test my Cloak. Quick, find me the nearest women's restroom."

"I don't think that will be possible, sir," Spyglass replied, his voice remaining as neutral as ever.

"I'm just going to have a look, I swear I won't touch anything," Maxwell insisted, trying to hold back his laughter.

"That's not it," Spyglass continued, this time in more detail. "The Vault Hunters killed a Rakk Hive and invaded Old Haven. The latest news I've been able to gather indicates that they were heading for the Salt Flats. Everything is happening as you said."

"What? So fast?!" Maxwell's eyes widened in surprise. "There's no time to lose. I need to get to Crimson Fastness as quickly as possible."

"I'm on my way to pick you up, sir," replied Spyglass, and without wasting any time he switched on the Samson and headed for Maxwell's location.

— Break —

In Fastness Crimson. Two Crimson Lance soldiers were patrolling the fortress prison, exchanging small talk to pass the time. The place was silent, except for the occasional sound of a creaking metal door and the constant hum of the ventilation system. The older soldier, a burly man with gray hair and an expression hardened by experience, while his younger colleague, with a clean face and attentive eyes, fiddled with an ECHO.

"Damn man, those four Vault Hunters are a real problem," commented the younger soldier, trying to sound nonchalant. "I can't believe they'd screw over an HG in Old Haven. Now they fuck up with the ECHOnet."

The older soldier snorted, crossing his arms. "Those amateurs don't stand a chance against the Crimson Lance. With Steele in charge, they eventually-"

"But did you see that red-haired woman? What a hottie chick!" The young soldier giggled but received no response from his friend. "Come on, man, don't be gay."


The younger soldier frowned, not understanding his friend's silence. Confused, the soldier slowly turned around to see what had captured his colleague's attention.

To his horror, he saw that a shadowy figure stood behind the old soldier, one gloved hand pressed firmly against his mouth, while the other twisted his neck in a silent, lethal arm wrench. The older soldier struggled to free himself, but in a matter of seconds, his body sagged and he was gently laid on the ground by the mysterious attacker.

The younger soldier tried to reach his weapon with trembling hands, but before he could reach his weapon, a shadow advanced towards him. A pair of firm hands grabbed his throat with relentless force. He tried to scream, but only a muffled sound came out of his mouth. His feet left the ground as his assailant lifted him effortlessly. The soldier's vision began to darken, bright spots dancing in his eyes as he struggled uselessly.

"I need to learn a CQC skill, using brute force alone seems too amateurish." one mutters from the shadows.

His attacker releases his grip, letting it fall to the ground before disappearing like smoke. Suddenly the two soldiers' bodies began to be dragged by an invisible force into a dark, hidden place.

The invisible figure seemed to have been attracted by a female voice in one of the cells, his footsteps hurrying towards it.

"Fools, they confiscated all my belongings, but they didn't take my ECHO. Beginner's mistake," Tannis laughs to herself, proud of her incredible genius. "Even with ECHOnet turned off, I can still send my location to the Vault Hunters via radio frequency."

"I wouldn't put too much faith in that option, Dr. Patricia Tannis," a disembodied voice sounded through the prison.

Tannis' heart almost leaped into her throat, not expecting to find anyone there. Like a ghost, a man emerged from the void, standing right in front of the cell where Tannis was being held.

"Who are you?" Tannis took a step back, her eyes widening at the sudden appearance. She deduced that the stranger was from some corporation, given his clothing.

"Maxwell Willians. Titan pilot in training, and mercenary in his spare time," Maxwell extends his hand into the cell, hoping for a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet the famous Dr. Tannis in person finally."

"Hm, I can't say the same," Tannis wasn't so easy to believe others, many might underestimate her for being a woman and a researcher, but she had her share of experiences. Having survived so long in Pandora, even after Dahl's departure, served as irrefutable proof.

Lowering his hand, Maxwell sighed. The woman was very self-centered and paranoid.

"Are you waiting for the Vault Hunters to rescue you? I wonder what makes you so confident that they wouldn't come here just for revenge." Maxwell crosses his arms, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I know where Steele is going with the key. If you kill me now, you'll miss the last chance to get to the Vault," Tannis retorted, crossing her arms as well. But internally she was alarmed, this person seemed to know about his involvement with the Vault Hunters.

"They could argue that you'd be ambushing them to finish the job," Maxwell argues back, amused by Tannis' stubbornness. "Besides, what's to stop them from killing you once they've received the information they need?"

The Vault Hunters wouldn't do that, but Tannis didn't need to know this information.

"That's..." Tannis' breath caught in her throat, the color draining from her face.

Maxwell was right, after what she had done, it would be too innocent for the Vault Hunters to forgive her, let alone rescue her. Tannis wasn't afraid of dying, she was carrying a lot of trauma from the long time she had been exposed to Pandora, and death seemed more like a relief.

But Tannis didn't want to die yet, she still had so much unfinished research, and she didn't want to die as soon as she was scraping the tip of the iceberg that was the Eridian race. She refused to leave for the afterlife after so many years of suffering on Pandora for her work, she had lost so many loved ones, and so many friends.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I want you..."

Tannis froze as if lightning had struck her, her arms unconsciously protecting her breasts.

Maxwell fumbles for a moment, rephrasing.

"I want your services as a researcher, I want you to work for me," It might seem an exaggeration for him to have done all this for just one researcher, but given the limited evidence and the great skepticism of even large corporations, professionals trained in Eridian technology were very rare.

"And if you're doubting my ability to protect you. I made my way here alone," Maxwell showed his Data Knife, there was a bit of blood on the blade. "Do you think the Vault Hunters would do all this without alarming the entire base? The soldiers would silence you so as not to reveal the location of the Vault when they discover that the fortress has been compromised."

Tannis hesitated but could see no better alternative. Working for a lone mercenary seemed rather degrading for a prestigious researcher like herself, but there have been worse times.

"Okay, I'm in, I just hope I don't regret this choice." Tannis steps forward and extends her hand for a handshake.

"I'd do my best for you don't." he raised his own hand, firm and secure, and shook it. His grip was strong, but controlled, as he had no intention of breaking the woman's hand candy.

Letting go of Tannis' hand, he grabbed the iron bars of the cell with both hands and with a little effort bent the iron to make room for Tannis to get out.

"Brute, but I can't say I swim against efficiency." Tannis squeezed through the bars and followed Maxwell out of his cell. She was tidying up her crumpled clothes and messy brown hair.

"Perimeter clear, Spyglass. Get in the truck and have the Marvins round up the bodies," Maxwell ordered through his communicator, Spyglass was waiting in the Samson with the Marvins a few kilometers away from Crimson Fastness. "I'll be going after Steele before she opens the Vault."

"Understood, sir!"

"Stay here Tannis," Maxwell turns to the woman, plugging in his comm to keep in touch. "My robots are on their way, they'll stay with you here. Don't go up the mountain under any circumstances."

Tannis nods, she didn't suspect that the man was plotting something against her.

Maxwell sighs with relief. He managed to convince Tannis not to call in the Vault Hunters, it might have been petty of him, but he didn't want the quartet to open the Vault. That would destroy John's whole chain of plans and give him time to carry out his own.

Maxwell had no idea how much information John had on the Vault, but why would the man go after what, for many, was considered just a myth or a fairy tale?

He deduced a few options.

The first was simple. John manipulated the Vault Hunters into opening the Vault with the help of his daughter, Angel. His intention was just to open the Vault, hoping for the best, without knowing what was inside.

Or he knew what was inside, and wanted to use The Destroyer, either the creature itself or the remains. The latter was more valid, since that's exactly what he did, building a laser using the Destroyer's eye as a focal lens.

But there was the last assumption, the one that made Maxwell take action and interrupt the canonical events of the first game:


John wants to open the Vault because Eridium could supposedly be acquired that way. He would bring the Helios station close to Pandora to mine Eridium, not only to get a lot of money but also to gain greater authority within Hyperion, to carry out his central plan.

To conquer and civilize Pandora. John himself was a native of the planet and had a great resentment towards Dahl for having dumped its prisoners on the planet and worsening living conditions with the large influx of bandits that grew in subsequent years. So his biggest dream was to have the planet, his homeland, become a clean and safe place.

Unfortunately for John, Maxwell wouldn't be letting things go so smoothly. He also wants a slice of that fortune with mining, and for that, he needs to get Angel out of ECHOnet, who was reporting on everything that was happening in Pandora. If he opened the Vault and started mining Eridium even though Angel was spying on him, everything would go down the drain if John discovered Eridium's presence.

Maxwell wasn't prepared to face a corporation alone, he needed an army, capable people, technology, and heavy weaponry. Above all, he needed the Titans.

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