Tomboy Island

Day 7 – Towards the Shore – Part 3

The name was important. The name was barely important. Both of these statements were true. A sadistic part of Alex almost wanted to call her something demeaning. His better, if uncreative, parts won out.

“Amethyst,” he said. “Your name will be Amethyst.”

“Amethyst,” she tasted her new title. The slime woman nodded eagerly. “Thank you, Mongrel.”

“Enough of that word!” Evelyn suddenly spoke up. “You will be one of his women, yes?”

“Oh, yes, I will worship him every day! His seed will be the nourishment of my body, his joy the nourishment of my soul! All of my holes are for him to use! I’ll jiggle and bounce and… ehehehe…” she giggled erotically, then wiped a bit of drool off her chin. “I will be the Mongrel’s-”

Something in Alex snapped at that moment. “Did you not hear your senior?” he growled taking hold of Amethyst’s hair in that moment. It was an odd sensation. The texture was like silky hair, yet unmistakable liquid. Underneath that was something solid enough to be gripped like a skull was. “Enough of that word. You call me Master. That is what I am. Your Master, your man, your owner as one of my sex slaves. Declare it! Swear it to the world, spirit, that you are mine to use.”

“Y-yes!” The slime woman stammered while getting dragged towards his erect cock. “ hot…” she muttered when she took hold of it.

“I am Amethyst! Amethyst is Master’s cocksleeve, his sex slave, his property! Whatever Master wants, he gets! I swear allegiance to his cock…” she kissed the swollen head. “...I swear allegiance to his harem…” She looked around, finding the three gathered haremettes nodding approvingly. “...I swear allegiance to his blood. Every drop of it will have to run dry before I am anything but my Master’s cocksleeve, his sex slave, his property!”

“Good girl,” Alex complimented, then dragged her down.

What gag reflex would a woman made out of animated liquid have? None. What kind of throat would she have? One that was entirely different from a human. There was a tongue, yes, and something like teeth, nicely distanced from his girthy manhood, but beyond that all was different.

She was colder than humans, although still hot enough that being in her was only pleasant. The walls of her throat weren’t just tight, they were clingy. The texture was something between a regular throat and the bumps and folds of a pussy. Holding her down, Alex groaned. The walls were actively reshaping themselves, either to conform to his shape properly or just to squirm around him.

Through the semi-translucent body of hers, he could see the shape of his cock, twitching in her depths. Her eyes were trembling. A white shape had layed on the blue of her pupils. ‘Are those hearts?’ Alex wondered but was too busy struggling against the pleasure. “Oh fuck,” he groaned.

Her insides kept on moving around him. Alex had never actually used a cocksleeve, but he imagined the endgame for that line of products was something like this. Just staying inside her massaged his length. When the folds weren’t twitching, the slime was vibrating from intense moans. A viscous liquid akin to pussy juice dripped from the slime’s chin.

Her eyelids fluttered. The pond rippled. Her hips rose and fell in rhythmless spasms. The slime was better than a cocksleeve, she was a swirling mass of sensitive goo around his manhood. She was climaxing. He had his cock down her throat and that alone was getting her off. Not even Janette after her transformation was this much of a blowjob slut.

Alex had no chance of lasting long, but he was not going to just stand there and cum. Gripping her head with both hands, he dragged her up. The suction on his cock broke with repeated, wet noises. Then he rammed his manhood back inside her. “Yesssss!” Evelyn hissed from the side. “Make that toy ours, Master.”

“Kneel,” he growled. Evelyn suddenly dropped into the moss, her haughty expression replaced with that of an obedient bitch in heat. The power of that single command had been such that Yahui and Astrid had followed along.

“Oh fuck, is this really what we get every day?” the Swedish blonde said, her expression twisted into a grin half-mad with arousal.

“He has impressed further and further with each passing day,” Yahui swooned.

“That’s exactly it,” Alex grunted while he kept pounding the slime girl’s throat. Over and over again, he sheathed himself in that perfect cocksleeve. “I keep wanting to impress. I will keep wanting to impress. I know I can keep growing. I’ll keep up with every demand - no - I will exceed every wish you have. I’m your Master. I’m… your King.” The word crossed his lips. It felt right and they all moaned in agreement. Yes, he was their Harem King, in every sense. “You will give me heirs, my queens, my slaves. I know. It… one day!”

Alex clenched his teeth and raised his gaze. He looked up at the trees and something in the trees looked back at him. Something lifeless and barren. Something that did not expect or accept the continuation of life in these lands.

Whatever it was, it was responsible for the lack of fertility among his women. That had once been a boon. Now it was a limitation he hated. It hated him too.

‘I will slay you,’ Alex thought.

His pulse quickened. The beating of his heart surged his lust. Sensitive, he gasped and ignored the hateful thing. There was a loveable, submissive slime taking his cock down her throat. That was so much interesting.

Amethyst’s upper hole was practically a mouth pussy. The grip, the quivers, the contractions when she came, and the gooey strands of precum and lubrication that stretched between them. It looked like she was constantly drooling, but in reality, she was just overflowing from the repeated orgasms.

“You exist to be used.” A nod, an eager one. “You exist to be mine.” More eager nods, as many as Amethyst could give while he was still holding her head. “You exist to be bred!” She kept on nodding. Something in Alex’s veins burned with fiery passion. “You exist to take my seed!”

Amethyst was incapable of nodding. He was holding her down against his groin. His balls tightened, as he emptied his contents down her pulsing gullet. From her mouth to the depths of her throat, her oral hole turned into one tunnel that continuously formed rings right behind the seal of her lips, then travelled downwards to wring every last drop of cum out of him.

It was orgasm and epiphany, a release in the truest sense. While his seed flowed into this magical being, making her vows forever binding, something flowed back, Magic, in the rawest sense, binding her soul to his. Every spurt of cum deepened the understanding.

It ebbed away with the pleasure. Alex slowly pulled out. His cock twitched one last time when it was past Amethyst’s lips, spreading a rope of seed over her gorgeous features.

“Yours forever, Alex,” she promised.

He did not have to ask how she knew his name. All he had to do was sit down, urgently. Bottom on the moss, he was swiftly surrounded by the three women who had come with him. Before they could ask questions, he whispered, “I am on the cusp of something… give me a moment,” and closed his eyes.

That epiphany was still there, albeit distant. He could feel it. He reached out to it…


Forking lines rose like proud trees from the darkness behind his eyes. He reached out again. He recognized his mistake. He heard the call of the other him and dropped into it all. It was a thicket, a dense network of veins of all sorts of colourations.

He was the heart. All of the power pumped outwards from him. This was the place he had dropped into when he had touched that sphere.

Here there was only him. No other him, only him. A sense of pride swelled in his chest as he realized that he was in tune with himself. A sense of dread filled him when the thicket came into focus. It was all so much clearer than before.

All of the veins had atrophied to a point of near non-existence. They were trees with dry branches, ready to snap at the slightest pressure. Despite that, they still had their roots deep in the soil of his soul.

No voices filled the space this time. It was his epiphany, brought about by himself and no one else.

All the veins had atrophied, except for one. Bright and golden, the divine branch shone. It was nourished with every beat of his mind. It was part of him, always had been. It was radiance. It was good.

Alex beheld many of the veins around him. Each was potential untapped. The infernal power of demons, the crafty contracts of devils, the elemental might of the sylph, undines, gnomes, and salamanders, the sheer might of a minotaur, and the earned arrogance of a dragon, all of them were around him. There were many more, too many for Alex to know about.

His time was limited. The epiphany kept fading. It slipped away, like the sensation of being sated, gradually but inevitably. With the energy he had he could re-establish the flow from him to one of these veins. He chose one on instinct.

It was a tree of black. Its might was fundamental. It had been used to shape the world and it would be used to shape his life. The power of a Titan bloomed, nourished by the might of his soul. The atrophied veins filled with vitality once more.

Alex watched the process for as long as he could. Then, he was split again. A gentle split, with a smaller gap in between than before, but a split all the same. The conscious mind rose back to the surface.

Eyes opened and Alex inhaled deeply. He was still surrounded by his four women. Evelyn, Yahui, and Astrid all looked at him with a degree of worry. Amethyst smiled. Whatever she did not know was clearly still ingrained in her instincts.

“I got it,” Alex hissed. His body felt hot. He could feel his bones and muscles grow. He got up and needed to stretch himself to deal with the itching process. The women rose with him.

Yahui had to look up at him and that was normal, the Chinese acrobat had always been the third shortest of the bunch. Astrid had to look up at him and that was normal, she was of a fairly average height. Evelyn had to look up at him and that made her coo, “Whatever just happened, I approve.”

Just a minute ago, Evelyn had been taller than him, if by a minuscule amount. Now he was noticeably taller than her. The blood of the titans had granted him ten centimetres or so, putting him just shy of two metres. The rest of his figure had grown in equal measure. Even his dick had gotten a little larger. Thankfully, it was still on the reasonable side of large.

“I’ve connected with a bloodline,” he told all of them. “I get it now. I’m literally a mongrel.”

“You will have to be more detailed,” Yahui requested gently. “I am still confused.”

“My mother often said she married into a family of mongrels,” Alex told them. “And I always wondered where my family got its wealth from…. I am just connecting dots, but I think my family may be a mix of all kinds of mythological bloodlines. My father wanted me to be great because… I am not human.”

“You are human,” Amethyst disagreed. “I do not know much, but I know that. You are human - or were when you landed here. Most humans have traces of mythological ancestry.”

“Then I must have notably more?” Alex theorized, then looked at his companions. Each of them was also changing. Was that because of him? No, it could not be, at least not entirely. Janette and Kiara had changed on their own. He shook his head. Too many theories were swirling around inside. “All I can say for certain is that I have many bloodlines within me eager to be brought back to the front.”

“At least we learned one important thing.” Astrid formed a teasing smirk. “That you are changing in ways outside of your dick.”

Alex snorted and ruffled the blonde’s hair. She playfully smacked his hand aside, then dragged it back to the top of her head. It was more satisfying now that he was a full head taller than her. “Alright, let’s introduce Amethyst,” he declared and headed back to the beach.



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