Tomboy Island

Day 7 – Towards the Shore – Part 4


“Perhaps you would like to celebrate our union some more?” Amethyst asked after they had dropped her off back in the tree. The question was accompanied by her laying on her back, legs spread. Her pussy was on clear display, a pair of deep purple lips among light purple slime.

“Patience,” Alex answered. “Introduce yourself to everyone. Answer their questions to the best of your ability. Then, tonight, when all of your fellow sex slaves are here, I will use you.”

“As you wish, Master,” Amethyst sighed lustfully. The wait would make the night all that much sweeter.

He left her there, to bask in the scent of their bedroom, and to explore the rest of the tree at her leisure. Tess had already been informed about her and would make sure no one coming back would take any undue actions.

“Bro, you don’t even need to be that cautious,” Astrid said. “All of us would see someone attractive and just assume she belongs to you.”

“Point taken,” Alex joked.

“Yet, perhaps a mark would be nice,” Yahui hummed and drew a heart shape with her fingers, right above her womb. “You know the kind.”

“That does sound appropriate,” Evelyn agreed. “A mark on each of us, to make clear whose slaves we are.”

“If we find a magical way to do it or a tattoo parlour, I’ll consider it,” Alex said. The erection that had sprung at the suggestion made clear what his thoughts on the matter were.

To Evelyn, an untended erection was a challenge. The moment they had jumped out of the moving tree, she laid down on the white sands of the tropical beach. All the modelling she had done in her life manifested in her quickly assuming a pose worthy of a pin-up calendar.

Laying on her stomach, she had both of her feet raised. Her knees pushed into the sand to give her round ass a bit of emphasis. Breasts rested on the sand, the angle just barely hiding the nipples. Arms crossed in front of her, head raised, and smirking, the horned tomboy was incredibly attractive to look at.

“We’re in no hurry, Master.” Her purr accompanied the slow raising of her wide hips. The bottom went up and the top down, until her chest rested on her forearms. In the sun, her round ass was two spheres of lightly shining, brown flesh. She just kept on smirking.

Her eyes were a challenge and Alex was too aroused to refuse. Circling around her, he grabbed the swing of her hips from behind. Evelyn was already wet. Getting her horns pulled made her practically drenched. He aligned his cock with her entrance and pushed inside.

The dragon tomboy moaned shamelessly. Tight walls massaged every bit of her Master’s cock as he pushed into her. “That’s it, stud, stretch me all over aga-ingh!”

Evelyn’s ass rippled from the smack that Alex had delivered at the end of her sentence. The swat mark may not have shown as clearly on her dark skin, but it showed all the same. “You look best under me,” Alex growled. He took special pleasure in knowing he was the only man who ever could and did say that to her. “A fat ass and a toned back, what a fantastic view.”

“H-how do you like my hair?” Evelyn moaned as he started to fuck her.

“It makes you look cute,” Alex answered honestly. The compliment made Evelyn’s cunt grip his dick a little tighter. Not many people would have called the tall, haughty olympian cute before. A weak spot to make her flustered another time, perhaps. “Pleasure each other.”

The order was for Yahui and Astrid, who had been watching the show with dripping, untouched pussies so far. Once they had an order, they dropped immediately. Shoulder to shoulder, they settled in the nearby sands. They masturbated each other, opting to use their hands over their tongues so they could keep watching the show.

Alex gave Evelyn’s ass another jiggle-inducing smack before picking up the pace. Like a wild animal, he was rutting into her right there out on the beach. The sun was on his back, her horns under his fingers, and her moans in his ears. Her athletic back described a U-shape, such was the strength with which he pulled at her horns.

“I love how flexible you all are!” Alex observed Evelyn’s features. They were upside down from his perspective and twisted into an utterly shameless display of ecstasy. One more plunge and the gold medalist was screaming out her orgasm like a proper cocksleeve should. Alex rewarded her with another smack to the rear.

Ass and thighs jiggled. Large breasts swayed back and forth. He just kept on fucking her. This was exactly why they did not want to go back to civilization. What could possibly compare to pounding a dark-skinned tomboy in the prime of her life, while two other haremettes were fingering each other to the sight?

Rapidly, Alex’s orgasm came closer. It had only been a few minutes. It hardly mattered. Evelyn was every bit as sensitive and needy as he was. The high pitch of her usually so haughty voice told him all he needed to know about how close she was to her second climax. He held on until she was right at the edge - then came.

Seed pumped into the eager cumdump. She screamed like only a woman fulfilling her life’s purpose could. Every spurt into her depths was met by the spasms of her folds around him. She was all trembles and taut muscles until her bliss took another form. All tension left her in that moment.

Alex slowly pulled out and left Evelyn where she was, to ride out the aftershocks while he got his dick cleaned by Yahui and Astrid. After that was done, he was thinking a lot clearer.

The girls needed another couple of minutes though.


Hours were spent investigating the island.

There was no particular goal to anything, they just advanced and looked around carefully. It was different from how they usually moved through the jungle, but not by much. Alex always tried to be observant. That the jungle had proven to be safe, for the most part, did not change the pitfalls of unsteady ground and unseen gaps in the roots. One false step could be one twisted ankle and that could cascade into a number of terrible things.

‘Also I don’t want to only do cowgirl while it heals.’ Alex caught himself thinking that and chuckled. The new life was definitely changing his thoughts to be more pervy. He hadn’t been a saint before either. ‘I should be careful,’ he thought to himself. ‘Keep the stoicism. I don’t want my harem to turn into me salivating all the time. I need to provide.’

Alex took a long step and tilted forward. At the last moment, he grabbed an overhanging branch. Stopping his fall would have put too much strain on the plant, so he used it to swing himself forward and land in the depression instead. A pebble hidden in the moss pressed against his sole. The rounded edge was a short-lived inconvenience.

“All good?” Yahui asked.

Alex considered saying that was all planned, but lying to a gymnast about what was a planned swing and an improvised one was probably not going to work. “Just not entirely used to my new size yet,” he confessed.

“Wouldn’t do if only the girls had to get used to new sizes,” Astrid joked. “Fun as that is.”

“I think we enjoy getting split open a lot more than he enjoys stumbling,” Evelyn joined in a jovial tone. It had been several hours, so her cunt was neither gaping nor dripping anymore. Alex was of half a mind to change that again. Just looking at the three women with him, from the pale Chinese woman, over the tanned Swedish blonde, to the dark-skinned American, made him appreciate the female form all over again.

Two women noted the twitching of his cock. Evelyn and Astrid were ready to offer themselves in whatever way he asked for. For the former, any display of dominance was what she wanted, for the latter he just had to say a few praises to make her purr. They were… not simple. No person was ever truly simple, definitely not Olympians as brilliant as they were hard-working. Straightforward was the better term for it.

It was that Yahui did not join in that display at all that made Alex hesitate. She was certainly less horny than the others, at least outwardly, but she was still part of his harem for all of the usual reasons.

“Something the matter?” he asked.

“I feel a chill,” she answered. A few days ago, that would have been an odd comment to hear. Since they had realized that she was turning into some kind of ice woman, they took her seriously on that.

“From where?” Alex asked.

The Chinese gymnast looked around carefully. She got on all fours, digging through the moss until she touched the ground and stone below it. Shuffling forwards on all fours, she followed some kind of line. When Alex tried to feel what she was feeling, he could sense no difference.

That was until they reached the base of a nearby tree. Part of its roots were exposed, its weight having tilted the mighty plant over the years. Alex felt the cold air drift out from behind the cover of roots. On close inspection, he could see the gap.

Alex loved that the three companions got to work before he even said anything. No complaints over long fingernails, no insistence that physical labour was his job and his alone, just three tomboys rolling up their proverbial sleeves. As the man of the island, he did muscle his way to the front though. “Let me,” he insisted. That they were willing and even eager to get their hands dirty was all he needed to see.

Bending and tearing the roots to create enough of a gap took a few minutes. “Let me go first, the cold doesn’t bother me as much.”

“If ya swapped the end there, we’d have a terrible reference,” Astrid chimed in, while Yahui crawled in.

“Let’s not - I hate that movie,” Evelyn proclaimed.

“You hate Frozen?” Alex asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.

“It’s a movie about a woman that realizes her true power, then proceeds to put it into the service of a society that sent out a hunting party to kill her,” the triathlon runner said. “They had the decency of accepting her as their queen in the end, at least.”

“I’m way more surprised you even watched it,” Astrid pointed out.

“I am on a lot of flights - well, was,” Evelyn answered. “Sometimes they had no private seats.”

“What did you watch when you were alone?” Alex asked, expecting a certain answer.

“A lady doesn’t tell.” Evelyn grinned widely. “Thankfully, I’m not one of those.”

“Thankfully you’re not o-, oy, dude, don’t steal my joke before I can even say it,” Astrid complained.

Waving off, the dragon-horned woman continued. “I watched BDSM porn - not all of the time obviously, but a lot of the time. Being alone in a cubicle with a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door is the time to do some basic auto-bondage.”

“Auto-bondage? Is that bondage by yourself?”


“Doesn’t sound very satisfying.”

“It wasn’t.”

“There’s an ice cave down here!” Yahui shouted up from beneath the roots. “I do not know how deep.” She climbed back up but did not fully emerge from the tree roots. “Another one of the magical adventures of this island no doubt.”

“That makes it worth checking out…” Alex considered, then looked between his party. “Not sure if we’re equipped for it though.”

“Did you guys never go to a sauna?” Astrid teased.

“I went with you once,” Alex answered drily.

“And you were a giant pussy about it.”

“The hell I was,” Alex shot back. The blonde just grinned and the owner of the harem waved off. He had to think if this was worthwhile…


After a few seconds, he nodded to himself.

“Yahui and I will go,” he announced. “We’ll scout it out and come back out when it’s not worthwhile.”

The announcement was met with some displeased humming, but no one questioned his authority openly. Yahui went back inside and Alex crawled behind her. The air rapidly got colder as they went through the crawl space. It opened up again after a few metres.

Alex and Yahui stood in a chamber. The words ‘ice cave’ had made him expect a cave literally consisting of ice. It was more of a stone cavern with icicles inexplicably forming on the walls. The ceiling was low enough that he could have walked into one of them if he wasn’t careful. The air itself was the greater enemy though.

It was cold, not freezing cold, but cold enough that he could feel his exposed genitals contract. It was so cold that it was an unwelcome change of pace from the tropical weather. ‘Around eight degrees Celsius?’ he guessed and glanced at Yahui.

No signs of cold for her. No shivering, no hard nipples, nothing, which was doubly unusual because she was shorter than him and a woman. Some stereotypes were very justified and even the most tomboyish of the tomboys could not help that women were more sensitive in this regard.

Alex bounced lightly on his heels to keep the blood flowing. The cold ground was by far the worst at the moment, chilling into his soles. They were on a timer here and that timer was his own body heat. As a big man his core would require time to chill out and he would be able to warm up swiftly the second he got back out, so he wasn’t too worried about long-lasting effects from chilled toes.

Still, this was not the kind of place he wanted to dwell for too long.

A singular opening in the opposite wall led deeper into the cavern. “Let’s see what we can find,” he said.


They advanced deeper into the cave. Alex remembered his last survival trip in winter well. He stayed in motion to keep his metabolism going, while also regulating his breathing. The quickest way to get his insides cooled was to breathe in the cold air, so he tried to keep it to shallow breaths that minimized the amount of heat leaving his lungs.

Breathing little and moving much was a difficult combination. For the moment, he managed.

The temperature dropped further while they had a look around. Nothing too interesting from what Alex could see, just more walls and more frost. Yahui brushed over the ice. “Feeling a kinship?” Alex asked.

“Of a sort,” she confessed. “A connection, but not one strong enough to do anything with. It’s like… I can see that there’s a cliff’s edge, but I am nowhere near close enough to take a plunge.”

Alex understood that, especially after earlier that day. He had tried to focus his mind again on that epiphany, on the secrets in his blood, but even knowing that it was there he couldn’t do it.

For the moment, there was nothing really of interest.


They continued on further. Alex was still fine. His skin was cold by that point, but that was an exterior cold that was good if anything. His body was regulating according to the circumstances and kept the blood flow concentrated to the vital areas.

It did not look like his body would have to keep regulating for long. After a few minutes of walking, they reached the apparent end-point of the cave. A remarkably circular chamber with an even floor awaited them. If both were hints at the potential of civilization, the pedestal in the middle of the room was a dead giveaway.

It was a very particular design, Alex had to say as if someone had crossed the lines of Mesoamerican glyphs with the general style of curls and curves of the ancient Greek. On the pedestal was a strange assortment of sticks. There were eight of them. To the right, six of them appeared fine. To the left of the six find ones was one that was so burned Alex knew it would collapse if he breathed strongly on it. Southwest of that one was a completely frozen stick.

“I wonder what this is,” Yahui spoke his thoughts.

“Something esoteric that we don’t understand,” Alex answered the obvious.

“What will you do with it?” she asked the expected question.


“Nothing.” Alex backed away. “I don’t understand what it is and I don’t want to mess with things I don’t get at all.”

“Didn’t you chase a fairy yesterday?” the Chinese woman asked, playfully.

“I somewhat understood what that was. My instincts then told me to go with the flow. My instincts now tell me not to touch it.” Alex gestured for her to follow and she did. Together they made their way back to the surface.

“And?” Evelyn asked.

“Some kind of esoteric shrine? Mechanism? Really, we have no idea.” The owner of the harem described it to the duo. “I decided not to touch it. I will try to remember where it is in the future though. You never know with these things…”

“And hop!” Astrid announced the sudden jump into his arms. Arms wrapped around his broad chest, the blushing tomboy smirked up at him. “Got to warm you up, big guy. Can’t have my favourite bro go all frigid on me.”

“She does make a good point,” Evelyn circled around and pushed her breasts on his back. “Let’s take a short break.”

Not three minutes later, Astrid’s moans were echoing in the jungle.


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