TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 343: Two poison users

"Mr. Smile, the slave you bought was brought to your door, over your other purchased items, I will also send it along. Since she has a little special power, she is within a protective barrier. I hope Mr. Smile will be careful with her." A Combat Coliseum's employee announced on the other side of the door. He was afraid of the woman inside the protective barrier.

"I'm happy for your help, can you send her inside with the other items?" Liu Yang was already standing in front of the door to receive his things.

Feloria, Clarity, Ashera, and Tylrin were sleeping on the bed with beautiful smiles satisfied on their faces. Their flushed and sweaty bodies show that they did tiring exercises in bed.

Tylrin was the fourth slave that Liu Yang received when advancing automatically to the next round. She was a beautiful tall mature woman with a seductive body, but with some muscles in her arms, legs, and stomach. For she was a woman of the white elf race mixed with an orc.

In the middle of her legs, a little blood could be seen. Like the other three slaves from before, Tylrin was also a virgin, but her techniques for pleasing men were of a high standard.

zzzzzz ...

A strange sound was heard and a woman came through the door. It was in a kind of protective plastic. A leather bag appeared shortly thereafter.

The woman was the slave with the poisonous body that Liu Yang had been interested in, her name is Scarlett. She would be a great help to him in the future.

"Master, I'm glad you bought me. Is there anything I can do for you?" Scarlett knelt before Liu Yang like an obedient slave. She had the same type of clothing as the other slaves, just two pieces of clothing to cover important parts of her body.

Seeing Liu Yang naked before her, Scarlett just ignored it. She thought this was normal because in bed there were also four women sleeping.

"Scarlett, do you know how to control your poison?" Liu Yang does not know this information.

If she doesn't know how to control the poison inside her body, Scarlett could poison everyone inside the room.

"Master, this slave does not know how to control the poison very well. As long as I'm not under a lot of pressure, I can control." Because of her lack of control, Scarlett was inside a plastic bubble. This is to prevent people from close to her from being poisoned.

"I see ... Can I get inside that protective barrier?" Liu Yang touched the plastic, he felt he was touching an air bubble.

The sensation was a little strange.

"Master, I think it's not a good idea for the master to do this. I released some poison inside the barrier, if the master enters, you will be poisoned" Scarlett thought it strange that Liu Yang wanted to enter the barrier.

This is a very dangerous thing and almost nobody has the courage to do that.

"My dear Scarlett, I like to do dangerous things. How do I get in the barrier?" Liu Yang wanted to test the power of her poison. Besides, he had another goal.

Liu Yang knows that people with special bodies like Scarlett don't have many people around because they can't get close to her. Liu Yang wanted to show her that he would not suffer by being around her.

"The master just needs to touch the barrier and enter." Scarlett saw that she could not stop Liu Yang from wanting to enter the barrier, so she spoke the method to enter.

"Interesting ... This barrier prevents the poison from escaping, but it does not prevent air from entering"

"Master, it is not a good thing that you stay too long inside the barrier. My poison can kill you in a few minutes" Scarlett was startled to see Liu Yang breathing her poison deeply.

"Scarlett, have you ever felt the warmth of a man?" Liu Yang ignored her words and asked.

"Master, I never felt a man's warmth. My poisonous body doesn't allow that"

"I see ... So it's okay for me to take you, right?" Liu Yang hugged her thin and delicate waist.

Scarlett had some muscles in her belly and that made her a little stiff.

Being hugged by Liu Yang suddenly scared her, Scarlett didn't know what to do at the moment. She feared that Liu Yang could be poisoned.

"Scarlett, you don't have to think about anything else. You just need to answer my question. Do you have any complaints if I take you?" He asked again looking into her eyes.

"Master, I am your slave. The master can do what you want with me" Scarlett closed her eyes and took advantage of the heat emanating from Liu Yang's body. This is the first time she has felt this kind of heat.

"Ok ..." He kissed her full lips before removing the two pieces of cloth.

Her entire body was exposed to the looks of Liu Yang.

Some hours later…

"Ladies and gentlemen, our next round will begin. But before that, one more person will be chosen as the lucky one to automatically advance to the next stage. "

The projected screen showed seven images and all were mixed together before being separated into pairs.

The photo that was left without a pair was of a middle-aged man with a frightening face. He was of the race of dwarves mixed with a demon.

"It looks like Jacnos was the lucky one !!!!"

"He advanced to the penultimate fight without having to fight this time !!!!!"

"This time, that person named Mr. Smile will be forced to fight. His opponent is Xenos, the Poison Vampire!!!"

"This fight is going to be interesting !!! Two poison users, which one will win?"

The audience was excited about Liu Yang's fight, they will be able to see what other skills Liu Yang had in store.

Bettors know about the skills of Xenos, the Poison Vampire, but Liu Yang also had a rare skill to control poisons.

Liu Yang can control the poisons he uses as if it was part of his body. Unlike Xenos, the Poison Vampire, who could only use poison in his weapons, traps, and sneak attacks.

"The Crimson Lion Knight fight will also be interesting, he is another dark horse alongside Mr. Smile. I'm curious as to whether these two will be able to advance again."

"Unlike Mr. Smile, the Crimson Knight Lion showed the skills to reach the current round. He didn't need the luck to move forward automatically."

"This is true, but luck is also a kind of power"

"I want the final fight to be between Crimson Lion Knight and Mr. Smile. A fight between two dark horses."

The audience was discussing the fights and which participants they will bet on. Everyone diverges in their opinions because each participant who was left was powerful.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first one will start !!! Place your bets !!! " The images of Liu Yang and Xenos, the Poison Vampire, are projected onto the arena.

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