TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 344: Liu Yang x Xenos, the Poison Vampire

Mr. Smile - 5.48 , Xenos, the Poison Vampire - 2.3

Xenos, the Poison Vampire, received a lot more bet on him because bettors already know him. His fame was great because of the way he tortured his opponents with various types of strange and powerful poisons.

Besides, he was extremely powerful and has already reached some finals of the competition. So he is a good candidate for betting.

Liu Yang was a little known dark horse with unknown abilities, so he is the target of a few bettors. But the number of people who bet was still too much. For they thought that Liu Yang had time to prepare better than the other participants.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first fight of the round will begin. Participants, you can go up in the arena." Grum, the Impartial Judge, announced. He was the judge of all matches in the tournament.

Liu Yang and Xenos, the Poison Vampire, were on two opposite sides waiting to go up into the arena. This is to prevent the two from being able to talk and combine results.

Seconds after the two went up to the arena, the accountant started counting.

3 ...

Xenos, the Poison Vampire's body has already started to shine and a strong green light shone around him. Green smoke was released from every pore in his body. He was using a skill in advance.

At the same time, his body started to get thinner as the poison came out. It seems that the poison was part of the body of Xenos, the Poison Vampire. His body became thinner until it was just skin and bone. The scene was a little scary.

As long as the skill does not affect his opponent, the participant can use his skills in advance.


"Whooaa !!!!!!!!!!"

"He did that!!!! Xenos did it !!!! "

"Xenos already has the advantage of covering half the arena with poison !!!! What is that Mr. Smile going to do now?"

"Mr. Smile also has a poison ability, but will he have enough strength to withstand Xenos' poison?"

Many screams of madness echo through the coliseum when they saw the action of Xenos, the Poison Vampire. They were already looking forward to seeing Liu Yang being tortured by the potent poisons of Xenos, the Poison Vampire.


The poison continued to build up around Xenos, the Poison Vampire, but only half of his side had the poison. The next part of Liu Yang was normal without the poison.

At the same time, the concentration of the poison became stronger.

Zzzzzz ...

The stone floor began to melt with poison and a lot of smoke with a rotten smell could be felt.

"Fuck!!!! That smell is horrible !!!! "

"This Xenos needs to put some perfume in the poison to remove this rotten smell!!!!"

"I need a mask !!! Otherwise, I will throw up!!!"

Many shouts of disgust echo in the audience because of the rotten smell caused by the corrosive poison mixed with other poisons. Many people were already throwing up in the stands.

GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Poison Field !!!" Xenos, the Poison Vampire, shouted. The poison began to spread slowly and covered the arena completely.

Liu Yang just stood in the same place doing nothing.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This scene scared everyone. Nobody thought that Liu Yang wouldn't try to do anything.

Who would have the courage to stand around waiting to be covered in poison? No one would have that courage unless that person has the skills to resist poisons.

Even his women were anxious about his crazy actions again. They don't know if he has resistance to the poison or not, only Lida knows that he has the skill to resist the poisons, but she didn't know which poisons Liu Yang had resistance to.

"Haha !!! You're dead!!! From the moment you enter my poison field, you will suffer unimaginable torture !! " Xenos, the Poison Vampire, started talking crazily. He never thought Liu Yang was such an idiot and just stood there waiting for the poison to completely cover the arena.

Now, the arena was completely covered with poison and no one could see what was going on inside. Only those with the vision skills to see through things can see.

"..." Liu Yang just stayed silent and started walking with slow steps towards Xenos, the Poison Vampire.

His steps were slow, but for Xenos, the Poison Vampire, Liu Yang's approach was like heavy mountains pressing against his body.

As a pure poison user, Xenos, the Poison Vampire, had no other form of attack or defense. His poisons did these two jobs for him, so he just needed the skills to control and resist the poisons.

Besides these two types of ability, Xenos, the Poison Vampire, had no other types.

"How is that possible?" Xenos, the Poison Vampire, did not believe the scene he was seeing.

This was unbelievable.

The amount of poison in the poisonous smoke was about ten different types unless Liu Yang has at least ten types of poison resistance ability. He would have no way of standing without suffering anything.

Besides, Liu Yang breathed the poison as if it were air and it was not even affecting his body.

"The Combat Coliseum sells skills, right? I saw your previous fights and I was lucky to have enough crystals to buy the skills against your poisons" Liu Yang lied. He would not speak the truth.

Liu Yang's words were not false, as participants can actually see their opponents' fights and buy items to have a better chance of winning. But they can only buy using the crystals given as a reward for victories.

Participants cannot buy things using crystals that they carry in their bags.

Thus, the fights became very fun and random. For a participant who had no defense against a particular opponent, after buying some things, he managed to defend himself.

The bettors thought that Liu Yang had done something to protect himself from his next opponent because he had more time to prepare before fighting again.

Xenos, the Poison Vampire, believed Liu Yang's words because he too has done this before. Buy skills or protective equipment to fight a possible opponent.

But he never imagined that Liu Yang would have bought all kinds of skills against poison. This is very illogical.

Because the two don't even know if they will face each other. So how is it possible for Liu Yang to already have these skills?

(Is the Combat Coliseum favoring him? This is not possible !!! If they do, their reputation could be ruined!!) Many thoughts appeared in the mind of Xenos, the Poison Vampire, when he thought about it.

(That really should be the case. This person named Mr. Smile has already been chosen twice in a row to move forward automatically, so he must have some contact with the famous members of the coliseum or he is being favored for being a dark horse. If someone like me lose to him, the coliseum will gain a lot of wealth !!) He kept thinking.

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