Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 100 Search 1

"Comrade Khrushchev is the most loyal soldier of our great Soviet Union. He once again proved to the motherland with his actions..."

Following Comrade Stalin's majestic speech of commendation, everyone in the conference room stood up and gave warm applause to Khrushchev, who was standing next to Stalin.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

"???" Feeling the envy and jealousy of his colleagues in the audience, Khrushchev straightened his back and prepared to accept a medal personally picked up by Comrade Stalin.

But just when the medal was about to be hung on his chest, he was awakened by a sudden knock on the door. All the certificates and medals in front of him disappeared in an instant, leaving only the white and flawless wall.

Bang bang bang!

The annoying knock on the door rang again. Khrushchev smashed the bed board angrily, shook his head that was still awake, and shouted. "Come in."

The secretary who pushed open the door with an anxious look on his face, a person who was usually quite observant, ignored the dissatisfied look on Khrushchev's face today and said loudly. "Comrade Khrushchev, Comrade Khrushchev! The train transporting gold did not reply with the security code. No matter how I called, there was no response!!"

As soon as he heard gold, Khrushchev's lingering sleepiness instantly disappeared without a trace, and he got up from the bed with a grunt. "What did you say?! Say it again!?"

The secretary swallowed nervously and repeated it. "It was just 3:30 in the morning. The correspondent had called several times, but there was no response from the transport train." There was no difference in the communication between them and the train until 3:00 in the morning, but just now at 3:30 There was a problem with the call, and more than ten minutes passed without a reply to the security code from the train. This made the secretary extremely nervous, and he hurried over to report to Khrushchev.

"Could it be a radio malfunction?" After all, he was a man who had experienced strong winds and waves. After a brief panic, Khrushchev quickly calmed down. After all, that batch of gold has safely entered the Soviet Union, what big thing could happen?

The secretary shook his head. "But there are three radio stations on the train, Comrade Khrushchev. All three radio stations failed at the same time?" There are not only three brand-new radio stations on the train, but also technicians accompanying them. Even if three radio stations fail at the same time, the technicians should also It will be repaired quickly and it will not be in this situation now.

Khrushchev couldn't help but frown after hearing the secretary's words. He also knew that the chance of the three radio stations malfunctioning at the same time was almost zero. What could be the problem? After thinking for a long time, he walked to the huge map hanging on the wall and asked. "According to the planned plan, where should the golden train be now?"

The secretary came to the map and searched it, then looked at his watch and pointed to a place. "According to the plan, the golden train should arrive at this place at this moment, and it should arrive in Kharkov in 20 minutes."

Khrushchev carefully observed the terrain. This road was not a mountainous terrain that would affect radio signals. This seems to rule out the radio problem. "Where was the last station we passed?"

The secretary's finger traced a short section of the railway on the map. "The town of Alexei. But according to the plan, the golden train will not stop in that town."

"Alexei Town?" Khrushchev immediately ordered. "Call the station in that small town to ask if the train has passed, and order the local government of Dakharkov to send people to search along the train line, and ask that town to also send people to search along the railway."

"Understood." After the secretary left, Khrushchev had no intention of continuing to sleep. He paced back and forth anxiously, waiting for the latest news, repeating the words "It will be okay, it will be okay" in his mind. In my heart, I began to regret why I had to take over this task.

One hour……

Two hours...

"Comrade Khrushchev, Comrade Khrushchev!!" Finally, while waiting anxiously, the secretary ran in again, but this time his face was even paler than last time, which made Khrushchev feel uneasy.

"Have you found the golden train?!" Faced with Khrushchev's eager inquiry, the secretary stammered. "Hey, Comrade Khrushchev, the town of Alexei clearly saw the golden train passing by. But until the people they sent out and the people sent out from Kharkov met... they didn't see the train! The golden train just disappeared out of thin air!!" At first, he even thought that the person on the other end of the phone was crazy and talking nonsense. But after four or five people gave him the same answer in a row, he began to suspect that he was suffering from mental illness and was hearing hallucinations.

"What?!!!" Khrushchev was suddenly frightened and angry, and almost screamed. "How could such a big train disappear?! Is it confusing that the train went up to the sky or hit the ground?!" He reached out and grabbed the other person's collar, as if he wanted to lift him up, but unfortunately he forgot that he was less than 1 meter tall. The short fat man who is 7 meters tall, but the other person is a big guy who is over 1.9 meters tall.

After trying a few times, he could only let go of his hand angrily and barked an order. "Notify the nearest garrison immediately and ask them to send people and planes to conduct a carpet search!! If we can't find the train before 10 o'clock, we will be in bad luck!!" According to the plan, the golden train will arrive at 10 o'clock in the morning At the Moscow Station, Comrade Stalin will lead all Politburo members to personally greet this batch of gold.

At this juncture, even being a minute late for the train would be a huge dereliction of duty. Now, it's good that we don't have to worry about being late. The entire golden train has disappeared! ! Isn't this a slap in the face? Will Comrade Stalin turn his anger on himself? That’s a total of 560 tons of gold! ! Even if his life was worth 100 tons of gold, it would be enough to kill him five or six times! !

And this bizarre thing happened on Soviet soil.

Khrushchev could not even imagine how Comrade Stalin would react! ! Gotta find the golden train as soon as possible!

Unfortunately, the secretary brought him another piece of bad news.

It was raining heavily in that area, and it was impossible for the plane to pass through the cumulonimbus area with thunder and lightning. Even if people passed by, there would be nothing to do in a place with only a few meters of visibility. We can only think of a solution after the rain stops.

The more Khrushchev thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he yelled hysterically. "We Bolsheviks have never encountered any difficulties, so why do we shrink back even if it rains?! If visibility is low, send more people. Even if you have to fumble with your hands, you have to find it! If you can't find the golden train, they are the sinners of the Soviet Union!" ! Everything will be sent to Siberia!! You, personally take command! If you can’t find the gold, you don’t have to come back!!” This bastard didn’t bring him any good news the whole night, and Khrushchev really wanted to shoot him right away!

After driving away his secretary, Khrushchev himself became an ant on the hot pot and fell into extreme fear.

What should I do? !

This matter cannot be concealed, but how should we report it to Comrade Stalin to alleviate his guilt?

While Khrushchev was racking his brains to come up with various excuses, Yannick was also a little uneasy in the distant Berlin Palace.

He did everything he should and could do, and even God did him a favor and sent heavy rain, eliminating the last traces.

If the Soviets could find him in this way, then he would have no choice but to accept his bad luck and regard it as a secret training for the special forces.

Anyway, the Soviets would not know that it was Germany.

As for why they use the M3 submachine gun, which will only appear a few years later, if they use the Thompson submachine gun, it will smell too strong of frame-up. The Soviets are not fools, and it is impossible to stupidly suspect that the Americans are responsible for the attack with just a few guns. hand.

What will Stalin think when he sees the M3 submachine gun equipped by the US army in a few years?

He is not Stalin, so I can't imagine how he would react, but what is certain is that it is impossible to just laugh twice and pretend that nothing happened, right?

Ordinary people would still be upset if they were cheated out of 560 yuan, not to mention that it was 560 tons of gold that was on their lips! !

Yannick did not expect that the Soviet Union could use this to declare war on the United States, and then cross the ocean to land on the United States. Oh, in fact, crossing the Bering Strait is also the United States. At the very least, it can start a verbal war with the United States, and it would be good to stalemate the relationship. Well.

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